Alp time tools
Project description
The Alp is a new unit meant for measuring time. To understand and use this unit, the program included in this distribution has been created. It’s both a command-line tool, named “alp”, and a Python module.
You can learn about the Alp unit and download documentation about it at
Alp software is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (or any later version). The author of Alp software is Niels G. W. Serup, contactable at This is version 0.1.1 of the program.
The libraries used by Alp software are GPL-compatible.
The Alp program and module is contained in a single file, It is not necessary to install it, but it can make it easier to use the Alp software.
Way #1
Just run this (requires that you have python-setuptools installed):
# easy_install Alp
Way #2
Get the newest version of Alp at or at
Extract the downloaded file and run this in a terminal:
# python install
Python 2.5+ is probably a requirement.
For formatting and control codes, Alp will attempt to use ncurses. If that fails, Alp will try to use the Python termcolor module, available at, installable using $ sudo easy_install termcolor (released under the GPLv3+).
If present, Alp will also use the setproctitle Python module, available at, installable using $ sudo easy_install setproctitle (released under the New BSD License).
When using the Alp software as a command-line tool, simply run alp. Run alp --help to see what options you can specify.
When using it as a module, just use import alp in your Python program. To learn how the Alp module works, run pydoc alp or python -c 'import alp; help(alp)'. There are also a couple of tests in the tests directory.
Alp software is written in Python and uses Git for branches. To get the latest branch, get it from like this:
$ git clone git://
This document
Copyright (C) 2010 Niels G. W. Serup
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.