Unofficial API for TIDAL music streaming service.
Project description
Unofficial Python API for TIDAL music streaming service.
Requires Python 3.9 or higher.
Install from PyPI using pip:
$ pip install tidalapi
For examples on how to use the api, see the examples directory.
Documentation is available at
This project uses poetry for dependency management and packaging. To install dependencies and setup the project for development, run:
$ pip install pipx
$ pipx install poetry
$ poetry install --no-root
Issues, suggestions and PRs are always welcome and are much appreciated.
- Current:
Extended file extension detection to properly detect M4A files. - exislow
Tests: Updated unit test(s) - tehkillerbee
Typings: get_urls() returned value shall be [str]. - exislow
Remove MQA legacy code leftovers, HIRES naming inconsistency - exislow
Tests: Updated unit test(s) - tehkillerbee
BREAKING: MQA, Sony 360 audio no longer supported July 24th 2024; removed references to these formats. - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Logical loop of is_encrypted / encryption_key - TooYoungTooSimp
Tests: Added additional playlist, folder tests. - tehkillerbee
Feature: Add support for playlist merging. - tehkillerbee
Added trn to playlist object for convenience. - tehkillerbee
Set limits from argument in all relevant methods. - tehkillerbee
Feature: Use v2 endpoint for playlist creation. - tehkillerbee
Feature: Add support for playlist folders (#181) - tehkillerbee
Feature: Add track to user playlist, user tracks from ISRC (#96) - tehkillerbee
Feature: Add optional fn_print to Session::login_session_file - GioF71
Feature: Add support for moving playlist items (#116) - tehkillerbee
Feature: Allow adding items multiple times to the same playlist - tehkillerbee
Feature: Add support for adding items to a playlists at a specific position (#116) - tehkillerbee
Feature: Set UserPlaylist public/private. Add method for getting public user playlists. - tehkillerbee
Feature: Remove multiple items from UserPlaylist. (Fixes #259) - tehkillerbee
Remove deprecated username/pass login method (Fixes #279) - tehkillerbee
Populate the track/items.album attributes from the parent Album object. Updated tests (Fixes #281) - tehkillerbee
Added clarifications to video_url method. Check video URLs for all available video qualities (Fixes #257) - tehkillerbee
Tests: Fix all tests that previously failed. - tehkillerbee
Use enum to specify default audio / video quality - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Recent TIDAL changes resulted in missing Mix not causing a ObjectNotFound exception. - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Ensure manifest.codecs always uses a Codec type for both MPD and BTS. - tehkillerbee
Added additional tests to verify stream formats (Relates to #252) - tehkillerbee
BREAKING: Fix naming of getters to align with python naming convention and avoid confusion (Fixes #255) - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Use correct internal type int for relevant IDs (Fixes #260) - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Fix linting for audio_modes. Update tests (Fixes #261) - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Provide “Share Link”, “Listen link” as an attribute to album/artist/media/playlist/. Update relevant tests (Fixes #266) - tehkillerbee
Allow switching authentication method oauth/pkce for tests. Default: oauth - tehkillerbee
Tests: Added track stream tests (BTS, MPD) - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Always use last element in segment timeline. (Fixes #273) - tehkillerbee
Add method to get detailed request error response if an error occurred during request. - tehkillerbee
Tests: Add tests tests for ISRC, barcode methods and cleanup exception handling. - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Add support to get tracks by ISRC. - tehkillerbee, M4TH1EU
Feat.: Add support to get albums by Barcode ID (UPC). - tehkillerbee, M4TH1EU
Feat.: Add support for a custom base url in request() and basic_request() to use the new openapi. - M4TH1EU
Fix: Set token type correctly for OAuth/PKCE authentication - tehkillerbee
Revert to using enums with str support for relevant classes - tehkillerbee, exislow
Removed return types from method names for consistency, added deprecation warnings - exislow
