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buildout recipe to create scripts to run testrepository.

Project description

testr recipe

This allows you to easily add a testrepository script to your buildout
project. This really only means that the user doesn't have to have
testr on their path, and they can just use ./bin/test or simlar.

This works very similarly to zc.recipe.testrunner, and in fact borrows
most of its code from there.

A sample buildout configuration would be::

develop = .
parts = test

recipe = testr_recipe
script = test

which will have ./bin/test run using the .testr.conf in your root

These are the options you can use:

* script: define the name of the script to create, if not passed
then the name of the section will be used.
* working-directory: if somewhere other than the root of the project
should be used.
* environment: the name of a section containing pairs of values to
put in the environment for the test run, e.g.


recipe = testr_recipe
enironment = testenv

foo = bar
zap = zang

* initialization: a string containing python code to put in the test
script before testr is run.
* executable: the python executable to put in the #! of the script.
* defaults: a list of options to prepend sys.argv for testr.
These are specified as Python source for an expression yielding a list,
typically a list literal. One thing you can do with this is::

parts = test testr

recipe = testr_recipe

recipe = testr_recipe
defaults = ["run"]

which will make ./bin/test run the tests, and allow you to use
./bin/testr to access all the features of testr.

Creating the .testr.conf automatically

Given that buildout knows most things about your project you can
have it create the .testr.conf for you.

recipe = testr_recipe
test-packages = mypackage
interpreter = python

Future enhancments:

* Maybe automatically doing "testr init" when setting up the project, so that
./bin/test works straight away.

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