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repoze.who is an identification and authentication framework for WSGI.

Project description

:mod:`repoze.who` -- WSGI Authentication Middleware

:Author: Chris McDonough
:Version: |version|

.. module:: repoze.who
:synopsis: WSGI authentication middleware

.. topic:: Overview

``repoze.who`` is an identification and authentication framework
for arbitrary WSGI applications. It acts as WSGI middleware.

``repoze.who`` is inspired by Zope 2's Pluggable Authentication
Service (PAS) (but ``repoze.who`` is not dependent on Zope in any
way; it is useful for any WSGI application). It provides no
facility for authorization (ensuring whether a user can or cannot
perform the operation implied by the request). This is considered
to be the domain of the WSGI application.

It attemtps to reuse implementations from ``paste.auth`` for some
of its functionality.

Middleware Responsibilities

``repoze.who`` as middleware has one major function on ingress: it
conditionally places identification and authentication information
(including a ``REMOTE_USER`` value) into the WSGI environment and
allows the request to continue to a downstream WSGI application.

``repoze.who`` as middleware has one major function on egress: it
examines the headers set by the downstream application, the WSGI
environment, or headers supplied by other plugins and conditionally
challenges for credentials.

Configuration Points


``repoze.who`` "classifies" the request on middleware ingress.
Request classification happens before identification and
authentication. A request from a browser might be classified a
different way that a request from an XML-RPC client. ``repoze.who``
uses request classifiers to decide which other components to consult
during subsequent identification, authentication, and challenge steps.
Plugins are free to advertise themselves as willing to participate in
identification and authorization for a request based on this
classification. The request classification system is pluggable.
``repoze.who`` provides a default classifier that you may use. You
may extend the classification system by making ``repoze.who`` aware of
a different request classifier implementation.

Challenge Deciders

``repoze.who`` uses a "challenge decider" to decide whether the
response returned from a downstream application requires a challenge
plugin to fire. When using the default challenge decider, only the
status is used (if it starts with ``401``, a challenge is required).
You may supply a different challenge decider as necessary.


``repoze.who`` has core functionality designed around the concept of
plugins. Plugins are instances that are willing to perform one or
more identification- and/or authentication-related duties. Each
plugin can be configured arbitrarily.

``repoze.who`` consults the set of configured plugins when it
intercepts a WSGI request, and gives some subset of them a chance to
influence what ``repoze.who`` does for the current request.

Lifecycle of a Request

``repoze.who`` performs duties both on middleware "ingress" and on
middleware "egress".

Request (Ingress) Stages

``repoze.who`` performs the following operations in the following order
during middleware ingress:

1. Request Classification

The WSGI environment is examined and the request is classified
into one "type" of request. The callable named as the
``classifer`` argument to the ``repoze.who`` middleware
constructor is used to perform the classification. It returns a
value that is considered to be the request classification (a
single string).

2. Identification

Identifiers which nominate themselves as willing to extract data
for a particular class of request (as provided by the request
classifier) will be consulted to retrieve credentials data from
the environment. For example, a basic auth identifier might use
the ``HTTP_AUTHORIZATION`` header to find login and password
information. Identifiers are also responsible for providing
header information to set and remove authentication information in
the response during egress.

3. Authentication

Authenticators which nominate themselves as willing to
authenticate for a particular class of request will be consulted
to compare information provided by the identification plugins
that returned credentials. For example, an htpasswd
authenticator might look in a file for a user record matching
any of the identities. If it finds one, and if the password
listed in the record matches the password provided by an
identity, the userid of the user would be returned (which would
be the same as the login name).

4. Metadata Provision

The identity of the authenticated user found during the
authentication step can be augmented with arbitrary metadata.
For example, a metadata provider plugin might augment the
identity with first, middle and last names, or a more
specialized metadata provider might augment the identity with a
list of role or group names.

Response (Egress) Stages

``repoze.who`` performs the following operations in the following order
during middleware egress:

1. Challenge Decision

The WSGI environment and the status and headers returned by the
downstream application may be examined to determine whether a
challenge is required. Typically, only the status is used (if it
starts with ``401``, a challenge is required, and the challenge
decider returns True). This behavior is pluggable. It is
replaced by changing the ``challenge_decider`` argument to the
middleware. If a challenge is required, the challenge decider
will return True; if it's not, it will return False.

2. Challenge

If the challenge decider returns True, challengers which nominate
themselves as willing to execute a challenge for a particular
class of request (as provided by the classifier) will be
consulted, and one will be chosen to perform a challenge. A
challenger plugin can use application-returned headers, the WSGI
environment, and other items to determine what sort of operation
should be performed to actuate the challenge. Note that
``repoze.who`` defers to the identifier plugin which provided the
identity (if any) to reset credentials at challenge time; this is
not the responsibility of the challenger. This is known as
"forgetting" credentials.

