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My Python Package Index (Standalone Server)

Project description


This package provides a private python package index server based on Zope 3.

The MyPyPi server provides everything you need for setup a private or public
pypi mirror. It also allows to release closed source packages. Together with
lovely.buildouthttp you can setup a secure pypi mirror which you can use
for your deploy management of public and private packages. Private packages can
get protected by security based on groups, roles and users. The mypypi server
supports a secure way to mix private and public packages at the same time.

We recommend to install the mypypi server behind an apache proxy for SSL
offload like any other SSL secured zope application. But if you like to use a
very simple setup without SSL, the mypypi server should work on port 80 as a
standalone application server as well.


The installation process is very simple and described in the INSTALL.txt file.


Since version 1.1.0, there is a simpler concept for use the mypypi server as
an index or for register/upload packages. In previous versions we had to use
some undocumented apache rewrite rules. Let's first give an overview what
a pypi server is use for:

distutils -- can register and upload new packages

setuptools -- can register and upload new packages

easy_install -- downloads packages starting at a given index

zc.buildout -- downloads packages starting at a given index

mypypi -- can mirror packages from another mypypi server using XML-RPC

xmlrpclib -- can access a defined API,

urllib -- can GET or POST data

In general we use a pypi server for 3 different tasks.

1. as index server for package download (index)

3. register and upload new packages (manage)

3. introspect for additional package information (introspect)

The mypypi server provides the following pages and methods at the root, e.g.

/ -- the distutils and setuptools API methods using GET and POST requests

/ -- the XML-RPC API methods used for get detailed package and release
information, see

/simple -- used as PUBLIC python package index page. Note, only public
accessiible packages get listed in this index without authentication

/private -- used as THE python package index for projects with protected
packages. Using this index requires authentication (recommended)

/eggs -- a simpler python package index page listing all release files without
a page for each project (not recommended for large indexes)

Other important pages are available at:

/ -- mypypi application root offering the mypypi management. This mypypi root
also offers the distutils, setuptools and xmlrpc APi methods as described

/pypi -- list the 50 newest packages, inncluding batching

/++projects++ -- supports a (WebDAV) buildout container like used in, see form ore information


The authentication is done implicit in each tool. This means you don't have to
include the authentication (e.g. username:password#host:port/page) in any url.
This means all tools like distutil, setuptools will use the ``.pypirc`` file
for authentication. The mypypi server uses for it's XML-RPC client this
``.pypirc`` too. You only need this file for mypypi if you like to mirror
a private pypi index server whihc requires authentication.


Distutils and setuptools do not offer SSL support for any method they use.
I do not know how someone can implement an API using SSL and non SSL. But this
is how it is. It is possible run a working mypypi server only on an HTTPS port.
The important methods register, upload will use a https url but the
list-classifiers and verify options do not support using https.


After you have a working MyPyPi server setup, you have to configure your
projects if you like to have real protection. We use an enhanced
file in our packages which will prevent a release to Such
a change will also make the release process easier. There are two
option described below for bind a release process to a given repository. (version 1)

Since we can use more then one server setup data in the ``.pypirc`` file, we
use this file as our base for bind release process to a given repository.

Note, this allows to bind the release to a server by it's name and requires
that every developer which can release such a package has to use the same
server - repository mapping in it's .pypirc file!

The changed in your private egg should look like::

# Copyright 2009 by Projekt01 GmbH , CH-6330 Cham
"""Setup for smart package

$Id: 4820 2009-05-12 07:31:00Z adam.groszer $
#---[ START Server locking]--------------------------------------------------

LOCK_PYPI_SERVER = "http://pypi.your-domain.tld/eggs"

import os
import sys
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

def read(*rnames):
return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *rnames)).read()

#---[ repository locking ]-----------------------------------------------------

REPOSITORY = "myserver"

def checkRepository(name):
server = None
# find repository in .pypirc file
rc = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pypirc')
if os.path.exists(rc):
config = ConfigParser()
if 'distutils' in config.sections():
# let's get the list of servers
index_servers = config.get('distutils', 'index-servers')
_servers = [s.strip() for s in index_servers.split('\n')
if s.strip() != '']
for srv in _servers:
if srv == name:
repos = config.get(srv, 'repository')
print "Found repository %s for %s in '%s'" % (
repos, name, rc)
server = repos

if not server:
print "No repository for %s found in '%s'" % (name, rc)

COMMANDS_WATCHED = ('register', 'upload')
changed = False

for command in COMMANDS_WATCHED:
if command in sys.argv:
#found one command, check for -r or --repository
commandpos = sys.argv.index(command)
i = commandpos+1
repo = None
while i<len(sys.argv) and sys.argv[i].startswith('-'):
#check all following options (not commands)
if (sys.argv[i] == '-r') or (sys.argv[i] == '--repository'):
#next one is the repository itself
repo = sys.argv[i+1]
if repo.lower() != server.lower():
print "You tried to %s to %s, while this package "\
"is locked to %s" % (command, repo, server)
#repo OK
except IndexError:
#end of args

if repo is None:
#no repo found for the command
print "Adding repository %s to the command %s" % (
server, command )
sys.argv[commandpos+1:commandpos+1] = ['-r', server]
changed = True

if changed:
print "Final command: %s" % (' '.join(sys.argv))


