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Python SDK for aliyun batchcompute service

Project description

Help on package batchcompute:

batchcompute - A simple implementation for BatchCompute service SDK.


client (package)
core (package)
resources (package)
utils (package)


class Client(__builtin__.object)
| Implementation of client to use BatchCompute service.
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, region, access_key_id, access_key_secret, security_token='', security_conn=False, human_readable=False)
| @params `region`: service region.
| @type `region`: import `region` from batchcompute root package, [
| @params `access_key_id`: access key id in Aliyun.
| @type `access_key_id`: usually a {str}.
| @params `access_key_secret`: access secret key in Aliyun.
| @type `access_key_secret`: usually a {str}.
| @params `human_readable`: if True, time in response will be formatted
| for more readability, otherwise, do nothing. For example:
| unix time stamp 1430733329(int) will be fromatted as
| '2015-05-04 17:55:29'(str) if `human_readable` is True.
| @type `human_readable`: {bool}, default: False.
| cancel_image(self, image)
| change_cluster_desired_vm_count(self, cluster, **kwargs)
| Change the desired vm count of a existing cluster.
| @params `cluster`: a batchcompute cluster.
| @type `cluster`: a 'cls-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @params `kwargs`: some key-word pair like group_name=desired_vm_count.
| @type `kwargs`: desired_vm_count must be a positive {int} value;
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... cluster_id = client.create_cluster(...
| ... client.change_cluster_desired_vm_count(cluster_id, group1=3, group2=4)
| change_job_priority(self, job, priority)
| Change the priority of a given job.
| @Notice:
| Only stopped jobs' priority can be changed.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @params `priority`: priority number.
| @type `priority`: a {int} between 0~999.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... client.stop_job(job_id)
| ... assert client.get_job(job_id).State == 'Stopped'
| ... client.change_job_priority(job_id, 99)
| ... client.start_job(job_id)
| ... assert client.get_job_description(job_id).Priority == 99
| create_cluster(self, cluster_desc, token='')
| Create a new cluster in server.
| @params `cluster_desc`: a object descripts a cluster.
| @type `cluster_desc`: a json {str}, a {dict} object, or a
| {ClusterDescription} object.
| @params `token`: idempotent token.
| @type `token`: a {str} specified by user.
| @return: a {CreateResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> from batchcompute import Cient, ClientError
| ... from batchcompute.resources import ClusterDescription, GroupDescription
| ... # some other codes here
| ... Client = Client(REGION, id, key)
| ...
| ... try:
| ... cluster_desc = ClusterDescription()
| ... group_desc = GroupDescription()
| ... group_desc.DesiredVMCount = 1
| ... group_desc.InstanceType = 'ecs.t1.small'
| ... cluster_desc.add_group('group1', group_desc)
| ... cluster_desc.Name = "BatchcomputePythonSDK"
| ... # image_id is a image created in batchcompute service before.
| ... cluster_desc.ImageId = image_id
| ...
| ... print client.create_cluster(cluster_desc).Id
| ... except ClientError, e:
| ... print (e.get_status_code(), e.get_code(), e.get_requestid(), e.get_msg())
| create_image(self, image_desc, token='')
| # Methods related to image.
| create_job(self, job_desc, token='')
| Create a new job in server.
| @param `job_desc`: a object descripts a job.
| @type `job_desc`: a json {str}, a {dict} object, or a {Job} object.
| @param `token`: idempotent token.
| @type `token`: a {str} specified by user.
| @example:
| >>> from batchcompute import Cient, ClientError
| ... from batchcompute import CN_QINGDAO as REGION
| ... from batchcompute.resources import JobDescription, TaskDescription, DAG
| ... # some other codes here
| ... access_key_id = ... # your_access_key_id
| ... access_key_secret = ... # your_access_key_secret
| ... cluster_id = ... # ID of cluster created before
| ... Client = Client(REGION, access_key_id, access_key_secret)
| ...
| ... try:
| ... job_desc = JobDescription()
| ... map_task = TaskDescription()
| ... # Create map task.
| ... map_task.Parameters.Command.CommandLine = "ping -n 3"
| ... map_task.Parameters.Command.PackagePath = ""
| ... map_task.Parameters.StdoutRedirectPath = "oss://xxx/xxx/"
| ... map_task.Parameters.StderrRedirectPath = "oss://xxx/xxx/"
| ... map_task.InstanceCount = 3
| ... # cluster_id is a cluster created in batchcompute service before.
| ... map_task.ClusterId = cluster_id
| ... # Create task dag.
| ... task_dag = DAG()
| ... task_dag.add_task(task_name='Map', task=map_task)
| ... # Create job description.
| ... job_desc.DAG = task_dag
| ... job_desc.Priority = 99
| ... job_desc.Name = 'PythonSDKDemo'
| ... job_desc.JobFailOnInstanceFail = True
| ...
| ... job_id = client.create_job(job_desc).Id
| ... # Wait job finished.
| ... errs = client.poll(job_id)
| ... if errs: print ('
| '.join(errs))
| ... except ClientError, e:
