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Ucloud( python client and command line tools.Author's bolg

Project description

### Ucloud Python SDK and Command-Line Tool

This project got 1st prize in API contest 2015.

UcloudClient is a python sdk and a command-line client for Ucloud that brings
the command set for Uhost, Unet, Umon APIs together in a single shell with a
uniform command structure.
welcome to contribute to this tools.
feel free to contact me if you find any bugs or have good advices.

本项目获得 基于全新API开发大赛一等奖

#### 一、设计理念
这个项目包含python sdk 和 命令行工具,覆盖了UHOST,UNET,UMON这三大资源管理,以及UDISK两个API.SDK设计上也是按前面三大资源来做区分.
由于一直有研究openstack,发现它的命令行做得很不错,所以这里命令行则是参考了openstack 命令行工具的资源管理命令。

##### 1.1 SDK方法归类

1. list:查询本类所有的创建的资源,输出应该是列表,包含资源名称和ID等重要信息.
2. show:通过ID查询本类资源的某个创建资源的详细信息.
3. CUD:create, update, delete. 增删改三个操作.

###### 1.1.1 uhost具体方法:

['attach_disk', 'create', 'create_image', 'create_snapshot',
'delete_image', 'detach_disk', 'get', 'get_image', 'get_price',
'get_vnc', 'list_snapshot', 'modify_name', 'modify_tag', 'reboot',
'reinstall', 'reset_password', 'resize', 'start', 'stop', 'terminate']

###### 1.1.2 unet具体方法:

'eip_bandwidth_modify', 'eip_bind', 'eip_create', 'eip_get',
'eip_price_get', 'eip_release', 'eip_unbind', 'eip_update',
'eip_weight_modify', 'sec_creat', 'sec_delete', 'sec_get', 'sec_grant',
'sec_reource_get', 'sec_update', 'vip_allocate', 'vip_get', 'vip_release']

###### 1.1.3 umon具体方法:


###### 1.1.4 udisk具体方法:

['get', 'list']

##### 1.2 命令行操作分类:

1. 命令可以加 "--debug" 来查看操作的关键路径的打印信息.
2. 命令可以加 "--timming" 来获得执行命令发送http请求所花费的时间.

#### 二、SDK的安装与使用:

本项目已经打包好放到python社区的软件仓库里面了,可以通过pip或者easy_install 来进行安装。


##### 2.1 直接通过pip(或者easy_install)安装:

#pip install ucloudclient

##### 2.2 SDK使用样例:

from ucloudclient.client import Client as uclient
client = uclient(base_url, public_key, private_key)
uhosts = client.uhost.get(region="us-west-01")
print uhosts


u'Action': u'DescribeUHostInstanceResponse',
u'TotalCount': 1,
u'RetCode': 0,
u'UHostSet': [
u'Remark': u'',
u'Tag': u'Default',
u'Name': u'yan-1',
u'State': u'Running',
u'IPSet': [
u'IP': u'',
u'Type': u'Private'
u'IPId': u'eip-yci4qr',
u'IP': u'',
u'Bandwidth': 2,
u'Type': u'International'
u'DiskSet': [
u'Type': u'Boot',
u'Drive': u'/dev/sda',
u'DiskId': u'ce3b1751-d837-4949-9c73-29368b7fe820',
u'Size': 20
u'CPU': 1,
u'OsName': u'Ubuntu14.0464\u4f4d',
u'BasicImageId': u'uimage-nhwrqn',
u'ImageId': u'ce3b1751-d837-4949-9c73-29368b7fe820',
u'ExpireTime': 1429632272,
u'UHostType': u'Normal',
u'UHostId': u'uhost-4dmzop',
u'NetworkState': u'Connected',
u'ChargeType': u'Month',
u'Memory': 2048,
u'OsType': u'Linux',
u'CreateTime': 1426953872,
u'BasicImageName': u'Ubuntu14.0464\u4f4d'

#### 2.3 在linux环境下的命令行使用:

# cat ucloud.rc
export UCLOUD_REGION="cn-north-03"
export UCLOUD_URL=""
export UCLOUD_PUBKEY="asdf"
export UCLOUD_PRIKEY="asdf"
export PS1='[\u@\h \W(ucloud)]$ '

# source ucloud.rc

#complete -W "`ucloud bash-completion`" ucloud


# ucloud help

usage: ucloud [--debug] [--timing] <subcommand> ...

