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Non-linear pattern matching for Python's objects, or rexep-like for objects

Project description

Iguala: non-linear pattern matching for Python's objects, or a regexp-like for objects

Iguala - from spanish "igual a", "equivalent to" or "iguala", "make it equivalent" - is a non-linear pattern matcher for Python's objects. It is heavily inpired by query in graphs, term rewriting (tom or pattern matching in rascal) and structural pattern matching. The goal of this project is to provide an easy to use, but powerful, library for matching complex objects. Patterns are defined in a declarative way and can match complex objects and extract data from them. They support:

  • wildcards and variables,
  • the reuse of variable accross patterns to express equality,
  • wildcards and variables in collections,
  • negative patterns,
  • pattern/matchers compositions,
  • composite and recursive paths,
  • yield all combinations found when a pattern matches against an object,
  • matching over dictionary the same way as for classes/objects (more or less).

More operators/matchers will arrive

This implementation is derived from MoTion, implemented in Smalltalk and based on work initiated with Aless Hosry during her PhD.

Quick example

Here is the example of a pattern that will check if an object is an instance of MyObject with the same value for att1 and att2.

NOTE: in this document, the term matcher and pattern are used to refer to the same thing, but a matcher matches a single small entity while a pattern defines a composition of matchers (or a single matcher).

# we consider that "MyObject" is an already known type
# and "instance" and instance of it with att1 = att2 = 4 and name = 'foo'
from iguala import match, is_not

pattern = match(MyObject) % {  # must be an instance of MyObject
    "att1": "@value",  # with att1 stored in "value"
    "att2": "@value",   # and att2 with the same value as the one from att1
    "name": is_not("bar") @ "name" # and name is not "bar", store the name in "name"
# displays: <True: [{'value': 4, 'name': 'foo'}]>

# An equivalent Python code would be:
if type(instance) == MyObject and instance.att1 == instance.att2 and != "bar":
    value = instance.att1
    name =


Coming soon in Pypi

Syntax, operators and special characters

For each pattern/matcher, there is a set of operators and special characters that controls the way data are matched. For a most comprehensive way of how to use all of this, please refer to the sections belows that present small tutorials about how to match values against objects and dicts. Here is a list of all currently supported operators.

Paths operators for objects and dictionaries

Patterns over objects and dictionary supports the sub-patterns. Each sub-patterns are connected by a path. A path represent the way to navigate from a pattern to others.

There is different kind of paths:

  • named/direct paths: they express a direct navigation through a relationship,
    • creating a direct path is done by using directly the name of the relation, e.g: foo or bar.
  • composed paths: they express the navigation of different relationships one after each other,
    • creating a composed path is done by using the > operator between two names, e.g: foo>bar to express, 'first navigate foo then bar.
  • named recursive paths: they express the recursive navigation of a relationship (unbound depth),
    • creating a named rec. path is done by using the * or + operator after a name, e.g: foo* expresses that foo needs to be followed 0 or many times and foo+ expresses that foo needs to be followed 1 or many times.
  • children recursive paths: they express the recursive navigation of all "instance variable" of an object.
    • creating a children rec. path is done by using * alone, e.g: * means all the "children" (the instance variable of the object/keys of the dict) and their children.

Those operators can be composed with >. For examples:

  • bar>foo>* means "bar then foo then all the children recursively"
  • *>foo means "all the children recursively then foo" (if foo exists for each object)
  • child*>name means "follow child recursively and get name each time"
  • ...


Wildcards/variables stores information and checks if the same information appears many times.

  • variable are strings starting by @, e.g: @x, @name...
  • single @ alone is considered as an anonymous variable, it is useful to ensure the presence of something without storing any data.
  • variable starting by * represent a collection of elements in sequences: e.g: *x or *y, they are used in list/sequence matching (see sections below).
  • ... is used as an anonymous variable for collections of elements in sequences.

Matchers/pattern operators

There is few pattern operators.

