Tox.ini generator
Project description
Produces a tox.ini file from a template config file.
The template config file is a standard tox.ini file with additional sections. Theses sections will be combined to create new testenv: sections if they do not exists yet.
The added sections are:
- [axes]
axis1name = value1(*)[,value2(*)[, ...]] axis2name = value1(*)[,value2[, ...]]
In this section, a list of test axes are given and for each of them a list of possible values.
A tailing ‘*’ on a value means it is this axis default value. Hence it can be set on only one value. The default value will create additional sections with this axis value removed from the section name (see below)
- Example:
To test a lib against different python version with and without ‘lxml’:
[axes] python = py25,py32 lxml = lxml*,nolxml
This will generate the following [testenv:] sections:
[testenv:py25-lxml] # ... [testenv:py25] # A copy of testenv:py25-lxml [testenv:py25-nolxml] # ... [testenv:py32-lxml] # ... [testenv:py32] # A copy of testenv:py27-lxml [testenv:py32-nolxml] # ...
- [axis:name]
The default options for an axis.
Any option can be added, and if not overridden for a specific value, combined with the same option in the other axis
- [axis:name:value]
Options for a specific axis value.
The only option that will be interpreted by gentox is ‘constraints’, a multi-lines option that allow to exclude other axis values.
For example, if we want not to test py25 without lxml:
[axis:lxml:nolxml] constraints= !python:py25
The other options will be combined.
Complete example:
[tox] envlist = py25-nolxml,py32 [axes] python = py25,py32 lxml = lxml*,nolxml [axis:python] deps = six [axis:python:py25] basepython=python2.5 [axis:python:py32] basepython=python3.2 [axis:lxml:nolxml] constraints = !python:py25 [axis:lxml:lxml] deps = lxml
This will generate the following tox file:
[tox] envlist = py25-nolxml,py32 [testenv:py25-lxml] deps = six lxml basepython = python2.5 [testenv:py25] deps = six lxml basepython = python2.5 [testenv:py32-lxml] deps = six lxml basepython = python3.2 [testenv:py32] deps = six lxml basepython = python3.2 [testenv:py32-nolxml] deps = six basepython = python3.2
Usage: [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i FILE, --input=FILE input template file to process [default: tox-tmpl.ini] -o FILE, --output=FILE output file to generate [default: tox.ini] -r, --rewrite rewrite [tox] envlist [default: False] Produce a tox.ini file from a template config file. The template config file is a standard tox.ini file with additional sections. Theses sections will be combined to create new testenv: sections if they do not exists yet.