a structured data format
Project description
Structured data format (sdata)
Design goals
- open data format for open science projects
- self describing data
- flexible data structure layout
- hierarchical data structure (nesting groups, dictionaries)
- (posix path syntax support?)
- extendable data structure
- data format versions
- platform independent
- simple object model
- support of standard metadata formats (key/value, ...)
- support of standard dataset formats (hdf5, netcdf, csv, ...)
- support of standard dataset types (datacubes, tables, series, ...)
- support of physical units (conversion of units)
- transparent, optional data compression (zlib, blosc, ...)
- support of (de-)serialization of every dataset type (group, data, metadata)
- easy defineable (project) standards, e.g. for a uniaxial tension test (UT)
- (optional data encryption (gpg, ...))
- change management support?
- Enable use of data structures from existing tensor libraries transparently
- (single writer/ multiple reader (swmr) support)
- (nested data support)
df = pandas.DataFrame({"a":[1,2,3]})
import sdata
data = sdata.Data(name="my_data", table=df, comment="A remarkable comment")
data.metadata.add("my_key", 123, unit="m^3", description="a volume")
data.metadata.add("force", 1.234, unit="kN", description="x force")
name value dtype unit description
name name my_data str -
uuid uuid 08222ca66e5047808bdc3b35d8f17224 str -
my_key my_key 123 int m^3 a volume
force force 1.234 float kN x force
Demo App
Try to paste some Excel-Data in the forms ...
- name
- value
- dtype
- unit
- description
- label
- required
dtypes for attributes
- int
- float
- str
- bool
- timestamp (datetime.isoformat with timezone)
- Ingolf Lepenies. (2020). Das sdata-Format (Version 0.8.4). http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4311323
- slides, html, pdf temperaturmessung-001.json temperaturmessung-001.xlsx
- Ingolf Lepenies. (2020, December 8). sdata - a structured data format (Version 0.8.4). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4311397