| ... print (e.get_status_code(), e.get_code(), e.get_requestid(), e.get_msg())
| delete_cluster(self, cluster)
| Release a cluster from batchcompute service.
| @params `cluster`: cluster id info.
| @type `cluster`: a `cls-` started {str} or a {CreateResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... cluster_id = 'cls-xxxx'
| ... client.delete_cluster(job_id)
| delete_image(self, image)
| delete_job(self, job)
| Release a job.
| @Notice:
| Only Failed, Stopped, Finished job can be deleted.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... client.delete_job(job_id)
| easy_list(self, resource_type, *resource_info, **filters)
| List all items with filters.
| @param `resource_type`: the resource type.
| @type `resource_type`: a {str}, only ['jobs', 'clusters', 'images',
| 'tasks', 'instances'] allowed now.
| @param `resource_info`: position arguments which needed to indicate
| which job's or task's information is interested.
| @param `filters`: key-value arguments which needed to filter interested
| items from all other items of a given `resource_type`.
| @return: A {list} of all items meet the requirements information given
| by `filters` parameter.
| @exmaples:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... for job in client.easy_list('jobs', Name='PythonSDK', Description='test list job')
| ... print (job.Name, job.Description)
| ...
| ... job_filters = {
| ... 'Name': 'PythonSDK',
| ... 'Description': 'test list job'
| ... }
| ... for job in client.easy_list('jobs', **job_filters):
| ... print (job.Name, job.Description)
| ...
| ... for job in client.easy_list('jobs', State=['Waiting', 'Running']):
| ... print (job.Name, job.Description)
| ...
| ... state_filter = lambda state: state in ['Waiting', 'Running']
| ... for job in client.easy_list('jobs', State=state_filter):
| ... print (job.Name, job.Description)
| ...
| ... job_id = 'job-xxx'
| ... client.easy_list('tasks', job_id, State='Running')
| ...
| ... job_id = 'job-xxx'
| ... task_name = 'Map'
| ... client.easy_list('instances', job_id, task_name, State='Running')
| get_cluster(self, cluster)
| Get the running status of a cluster.
| @params `cluster`: cluster id info.
| @type `cluster`: a `cls-` started {str} or a {CreateResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... cluster_id = 'cls-xxxx'
| ... cluster_status = client.get_cluster(cluster_id)
| ... print (cluster_status.State)
| get_image(self, image)
| get_instance(self, job, task_name, instance_id)
| Get instance running information of a task.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @params `task_name`: task name.
| @type `task_name`: a {str}.
| @params `instance_id`: instance id.
| @type `instance_id`: a {int}.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... task_name = 'Map'
| ... instance_id = 1
| ... instance_status = client.get_instance(job_id, task_name, instance_id)
| ... print (instance_status.State)
| get_job(self, job)
| Get the running status of a job.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... job_status = client.get_job(job_id)
| ... print (job_status.State)
| ... print (job_status.Id)
| get_job_description(self, job)
| Get the description of a job.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... job_desc = client.get_job_description(job_id)
| ... print (job_desc.Description)
| ... print (job_desc.Priority)
| get_task(self, job, task_name)
| Get running information of a task.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @params `task_name`: task name.
| @type `task_name`: a {str}.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... task_name = 'Map'
| ... task_status = client.get_task(job_id, task_name)
| ... print (task_status.State)
| list_clusters(self, marker, max_item_count)
| List clusters with paging enabled.
| @params `marker`: start point of this list action.
| @type `marker`: a {str}, usually the content of `NextMarker` property
| of the latest list action response, empty {str} triggers another
| series of list actions.
| @params `max_item_count`: max item number returned by a single list
| invacation.
| @type `max_item_count`: a {int} number.
| @return: a {ListResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... marker = ''
| ... max_item_count = 100
| ... clusters = client.list_clusters(marker, max_item_count)
| ... # NextMarker is used to indicate the start point of next list action.
| ... print clusters.NextMarker
| ... for cluster in clusters.Items:
| ... print (cluster.Name)
| list_images(self, marker, max_item_count)
| List images with paging enabled.
| @params `marker`: start point of this list action.
| @type `marker`: a {str}, usually the content of `NextMarker` property
| of the latest list action response, empty {str} triggers another
| series of list actions.
| @params `max_item_count`: max item number returned by a single list
| invacation.
| @type `max_item_count`: a {int} number.
| @return: a {ListResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... marker = ''
| ... max_item_count = 100
| ... images = client.list_images(marker, max_item_count)
| ... # NextMarker is used to indicate the start point of next list action.
