STOMP library for Python including a synchronous client.
Project description
stomp, stomper, stompest!
stompest is a full-featured STOMP 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 implementation for Python 2.7 and Python 3 (versions 3.3 and higher), with optional TLS/SSL support.
The STOMP client in this package is dead simple: It does not assume anything about your concurrency model (thread vs process) or force you to use it any particular way. It gets out of your way and lets you do what you want. The package also consists of a generic set of components each of which you may use independently to roll your own STOMP client:
a wire-level STOMP frame parser and compiler,
a faithful implementation of the syntax of the STOMP protocol with a simple stateless function API,
a generic implementation of the STOMP session state semantics, such as protocol version negotiation at connect time, transaction and subscription handling (including a generic subscription replay scheme which may be used to reconstruct the session’s subscription state after a forced disconnect),
and a failover transport URI scheme akin to the one used in ActiveMQ.
This package is thoroughly unit tested and production hardened for the functionality used by the current maintainer and by Mozes – persistent queueing on ActiveMQ. Minor enhancements may be required to use this STOMP adapter with other brokers.
Asynchronous Client
The asynchronous client is based on Twisted, a very mature and powerful asynchronous programming framework. In order to keep the stompest package self-consistent, the asynchronous client is available as a separate package stompest.async.
You may install this package via pip install stompest or manually via python install.
Questions or Suggestions?
Feel free to open an issue or post a question on the forum.
Version 1.x of stompest was written by Roger Hoover at Mozes and deployed in their production environment.
Kudos to Oisin Mulvihill, the developer of stomper! The idea of an abstract representation of the STOMP protocol lives on in stompest.
Documentation & Code Examples
The stompest API is fully documented here.