Python client for SugarCRM API
Project description
Python client for SugarCRM API.
Example Usage
import sugarcrm
# Connect
url = "http://your-sugarcrm-domain/service/v4/rest.php"
session = sugarcrm.Session(url, username, password)
# Create a new note
note = sugarcrm.Note(name="Test Note")
# Save note
# Add attachment to note
session.set_note_attachment(note, "")
# Query for all notes that have a name that begins with "Test"
note_query = sugarcrm.Note(name="Test%")
results = session.get_entry_list(note_query)
# Query for all contacts with the first name "Mylee"
contact_query = sugarcrm.Contact(first_name="Mylee")
results = session.get_entry_list(contact_query)
# Get the email address for the user assigned to an Opportunity
op = session.get_entry("Opportunities", "82f72939-735e-53a2-0944-5418c4edae2a")
user = session.get_entry("Users", op.assigned_user_id)
print user.email1
# Change the status of an Opportunity
op = sugarcrm.Opportunity(id="82f72939-735e-53a2-0944-5418c4edae2a")
op.sales_stage = "Approved"
# Extract all non-empty email fields from all Contacts in SugarCRM
emails = set()
contact_query = sugarcrm.Contact() # No filters provider finds all objects
contact_count = session.get_entries_count(contact_query, deleted=True)
print "Extracting emails from %d Contacts" % contact_count
# Grab 100 Contact objects at a time from SugarCRM
for offset in range(0, count, 100):
contacts = session.get_entry_list(contact_query, deleted=True,
max_results=100, offset=offset)
for contact in contacts:
for field in dir(contact):
if field.find("email") >= 0 and getattr(contact, field, "").find("@") >= 0:
emails.add(getattr(contact, field).lower())
print "Found %d emails" % len(emails)
The latest stable version can always be installed or updated via pip:
$ pip install sugarcrm
If the above fails, please use easy_install instead:
$ easy_install sugarcrm
Session Object
- class sugarcrm.Session(url, username, password, app=”Python”, lang=”en_us”)
The main class used to connect to the SugarCRM API and make requests with.
url = "http://your-sugarcrm-domain/service/v4/rest.php"
session = sugarcrm.Session(url, username, password)
Available Methods
- get_available_modules(filter=”default”)
Retrieves a list of available modules in the system. Possible filter values: “default”, “mobile”, “all”
modules = session.get_available_modules()
for m in modules:
print m.module_key
- get_entry(module, object_id, links={}, track_view=False)
Retrieves a single object based on object ID.
note = session.get_entry("Notes", "f0c78aab-e051-174a-12aa-5439a7146977")
# Get a lead and specific fields from linked contacts in one query
links = {'Contacts': ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name']}
lead = session.get_entry("Leads", "d7dac88d-ce33-d98a-da8b-5418bba9e664",
for c in lead.contacts:
print, c.first_name, c.last_name
- get_entries(module, object_ids, track_view=False)
Retrieves a list of objects based on specified object IDs.
ids = [
notes = session.get_entries("Notes", ids)
for note in notes:
- get_entries_count(query_object, deleted=False)
Retrieves a count of beans based on query specifications.
# Get a count of all Contacts with a first name of "Fred"
# and include Contacts that have been deleted
contact_query = sugarcrm.Contact(first_name="Fred")
contacts = session.get_entries_count(contact_query, deleted=True)
for contact in contacts:
print contact.first_name, contact.last_name
- get_entry_list(query_object, fields=[], links={}, order_by=””, max_results=0, offset=0, deleted=False, favorites=False)
Retrieves a list of objects based on query specifications.
# Get a list of all Notes with a name that begins with "Test"
note_query = sugarcrm.Note(name="Test%")
notes = session.get_entry_list(note_query)
for note in notes:
# Get a list of all Opportunities created since Sept 1, 2014 and include
# data about link contacts with each Opportunitity returned
q = sugarcrm.Opportunity()
q.query = "opportunities.date_entered > '2014-09-01'"
links = {'Contacts': ['id', 'first_name', 'last_name']}
results = session.get_entry_list(q, links=links)
for o in results:
for c in o.contacts:
print,, c.first_name, c.last_name
- login(username, password, app=”Python”, lang=”en_us”)
Logs a user into the SugarCRM application.
- set_document_revision(document, file)
Creates a new document revision for a specific document record.
doc = sugarcrm.Document(document_name="Test Doc", revision=1)
session.set_document_revision(doc, "/path/to/test.pdf")
- set_entry(sugar_object)
Creates or updates a specific object.
note = sugarcrm.Note() = "Test Note"
note.assigned_user_id = "82f72939-735e-53a2-0944-5418c4edae2a"
- set_note_attachment(note, attachment)
Creates an attachmentand associates it to a specific note object.
with open("test1.pdf") as pdf_file:
session.set_note_attachment(note1, pdf_file)
session.set_note_attachment(note2, "test2.pdf")
print note1.filename, note2.filename
- set_relationship(parent, child, delete=False)
Sets the relationships between two records.
doc = sugarcrm.Document(document_name="Test Doc", revision=1)
session.set_document_revision(doc, "/path/to/test.pdf")
opportunity = session.get_entry("Opportunities", "5b671886-cfe4-36f5-fa9d-5418a24e4aca")
session.set_relationship(opportunity, doc)
SugarCRM Objects
>>> call = sugarcrm.Call()
>>> print call.module
>>> campaign = sugarcrm.Campaign()
>>> print campaign.module
>>> contact = sugarcrm.Contact()
>>> print contact.module
>>> document = sugarcrm.Document()
>>> print document.module
>>> email = sugarcrm.Email()
>>> print email.module
>>> lead = sugarcrm.Lead()
>>> print lead.module
>>> module = sugarcrm.Module()
>>> print module.module
>>> note = sugarcrm.Note()
>>> print note.module
>>> opportunity = sugarcrm.Opportunity()
>>> print opportunity.module
>>> product = sugarcrm.Product()
>>> print product.module
>>> prospect = sugarcrm.Prospect()
>>> print prospect.module
>>> prospect_list = sugarcrm.ProspectList()
>>> print prospect_list.module
>>> quote = sugarcrm.Quote()
>>> print quote.module
>>> report = sugarcrm.Report()
>>> print report.module
Development Version
The latest development version can be installed directly from GitHub:
$ pip install --upgrade
Issues and Pull Requests are always welcome.
Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License (see LICENSE).