Command line interface for ucloud

Positional arguments:
udisk-list get all udisks list
udisk-show show details of a udisk
uhost-attach-disk attach a disk to a host
uhost-create boot a host
uhost-create-image create an image from a given host
uhost-create-snapshot create a snapshot from a host
uhost-delete-image delete an image by id
uhost-detach-disk deattach a disk to a host
uhost-get-price get price of given type of host/s
uhost-get-vnc get a host's vnc connection information
uhost-image-list list all images
uhost-image-show show image details
uhost-list list uhosts
uhost-list-snapshot list snapshots of an instance
uhost-modify-name modify a host's name
uhost-modify-tag modify a host's tag
uhost-reboot reboot a host
uhost-reinstall reinstall a instance, instance must be shutoff.
uhost-reset-password reset a host's password, host must be shutoff.
uhost-resize resize a host
uhost-show show detail of a host
uhost-start start a host
uhost-stop stop a host
uhost-terminate terminate a host
umon-metric-list get metic data
umon-metric-show get metic data
modify bandwidth of a given eip
unet-eip-bind bind ip to given resource
unet-eip-create create an eip
unet-eip-list list eip
unet-eip-price-get get eip price
unet-eip-release release an eip
unet-eip-show show eip details info
unet-eip-unbind unbind ip to given resource
unet-eip-update update an eip
unet-eip-weight-modify modify weight of a given eip
unet-sec-create create security group
unet-sec-delete delete given security group
unet-sec-grant grant given security group to specified resource
unet-sec-list get security group can filte by reource
id or resource type.
unet-sec-resource-get get resource attached to given security group
unet-sec-show get security group details info.
unet-sec-update update security group
unet-vip-allocate allocate a vip
unet-vip-list list vip
unet-vip-release release a vip
bash-completion Prints all of the commands and options to stdout
so that the ucloud.bash_completion script doesn't
have to hard code them.
help Display help about this program or one of its

Optional arguments:
--debug Print debugging output
--timing Print call timing info

See "ucloud help COMMAND" for help on a specific command.


# ucloud uhost-show uhost-4dmzop

| Property | Value |
| BasicImageId | uimage-nhwrqn |
| BasicImageName | Ubuntu 14.04 64位 |
| CPU | 1 |
| ChargeType | Month |
| CreateTime | 2015-03-22 00:04:32 |
| Disk_0 | /dev/sda 20GB Type:Boot ID:ce3b1751-d837-4949-9c73-29368b7fe820 |
| ExpireTime | 2015-04-22 00:04:32 |
| IP_0 | Private |
| IP_1 | International 2Mb/s ID:eip-yci4qr |
| ImageId | ce3b1751-d837-4949-9c73-29368b7fe820 |
| Memory | 2048 |
| Name | yan-1 |
| NetworkState | Connected |
| OsType | Linux |
| Remark | |
| State | Running |
| Tag | Default |
| UHostId | uhost-4dmzop |
| UHostType | Normal |

# ucloud uhost-image-list

| ImageId | ImageName | OsType |
| uimage-0duw4w | CentOS 5.8 64位 | Linux |
| uimage-0nvikt | RHEL 6.2 64位 | Linux |
| uimage-0xalan | Gentoo 2.2 64位 | Linux |

# ucloud uhost-image-show uimage-zkezxp

| Property | Value |
| CreateTime | 2014-12-31 18:55:54 |
| ImageDescription | Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5.7 64-bit |
| ImageId | uimage-zkezxp |
| ImageName | RHEL 5.7 64位 |
| ImageType | Base |
| OsName | RedHat 5.7 64位 |
| OsType | Linux |
| State | Available |

# ucloud udisk-list
| Name | UDiskId | Size | Status | ChargeType | ExpiredTime |
| yan_dist01 | bs-z33cgj | 1 | Available | Month | 2015-05-28 22:48:45 |

#### 三 测试:

已经完成shell,client,HTTPClient的unit test.主要使用了testtools,mock,fixtures等第三方模块.

#### 四 贡献:

##### 4.1 SDK中增加api接口

##### 4.2 命令行中增加命令

##### 4.3 测试模块

#### 五 许可:
Apache License Version 2.0

#### 六 发行记录:
1. V0.1.7 更新readme,完善本文档,修复umon资源中类的bug.
2. V0.1.8 修复命令行下绝大部分bug
3. V0.1.9 修复查询单条与多条,现在分开为list 和 get
4. V0.2.0 增加udisk的操作
5. V0.2.1 更新说明文档
6. V0.2.4 增加tox配置为测试管理工具

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