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Asynchronous Multiplexing HTTP2/DBO Requests

Project description

Asynchronous Multiplexing Requests

Aquests is generating asynchronous requests and fetching data from HTTP2, REST API, Websocket, RPCs and several Database engines. This project was originally started for testing `Skitai App Engine`_ and seperated for efficient developing eaches on Jan 2017.

Supported requests are:

- HTTP/1.1
- HTTP/2.0 if target server provides
- Websocket
- gRPC
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Redis

.. _`Skitai App Engine`:

.. contents:: Table of Contents


For fetching single web page:

.. code-block:: python

import aquests

aquests.get ("")
aquests.fetchall ()

Its result is:

.. code-block:: bash

user$ REQID 0. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received

Let's add more pages:

.. code-block:: python

for i in range (3):
aquests.get ("")
aquests.fetchall ()

Its result is:

.. code-block:: bash

REQID 0. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 1. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 2. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received

Now increase fetching workers,

.. code-block:: python

aquests.configure (3) # 3 workers
for i in range (3):
aquests.get ("")
aquests.fetchall ()

Result is same as above but somewhat faster and REQID is not ordered.

Now increase workers and pages for making load,

.. code-block:: python

aquests.configure (100) # 100 workers
for i in range (10000):
aquests.get ("")
aquests.fetchall ()

Now result is,

.. code-block:: bash

REQID 3635. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 3627. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 3594. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 3702. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 3685. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 3637. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 3591. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
REQID 3586. HTTP/2.0 200 OK 4210 bytes received
(and scrolled fast...)


.. code-block:: bash

pip install aquests


Binding Callback

.. code-block:: python

def finish_request (response):
print (response.status_code)
print (response.content)

aquests.configure (workers = 10, callback = finish_request)
for i in range (10):
aquests.get ("")
aquests.fetchall ()

Making Traffic Load With Generator Style

.. code-block:: python

numreq = 0
limit = 1000000
workers = 100

def finish_request (response):
global numreq, limit
if numreq < limit:
aquests.get ("")
numreq += 1

aquests.configure (workers, callback = finish_request)
for i in range (workers):
aquests.get ("")
numreq += 1
aquests.fetchall ()

Set/Get Request Meta Information

.. code-block:: python

def finish_request (response):
print (response.meta ['req_id'])
print (response.meta ['req_method'])
print (response.meta ['job_name'])

aquests.configure (workers = 10, callback = finish_request)
aquests.get ("", meta = {'job_name': 'test1'})
aquests.get ("", meta = {'job_name': 'test2'})

Note: meta ['req_id'], meta ['req_method'] and meta ['req_callback'] are reserved keys and automatically added by aquests. You SHOULDN'T use theses keys and actually it is better do not use key starts with 'req\_'.

Timeout Setting

.. code-block:: python

aquests.configure (20, timeout = 10) # 10 seconds
aquests.get ("")
aquests.fetchall ()

If timeout occured, response status_code will be 702. Also note above 700 codes mostly indicates network related error.


1. You can't specify timout for each task
2. Cause of aquests' single thread coroutine feature, timeout will not work with exactly timeout seconds.

Mixed Requests

.. code-block:: python

dbo = aquests.mongodb ("", "test_database")
aquests.configure (20)
for i in range (1000):
aquests.get ("")
dbo.findone ("posts", {"author": "James Milton"})
aquests.fetchall ()


For requesting with basic/digest authorization:

.. code:: python

stub = aquests.rpc (url, auth = (username, password))
stub.get_prime_number_gt (10000)
aquests.fetchall ()

If you provide both (username, password), aquests try basic/digest authorization. But if just (username,) aquests handle username as bearer token like API Key.


For automatically redireting by http status 301, 302, 307, 308:

.. code:: python

def finish_request (response):
print (response.history)

aquests.configure (callback = finish_request)
aquests.get ('')
aquests.fetchall ()

response.history is like,

.. code:: python

[<Response [301]>, <Response [302]>]

Also for disabling redirect,

.. code:: python

aquests.configure (callback = finish_request, allow_redirects = False)

Enabling Cookie

.. code-block:: python

def finish_request (response):
print (response.cookies)

aquests.configure (20, callback = finish_request, cookie = True)
aquests.get ("")
aquests.fetchall ()


This cookie feature shouldn't handle as different sessions per worker. All workers (connections) of aquests share same cookie values per domain. It means a worker sign in a website, so are the others. Imagine lots of FireFox windows on a desktop computer. If you really need session control, use requests_.

