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Official Python library for interfacing with the MyGengo API.

Project description

myGengo Python Library (for the [myGengo API](
Translating your tools and products helps people all over the world access them; this is, of course, a
somewhat tricky problem to solve. **[myGengo](** is a service that offers human-translation
(which is often a higher quality than machine translation), and an API to manage sending in work and watching
jobs. This is a python interface to make using the API simpler (some would say incredibly easy).

Installation & Requirements
Installing myGengo is fairly simple:

pip install mygengo

Alternatively, if you're in the stone ages:

easy_install mygengo

myGengo also relies on httplib2, which can be installed through either of the above methods. If
you're running on a version of Python prior to 2.6, you'll need to install simplejson as well.

A version of myGengo for Python 3 is in the works, but as Python 3 isn't even quite deemed production
ready/reliable yet, it's not the highest priority at the moment.

Tests - Running Them, etc
myGengo has a full suite of Unit Tests. To run them, grab the source, head into the mygengo directory,
and execute the tests file with the Python interpreter, ala:


Question, Comments, Complaints, Praise?
If you have questions or comments and would like to reach us directly, please feel free to do
so at the following outlets. We love hearing from developers!

Email: ryan [at] mygengo dot com
Twitter: **[@mygengo_dev](**

If you come across any issues, please file them on the **[Github project issue tracker](**. Thanks!

**Full documentation of each function is below**, but anyone should be able to cobble together
a working script with the following:

``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly false, depending on your dev needs

print gengo.getAccountBalance()

All function definitions can be found inside mygengo/ They exist as an uber dictionary: the
key of the dictionary entry is the function name, and the parameters are exactly the same as specified
over on the **[myGengo API docs](**.

Creates an instance of MyGengo for you to communicate with the myGengo API. This needs to be done
before any of the methods below are available.

#### Parameters:
- _public_key_: Required. Your public key, generated on the myGengo API site.
- _private_key_: Required. Your private key, generated on the myGengo API site.
- _sandbox_: Optional. Defaults to False, dictates whethe to send the call to the myGengo Sandbox API.
- _api_version_: Optional. API version to use with myGengo (defaults to 1).
- _headers_: Optional. Additional HTTP headers to send along, passed as a dictionary object.

#### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

Retrieves your account stats, like orders made, etc.

#### Parameters:

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

print gengo.getAccountStats()

Retrieves your account balance in myGengo credits.

### Parameters:

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

print gengo.getAccountBalance()

Sends a new job over to myGengo for translation. Jobs are dictionaries that get passed around; an example is

### Parameters:
- _job_: Required. A dictionary containing a full job description for myGengo (**see below**).

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

job = {
'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
'body_src': 'Testing myGengo API library calls.', # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
'lc_src': 'en', # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'lc_tgt': 'ja', # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'tier': 'standard', # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")

'auto_approve': 0, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
'comment': 'HEY THERE TRANSLATOR', # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
'callback_url': 'http://...', # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL

gengo.postTranslationJob(job = job)

Submits a job or group of jobs to translate.

### Parameters:
- _jobs_: Required. A Dictionary of jobs and associated properties to run up to myGengo.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

data = {
'jobs': {
'job_1': {
'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
'body_src': 'Testing myGengo API library calls.', # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
'lc_src': 'en', # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'lc_tgt': 'ja', # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'tier': 'standard', # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")

'auto_approve': 0, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
'comment': 'HEY THERE TRANSLATOR', # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
'callback_url': 'http://...', # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL
'job_2': {
'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
'body_src': 'Testing myGengo API library calls.', # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
'lc_src': 'en', # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'lc_tgt': 'ja', # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'tier': 'standard', # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")

'auto_approve': 0, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
'comment': 'HEY THERE TRANSLATOR', # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
'callback_url': 'http://...', # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL
'process': 1, # OPTIONAL. 1 (true, default) / 0 (false). Whether to pay for the job(s) and make them available for translation.
'as_group': 1, # OPTIONAL. 1 (true) / 0 (false, default). Whether all jobs in this group should be done by one translator.

# Post over our two jobs, use the same translator for both, don't pay for them
gengo.postTranslationJobs(jobs = data)
**Note:** 'as_group' has a catch: some restrictions apply to what jobs can be grouped, including the requirement that language pairs and tiers must be the same across all jobs.

Determine how much it'll cost to translate a given piece of text/copy. A method that believes it's a POST, even though
it very much seems like a GET. Bears a striking similarity to MyGengo.postTranslationJobs().

### Parameters:
- _jobs_: Required. An Dictionary of Jobs to run up to myGengo.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

jobs_data = {
'job_1': {
'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
'body_src': 'Testing myGengo API library calls.', # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
'lc_src': 'en', # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'lc_tgt': 'ja', # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'tier': 'standard', # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")

'auto_approve': 0, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
'comment': 'HEY THERE TRANSLATOR', # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
'callback_url': 'http://...', # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL
'job_2': {
'type': 'text', # REQUIRED. Type to translate, you'll probably always put 'text' here. ;P
'slug': 'Single :: English to Japanese', # REQUIRED. Slug for internally storing, can be generic.
'body_src': 'Testing myGengo API library calls.', # REQUIRED. The text you're translating. ;P
'lc_src': 'en', # REQUIRED. source_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'lc_tgt': 'ja', # REQUIRED. target_language_code (see getServiceLanguages() for a list of codes)
'tier': 'standard', # REQUIRED. tier type ("machine", "standard", "pro", or "ultra")

