Wrapper for the TreeTagger text annotation tool from H.Schmid.
Project description
- Organization:
- Copyright:
- CNRS - 2004-2019
- license:
GNU-GPL Version 3 or greater
- Version:
- 2.3
Module documentation (on Read The Docs).
Subversion repository & bug tracking (on french academic SourceSup site).
What is it?
This module wrap the Helmut Schmid language independent part-of-speech statistical tagger into a Python class allowing to tag several texts one after the other, maintaining connexions with the tagger process to speed-up processing (remove external Perl scripts dependency for chunking).
Using objects, you can start multiple taggers simultaneously, eventually using different languages.
Support chunking for:
Support tagging for languages supported by TreeTagger, but you have to do chunking by your own, if necessary you have to specify parameter files via options.
This version has been reworked to run with Python2 and Python3 (thanks so six) and globally reworked, bugs fixed.
Unless someone built a package for your OS distro, the simplest procedure is to use pip to install the module:
pip install treetaggerwrapper
If you have no admin access to install things on you computer, you may install a virtualenv and run pip inside this virtual env, or you can do a local user installation:
pip install –user treetaggerwrapper
May use pip3 to go with your Python3 installation.
You also need to install TreeTagger…
Treetagger itself is is freely available for research, education and evaluation. See TreeTagger page.
There is an installation procedure based on a script, where you download needed files into the directory where you want to install TreeTagger, including the installation script, and then launch the script to unzip and install right files in right directories with right names.
For Windows users, there is a downloadable Windows binary, but no install script. You have to download TreeTagger parameter files (since TreeTagger goes utf-8 they are same on Linux and Windows), unzip them and install them in the right place (lib/), with the right names (you can see these files names in treetaggerwrapper.py global dictionnary g_langsupport, in keys tagparfile and abbrevfile.
If you install TreeTagger in a common place, there is normally a working autodetection within treetaggerwrapper. But if you install it in a special place or with a special name, you will have to provide this installation directory to the module (see TAGDIR in the doc).