| ... print (images.NextMarker)
| ... for image in images.Items:
| ... print (image.Name)
| list_instances(self, job, task_name, marker, max_item_count)
| List instances of a task with paging enabled.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @params `task_name`: task name.
| @type `task_name`: a {str}.
| @params `marker`: start point of this list action.
| @type `marker`: a {str}, usually the content of `NextMarker` property
| of the latest list action response, empty {str} triggers another
| series of list actions.
| @params `max_item_count`: max item number returned by a single list
| invacation.
| @type `max_item_count`: a {int} number.
| @return: a {ListResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... marker = ''
| ... max_item_count = 100
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... task_name = 'Map'
| ... instances = client.list_instances(job_id, task_name, marker, max_item_count)
| ... # NextMarker is used to indicate the start point of next list action.
| ... print (instances.NextMarker)
| ... for instance in instances.Items:
| ... print (instance.State)
| list_jobs(self, marker, max_item_count)
| A method to list jobs with paging enabled.
| @params `marker`: start point of this list action.
| @type `marker`: a {str}, usually the content of `NextMarker` property
| of the latest list action response, empty {str} triggers another
| series of list actions.
| @params `max_item_count`: max item number returned by a single list
| invocation.
| @type `max_item_count`: a {int} number between 1~100.
| @return: a {ListResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... marker = ''
| ... max_item_count = 100
| ... jobs = client.list_jobs(marker, max_item_count)
| ... # NextMarker is used to indicate the start point of next list action.
| ... print jobs.NextMarker
| ... for job in jobs.Items:
| ... print (job.State)
| list_tasks(self, job, marker, max_item_count)
| List tasks of a specified job with paging enabled.
| @params `marker`: start point of this list action..
| @type `marker`: a {str}, usually the content of `NextMarker` property
| of the latest list action response, empty {str} triggers another
| series of list actions.
| @params `max_item_count`: max item number returned by a single list
| invocation.
| @type `max_item_count`: a {int} number between 1~100.
| @return: a {ListResponse} object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... marker = ''
| ... max_item_count = 100
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... tasks = client.list_tasks(job_id, marker, max_item_count)
| ... # NextMarker is used to indicate the start point of next list action.
| ... print (tasks.NextMarker)
| ... for task in tasks.Items:
| ... print (task.TaskName, task.State)
| poll(self, job_ids, timeout=86400, interval=3)
| Wait for all jobs transist to 'Finished' state.
| @param `job_ids`: job ids for polling.
| @type `job_ids`: a {str}, a {unicode}, a {list} or a {tuple}
| @param `timeout`: timeout value for polling.
| @type verbose: {int}
| @return: A {list} of {str} indicating the errors when polling, for ex-
| ample: 'Failed' or 'Stopped' job occurs or timeout, you should ch-
| eck whether it is empty ensuring all jobs 'Terminated'.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_ids = ['job-xxx', 'job-xxx', 'job-xxx']
| ... errs = client.poll(job_ids)
| ... if errs:
| ... print ('Some jobs mustbe Failed or Stopped', errs)
| start_job(self, job)
| Restart a stopped job.
| @Notice:
| Only stopped jobs can be restart.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... client.start_job(job_id)
| stop_job(self, job)
| Stop a running or waiting job.
| @Notice:
| Only running or waiting jobs can be stopped.
| @params `job`: a batchcompute job.
| @type `job`: a 'job-' started {str} or a CreateResponse object.
| @example:
| >>> client = Client(region, id, key)
| ... job_id = 'job-xxxx'
| ... client.stop_job(job_id)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class ClientError(exceptions.Exception)
| Method resolution order:
| ClientError
| exceptions.Exception
| exceptions.BaseException
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, status, code, request_id, msg)
| __str__(self)
| get_code(self)
| get_msg(self)
| get_requestid(self)
| get_status_code(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from exceptions.Exception:
| __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x7fbda8481ca0>
| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __delattr__(...)
| x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
| __getattribute__(...)
| x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
| __getitem__(...)
| x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
| __getslice__(...)
| x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
| Use of negative indices is not supported.
| __reduce__(...)
| __repr__(...)
| x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
| __setattr__(...)
| x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
| __setstate__(...)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __dict__
| args
| message
| exception message