3. Remember

The identifier plugin that the "best" set of credentials came from
(if any) will be consulted to "remember" these credentials if the
challenge decider returns False.

Plugin Types

Identifier Plugins

You can register a plugin as willing to act as an "identifier". An
identifier examines the WSGI environment and attempts to extract
credentials from the environment. These credentials are used by
authenticator plugins to perform authentication. In some cases, an
identification plugin can "preauthenticate" an identity (and can thus
act as an authenticator plugin).

Authenticator Plugins

You may register a plugin as willing to act as an "authenticator".
Authenticator plugins are responsible for resolving a set of
credentials provided by an identifier plugin into a user id.
Typically, authenticator plugins will perform a lookup into a database
or some other persistent store, check the provided credentials against
the stored data, and return a user id if the credentials can be

The user id provided by an authenticator is eventually passed to
downstream WSGI applications in the "REMOTE_USER' environment
variable. Additionally, the "identity" of the user (as provided by
the identifier from whence the identity came) is passed along to
downstream application in the ``repoze.who.identity`` environment

Metadata Provider Plugins

You may register a plugin as willing to act as a "metadata provider"
(aka mdprovider). Metadata provider plugins are responsible for
adding arbitrary information to the identity dictionary for
consumption by downstream applications. For instance, a metadata
provider plugin may add "group" information to the the identity.

Challenger Plugins

You may register a plugin as willing to act as a "challenger".
Challenger plugins are responsible for initiating a challenge to the
requesting user. Challenger plugins are invoked by ``repoze.who`` when it
decides a challenge is necessary. A challenge might consist of
displaying a form or presenting the user with a basic or digest
authentication dialog.

Default Plugin Implementations

``repoze.who`` ships with a variety of default plugins that do
authentication, identification, challenge and metadata provision.

.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt

.. class:: AuthTktCookiePlugin(secret [, cookie_name='auth_tkt' [, secure=False [, include_ip=False]]])

An :class:`AuthTktCookiePlugin` is an ``IIdentifier`` plugin which
remembers its identity state in a client-side cookie. This plugin
uses the ``paste.auth.auth_tkt``"auth ticket" protocol. It should
be instantiated passing a *secret*, which is used to encrypt the
cookie on the client side and decrypt the cookie on the server side.
The cookie name used to store the cookie value can be specified
using the *cookie_name* parameter. If *secure* is False, the cookie
will be sent across any HTTP or HTTPS connection; if it is True, the
cookie will be sent only across an HTTPS connection. If
*include_ip* is True, the ``REMOTE_ADDR`` of the WSGI environment
will be placed in the cookie.

.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.basicauth

.. class:: BasicAuthPlugin(realm)

A :class:`BasicAuthPlugin` plugin is both an ``IIdentifier`` and
``IChallenger`` plugin that implements the Basic Access
Authentication scheme described in :rfc:`2617`. It looks for
credentials within the ``HTTP-Authorization`` header sent by
browsers. It challenges by sending an ``WWW-Authenticate`` header
to the browser. The single argument *realm* indicates the basic
auth realm that should be sent in the ``WWW-Authenticate`` header.

.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.cookie

.. class:: InsecureCookiePlugin(cookie_name)

A :class:`InsecureCookiePlugin` is an ``IIdentifier`` plugin. It
stores identification information in an insecure form (the base64
value of the username and password separated by a colon) in a
client-side cookie. It accepts a single argument named
*cookie_name*. This is the cookie name of the cookie used to store
the identification information.

.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.form

.. class:: FormPlugin(login_form_qs, rememberer_name [, formbody=None [, formcallable=None]])

A :class:`FormPlugin` is both an ``IIdentifier`` and ``IChallenger``
plugin. It intercepts form POSTs to gather identification at
ingress and conditionally displays a login form at egress if
challenge is required. *login_form_qs* is a query string name used
to denote that a form POST is destined for the form plugin (anything
unique is fine), *rememberer_name* is the "configuration name" of
another ``IIdentifier`` plugin that will be used to perform
``remember`` and ``forget`` duties for the FormPlugin (it does not
do these itself). For example, if you have a cookie identification
plugin named ``cookie`` defined in your middleware configuration,
you might set *rememberer_name* to ``cookie``. *formbody* is a
literal string that should be displayed as the form body.
*formcallable* is a callable that will return a form body if
*formbody* is None. If both *formbody* and *formcallable* are None,
a default form is used.