#---[ repository locking ]-----------------------------------------------------

version = '1.0.0',
description='Be smart',
author='Adam Groszer, Roger Ineichen',
package_dir = {'': 'src'},
extras_require = dict(
test = [
include_package_data = True,
zip_safe = False,

As you can see we lock the server to a given server name within the line::

REPOSITORY = "myserver"

The real repository url for the given server name must be available in your
.pypirc file located in your HOME directory and looks like:

index-servers = pypi


repository: http://localhost:8080

repository: http://localhost:8080

After doing the above changes to your file, you can issue::

python register sdist upload

or just::

python sdist upload

The lock method will ensure that the repository only get released to the right
repository and prevents that the egg get published by accident to the official server at any time. (version 2)

The following concept uses a full url pointing to a pypi server. If you don't
like to nail down the full repository url because of legacy data problems,
use the concept described above. The changed in your private egg
should look like::

# Copyright 2009 by Projekt01 GmbH , CH-6330 Cham
"""Setup for smart package

$Id: 4820 2009-05-12 07:31:00Z adam.groszer $
#---[ START Server locking]--------------------------------------------------

LOCK_PYPI_SERVER = "http://pypi.your-domain.tld/eggs"

import os
import sys
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

def read(*rnames):
return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *rnames)).read()

def check_server(server):
if not server:

COMMANDS_WATCHED = ('register', 'upload')

changed = False

for command in COMMANDS_WATCHED:
if command in sys.argv:
#found one command, check for -r or --repository
commandpos = sys.argv.index(command)
i = commandpos+1
repo = None
while i<len(sys.argv) and sys.argv[i].startswith('-'):
#check all following options (not commands)
if (sys.argv[i] == '-r') or (sys.argv[i] == '--repository'):
#next one is the repository itself
repo = sys.argv[i+1]
if repo.lower() != server.lower():
print "You tried to %s to %s, while this package "\
"is locked to %s" % (command, repo, server)
#repo OK
except IndexError:
#end of args

if repo is None:
#no repo found for the command
print "Adding repository %s to the command %s" % (
server, command )
sys.argv[commandpos+1:commandpos+1] = ['-r', server]
changed = True

if changed:
print "Final command: %s" % (' '.join(sys.argv))


#---[ END Server locking]----------------------------------------------------

version = '1.0.0',
description='Be smart',
author='Adam Groszer, Roger Ineichen',
package_dir = {'': 'src'},
extras_require = dict(
test = [
include_package_data = True,
zip_safe = False,

As you can see we lock the server to a given URL within the line::

LOCK_PYPI_SERVER = "http://pypi.your-domain.tld/eggs"

After doing the above changes to your file, you can issue::

python register sdist upload

or just::

python sdist upload

The lock method will ensure that the repository only get released to the right
repository and prevents that the egg get published by accident to the official server at any time.


Since we use a HTTPS connection, we have to improve our buildout.cfg file and
use the lovely buildouthttp recipe which enables SSL support. See
lovely.buildouthttp for more information about this recipe. Also make sure
you setup the required information like described in the lovely recipe if you
use the recipe the first time.

You private egg buildout.cfg should look like::

index = https://pypi.your-domain.tld/private
extensions = lovely.buildouthttp
extends =
prefer-final = true
versions = versions
develop = .
parts = test

recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
eggs = smart [test]

As you can see, our mypypi server is used as the index. We use the private
page at https://pypi.your-domain.tld/private because this page forces the
urllib handler to use the basic auth realm authentication. Again; note this
requires a working lovely.buildouthttp setup using a .httpauth file in your
HOME folder. Such a .httpauth file looks like::


Note the realm is always pypi. This is defined at the serverside and could
not get changed. Of course could we change the realm in our mypypi server, but
since ``setuptools`` uses this hardcoded realm (eeek), buildout upload would
not work anymore if we would change the realm to something else. Let us know
if this will become a real problem for you.


Sorry about this minimal documentation. But if you have any questions or
if you like to help improve the documentation, feel free to contact us at
<dev at projekt01 - ch>



This package contains a configuration script which is not usual in a
distribution package like this. The configure script can be used for initialize
or change the server configuration before or after you installed this package.

the recommented steps are::

- python

- python

- bin/buildout (on *nix) or bin\buildout.exe (on windows)

The is required by buildout.cfg. The script allows
you to choose devmode, localhost, port and management user login settings. All
the collected values get written to the app.cfg file which is included in

If you don't like to use the script at any time, we recommend to
write your own app.cfg e.g. myapp.cfg and include them in buildout.cfg
``extends`` and exclude the existing app.cfg. This will prevent you from
override the app.cfg by using the script.

step by step

First checkout the mypypi package from and store it on your
mypypi server.

