Tool to sync Taskwarrior projects with Trello boards
Project description
Tool to sync Taskwarrior projects with Trello boards.
In Taskwarrior
First for all you need configure some UDAs in Taskwarrior to store some Trello data. This is very, very, very important. If you dont have the UDAs configured before run TrelloWarrior you'll destroy your Taskwarrior tasks data.
To set UDAs in Taskwarrior simply edit .taskrc
and add the following
# UDAs
uda.trelloid.label=Trello ID
uda.trellolistname.label=Trello List Name
The first UDA trelloid
is used to store the Trello Card ID and establish
an equivalence between Trello Cards and Taskwarrior Tasks. Note that you
never, never, never, never, (period), should edit this field.
The second UDA trellolistname
is used to determine the Trello List where
the Card/Task is stored. You can edit this field without problems to move
the task to another list.
For TrelloWarrior
Prepare the environment
In Arch Linux
TrelloWarrior is packaged in AUR, to obtain it simply use your AUR helper. For example with yay:
yay -S trellowarrior
Or if you prefer a fully binary package you can configure Connectical Arch Linux repository.
The easy way
Simply create a Python 3 virtualenv and install via pip:
python3 -m venv trw
. trw/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install trellowarrior
By hand
For run TrelloWarrior you need to install tasklib and py-trello. TrelloWarrior uses these Python helpers to comunicate with Taskwarrior and Trello.
You can use your package system to install it, but the best way is to use a Python 3 virtualenv:
python3 -m venv trw
. trw/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install tasklib
python3 -m pip install py-trello
Get the keys
TrelloWarrior access to Trello via API. You need generate an access token for it.
First go to: to get your API Key and API Secret.
Then call TrelloWarrior with the authenticate command:
trellowarrior auth --api-key your_api_key --api-key-secret your_api_secret --expiration 30days --name TrelloWarrior
Note: --expiration
and --name
are optional, they are set by default to
and TrelloWarrior
to 1hour
, 1day
, 30days
. We recomend use 30days
for tests and never
for daily use.
This return some like this.
Request Token:
- oauth_token = 1c5ad394834dde42a7655437ab3e0060
- oauth_token_secret = dffc3a62622ef450028f685406bceacc
Go to the following link in your browser:,write&expiration=30days&name=trellowarrior
Have you authorized me? (y/n)
You must visit the link to authorize the token. This gives you a pin like this.
You have granted access to your Trello information.
To complete the process, please give this verification code:
Respond yes, and insert the pin.
What is the PIN? 17894a35a2f745c3a184cf8e4bb5f1f9
Access Token:
- oauth_token = 0469c6271416af6eae10123fdae0afc1135e9082bb0b5ba87b2f8a1db9d7f0b1
- oauth_token_secret = a978b159692cfc315377790669ac99a0
You may now access protected resources using the access tokens above.
The config file is now initialized with the needed configuration variables.
The TrelloWarrior config is very easy. There is a trellowarrior.conf
sample file that you can modify to set with your data.
You can place the config file with trellowarrior
, in your home as
or (by default if not previous config file exists)
following the XDG
in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/trellowarrior/trellowarrior.conf
(fallbacks to
), or set the configuration file
path with -c
or --config
To synchronize Trello and Taskwarrior, simply call TrelloWarrior with the sync command or without any command.
trellowarrior sync
You can also add a list of project(s) to synchronize:
trellowarrior sync project1 project2
section, it is mandatory to set your Trello API key and
token and, at least, one sync project.
The sync project corresponds to the following sections
that define the Taskwarrior project and Trello board equivalence.
Optional. Define where your taskrc file is located. Default:~/.taskrc
Optional. Define where your task data dir is located. Default:~/.task
MANDATORY. Your Trello Api Key. -
MANDATORY. Your Trello Api Secret. -
MANDATORY. Your Trello Token. -
MANDATORY. Your Trello Token Secret. -
MANDATORY. Define what sections are loaded, separated by spaces.
Project/Board Sections
The Project/Board sections are called from sync_projects
and define the
equivalence between Taskwarrior and Trello.
MANDATORY. The name of project in Taskwarrior.trello_board_name
MANDATORY. The name of Trello Board.trello_todo_list
Optional. The name of Trello list where new pending tasks are stored. Default:To Do
Optional. The name of Trello list for active tasks. Default:Doing
Optional. The name of Trello list for done taks. Default:Done
Optional. To filter Trello lists from syncing.only_my_cards
Optional. Sync ony cards / tasks assigned to me.
Taskwarrior | Trello |
UDA: trelloid | Card ID |
UDA: trellolistname | List Name |
Project | Board Name |
Description | Card Name |
Due | Card Due Date |
Tags | Card Labels |
Annotation: [Trello URL] | Card URL |
Annotation: [Trello Description] | Card Description |
Known limitations
The main objective of TrelloWarrior is to be simple so it doesn't manage collisions. The sync strategy is last modified wins, this means that if you do a modification in Trello and later a modification in Taskwarrior, TrelloWarrior does the sync and keeps the Taskwarrior data, because it is the last touched.
You can have infinite lists in your Trello, but all of them are considered as pending. You only can have one doing list and one done list, but these lists can be configured.
If you have several boards with same name or several labels with same name, TrelloWarrior always picks the first one.
Only Trello labels with names are synchronized, you can apply labels without name but these are ignored.
If you remove a name from a label and left it without name, the action don't touch date of cards and in next sync a new label will be created with the removed name. You can rename labels without problems.
New labels are created by TrelloWarrior in black color.
If you modify Card URL or Card Description in Trello, the old annotation will be deleted and replaced by a new one.
If you want to delete a due date you must do it in both Taskwarrior and Trello.
For now, only syncs Title/Description, Due dates, Labels, Card URL, Card Description and Status.
This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).
Full text of the license is available in the LICENSE file and online.