Pythonic state machines
Project description
A state machine implementation for Python — which isn’t solely designed to parse strings!
why state machines?
They’re cool! Also, easy to reason about — a state machine design enables you to compartmentalize responsibilites in a way that functions simply don’t.
why “solid”?
It’s a convoluted name: it’s a state machine library written in python; snake is another word for python that sounds like state — and Solid Snake is a fairly well known character who kicks serious butt. Thus, “solid”.
hello, world
Let’s define a super-simple state machine with two states: one that prints “Hello” and one that prints “World”:
from solid.machines import BaseMachine
from solid.states import BaseState, is_entry_state
from solid.transition import to
class HelloMachine(BaseMachine):
class Hello(BaseState):
def body(self):
print "Hello"
return to(HelloMachine.World)
class World(BaseState):
def body(self):
print "World"
From an intertpreter (or whatever):
>>> h = HelloMachine()
>>> h.start()
and that’s pretty much all there is to it.