.. class:: RedirectingFormPlugin(login_form_url, login_handler_path, logout_handler_path, rememberer_name)

A :class:`RedirectingFormPlugin` is both an ``IIdentifier`` and
``IChallenger`` plugin. It intercepts form POSTs to gather
identification at ingress and conditionally redirects a login form
at egress if challenge is required (as opposed to the
:class:`FormPlugin`, it does not handle its own form generation).
*login_form_url* is a URL that should be redirected to when a
challnge is required. *login_handler_path* is the path that the
form will POST to, signifying that the plugin should gather
credentials. *logout_handler_path* is a path that can be called to
log the current user out when visited. *rememberer_name* is the
configuration name of another ``IIdentifier`` plugin that will be
used to perform ``remember`` and ``forget`` duties for the
RedirectingFormPlugin (it does not do these itself). For example,
if you have a cookie identification plugin named ``cookie`` defined
in your middleware configuration, you might set *rememberer_name* to

.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd

.. class:: HTPasswdPlugin(filename, check)

A :class:`HTPasswdPlugin` is an ``IAuthenticator`` implementation
which compares identity information against an Apache-style htpasswd
file. The *filename* argument should be an absolute path to the
htpasswd file' the *check* argument is a callable which takes two
arguments: "password" and "hashed", where the "password" argument is
the unencrypted password provided by the identifier plugin, and the
hashed value is the value stored in the htpasswd file. If the
hashed value of the password matches the hash, this callable should
return True. A default implementation named ``crypt_check`` is
available for use as a check function (on UNIX) as
``repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd:crypt_check``; it assumes the values
in the htpasswd file are encrypted with the UNIX ``crypt`` function.

.. module:: repoze.who.plugins.sql

.. class:: SQLAuthenticatorPlugin(query, conn_factory, compare_fn)

A :class:`SQLAuthenticatorPlugin` is an ``IAuthenticator``
implementation which compares login-password identity information
against data in an arbitrary SQL database. The *query* argument
should be a SQL query that returns two columns in a single row
considered to be the user id and the password respectively. The SQL
query should contain Python-DBAPI style substitution values for
``%(login)``, e.g. ``SELECT user_id, password FROM users WHERE login
= %(login)``. The *conn_factory* argument should be a callable that
returns a DBAPI database connection. The *compare_fn* argument
should be a callable that accepts two arguments: ``cleartext`` and
``stored_password_hash``. It should compare the hashed version of
cleartext and return True if it matches the stored password hash,
otherwise it should return False. A comparison function named
``default_password_compare`` exists in the
``repoze.who.plugins.sql`` module demonstrating this. The
:class:`SQLAuthenticatorPlugin`\'s ``authenticate`` method will
return the user id of the user unchanged to ``repoze.who``.

.. class:: SQLMetadataProviderPlugin(name, query, conn_factory, filter)

A :class:`SQLMetatadaProviderPlugin` is an ``IMetadataProvider``
implementation which adds arbitrary metadata to the identity on
ingress using data from an arbitrary SQL database. The *name*
argument should be a string. It will be used as a key in the
identity dictionary. The *query* argument should be a SQL query
that returns arbitrary data from the database in a form that accepts
Python-binding style DBAPI arguments. It should expect that a
``__userid`` value will exist in the dictionary that is bound. The
SQL query should contain Python-DBAPI style substitution values for
(at least) ``%(__userid)``, e.g. ``SELECT group FROM groups WHERE
user_id = %(__userid)``. The *conn_factory* argument should be a
callable that returns a DBAPI database connection. The *filter*
argument should be a callable that accepts the result of the DBAPI
``fetchall`` based on the SQL query. It should massage the data
into something that will be set in the environment under the *name*

Middleware Configuration via Python Code

.. module:: repoze.who.middleware

.. class:: PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware(app, identifiers, challengers, mdproviders, classifier, challenge_decider [, log_stream=None [, log_level=logging.INFO[, remote_user_key='REMOTE_USER']]])

The primary method of configuring the ``repoze.who`` middleware is
to use straight Python code, meant to be consumed by frameworks
which construct and compose middleware pipelines without using a
configuration file.

In the middleware constructor: *app* is the "next" application in
the WSGI pipeline. *identifiers* is a sequence of ``IIdentifier``
plugins, *challengers* is a sequence of ``IChallenger`` plugins,
*mdproviders* is a sequence of ``IMetadataProvider`` plugins. Any
of these can be specified as the empty sequence. *classifier* is a
request classifier callable, *challenge_decider* is a challenge
decision callable. *log_stream* is a stream object (an object with
a ``write`` method), *log_level* is a numeric value that maps to the
``logging`` module's notion of log levels, *remote_user_key* is the
key in which the ``REMOTE_USER`` (userid) value should be placed in
the WSGI environment for consumption by downstream applications.