  • % with a dictionnary on its right expresses the properties of an object, e.g: match(A) % {'name': 'foo'} means, match an instance of A where the name equals foo.
  • @ stores a data into a dedicated name, e.g: match(A) % {'name': 'foo'} @ 'inst' means, match an instance of A where the name equals foo and store the instance of A in inst for further usage.
  • is_not(...) expresses a negation (needs to be imported from iguala import is_not), e.g: match(A) % {'name': is_not('foo')}, means match an instance of A where the name is not equal to foo.

Collections patterns

Here is a list of some patterns that can be applied to collections:

  • [], means empty collection
  • [3] means a collection with only one value: 3
  • [3, 'r'] means a collection with only two values: 3 and 'r'
  • [3, ...] means 3 is first element
  • [..., 3] means 3 is last element
  • [..., '@x'] means a last element stored in x
  • [..., '@x', ...] means an element stored in x (will match all the element of a collection one after each others)
  • [..., '@x', '@y'] means the two last element stored in x and y
  • [..., '@x', ..., '@y'] means an element stored in x with the last element stored in y
  • [..., '@x', ..., '@x'] means a collection that have an element that is equal to the last element
  • ['@x', ..., '@x'] means a collection where the first and the last element are the same
  • [..., '@x', '@x', ..] means a collection that have two times the same element that follow each other
  • [..., '@x', ..., is_not('@x'), ..] means a collection where two consecutive elements that are not the same (a collection where all elements are different)
  • is_not([..., '@x', ..., is_not('@x'), ...]) means a collection where there is no consecutive elements that are not the same (a collection where all elements are the same)
  • ...

Walkthrough - Draw me a pattern on an Object

To see how to match information from an object, let's create three of two kind. We will consider that they already exists somewhere in memory. We will then express patterns and see if those data (a1, a2, b) are matched by the patterns.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class A(object):
    x: int
    y: int
    l: list[int]

class B(object):
    x: int

a1 = A(x=3, y=4, l=[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5])
a2 = A(x=4, y=4, l = [2])
b = B(x=4)

Now let's define a first pattern.

from iguala import match

# Simple pattern
pattern = match(A) % {}  # answers the question it's an instance of A?

This pattern will check if the data is actually an instance of A. The % operator with the empty dictionnary after expresses the fact that we don't want to express any properties over A.

And now, we see if it matches:

# displays: <True - [{}]>

# displays: <True - [{}]>

# displays: <False - []>

No suprises, a1 and a2 are instances of A while b is not.

Let's now see if those objects are instances of A with an attribute z that equals 4, then if they own an attribute x equals to 4.

pattern = match(A) % { 'z': 4 }  # is it an instance of A with 'z' == 4?

print(pattern.match(a1))  # and a2, b
# displays: <False - []>, they don't have 'z' properties

pattern = match(A) % { 'x': 4 }  # is it an instance of A with 'z' == 4?
# displays: <False - []>

# displays: <True - [{}]>

Now, let's deconstruct to get the value of x. We will express in our pattern that the data should be an instance of A with an attribute x and that we want to store the value of x in a variable named value.

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'x': '@value'  # with an attribute "x"? (stored in "value")

result = pattern.match(a1)
# displays: <True - [{'value': 3}]>
# displays: 3

# displays: <True - [{'value': 4}]>
# displays: 4

Each right side of the property dictionnary that starts with an @ means that it's a variable. If the name is found again in the pattern, then, it means that the data needs to have the same value for those variable in those positions.

Let's use that to check now if each data is an instance of A where x and y have the same value.

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'x': '@value'  # with an attribute "x"? (stored in "value")
    'y': '@value'  # with an attribute "y" with the same value as "x"

result = pattern.match(a1)
# displays: <False - []>

# displays: <True - [{'value': 4}]>

Let's check now if we have an instance of A with a 2 in the collection l.

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'l': 2  # does "l" contains a 2?

