Converting Python objects to XML and back again.
Project description
This module allows one to marshal simple Python data types into a custom XML format. The Marshaller and Unmarshaller classes can be subclassed in order to implement marshalling into a different XML DTD. Original Authors are XML-SIG (
Fully compatible with PyXML implementation, enables namespace support for XML Input/Output.
Implemented with lxml
python install
python test
For simple serialisation and unserialisation:
>>> from xml_marshaller import xml_marshaller >>> xml_marshaller.dumps(['item1', {'key1': 1, 'key2': 'string'}]) '<marshal><list id="i2"><string>item1</string><dictionary id="i3"><string>key1</string><int>1</int><string>key2</string><string>string</string></dictionary></list></marshal>' >>> xml_marshaller.loads(xml_marshaller.dumps(['item1', {'key1': 1, 'key2': 'string'}])) ['item1', {'key2': 'string', 'key1': 1}]
Can works with file like objects:
>>> from xml_marshaller import xml_marshaller >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> file_like_object = StringIO() >>> xml_marshaller.dump('Hello World !', file_like_object) >>> >>> '<marshal><string>Hello World !</string></marshal>' >>> >>> xml_marshaller.load(file_like_object) 'Hello World !'
xml_marshaller can also output xml with qualified names:
>>> from xml_marshaller import xml_marshaller >>> xml_marshaller.dumps_ns('Hello World !') '<marshal:marshal xmlns:marshal=""><marshal:string>Hello World !</marshal:string></marshal:marshal>'
You can also use your own URI:
>>> from xml_marshaller.xml_marshaller import Marshaller >>> marshaller = Marshaller(namespace_uri='http://my-custom-namespace-uri/namespace') >>> marshaller.dumps('Hello World !') '<marshal:marshal xmlns:marshal="http://my-custom-namespace-uri/namespace"><marshal:string>Hello World !</marshal:string></marshal:marshal>'
1.0.2 (2019-02-25)
Python 2 fixups.
1.0.1 (2018-11-12)
Fix changelog.
1.0 (2018-11-12)
Stop distinguish unicode and bytes and always return ‘str’
0.10 (2018-09-12)
Add support for Python 3
0.9.7 (2010-10-30)
Enhance egg folder structure [nicolas Delaby]
Improve tests [nicolas Delaby]
add XSD Schema [nicolas Delaby]
0.9.6 (2010-10-12)
[fix] Support boolean transformation [Nicolas Delaby]
0.9.5 (2010-09-01)
[fix] Formatting of documentation [Lukasz Nowak]
0.9.4 (2010-09-01)
[fix] Instances are now correctly unmarshalled. [Cedric de Saint Martin]