An example configuration which uses the default plugins follows::

from repoze.who.interfaces import IIdentifier
from repoze.who.interfaces import IChallenger
from repoze.who.plugins.basicauth import BasicAuthPlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt import AuthTktCookiePlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.cookie import InsecureCookiePlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.form import FormPlugin
from repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd import HTPasswdPlugin

io = StringIO()
salt = 'aa'
for name, password in [ ('admin', 'admin'), ('chris', 'chris') ]:
io.write('%s:%s\n' % (name, password))
def cleartext_check(password, hashed):
return password == hashed
htpasswd = HTPasswdPlugin(io, cleartext_check)
basicauth = BasicAuthPlugin('repoze.who')
auth_tkt = AuthTktCookiePlugin('secret', 'auth_tkt')
form = FormPlugin('__do_login', rememberer_name='auth_tkt')
form.classifications = { IIdentifier:['browser'],
IChallenger:['browser'] } # only for browser
identifiers = [('form', form),('auth_tkt',auth_tkt),('basicauth',basicauth)]
authenticators = [('htpasswd', htpasswd)]
challengers = [('form',form), ('basicauth',basicauth)]
mdproviders = []

from repoze.who.classifiers import default_request_classifier
from repoze.who.classifiers import default_challenge_decider
log_stream = None
import os
if os.environ.get('WHO_LOG'):
log_stream = sys.stdout

middleware = PluggableAuthenticationMiddleware(
log_stream = log_stream,
log_level = logging.DEBUG

return middleware

The above example configures the repoze.who middleware with:

- Three ``IIdentifier`` plugins (form auth, auth_tkt cookie, and a
basic auth plugin). The form auth plugin is set up to fire only
when the request is a ``browser`` request (as per the combination of
the request classifier returning ``browser`` and the framework
checking against the *classifications* attribute of the plugin,
which limits ``IIdentifier`` and ``IChallenger`` to the ``browser``
classification only). In this setup, when "identification" needs to
be performed, the form auth plugin will be checked first (if the
request is a browser request), then the auth_tkt cookie plugin, then
the basic auth plugin.

- One ``IAuthenticator`` plugin: an htpasswd one. This htpasswd
plugin is configured with two valid username/password combinations:
chris/chris, and admin/admin. When an username and password is
found via any identifier, it will be checked against this

- Two ``IChallenger`` plugins: the form plugin, then the basic auth
plugin. The form auth will fire if the request is a ``browser``
request, otherwise the baisc auth plugin will fire.

The rest of the middleware configuration is for values like logging
and the classifier and decider implementations. These use the "stock"
implementations and values.

Middleware Configuration via Config File

``repoze.who`` may optionally be configured using a ConfigParser-style
.INI file. The configuration file has five main types of sections:
plugin sections, a general section, an identifiers section, an
authenticators section, and a challengers section. Each "plugin"
section defines a configuration for a particular plugin. The
identifiers, authenticators, and challengers sections refer to these
plugins to form a site configuration. The general section is general
middleware configuration.

``repoze.who``'s configuration file can be pointed to within a PasteDeploy
configuration file ::

use = egg:repoze.who#config
config_file = %(here)s/who.ini
log_file = stdout
log_level = debug

Below is an example of a configuration file (what ``config_file``
might point at above ) that might be used to configure the
``repoze.who`` middleware. A set of plugins are defined, and they are
referred to by following non-plugin sections.

In the below configuration, five plugins are defined. The form, and
basicauth plugins are nominated to act as challenger plugins. The
form, cookie, and basicauth plugins are nominated to act as
identification plugins. The htpasswd and sqlusers plugins are
nominated to act as authenticator plugins. ::

# identificaion and challenge
use = repoze.who.plugins.form:make_plugin
login_form_qs = __do_login
rememberer_name = auth_tkt
form = %(here)s/login_form.html

# identification
use = repoze.who.plugins.auth_tkt:make_plugin
secret = s33kr1t
cookie_name = oatmeal
secure = False
include_ip = False

# identification and challenge
use = repoze.who.plugins.basicauth:make_plugin
realm = 'sample'

# authentication
use = repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd:make_plugin
filename = %(here)s/passwd
check_fn = repoze.who.plugins.htpasswd:crypt_check

# authentication
use = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_authenticator_plugin
query = "SELECT userid, password FROM users where login = %(login)s;"
conn_factory = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_psycopg_conn_factory
compare_fn = repoze.who.plugins.sql:default_password_compare

name = properties
use = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_metadata_plugin
query = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM users where userid = %(__userid)s;"
filter = my.package:filter_propmd
conn_factory = repoze.who.plugins.sql:make_psycopg_conn_factory

request_classifier = repoze.who.classifiers:default_request_classifier
challenge_decider = repoze.who.classifiers:default_challenge_decider

# plugin_name;classifier_name:.. or just plugin_name (good for any)
plugins =

# plugin_name;classifier_name.. or just plugin_name (good for any)
plugins =

# plugin_name;classifier_name:.. or just plugin_name (good for any)
plugins =

plugins =

The basicauth section configures a plugin that does identification and
challenge for basic auth credentials. The form section configures a
plugin that does identification and challenge (its implementation
defers to the cookie plugin for identification "forget" and "remember"
duties, thus the "identifier_impl_name" key; this is looked up at
runtime). The auth_tkt section configures a plugin that does
identification for cookie auth credentials. The htpasswd plugin
obtains its user info from a file. The sqlusers plugin obtains its
user info from a Postgres database.

