A friendly wrapper library for the Soundcloud API
Project description
A friendly wrapper around the Soundcloud API.
To install soundcloud-python, simply:
pip install soundcloud
Or if you’re not hip to the pip:
easy_install soundcloud
Basic Use
To use soundcloud-python, you must first create a Client instance, passing at a minimum the client id you obtained when you registered your app:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID)
The client instance can then be used to fetch or modify resources:
tracks = client.get('/tracks', limit=10) for track in tracks: print track.title app = client.get('/apps/124') print app.permalink_url
All OAuth2 authorization flows supported by the Soundcloud API are available in soundcloud-python. If you only need read-only access to public resources, simply provide a client id when creating a Client instance:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID) track = client.get('/tracks/30709985') print track.title
If however, you need to access private resources or modify a resource, you will need to have a user delegate access to your application. To do this, you can use one of the following OAuth2 authorization flows.
Authorization Code Flow
The Authorization Code Flow involves redirecting the user to soundcloud.com where they will log in and grant access to your application:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client( client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri='http://yourapp.com/callback' ) redirect(client.authorize_url())
Note that redirect_uri must match the value you provided when you registered your application. After granting access, the user will be redirected to this uri, at which point your application can exchange the returned code for an access token:
access_token, expires, scope, refresh_token = client.exchange_token( code=request.args.get('code')) render_text("Hi There, %s" % client.get('/me').username)
User Credentials Flow
The User Credentials Flow allows you to exchange a username and password for an access token. Be cautious about using this flow, it’s not very kind to ask your users for their password, but may be necessary in some use cases:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client( client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET, username='jane@example.com', password='janespassword' ) print client.get('/me').username
Resolve a track and print its id:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID) track = client.get('/resolve', url='http://soundcloud.com/forss/flickermood') print track.id
Upload a track:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client(access_token="a valid access token") track = client.post('/tracks', track={ 'title': 'This is a sample track', 'sharing': 'private', 'asset_data': open('mytrack.mp4', 'rb') }) print track.title
Start following a user:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client(access_token="a valid access token") user_id_to_follow = 123 client.put('/me/followings/%d' % user_id_to_follow)
Update your profile description:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client(access_token="a valid access token") client.put('/me', user={ 'description': "a new description" })
Proxy Support
If you’re behind a proxy, you can specify it when creating a client:
import soundcloud proxies = { 'http': 'example.com:8000' } client = soundcloud.Client(access_token="a valid access token", proxies=proxies)
The proxies kwarg is a dictionary with protocols as keys and host:port as values.
By default, 301 or 302 redirects will be followed for idempotent methods. There are certain cases where you may want to disable this, for example:
import soundcloud client = soundcloud.Client(access_token="a valid access token") track = client.get('/tracks/293/stream', allow_redirects=False) print track.location
Will print a tracks streaming URL. If allow_redirects was omitted, a binary stream would be returned instead.
Running Tests
To run the tests, run:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt $ nosetests --with-doctest ..................
Contributions are awesome. You are most welcome to submit issues, or fork the repository.
soundcloud-python is published under a BSD License.