Change Logger

.. code-block:: python

from aquests.lib import logger

aquests.configure (
workers = 10,
logger = logger.file_logger ('/tmp/logs', 'aquests')


I make similar naming with requests_' attribute and method names as possible.

Response has these attributes and method:

- meta: user added meta data including 'req_id' and 'req_method'
- status_code: HTTP status code or DBO query success (200) or failure (500) code
- reason: status text like OK, Not Found...
- content: bytes content or original db result
- data: usally same as content but on RPC, DB query or json response situation, it returns result object.
- logger: logger.log (msg, type ='info'), logger.trace ()
- method: POST, GET, PUT etc for HTTP/RPC and execute, get, set or lrange etc for DBO
- raise_for_status (): raise exception when HTTP status code >= 300 or DBO command excution failure
- reraise (): shortcut for raise_for_status ()

Below thing is available only on Websocket response.

- opcode: websocket opcode of received message

Below things are available only on DBO responses.

- server: database server address
- dbname: database object name
- params: database command parameters

Below things aren't available on DBO and Websocket responses.

- url: requested url
- history: redirected history by http code 301, 302, 307 and 308 like *[<Response [302]>, <Response [302]>]*
- version: HTTP protocol version
- headers: Response headers
- text: charset encoded string (unicode)
- raw: file like object for bytes stream has (), raw.readline (),... methods
- cookies: if configure (cookie = True), returns dictionary
- encoding: extracted from content-type header
- request.headers
- request.payload: request body bytes, not available at upload and grpc
- json (): load JSON data, but if response content-type is application/json, automatically loaded into then you can just use it.
- get_header (key, default = None): returns header value, if not exists return default
- get_header_with_attr (key, default = None): returns header value and attr dict like 'text/html', {'charset': 'utf-8'}
- set_cookie (key, val, domain = None, path = "/")
- get_cookie (key)

.. _requests:

Configuration Parameters

.. code-block:: python

import aquests

aquests.configure (
workers = 1,
logger = None,
callback = None,
timeout = 10,
cookie = False,
force_http1 = False,
http2_constreams = 1,
allow_redirects = True,
qrandom = False

- workers: number of fetching workers, it'not threads
- logger: logger shoukd have 2 method - log (msg, type = 'info') and trace () for exception logging. if not provided, aquests uses aquests.ib.logger.screen_logger
- callback: global default callback function has receiving response arg
- timeout: request timeout seconds
- cookie: enable/disable using cookie for request
- force_http1: enforce http 1.1 not 2.0
- http2_constreams: if you making requests to single http2 server, how many concurrent streams per channel. BE CAREFUL, it might be useful for generating traffic load for testing your http2 web servers. and if your server doesn't provide http2, your workers will be increased to number of http2_constreams times than you really want.
- allow_redirects: if set True, in case HTTP status code is in 301, 302, 307, 308 then redirect automatically
- qrandom: requests will be selected by random, this is useful for load distributing to request multiple hosts.

List of Methods

GET, DELETE and etc.

.. code-block:: python

aquests.get ("")
aquests.delete ("")
aquests.get ("")

Also aquests.head (), options () and trace () are available.


.. code-block:: python (
{'author': 'James Milton'},
{'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}

# is equal to:

aquests.postform (
{'author': 'James Milton'}

Put example,

.. code-block:: python

aquest.put (
{'fullnamer': 'James Milton'},
{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

# is equal to:

aquests.putjson (
{'fullnamer': 'James Milton'}

There're some shorter ways ratehr than specifing content type:

- postform: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, data value should be dictionary
- postjson: application/json, data value should be json dumpable
- postxml: text/xml, data value should be xml string or utf-8 encoded bytes
- postnvp: text/namevalue, data value should be dictionary

And putform (), putjson ()... is also available.

File Upload

.. code-block:: python

aquests.upload (
'author': 'James Milton',
'file': open ('/tmp/mycar.jpg', 'rb')

You should open file with 'rb' mode.