The identifiers section provides an ordered list of plugins that are
willing to provide identification capability. These will be consulted
in the defined order. The tokens on each line of the ``plugins=`` key
are in the form "plugin_name;requestclassifier_name:..." (or just
"plugin_name" if the plugin can be consulted regardless of the
classification of the request). The configuration above indicates
that the system will look for credentials using the form plugin (if
the request is classified as a browser request), then the cookie
identifier (unconditionally), then the basic auth plugin

The authenticators section provides an ordered list of plugins that
provide authenticator capability. These will be consulted in the
defined order, so the system will look for users in the file, then in
the sql database when attempting to validate credentials. No
classification prefixes are given to restrict which of the two plugins
are used, so both plugins are consulted regardless of the
classification of the request. Each authenticator is called with each
set of identities found by the identifier plugins. The first identity
that can be authenticated is used to set ``REMOTE_USER``.

The mdproviders section provides an ordered list of plugins that
provide metadata provider capability. These will be consulted in the
defined order. Each will have a chance (on ingress) to provide add
metadata to the authenticated identity. Our example mdproviders
section shows one plugin configured: "sqlproperties". The
sqlproperties plugin will add information related to user properties
(e.g. first name and last name) to the identity dictionary.

The challengers section provides an ordered list of plugins that
provide challenger capability. These will be consulted in the defined
order, so the system will consult the cookie auth plugin first, then
the basic auth plugin. Each will have a chance to initiate a
challenge. The above configuration indicates that the form challenger
will fire if it's a browser request, and the basic auth challenger
will fire if it's not (fallback).

Writing ``repoze.who`` Plugins

``repoze.who`` can be extended arbitrarily through the creation of
plugins. Plugins are of one of four types: identifier plugins,
authenticator plugins, metadata provider plugins, and challenge

Writing An Identifier Plugin

An identifier plugin (aka an ``IIdentifier`` plugin) must do three
things: extract credentials from the request and turn them into an
"identity", "remember" credentials, and "forget" credentials.

Here's a simple cookie identification plugin that does these three
things ::

class InsecureCookiePlugin(object):

def __init__(self, cookie_name):
self.cookie_name = cookie_name

def identify(self, environ):
cookies = get_cookies(environ)
cookie = cookies.get(self.cookie_name)

if cookie is None:
return None

import binascii
auth = cookie.value.decode('base64')
except binascii.Error: # can't decode
return None

login, password = auth.split(':', 1)
return {'login':login, 'password':password}
except ValueError: # not enough values to unpack
return None

def remember(self, environ, identity):
cookie_value = '%(login)s:%(password)s' % identity
cookie_value = cookie_value.encode('base64').rstrip()
from paste.request import get_cookies
cookies = get_cookies(environ)
existing = cookies.get(self.cookie_name)
value = getattr(existing, 'value', None)
if value != cookie_value:
# return a Set-Cookie header
set_cookie = '%s=%s; Path=/;' % (self.cookie_name, cookie_value)
return [('Set-Cookie', set_cookie)]

def forget(self, environ, identity):
# return a expires Set-Cookie header
expired = ('%s=""; Path=/; Expires=Sun, 10-May-1971 11:59:00 GMT' %
return [('Set-Cookie', expired)]

def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))


The ``identify`` method of our InsecureCookiePlugin accepts a single
argument "environ". This will be the WSGI environment dictionary.
Our plugin attempts to grub through the cookies sent by the client,
trying to find one that matches our cookie name. If it finds one that
matches, it attempts to decode it and turn it into a login and a
password, which it returns as values in a dictionary. This dictionary
is thereafter known as an "identity". If it finds no credentials in
cookies, it returns None (which is not considered an identity).

More generally, the ``identify`` method of an ``IIdentifier`` plugin
is called once on WSGI request "ingress", and it is expected to grub
arbitrarily through the WSGI environment looking for credential
information. In our above plugin, the credential information is
expected to be in a cookie but credential information could be in a
cookie, a form field, basic/digest auth information, a header, a WSGI
environment variable set by some upstream middleware or whatever else
someone might use to stash authentication information. If the plugin
finds credentials in the request, it's expected to return an
"identity": this must be a dictionary. The dictionary is not required
to have any particular keys or value composition, although it's wise
if the identification plugin looks for both a login name and a
password information to return at least {'login':login_name,
'password':password}, as some authenticator plugins may depend on
presence of the names "login" and "password" (e.g. the htpasswd and
sql ``IAuthenticator`` plugins). If an ``IIdentifier`` plugin finds
no credentials, it is expected to return None.