# displays: <True - [{}, {}]>, there is two 2 in "l", so two combination, this information is returned by the matcher

# displays: <True - [{}]>, here there is only one 2 in "l"

Let's try more precise questions over the collection l:

# Patterns over collections
pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'l': [2]  # does "l" contains only a 2?
# displays: <False: []>

# displays: <True: [{}]>

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'l': [..., 2]  # does the last element of "l" is 2?
# displays: <False: []>

# displays: <True: [{}]>

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'l': [..., '@value']  # does "l" has a last element?
# displays: <True: [{'value': 5}]>

# displays: <True: [{'value': 2}]>

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'l': [..., '@value', '@value', ...]  # does "l" has two times the same element that follow each other?

# displays: <True: [{'value': 2}]>

# displays: <False: []>

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'l': [..., '@value', ..., '@value', ...]  # does "l" has at least two times the same element?

# displays: <True - [{'value': 2}, {'value': 3}]>

# displays: <False: []>

pattern = match(A) % {  # is it an instance of A?
    'l': ["*l1", '@value', "*l2", '@value', "*l3"]  # does "l" has at least two times the same element? and store the collections around

# input for l was: [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5]
# displays: <True - [
#    {'l1': [1], 'value': 2, 'l2': [], 'l3': [3, 4, 3, 5]},
#    {'l1': [1, 2, 2], 'value': 3, 'l2': [4], 'l3': [5]}
# ]>

Those are only few examples of what you can express over collections. Obviously, it's possible to compose patterns and to express patterns elements in collections.

from iguala import as_matcher

a3 = A(x=3, y=4, l=[])
col = [a1, a2, b, a3, b]

# does the collection contains two instances of A that have the same value for x
# and store the nodes in 'inst1' and 'inst2'
matcher = as_matcher(
     match(A) % {'x': '@x'} @ 'inst1',
     match(A) % {'x': '@x'} @ 'inst2',

# displays: <True - [{'inst1': A(x=3, y=4, l=[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5]), 'x': 3, 'inst2': A(x=3, y=4, l=[])}]>

The @ operator stores the results when a combination is found. The example above shows us that there is only one combination where the data matches the pattern.

Walkthrough - Draw me a pattern for an AST

This small tutorial shows how to match information from the Python's AST. Please note that the library is not limited to Pyton's AST, but is supposed to work with any Python object. This tutorial also suppose that you are used to the Python's AST.

In a first place, let's get a beautiful simple AST tree

from ast import *

# What we parse
tree = parse("""
class A(object):
    Z = 0
    def __init__(self, x, y=3):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = 4

    class InnerCls(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.inner_x = 1

class B(object):
    def __init__(self, w):
        if w > 0:
            self.w = w
            self. w = -1

Do we match something that has this shape?

Let's try to see if this module contains classes, which means: does the tree variable have the shape of a Module that contains Classes in this body? Let's define the pattern to check that:

# Pattern example 1
pattern = match(Module) % {  # we want a Module
    'body': match(ClassDef)  # that contains a ClassDef in 'body'

This pattern expresses that we want to match a Module using match(Module), and in the body relation of this Module, must contain a ClassDef. To express the content of a class instance, we use the % operator follows by a dictionnary where the key is the name of the relation and the value is against what the value needs to be matched. The key is considered as a "path", we will see later what it means, while the value is a matcher. In this case, body will yield a collection of ast nodes for Module. Even if the path will resolve as a collection, as we use a simple matcher here, the semantic is equivalent to "contains". Consequently, we can read this as does body contains a ClassDef.

Now that we have our matcher, we "execute it" against the tree object.

result = pattern.match(tree)
# displays: <True - [{}, {}]>
# displays: True
# displays: [<...Context object at 0x7f3736ae0280>, <...Context object at 0x7f3736ae0310>]

The True - [{}, {}] output means that yes, the pattern matches the data (True) and that it found exactly two combinations. The matcher will always gives as result all the Context which are the equivalent of a matching combination. We can conclude here that our tree variable is a Module that owns classes.