.. code-block:: python ("ws://", "Hello World")
# secure websocket channel, use wss ("wss://", "Hello World")
aquests.fetchall ()

Response is like this,

- response.status_code: 200
- response.reason: "OK"
- response.content: (1, "Hello World") # (opcode, message)
- response.opcode: 1 # OPCODE_TEXT
- "Hello World"

Note: Sometimes status_code is 200, opcode is -1. It is NOT official websocket spec. but means websocket is successfully connected but disconnected before receving a message by some reasons.

If you want to send specify message type.

.. code-block:: python

from import OPCODE_TEXT, OPCODE_BINARY ("ws://", (OPCODE_BINARY, b"Hello World"))
aquests.fetchall ()


.. code-block:: python

stub = aquests.rpc ("")
stub.prelease_urls('roundup', '1.4.10')
aquests.fetchall ()


.. code-block:: bash

<class 'xmlrpc.client.Fault'> <Fault 1:...>


.. code-block:: python

import route_guide_pb2

stub = aquests.grpc ("")
point = route_guide_pb2.Point (latitude=409146138, longitude=-746188906)
for i in range (3):
stub.GetFeature (point)
aquests.fetchall ()


.. code-block:: python

name: "Berkshire Valley Management Area Trail, Jefferson, NJ, USA"
location {
latitude: 409146138
longitude: -746188906

For more about gRPC and route_guide_pb2, go to `gRPC Basics - Python`_.

.. _`gRPC Basics - Python`:


.. code-block:: python

def finish_request (response):
print (

aquests.configure (3, callback = finish_request)
dbo = aquests.postgresql ("", "mydb", ("test", "1111"))
for i in range (10):
dbo.execute ("SELECT city, prcp, temp_hi, temp_low FROM weather;")


.. code-block:: bash

{'prcp': 0.25, 'temp_hi': 50, 'city': 'San Francisco', 'temp_lo': 46},
{'prcp': 0.0, 'temp_hi': 54, 'city': 'Hayward', 'temp_lo': 37}


.. code-block:: python

dbo = aquests.mongodb ("", "test_database")
for i in range (3):
dbo.findone ("posts", {"author": "Steve Newman"})
dbo.findall ("posts", {"author": "Hans Roh"})
aquests.fetchall ()


.. code-block:: bash

'starting_from': 0,
'number_returned': 1,
'cursor_id': 0,
'data': [
'_id': ObjectId('586a11f80d23915c7ec76f01'),
'author': 'Steve Newman',
'title': 'How to swim'

**Available Functions**

- find (colname, spec, offset = 0, limit = 1)
- findone (colname, spec): equivalent with find (colname, spec, 0, 1)
- findall (colname, spec): equivalent with find (colname, spec, 0, -1)
- insert (colname, docs, continue_on_error = 0)
- update (colname, spec, doc)
- updateone (colname, spec, doc)
- upsert (colname, spec, doc)
- upsertone (colname, spec, doc)
- delete (colname, spec, flag = 0)
- findkc (colname, spec, offset = 0, limit = 1): after finidhing search, it keeps cursor alive. then you can use 'get_more()'
- get_more (colname, cursor_id, num_to_return): cursor_id can be got from (findkc()'s result).data ["cursor_id"]
- kill_cursors (cursor_ids): if you use findkc() and stop fetching documents, you should mannually call this.

Note: User authorization is not supported yet.


.. code-block:: python

dbo = aquests.redis ("")
dbo.get ("session-5ae675bc")
dbo.lrange ("user-saved-docs", 0, 3)
aquests.fetchall ()


.. code-block:: bash


[32534, 3453, 6786]

Possibly you can use all `Redis commands`_.

.. _`Redis commands`:

Note: User authorization is not supported yet.

SQLite3 For Fast App Prototyping

Usage is almost same with PostgreSQL. This service IS NOT asynchronous BUT just emulating.

.. code:: python

dbo = aquests.sqlite3 ("sqlite3.db")
dbo.execute ("""
drop table if exists people;
create table people (name_last, age);
insert into people values ('Cho', 42);
aquests.fetchall ()

Requests Parameters

For get, post*, put*, upload, delete, options, trace parameters are the same.