An ``IIdentifier`` plugin is also permitted to "preauthenticate" an
identity. If the identifier plugin knows that the identity is "good"
(e.g. in the case of ticket-based authentication where the userid is
embedded into the ticket), it can insert a special key into the
identity dictionary: ``repoze.who.userid``. If this key is present in
the identity dictionary, no authenticators will be asked to
authenticate the identity. This effectively allows an ``IIdentifier``
plugin to become an ``IAuthenticator`` plugin when breaking apart the
responsibility into two separate plugins is "make-work".
Preauthenticated identities will be selected first when deciding which
identity to use for any given request. Our cookie plugin doesn't use
this feature.


If we've passed a REMOTE_USER to the WSGI application during ingress
(as a result of providing an identity that could be authenticated),
and the downstream application doesn't kick back with an unauthorized
response, on egress we want the requesting client to "remember" the
identity we provided if there's some way to do that and if he hasn't
already, in order to ensure he will pass it back to us on subsequent
requests without requiring another login. The remember method of an
``IIdentifier`` plugin is called for each non-unauthenticated
response. It is the responsibility of the ``IIdentifier`` plugin to
conditionally return HTTP headers that will cause the client to
remember the credentials implied by "identity".

Our InsecureCookiePlugin implements the "remember" method by returning
headers which set a cookie if and only if one is not already set with
the same name and value in the WSGI environment. These headers will
be tacked on to the response headers provided by the downstream
application during the response.

When you write a remember method, most of the work involved is
determining *whether or not* you need to return headers. It's typical
to see remember methods that compute an "old state" and a "new state"
and compare the two against each other in order to determine if
headers need to be returned. In our example InsecureCookiePlugin, the
"old state" is ``cookie_value`` and the "new state" is ``value``.


Eventually the WSGI application we're serving will issue a "401
Unauthorized" or another status signifying that the request could not
be authorized. ``repoze.who`` intercepts this status and calls
``IIdentifier`` plugins asking them to "forget" the credentials
implied by the identity. It is the "forget" method's job at this
point to return HTTP headers that will effectively clear any
credentials on the requesting client implied by the "identity"

Our InsecureCookiePlugin implements the "forget" method by returning
a header which resets the cookie that was set earlier by the remember
method to one that expires in the past (on my birthday, in fact).
This header will be tacked onto the response headers provided by the
downstream application.

Writing an Authenticator Plugin

An authenticator plugin (aka an ``IAuthenticator`` plugin) must do
only one thing (on "ingress"): accept an identity and check if the
identity is "good". If the identity is good, it should return a "user
id". This user id may or may not be the same as the "login" provided
by the user. An ``IAuthenticator`` plugin will be called for each
identity found during the identification phase (there may be multiple
identities for a single request, as there may be multiple
``IIdentifier`` plugins active at any given time), so it may be called
multiple times in the same request.

Here's a simple authenticator plugin that attempts to match an
identity against ones defined in an "htpasswd" file that does just

class SimpleHTPasswdPlugin(object):

def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename

# IAuthenticatorPlugin
def authenticate(self, environ, identity):
login = identity['login']
password = identity['password']
except KeyError:
return None

f = open(self.filename, 'r')

for line in f:
username, hashed = line.rstrip().split(':', 1)
except ValueError:
if username == login:
if crypt_check(password, hashed):
return username
return None

def crypt_check(password, hashed):
from crypt import crypt
salt = hashed[:2]
return hashed == crypt(password, salt)