Deconstruct/extract information from a pattern

Knowing if an object matches against a pattern is nice, but it's even better to be able to gather some data. To have more details about what was matched by the pattern, we will introduce variables/wildcards.

# Pattern example 2
pattern = match(Module) % {  # we want a Module
    'body': match(ClassDef) % {"name": "@name"} # that contains a ClassDef in 'body' and has a "name"

# Let's match the "tree"
result = pattern.match(tree)
print(result.is_match)  # True
# displays: [{'name': 'A'}, {'name': 'B'}]

Obviously, we only have the classes that are directly under body in the module. If we want all the modules, whereever there are defined, we will use instead the children recursive path operator.

NOTE: if you execute this code in IPython, it could be long, parse(...) seems to behave a little bit different in interactive environement.

# Pattern exmaple 3
pattern = match(Module) % {  # we want a Module
    '*': match(ClassDef) % {"name": "@name"} # that contains a ClassDef in 'body' and has a "name"

# Let's match the "tree"
result = pattern.match(tree)
print(result.is_match)  # True
# displays: [{'name': 'A'}, {'name': 'B'}, {'name': 'InnerCls'}]

The * performs a "wide first" traversal of all the data it encounters to give a feeling of "levels". Consequently, A will always be followed by B here because they appear at the "same level".

Now, we will go further by trying to match a module that contains classes that contains a __init__ method and the __init__ method should have assignment with the form self.XXX = SOMETHING.

from iguala import match

# defines the pattern we want to look for
# we want a Module
pattern = match(Module) % {
    # that owns in all its children, recursively (i.e: somewhere, at any depth)
    # a ClassDef instance
    '*': match(ClassDef) % {
        'name': '@name',  # where name is equivalent to "name" (store the node)
        'body': match(FunctionDef) % {  # that has a FunctionDef in body
            'name': '__init__',  # that is named "__init__"
            'body>*': match(Assign) % {  # and that has an Assign in it's body, somewhere (at any depth)
                'targets>value>id': 'self',  # where the target is "self"
                'targets>attr': '@attr',  # where the attr is equivalent to "attr" (store the node)
result = matcher.match(tree)  # Find all combinations
print(result.is_match)  # displays True
print(result.bindings)  # displays
# [{'name': 'A', 'attr': 'x'},
#  {'name': 'A', 'attr': 'y'},
#  {'name': 'A', 'attr': 'z'},
#  {'name': 'B', 'attr': 'w'},
#  {'name': 'B', 'attr': 'w'},
#  {'name': 'InnerCls', 'attr': 'inner_x'}]

And finally, as last pattern for this tutorial, we will try to match modules that have classes (at any level) which own an __init__ method and that have instance variables assigned to a value that have the same name than the instance variable they are assigned to and which is coming from an argument of __init__.

from iguala import match

# defines the pattern we want to look for
# we want a Module
pattern = match(Module) % {
    # that owns in all its children, recursively (i.e: somewhere, at any depth)
    # a ClassDef instance
    '*': match(ClassDef) % {
        'name': '@name',  # where name is equivalent to "name" (store the node)
        'body': match(FunctionDef) % {  # that has a FunctionDef in body
            'name': '__init__',  # that is named "__init__"
            'args>*': match(arg) % { '*': '@attr'},  # among the args, there is one that a field equals to "attr"
            'body>*': match(Assign) % {  # and that has an Assign in it's body, somewhere (at any depth)
                'targets>value>id': 'self',  # where the target is "self"
                'targets>attr': '@attr',  # where the attr is equivalent to "attr" (store the node)
                'value>id': "@attr",  # and the "id" of the "value" of the assignment as is equivalent to "attr"
result = matcher.match(tree)  # Find all combinations
print(result.is_match)  # displays True
print(result.bindings)  # displays
# [{"name": "A", "attr": "x"},
#  {"name": "A", "attr": "y"},
#  {"name": "B", "attr": "w"}]

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