A thin wrapper for the Wordpress JSON API
Project description
Super thin Python wrapper for the Wordpress REST API V2 developed by Stylight. Supports the documented read and write endpoints. Extensions and pull requests are encouraged and welcome.
doesn’t check input parameters
returns a single dictionary or a list of dictionaries, depending on the API endpoint
only supports basic auth, and it currently cannot be used without authentication
pip install wordpress-json
Before being able to use this package make sure you configure Wordpress properly.
Wordpress configuration
You need to install the WP-API Plugin. To do so:
Go to your Wordpress Dashboard
Click on Plugins in the left sidebar
Search for “REST API”. Install the plugin named “WordPress REST API (Version 2)”, by clicking on the “Install” button.
Activate the plugin on the next screen.
You need to install and activate the WP REST API Meta Endpoints plugin for the WP-API :
Click on Plugins in the left sidebar
Click on “Add New” on the top right, next to “Plugin”
Search for “WP REST API Meta Endpoints”. Install the plugin named “WP REST API Meta Endpoints”, by clicking on the “Install” button.
Activate the plugin on the next screen.
You need to install and activate the Basic-Auth plugin for the WP-API :
download https://github.com/WP-API/Basic-Auth/archive/master.zip
Open your Wordpress Admin Dashboard
Click on Plugins in the left sidebar
Click on “Add New” on the top right, next to “Plugin”
Click on “Upload Plugin”, Choose File, and select the file you downloaded at step 1 (master.zip)
Click on Install Now
Activate the plugin on the next screen.
Change permalink configuration to ‘Post name’ in Permalink Settings.
>>> wp = WordpressJsonWrapper('http://example.com/wp-json/wp/v2', 'wp_user', 'wp_password')
>>> posts = wp.get_posts()
>>> posts[0].keys()
dict_keys(['format', 'featured_media', 'author', ...])
>>> posts[0].get('title')
{'rendered': 'Tweetle Beetles'}
>>> posts[0].get('content')
{'rendered': '<p>What do you know about tweetle beetles? ...'}
>>> posts[0].get('id')
>>> wp.create_meta(post_id=42, data=dict(key='genre', value='fanciful'))
>>> meta = wp.get_meta(post_id=42)
>>> meta[0].get('key')
>>> meta[0].get('value')
Release History
0.3.1 (2017-02-22)
Fix changelog
0.3.0 (2017-02-22)
New Features
Support non-JSON data in requests
Behavioural Changes
Use POST instead of PUT for update requests. This may not work with Wordpress versions below 4.7.
Raise an error if the Content-Type on response is not JSON.
0.2.4 (2016-08-17)
Remove debug code
0.2.3 (2016-08-17)
Fix error handling
Update example usage with correct namespace for v2
0.2.2 (2016-07-22)
six and requests libraries not pinned to versions
0.2.1 (2016-07-20)
Fix syntax errors in README.rst
Add missing dependency six to setup.py
Update authors
0.2.0 (2016-07-20)
Update for v2 WP-API
0.1.5 (2015-07-16)
Include HISTORY.rst in setup.py
0.1.4 (2015-07-16)
Fix syntax errors in README.rst and HISTORY.rst
0.1.3 (2015-07-16)
Allow raw url parameters to be passed in and used for the API calls
0.1.2 (2015-02-03)
Allow headers to be passed in and used for the API calls
Add HISTORY.rst (this change log)
0.1.1 (2015-01-27)
Use json parameter instead of data parameter for requests
0.1.0 (2015-01-27)