Robot Framework test library for SOAP-based services.
Project description
Suds2Library is a Robot Framework test library for functional testing of SOAP-based web services. It is a full Python 3 port of SudsLibrary using suds-py3 as a SOAP client.
Suds2Library is operating system independent and supports only Python 3.5 or newer.
See keyword documentation for available keywords and more information about the library in general.
For general information about using test libraries with Robot Framework, see Robot Framework User Guide.
The recommended installation method is using pip:
pip install robotframework-suds2library
Running this command installs also the latest versions of Robot Framework and suds-py3.
Alternatively you can download the source distribution from PyPI, extract it, and install it:
python install
There are various support forums available:
robotframework-users mailing list
Robot Framework Slack community
Robot Framework forum
Suds2Library issue tracker for bug reports and concrete enhancement requests