'auto_approve': 0, # OPTIONAL. Hopefully self explanatory (1 = yes, 0 = no),
'comment': 'HEY THERE TRANSLATOR', # OPTIONAL. Comment to leave for translator.
'callback_url': 'http://...', # OPTIONAL. Callback URL that updates are sent to.
'custom_data': 'your optional custom data, limited to 1kb.' # OPTIONAL

# Post over our two jobs, use the same translator for both, don't pay for them
gengo.determineTranslationCost(jobs = jobs_data)

Updates an existing job. A bit of a hamburger method in that you can cook this one many different ways - pay
attention to the parameter specifications.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the job you're updating.
- _action_: Required. A dictionary describing the actions you are performing on this job ("purchase", "revise", "approve", "reject"). Some
of these actions require other parameters, see their respective sections immediately below.

### "purchase" Parameters:

### "revise" Parameters:
- _comment_: Optional. A comment describing the revision.

### "approve" Parameters:
- _rating_: Required. 1 - 5, 1 = ohgodwtfisthis, 5 = I want yo babies yo,
- _for_translator_: Optional. Comments that you can pass on to the translator.
- _for_mygengo_: Optional. Comments to send to the myGengo staff (kept private on myGengo's end)
- _public_: Optional. 1 (true) / 0 (false, default). Whether myGengo can share this feedback publicly.

### "reject" Parameters:
- _reason_: Required. Reason for rejection (must be "quality", "incomplete", "other")
- _comment_: Required. Explain your rejection, especially if all you put was "other".
- _captcha_: Required. The captcha image text. Each job in a "reviewable" state will have a captcha_url value, which is a URL to an image. This captcha value is required only if a job is to be rejected. If the captcha is wrong, a URL for a new captcha is also included with the error message.
- _follow_up_: Optional. "requeue" (default) or "cancel". If you choose "requeue" the job will be rejected and then passed onto another translator. If you choose "cancel" the job will be completely cancelled upon rejection.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

# Some example action objects, choose one to test by uncommenting
updateObj = {'action': 'purchase'}
# updateObj = {'action': 'revise', 'comment': 'Thanks but no thanks'}
# updateObj = {'action': 'approve', 'rating': 1, 'for_translator': 'Thanks!'}
# updateObj = {'action': 'reject', 'reason': 'quality', 'comment': 'My grandmother does better.', 'captcha': 'bert'}

gengo.updateTranslationJob(id = 42, action = updateObj)

Retrieves a specific job from mygengo.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the job you want to retrieve.
- _pre_mt_: Optional. 1 (true) / 0 (false, default). Whether to return a machine translation if the human translation is not complete yet.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJob(id = 42, pre_mt = 1)

Retrieves a list of resources for the most recent jobs filtered by the given parameters.

### Parameters:
- _status_: Optional. "unpaid", "available", "pending", "reviewable", "approved", "rejected", or "canceled".
- _timestamp_after_: Optional. Epoch timestamp from which to filter submitted jobs.
- _count_: Optional. Defaults to 10.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJobs(status = "unpaid", count = 15)

Retrieves the group of jobs that were previously submitted together.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of a job that you're looking for the entire batch of.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJobBatch(id = 42)

Submits a new comment to the job's comment thread.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the translation job to comment on.
- _comment_: Required. A dictionary with the body/text of your comment.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.postTranslationJobComment(id = 42, comment = {
'body': 'I love lamp!',

Retrieves the comment thread for a job.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the translation job you're retrieving comments from.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJobComments(id = 42)

Retrieves the feedback you have submitted for a particular job.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the translation job you're retrieving comments from.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJobFeedback(id = 42)

Gets list of revision resources for a job. Revisions are created each time a translator or Senior Translator updates the text.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the translation job you're getting revisions from.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJobRevisions(id = 42)

Gets a specific revision for a job.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the translation job you're getting revisions from.
- _rev_id_: Required. The ID of the revision you're looking up.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJobRevision(id = 42, rev_id = 1)

Returns a GIF preview image of the translated text.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the translation job you want a preview image for.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.getTranslationJobPreview(id = 42)

Cancels the job. You can only cancel a job if it has not been started already by a translator.

### Parameters:
- _id_: Required. The ID of the job you want to delete.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

gengo.deleteTranslationJob(id = 42)

Returns a list of supported languages and their language codes.

### Paramters:

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs


Returns supported translation language pairs, tiers, and credit prices.

### Parameters:
- _lc_src_: Optional. A source language code to filter the results to relevant pairs.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

gengo = MyGengo(
public_key = 'your_public_key',
private_key = 'your_private_key',
sandbox = True, # possibly False, depending on your dev needs

# Send along an optional source language declaration.
gengo.getServiceLanguagePairs(lc_src = 'en')

Convenience method for making sure that text is in an acceptable format for myGengo submissions.

### Parameters:
- _text_: Required. Text to convert.

### Example:
``` python
from mygengo import MyGengo

# Make this into a UTF-8 encoded string...

Project details

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Source Distribution

mygengo-1.2.0.tar.gz (15.8 kB view hashes)

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