A lean WSGI framework for easy creation of REST services
Project description
WsgiService is a lean Python WSGI framework for very easy creation of REST services.
A REST service in this context is a HTTP service to be used by machines. So a service should output something like XML, JSON or any other machine-readable format.
Documentation: https://wsgiservice.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
Package index page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/WsgiService
The primary guiding principle is that the actual service should be as easy and small to write as possible. And here’s what the WsgiService framework will do for the developer:
Abstract away error and status code handling
Make it easy to create machine readable output
Easily validate input
Easy deployment using good configuration file handling
Make testing easy
Create usable REST API documentation from source
Content negotiation to automatically use the correct output format
Just as important as what WsgiService tries to accomplish is what it will never be:
WsgiService is not planning to be a full-featured frontend framework. Use your existing framework of choice for that, e.g. Pylons.
servicegen <http://github.com/pneff/servicegen/tree/master>. The predecessor to WsgiService.