class ConfigError(exceptions.Exception)
| Method resolution order:
| ConfigError
| exceptions.Exception
| exceptions.BaseException
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, msg)
| __str__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from exceptions.Exception:
| __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x7fbda8481ca0>
| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __delattr__(...)
| x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
| __getattribute__(...)
| x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
| __getitem__(...)
| x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
| __getslice__(...)
| x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
| Use of negative indices is not supported.
| __reduce__(...)
| __repr__(...)
| x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
| __setattr__(...)
| x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
| __setstate__(...)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __dict__
| args
| message
| exception message

class FieldError(exceptions.Exception)
| Method resolution order:
| FieldError
| exceptions.Exception
| exceptions.BaseException
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, key)
| __str__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from exceptions.Exception:
| __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x7fbda8481ca0>
| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __delattr__(...)
| x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
| __getattribute__(...)
| x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
| __getitem__(...)
| x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
| __getslice__(...)
| x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
| Use of negative indices is not supported.
| __reduce__(...)
| __repr__(...)
| x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
| __setattr__(...)
| x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
| __setstate__(...)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __dict__
| args
| message
| exception message

class JsonError(exceptions.Exception)
| Method resolution order:
| JsonError
| exceptions.Exception
| exceptions.BaseException
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, msg)
| __str__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from exceptions.Exception:
| __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x7fbda8481ca0>
| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __delattr__(...)
| x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
| __getattribute__(...)
| x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
| __getitem__(...)
| x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
| __getslice__(...)
| x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
| Use of negative indices is not supported.
| __reduce__(...)
| __repr__(...)
| x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
| __setattr__(...)
| x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
| __setstate__(...)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __dict__
| args
| message
| exception message

class ValidationError(exceptions.Exception)
| Method resolution order:
| ValidationError
| exceptions.Exception
| exceptions.BaseException
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, key)
| __str__(self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from exceptions.Exception:
| __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x7fbda8481ca0>
| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __delattr__(...)
| x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
| __getattribute__(...)
| x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
| __getitem__(...)
| x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
| __getslice__(...)
| x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]
| Use of negative indices is not supported.
| __reduce__(...)
| __repr__(...)
| x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
| __setattr__(...)
| x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
| __setstate__(...)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from exceptions.BaseException:
| __dict__
| args
| message
| exception message

__all__ = ['Client', 'ClientError', 'FieldError', 'ValidationError', '...
__author__ = 'crisish <>'
__version__ = '2.0.0'


crisish <>

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batchcompute-2.0.7a1.tar.gz (37.7 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

batchcompute-2.0.7a1-py2.5.egg (69.7 kB view hashes)

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