As next, before we call ``python``, run the script
with the following command::


This will ask you for some input like::

Would you like to setup with devmode (y/n): y
Choose your server hostname: localhost
Choose your server port: 8080
Distutils does not work with a port other then 80.
Use a proxy server running at port 80 for access the
MyPyPi server at port 8080

Choose a managment user login: Manager
Choose a management user password: password
Choose a password encryption (plain/md5/sha1): plain
Generated configuration file 'app.cfg'

New buildout configuration files successfully created
You have to run bootstrap and buildout now

After running buildout there is a configure script installed
You can run this counfiguration script again with bin/configure

After setup the app.cfg file within the script, you can run as usual with the following command::


After bootstrap you can run buildout as usual with the following command::


After setup your mypypi server with buildout, you can test your installation
with the following command::

bin/test -py1

There is also a coverage recipe installed which you can use as usual with the
following commands::


After running the converage scripts, you can see the generated coverage report
in the new generated ``coverage/report`` folder. There should be an all.html
file which you can start with.

Congratulations, you just configured and installed your mypypi server. If you
like to use another ip/port, devmode or manager user login, you can just
reconfigure your setup with calling configure again with the following command::


This will again ask you for some input like::

Would you like to setup with devmode (y/n): y
Choose your server hostname: localhost
Choose your server port: 8080
Distutils does not work with a port other then 80.
Use a proxy server running at port 80 for access the
MyPyPi server at port 8080

Choose a managment user login: Manager
Choose a management user password: password
Choose a password encryption (plain/md5/sha1): plain
Generated configuration file 'app.cfg'

New buildout configuration files successfully created
You have to restart your server now

Recognize the note in the generated output. Your new app.cfg configuration file
will only get used after you restart the mypypi server.

After you reconfigured your server, the old configuration file called
``app.cfg`` get renamed to ``app.cfg-<year><month><day>-<hour>-<minute>``
This means you can simply revert your changes if you rename an old app.cfg*
file to app.cfg and restart your server.


Now you can start your new mypypi server with the following command::



We recommend to use spervisord as a autostart option for mypypi. But any other
concept like using a init.d script should work for mypypi. A simple supervisord
programm like this should work:

directory = <mypypi root path>
command = <mypypi root path>/bin/app
priority = 10
autostart = true
autorestart = true


There is also a windows service installation script. You can simply run the
windows service installation with the following command::

python bin\ install

You can also remove the service with the following command::

python bin\ remove

run the follwoing command windows service management for more options::

python bin\ help

After install your service, go to the serivce controll panel and check the
service configuration. The service get installed as ``MYPYPI Windows Service``.
If you like to rename the service make sure you removed a previous service
installation, change winservice configuration section in buildout.cfg and
run buildout again. After that install your service again like described above.
Changing your winservice configuration in buildout.cfg should be compatible
with the script concept like any other option in buildout.cfg.


1.1.0 (2011-01-05)

- bugfix: fix sync error if we try to sync LocalPackage. Note, only
MirrorPackage can get synced

- skip old* packages and added zopeupdate script. Run the following

bin\zodbupdate.exe -f ......\Data.fs -v --pack > out.txt 2>&1

- moved storage configuration from WSGI config to zope product config since
someone broke the WSGI local_conf to zope product configuration chain.
And we also changed the fsStorage argument to storage since camel case also
seems to be broken.

NOTE: You need to run and buildout before you start the

Otherwise the server wdoesn't start because of the misssing storage
configuration. (nothing dangerous happens)

- added a second concept for look a release to a single pypi server using the
.pypirc configuration file. See README.txt for more information

- use newer zope.* packages

- implemented XML-RPC API like offers. We currently do only
support the important methods like:

- list_packages

- package_releases

- package_urls # deprecated

- release_urls

- package_data # deprecated

- release_data

we do not support the methods (search, updated_releases, changelog) right now
Note: you need to use a domain like http://host:port/ as XML-RPC ServerProxy
url. If you don't use the slash a the end the ServerProxy uses /RPC2 as
default handler which isn't supported by mypypi.

- removed temporary MultiWidget and TextLinesWidget because I move them
to the z3c.form 2.0 release which is now used

- moved management pages from browser to admin package

- imporved configuration script, use getpass for password input and adjust text

- bugfix, added explicit find-link for lovely.buildouthttp, couldn't find the
package during a fresh installation.

- bugfix, added missing buildout.cfg file, same issue as in version 1.0.1.
This issue was reported 5 month ago but still not fixed see:

1.0.3 (2010-11-02)

- bugfix, version conflict. Use ZTK 1.0 and zopeapp-versions 1.0 as base versions

- bugifx, dash vs underscore madness. The package wsgi_intercept at python
offers a download link to google which defines wsgi-intercept (_ vs -) e.g.

- fix typo (sh1 -> sha1) in script

1.0.2 (2010-06-21)

- cleanup buildou.cfg and base.cfg files

1.0.1 (2010-06-17)

- bugfix, buildout.cfg was missing during a setuptools issue. See:

- Fix typos

1.0.0 (2010-06-16)

- Initial pypi release

- Simplify configuration and setup

0.6.0 (2009-10-19)

- New feature: Project and buildout file support for

0.5.0 (2009-05-19)

- Initial Release

Project details

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