Astrology software
Project description
Oroboros is an astrology software written in Python. It is based on the following modules:
AstroDienst’s Swiss Ephemeris (pyswisseph) version >= 1.74.00-0
Olson timezones (pytz)
Qt toolkit (PyQt4) version >= 4.3
What’s new?
Usual bug fixes
Additional asteroids: Eris, Sedna, Quaoar, Nessus, Varuna
Charts: natal/radix, transits, progression, harmonics, profection
Open Astrolog or Skylendar charts too
Save charts as images in various formats (png, jpg, bmp, svg,…)
Query the online atlas database
Calculates all planets, nodes
More than 300 fixed stars
Asteroids (Eris, Quaoar, Sedna, etc)
Uses Swiss, JPL, or Moshier Ephemeris
A flexible and powerfull configuration system
Geocentric, topocentric, heliocentric or barycentric charts
Various house systems, including Gauquelin sectors
Tropical or sidereal zodiacs
Midpoints calculations and drawings
Format comments with Docutils reStructured Text
Synchronize your charts with a distant repository (using Mercurial)
A few toys for IRC chat addicts (Supybot plugin)
And easy extension capabilities with the Python language…
Oroboros manual
Download and install the package and the required modules (most of them are available in your distro repositories). For example, uncompress the latest source package of Oroboros with tar jxf oroboros-xxxxxxxx.tar.bz2, then cd oroboros-xxxxxxxx, finally (with super-user permission) type python install.
Ephemeris files
You should also install the compressed ephemeris data files on your system (/usr/local/share/swisseph looks like a good idea). These files are freely distributed on AstroDienst public FTP server.
A simple installation would require that you download the following files, allowing calculations over the period from 1800 to 2399:
You can also grab the following asteroids files (other asteroids can be implemented on demand):
136199 Eris
7066 Nessus
50000 Quaoar
90377 Sedna
20000 Varuna
128 Nemesis
If everything goes well you will be able to start the application by typing oroboros in your shell.
First steps
Update the configuration settings, especially the path to ephemeris files. You may also create an aspects filter and an orbs filter for the midpoints settings, otherwise you’ll have some surprises.