An ``IAuthenticator`` plugin implements one "interface" method:
"authentictate". The formal specification for the arguments and
return values expected from these methods are available in the
```` file in ``repoze.who`` as the ``IAuthenticator``
interface, but let's examine this method here less formally.


The ``authenticate`` method accepts two arguments: the WSGI
environment and an identity. Our SimpleHTPasswdPlugin
``authenticate`` implementation grabs the login and password out of
the identity and attempts to find the login in the htpasswd file. If
it finds it, it compares the crypted version of the password provided
by the user to the crypted version stored in the htpasswd file, and
finally, if they match, it returns the login. If they do not match,
it returns None.

.. note::

Our plugin's ``authenticate`` method does not assume that the keys
``login`` or ``password`` exist in the identity; although it
requires them to do "real work" it returns None if they are not
present instead of raising an exception. This is required by the
``IAuthenticator`` interface specification.

Writing a Challenger Plugin

A challenger plugin (aka an ``IChallenger`` plugin) must do only one
thing on "egress": return a WSGI application which performs a
"challenge". A WSGI application is a callable that accepts an
"environ" and a "start_response" as its parameters; see "PEP 333" for
further definition of what a WSGI application is. A challenge asks
the user for credentials.

Here's an example of a simple challenger plugin::

from paste.httpheaders import WWW_AUTHENTICATE
from paste.httpexceptions import HTTPUnauthorized

class BasicAuthChallengerPlugin(object):

def __init__(self, realm):
self.realm = realm

# IChallenger
def challenge(self, environ, status, app_headers, forget_headers):
head = WWW_AUTHENTICATE.tuples('Basic realm="%s"' % self.realm)
if head[0] not in forget_headers:
head = head + forget_headers
return HTTPUnauthorized(headers=head)

Note that the plugin implements a single "interface" method:
"challenge". The formal specification for the arguments and return
values expected from this method is available in the ""
file in ``repoze.who`` as the ``IChallenger`` interface. This method
is called when ``repoze.who`` determines that the application has
returned an "unauthorized" response (e.g. a 401). Only one challenger
will be consulted during "egress" as necessary (the first one to
return a non-None response).


The challenge method takes environ (the WSGI environment), 'status'
(the status as set by the downstream application), the "app_headers"
(headers returned by the application), and the "forget_headers"
(headers returned by all participating ``IIdentifier`` plugins whom
were asked to "forget" this user).

Our BasicAuthChallengerPlugin takes advantage of the fact that the
HTTPUnauthorized exception imported from paste.httpexceptions can be
used as a WSGI application. It first makes sure that we don't repeat
headers if an identification plugin has already set a
"WWW-Authenticate" header like ours, then it returns an instance of
HTTPUnauthorized, passing in merged headers. This will cause a basic
authentication dialog to be presented to the user.

Writing a Metadata Provider Plugin

A metadata provider plugin (aka an ``IMetadataProvider`` plugin) must
do only one thing (on "ingress"): "scribble" on the identity
dictionary provided to it when it is called. An ``IMetadataProvider``
plugin will be called with the final "best" identity found during the
authentication phase, or not at all if no "best" identity could be
authenticated. Thus, each ``IMetadataProvider`` plugin will be called
exactly zero or one times during a request.

Here's a simple metadata provider plugin that provides "property"
information from a dictionary::

_DATA = {
'chris': {'first_name':'Chris', 'last_name':'McDonough'} ,
'whit': {'first_name':'Whit', 'last_name':'Morriss'}

class SimpleMetadataProvider(object):

def add_metadata(self, environ, identity):
userid = identity.get('repoze.who.userid')
info = _DATA.get(userid)
if info is not None:


Arbitrarily add information to the identity dict based in other data
in the environment or identity. Our plugin adds ``first_name`` and
``last_name`` values to the identity if the userid matches ``chris``
or ``whit``.


.. module:: repoze.who.interfaces

.. autointerface:: repoze.who.interfaces.IRequestClassifier

.. autointerface:: repoze.who.interfaces.IChallengeDecider

.. autointerface:: repoze.who.interfaces.IIdentifier

.. autointerface:: repoze.who.interfaces.IAuthenticator

.. autointerface:: repoze.who.interfaces.IChallenger

.. autointerface:: repoze.who.interfaces.IMetadataProvider

repoze.who changes

1.0.2 (2008/06/16)

- Fix bug found by Chris Perkins: the auth_tkt plugin's "remember"
method didn't handle userids which are Python "long" instances
properly. Symptom: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'long'
objects in "paste.auth.auth_tkt".

- Added predicate-based "restriction" middleware support
(repoze.who.restrict), allowing configuratio-driven authorization
as a WSGI filter. One example predicate, 'authenticated_predicate',
is supplied, which requires that the user be authenticated either via
'REMOTE_USER' or via 'repoze.who.identity'. To use the filter to
restrict access::

use = egg:repoze.who#authenticated


use = egg:repoze.who#predicate
predicate = my.module:some_predicate
some_option = a value


- Remove dependency-link to to prevent easy_install
from inserting that path into its search paths (the dependencies
are available from PyPI).


- The plugin at plugins.form.FormPlugin didn't redirect properly
after collecting identification information. Symptom: a downstream
app would receive a POST request with a blank body, which would
sometimes result in a Bad Request error.

- Fixed interface declarations of 'classifiers.default_request_classifier'
and 'classifiers.default_password_compare'.

- Added actual config-driven middleware factory,

- Removed fossilized 'who_conf' argument from plugin factory functions.

- Added ConfigParser-based WhoConfig, implementing the spec outlined at, with the following changes:

o "Bare" plugins (requiring no configuration options) may be specified
