Produce & Publish Authoring Environment
Project description
2.4.0 (04-10-2013)
updated to new pp.server
2.3.0 (03-10-2013)
documentation updated
2.2.6 (02-10-2013)
fixed package metadata
2.2.4 (02-10-2013)
removed ui.multiselect.js (compatiblity foul with Plone 4.2)
2.2.0 (06-07-2013)
First public open-source release
2.1.8 (2013/02/24)
removed Products.ImageEditor support
2.1.7 (2012/07/04)
fixed unbound variable problem causing an error when using cover pages
2.1.6 (2012/06/21)
integrated collective.zipfiletransport
2.1.5 (2012/04/03)
DOCX import: removing all border*, padding* and margin* CSS properties
content aggregator allows now references to AuthoringContentPage instances
support for index generation
2.1.4 (2011/12/12)
support for ZIP archive upload containing the conversion result of a local Open-Office/LibreOffice conversion (HTML + images)
improved transformations for office import
2.1.3 (2011/10/14)
added fixAmpersand transformation for dealing with solitary ‘&’ inside HTML content
2.1.2 (2011/10/12)
better support for importing footnotes from Word
2.1.1 (2011/10/06)
enabled JS for table popups by default
fixed link to import form
not archiving default option in import form
2.1.0 (2011/09/22)
support for uploading the ZIP archive (@@download_all view) to Dropbox
2.0.9 (2011/09/14)
integrated ui.multiselect.js for better user experience editing the styles
2.0.8 (2011/09/11)
removed all BeautifulSoup culprits
UI fine-tuning
2.0.7 (2011/09/10)
fixed ZCML startup failure (under some conditions)
2.0.6 (2011/09/08)
added a conversion “preflight” for checking consistency of HTML and image export
Publish-to-Dropbox functionality
added @@pp-demo-content view
various fixes
2.0.5 (2011/09/02)
fixed issues in office import
using new transformation machinery in office import browser view
more tests
2.0.4 (2011/08/25)
syncing of a resource from filesystem to Plone is now more accurate
better error message if a configured master template (PDF template) could not be found
added “My Authoring Projects” portlet
fixed issues with calibre default configuration and parameter escaping
better support for EPUB coverpages and EPUB author handling
2.0.3 (2011/08/15)
better checks for Produce & Publish server availability
moved office import form (AuthoringContentFolder) to its own browser view and made it available as “Office Import (DOC)” action (while removing the import form from the viewlet configuration)
added (undocumented) cleanup functionality for removing drafts older than N days from all conversion folders (@@cleanup-project-form)
2.0.2 (2011/08/02)
using new Proxy2 implementation of the zopyx.smartprintng.client API
2.0.1 (2011/08/02)
removing 0x0b char from conversion input in order to avoid trouble with content pasted into Plone from Windows applications
added description to GS profile registration
fixed issue with collapsible table in
implemented an experimental table popup/overlay functionality (disabled by default)
i18n issues
2.0.0 (2011/07/25)
final release
2.0.0rc4 (2011/07/13)
fixed conversion folder view template
2.0.0rc3 (2011/07/11)
fixed bug in content_type_registry registration code
2.0.0rc2 (2011/07/02)
minor whitespace cleanup
2.0.0rc1-1 (2011/07/01)
removed obsolete monkey patch for ATDocument
2.0.0rc1 (2011/07/01)
disabled image metadata view outside authoring projects
better check for ‘tidy’ result
added support for div.ignore-headings-for-structure
disabled support for nested folders inside AuthoringContentFolders
2.0.0b2 (2011/06/16)
(temporarily) replace collective.referencedatagrid field with a standard reference field
ippcontent subscriber now limits modification of the HTML to fields with content-type text/html only
(optional) back-to-top functionality through Javascript (zopyxauthoring_backtotop.js must be enabled in portal_javascript - disabled by default))
2.0.0b1 (2011/05/24)
improved S5 functionality for aggregated and single-page documents
improved office format import
2.0.0a4 (2011/05/20)
better S5 functionality
first integration of the external office format converter through a web service
2.0.0a3 (2011/05/17)
minor fixes
improved image detail view (colorspace + EXIF metadata)
2.0.0a2 (2011/05/14)
using collective.referencedatagridfield in content aggregator
minor fixes in inspectors
2.0.0a1 (2011/05/10)
major refactoring
major feature update
1.5.0 (2011/02/12)
major update
1.0.9 (2010/10/12)
minor fixes in GS profiles
introducing BeforePublishing event
introducing AfterPublishing event
added AuthoringConversionsCollection type (for better grouping of conversions)
a conversion folder can now reference an AuthoringContentFolder or a subfolder
1.0.8 (2010/08/11)
fixed some i18n issues
fixed improper default for contents folder when creating a new authoring project
1.0.7 (2010/08/06)
added ‘comment’ functionality: choose ‘comment’ style in TinyMCE in order to mark a selected piece of text as comment. Comments will removed from the consolidated HTML and PDF.
fixed improper image reference in consolidated HTML
requires zopyx.smartprintng.plone==0.6.20
1.0.6 (2010/08/05)
fixed presets of conversion folder while creating a new authoring project instance
1.0.5 (2010/06/12)
truncate generate filenames in order to append the date-time string properly because normalizeString() chops off after the 50th character
fixes for consolidated HTML generation
1.0.4 (2010/06/10)
adjusted TinyMCE configuration in order to avoid relative links
1.0.3 (2010/06/07)
improved german translation and wording
minor UI tweaks
1.0.2 (2010/05/25)
i18n support
german translation
new conversion option for generation PDF, consolidated HTML and chapter-wise PDF in one run
various UI tweaks
added (optional) portlet for one-click conversion
minor internal cleanup
1.0.1 (2010/05/19)
switched to convertZIP2() API
fixed content settings of the demo pages while creating a new authoring project
fixed broken indexing call
adjusted ordering of folders during creation of a new authoring project
1.0.0 (2010/05/10)
first public release
0.9.0 (2010/04/14)
various changes
0.4.0 (2010/03/28)
replaced most of the reference fields with paths
0.3.3 (2010/03/27)
fixed manage_afterAdd() implementation of conversion folder implementation
0.3.2 (2010/03/26)
fixes for missing ‘locales’ directory
0.3.0 (2010/03/26)
various fixes
0.2.0 (2010/03/10)
various fixes and additions
0.1.0 (2010/02/10)
Initial release