Fix: Use wide image when no square picture is available. - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Added HiRes page. - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Handle missing Stream fields gracefully. Get stream audio resolution (bit depth, rate) as tuple. - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Added misc helper functions for audio mode, get available audio mode for media. - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Added misc. fields to album. Get audio resolution for album + individual tracks. - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Added MPEG-DASH to HLS stream parsing, Added MPEG-DASH stream example. - tehkillerbee
Set default artist IMG if missing. Use default album IMG URI instead of direct URL. - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Make sure is_pkce state is set when pkce_login_url() is used directly. - tehkillerbee
Tests: Added misc tests for ObjectNotFound - tehkillerbee
Error handling: Handle TooManyRequests exceptions gracefully. - tehkillerbee
Error handling: Handle ObjectNotFound exceptions gracefully. - tehkillerbee
Tests: Fix misc tests broken by Tidal. - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Fix pkce token refresh. - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Load/store PKCE state from file using wrong client_id. - tehkillerbee
Feat.: Improved error handling (Missing albums, missing lyrics, missing track url etc.). - tehkillerbee
Bugfix: Page Recursion into Categories. - quodrum-glas
Load/store OAuth/PKCE session to file - tehkillerbee
Add PKCE login for HiRes - exislow, arnesongit
Include request response on error. Print as warning - tehkillerbee
Fix tests - tehkillerbee
Bugfixes (artist.get_similar) - tehkillerbee
Favourite mixes refactoring - jozefKruszynski
Add typings for Playlist, UserPlaylist, Pages - arusahni
Update favorites.tracks to accept order and orderDirection params - Jimmyscene
Official support for HI_RES FLAC quality - tehkillerbee
Add helper functions to set audio/video quality for current session - tehkillerbee
Added missing WELCOME_MIX MixType - tehkillerbee
Various image bugfixes - tehkillerbee
Add “for_you” page - tehkillerbee
Various test, poetry bugfixes - 2e0byo
Add typings for Artists and Users - arusahni
Add media metadata - jozefKruszynski
Add option to limit track radio length - jozefKruszynski
Downgrade minimum required version of requests JoshMock
(BREAKING!) Drop support for python3.8 and older
Improved tests - 2e0byo
Add type to album object - jozefKruszynski
Add mix images and tests - jozefKruszynski
Add mypy and fix immediate typing errors - arusahni
New attribute to media.Track() class: ‘full_name’ - WilliamGuisan
Fix method - ssnailed
Fixed key error for gender when parsing user json - mkaufhol
Drop (almost) all user data we don’t use. - 2e0byo
Add typing for media, genres, mixes, and albums - arusahni
Replace TypedDict and NamedTuple with dataclasses - arusahni
Fix circular Imports and Typing - PretzelVector
Quick fix for “got key error ‘picture’” error. - BlackLight
Bring back Radio support - bjesus
Added function for multiple deletions at once bloedboemmel
Use UTC instead of local time for expiry_time lutzbuerkle
(BREAKING!) Removed obsolete parameter session_id from load_oauth_session - lutzbuerkle
(BREAKING!) Drop support for python2.7 - morguldir
(BREAKING!) Change the architecture of the library to allow for using more files, see the migration guide - morguldir
Add support for tidal pages (e.g. home, videos and explore in the web ui) - morguldir
Add support for parsing mixes and retrieving the media - morguldir
Get rid of the old genre and mood support, you can now find them in the pages instead - morguldir
Update almost all of the json parsing and classes to include more fields - morguldir
Add complete docstrings to many of the functions - morguldir
Tests now cover almost all of the code - morguldir
Pylint scores are now much higher - morguldir
Add option to retrieve master quality tracks (I can’t test this, but I believe it works as of writing) - morguldir
Add a few documentation pages explaining the basics - morguldir
Add support for modifying playlists - morguldir
Add a parameter to always fetch the track album if it’s not provided - divadsn
Add function to retrieve the year and date from either the release data or the stream start date - divadsn
Improve the performance of the internal get_items() function by using extend - BlackLight
Properly deal with the api returning non-json results - BlackLight
Add support for retrieving the reviews of an album - retired-guy
Update api token and slightly obfuscate it - morguldir
Update api token - morguldir