as either egg entry points (e.g., 'egg:distname#entry_point_name') or
as dotted-path-with-colon (e.g., '').

o Therefore, the separator between a plugin and its classifier is
now a semicolon, rather than a colon. E.g.:

use = egg:another.package#identify_with_frobnatz
frobnatz = baz

plugins =

0.9.1 (2008-04-27)

- Fix auth_tkt plugin to be able to encode and decode integer user

0.9 (2008-04-01)

- Fix bug introduced in FormPlugin in 0.8 release (rememberer headers not

- Add PATH_INFO to started and ended log info.

- Add a SQLMetadataProviderPlugin (in plugins/sql).

- Change constructor of SQLAuthenticatorPlugin: it now accepts only
"query", "conn_factory", and "compare_fn". The old constructor
accepted a DSN, but some database systems don't use DBAPI DSNs.
The new constructor accepts no DSN; the conn_factory is assumed to
do all the work to make a connection, including knowing the DSN if
one is required. The "conn_factory" should return something that,
when called with no arguments, returns a database connection.

- The "make_plugin" helper in plugins/sql has been renamed
"make_authenticator_plugin". When called, this helper will return
a SQLAuthenticatorPlugin. A bit of helper logic in the
"make_authenticator_plugin" allows a connection factory to be
computed. The top-level callable referred to by conn_factory in
this helper should return a function that, when called with no
arguments, returns a datbase connection. The top-level callable
itself is called with "who_conf" (global who configuration) and any
number of non-top-level keyword arguments as they are passed into
the helper, to allow for a DSN or URL or whatever to be passed in.

- A "make_metatata_plugin" helper has been added to plugins/sql. When
called, this will make a SQLMetadataProviderPlugin. See the
implementation for details. It is similar to the
"make_authenticator_plugin" helper.

0.8 (2008-03-27)

- Add a RedirectingFormIdentifier plugin. This plugin is willing to
redirect to an external (or downstream application) login form to
perform identification. The external login form must post to the
"login_handler_path" of the plugin (optimally with a "came_from"
value to tell the plugin where to redirect the response to if the
authentication works properly). The "logout_handler_path" of this
plugin can be visited to perform a logout. The "came_from" value
also works there.

- Identifier plugins are now permitted to set a key in the
environment named 'repoze.who.application' on ingress (in
'identify'). If an identifier plugin does so, this application is
used instead of the "normal" downstream application. This feature
was added to more simply support the redirecting form identifier

0.7 (2008-03-26)

- Change the IMetadataProvider interface: this interface used to have
a "metadata" method which returned a dictionary. This method is
not part of that API anymore. It's been replaced with an
"add_metadata" method which has the signature:

def add_metadata(environ, identity):
Add metadata to the identity (which is a dictionary)

The return value is ignored. IMetadataProvider plugins are now
assumed to be responsible for 'scribbling' directly on the identity
that is passed in (it's a dictionary). The user id can always be
retrieved from the identity via identity['repoze.who.userid'] for
metadata plugins that rely on that value.

0.6 (2008-03-20)

- Renaming: repoze.pam is now repoze.who

- Bump version.

- Add IMetadataProvider plugin type. Chris says 'Whit rules'.

0.5 (2008-03-09)

- Allow "remote user key" (default: REMOTE_USER) to be overridden
(pass in remote_user_key to middleware constructor).

- Allow form plugin to override the default form.

- API change: IIdentifiers are no longer required to put both 'login'
and 'password' in a returned identity dictionary. Instead, an
IIdentifier can place arbitrary key/value pairs in the identity
dictionary (or return an empty dictionary).

- API return value change: the "failure" identity which IIdentifiers
return is now None rather than an empty dictionary.

- The IAuthenticator interface now specifies that IAuthenticators
must not raise an exception when evaluating an identity that does
not have "expected" key/value pairs (e.g. when an IAuthenticator
that expects login and password inspects an identity returned by an
IP-based auth system which only puts the IP address in the
identity); instead they fail gracefully by returning None.

- Add (cookie) "auth_tkt" identification plugin.

- Stamp identity dictionaries with a userid by placing a key named
'repoze.pam.userid' into the identity for each authenticated

- If an IIdentifier plugin inserts a 'repoze.pam.userid' key into the
identity dictionary, consider this identity "preauthenticated". No
authenticator plugins will be asked to authenticate this identity.
This is designed for things like the recently added auth_tkt
plugin, which embeds the user id into the ticket. This effectively
alllows an IIdentifier plugin to become an IAuthenticator plugin
when breaking apart the responsibility into two separate plugins is
"make-work". Preauthenticated identities will be selected first
when deciding which identity to use for any given request.

- Insert a 'repoze.pam.identity' key into the WSGI environment on
ingress if an identity is found. Its value will be the identity
dictionary related to the identity selected by repoze.pam on
ingress. Downstream consumers are allowed to mutate this
dictionary; this value is passed to "remember" and "forget", so its
main use is to do a "credentials reset"; e.g. a user has changed
his username or password within the application, but we don't want
to force him to log in again after he does so.

0.4 (03-07-2008)

- Allow plugins to specify a classifiers list per interface (instead
of a single classifiers list per plugin).

0.3 (03-05-2008)

- Make SQLAuthenticatorPlugin's default_password_compare use
hexdigest sha instead of base64'ed binary sha for simpler

0.2 (03-04-2008)

- Added SQLAuthenticatorPlugin (see plugins/

0.1 (02-27-2008)

Initial release (no configuration file support yet).

Project details

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repoze.who-1.0.2.tar.gz (74.9 kB view hashes)

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