.. code-block:: python

aquests.get (url, params = None, headers = None, auth = None, meta = {})

- url: request url string
- params: None or dictionary, if it provide with get method, it will be attached on tail of url with '?'
- headers: None or dictionary
- auth: None or tuple (username, password)
- callback: substitude defaul callback
- meta: dictionary

For Websocket,

.. code-block:: python (url, params = None, headers = None, auth = None, meta = {})

- url: request url string, should start with 'ws://' or 'wss://'(SSL Websocket)
- params: string, bytes or tuple. if messages is not string you specify message type code using tuple like (ws.OPCODE_PING, b"hello"), you can find OPCODE list, 'from aquests.protocols import ws'. CAUTION. if your params type is bytes type, opcode will automatically be OPCODE_BINARY and string type, be OPCODE_TEXT. and opcode is inffluent to receiver. if you avoid auto opcode, specify opcode with tuple.


- headers: None or dictionary
- auth: None or tuple (username, password)
- callback: substitude defaul callback
- meta: dictionary

For rpc, grpc stub creation:

.. code-block:: python

stub = aquests.rpc (url, headers = None, auth = None, meta = {})
stub = aquests.grpc (url, headers = None, auth = None, meta = {})

- url: request url string
- headers: None or dictionary
- auth: None or tuple (username, password)
- callback: substitude defaul callback
- meta: dictionary

Note: stub's methods and parameters are defined by RPC service providers

For postgresql, mongodb, redis dbo creation:

.. code-block:: python

dbo = aquests.postgresql (server, dbname = None, auth = None, meta = {})
dbo = aquests.mongodb (server, dbname = None, auth = None, meta = {})
dbo = aquests.redis (server, dbname = None, auth = None, meta = {})

- server: address:port formated string
- dbname: None or string
- auth: None or tuple (username, password)
- callback: substitude defaul callback
- meta: dictionary

Note: stub's methods and parameters are defined by database engines. Please read above related chapters But SQL based postgresql has only 1 method and parameters - execute(sql) or do(sql) just for your convinience.


- 0.7.3:

- use google public DNS for default
-fix early termination in case of single worker

- 0.7.2:

- accept header validation with response content-type
- change qrandom parameter's default value to False of aquests.configure ()

- 0.7.1: fix dns cache case sensitivity

- 0.7:

- fix redirecting and reauthorizing
- dns query instacnt loop before being called fetchall ()
- add callback arg for each request
- fix redirect, improve asyndns, error codes related network error
- redefine workers, workers mean nummber of connections
- fix finish_request, and shutdown entering
- fix FailedResponse's contents

- 0.6.14: add qrandom option for aquests.configure

- 0.6.13: fix response.json ()

- 0.6.11

- request & response.headers is NocaseDict
- fix sqlite bugs, add response.uuid & rfc
- fix sqlite.del_channel
- add auqests.suspend

- 0.6.10: add response.lxml

- 0.6.8: add

- 0.6.7: change socket closing log message

- 0.6.6: fix asyncon active

- license changed from BSD to MIT

- fix await_fifo bug

- 0.6.3: fix lifetime, tmap

- 0.6.2: change queue list -> deque

- 0.6.1: fix websocket text data encoding

- 0.6:

* add configure option: allow_redirects
* new response.history
* fix 30x redirection
* fix 401 unauthorized

- 0.5.2: remove ready_producer_fifo, this will be used only serverside
- 0.5.1: change from list to deque on producer_fifo
- 0.4.33: force_http1 applied to https
- 0.4.32: fix http.buffer.list_buffer class
- 0.4.30: add websocket message type detection
- 0.4.28: remove aquests.wss, use with url wss://...
- 0.4.25: fix () divide and conquer
- 0.4.22: fix http2_constreams
- 0.4.21: fix http2 flow control window
- 0.4.20: add configure options: force_http1, http2_constreams
- 0.4.18: url / trailing
- 0.4.17: fix finding end of data on http2
- 0.4.16: fix http2 disconnecting behavior
- 0.4.10: fix xmlrpc stub url / trailing
- 0.4.9: changed response properties - request.method -> method, request.server -> server, request.dbname -> dbname and request.params -> params
- 0.4.4: add lib.athreads
- 0.4.2: fix http2 large content download
- 0.4.1: add a few examples
- 0.4: add timeout feature
- 0.3.10: fix http2 frame length validation, add cookie feature
- 0.3.8: fix dbo request shutdown behavior
- 0.3.1: add HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE
- 0.3: fix installation error
- 0.2.13: change default display callback
- 0.2.10: fix xmlrpc

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