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Fast HTML/XML Template Compiler.

Project description


Chameleon is an HTML/XML template engine for Python. It uses the page templates language.

You can use it in any Python web application with just about any version of Python (2.5 and up, including 3.x and pypy).

Visit the website for more information or the documentation.



2.4.2 (2011-09-13)


  • Fixed an issue in the compiler where an internal variable (such as a translation default value) would be cached, resulting in variable scope corruption (see issue #49).

2.4.1 (2011-09-08)


  • Fixed an issue where a default value for an attribute would sometimes spill over into another attribute.

  • Fixed issue where the use of the default name in an attribute interpolation expression would print the attribute value. This is unexpected, because it’s an expression, not a static text suitable for output. An attribute value of default now correctly drops the attribute.

2.4.0 (2011-08-22)


  • Added an option boolean_attributes to evaluate and render a provided set of attributes using a boolean logic: if the attribute is a true value, the value will be the attribute name, otherwise the attribute is dropped.

    In the reference implementation, the following attributes are configured as boolean values when the template is rendered in HTML-mode:

    "compact", "nowrap", "ismap", "declare", "noshade",
    "checked", "disabled", "readonly", "multiple", "selected",
    "noresize", "defer"

    Note that in Chameleon, these attributes must be manually provided.


  • The carriage return character (used on Windows platforms) would incorrectly be included in Python comments.

    It is now replaced with a line break.

    This fixes issue #44.

2.3.8 (2011-08-19)

  • Fixed import error that affected Python 2.5 only.

2.3.7 (2011-08-19)


  • Added an option literal_false that disables the default behavior of dropping an attribute for a value of False (in addition to None). This modified behavior is the behavior exhibited in reference implementation.


  • Undo attribute special HTML attribute behavior (see previous release).

    This turned out not to be a compatible behavior; rather, boolean values should simply be coerced to a string.

    Meanwhile, the reference implementation does support an HTML mode in which the special attribute behavior is exhibited.

    We do not currently support this mode.

2.3.6 (2011-08-18)


  • Certain HTML attribute names now have a special behavior for a attribute value of True (or default if no default is defined). For these attributes, this return value will result in the name being printed as the value:

    <input type="input" tal:attributes="checked True" />

    will be rendered as:

    <input type="input" checked="checked" />

    This behavior is compatible with the reference implementation.

2.3.5 (2011-08-18)


  • Added support for the set operator ({item, item, ...}).


  • If macro is defined on the same element as a translation name, this no longer results in a “translation name not allowed outside translation” error. This fixes issue #43.

  • Attribute fallback to dictionary lookup now works on multiple items (e.g. d1.d2.d2). This fixes issue #42.

2.3.4 (2011-08-16)


  • When inserting content in either attributes or text, a value of True (like False and None) will result in no action.

  • Use statically assigned variables for "attrs" and "default". This change yields a performance improvement of 15-20%.

  • The template loader class now accepts an optional argument default_extension which accepts a filename extension which will be appended to the filename if there’s not already an extension.


  • The default symbol is now True for an attribute if the attribute default is not provided. Note that the result is that the attribute is dropped. This fixes issue #41.

  • Fixed an issue where assignment to a variable "type" would fail. This fixes issue #40.

  • Fixed an issue where an (unsuccesful) assignment for a repeat loop to a compiler internal name would not result in an error.

  • If the translation function returns the identical object, manually coerce it to string. This fixes a compatibility issue with translation functions which do not convert non-string objects to a string value, but simply return them unchanged.

2.3.3 (2011-08-15)


  • The load: expression now passes the initial keyword arguments to its template loader (e.g. auto_reload and encoding).

  • In the exception output, string variable values are now limited to a limited output of characters, single line only.


  • Fixed horizontal alignment of exception location info (i.e. ‘String:’, ‘Filename:’ and ‘Location:’) such that they match the template exception formatter.

2.3.2 (2011-08-11)


  • Fixed issue where i18n:domain would not be inherited through macros and slots. This fixes issue #37.

2.3.1 (2011-08-11)


  • The Builtin node type may now be used to represent any Python local or global name. This allows expression compilers to refer to e.g. get or getitem, or to explicit require a builtin object such as one from the extra_builtins dictionary.


  • Builtins which are not explicitly disallowed may now be redefined and used as variables (e.g. nothing).

  • Fixed compiler issue with circular node annotation loop.

2.3 (2011-08-10)


  • Added support for the following syntax to disable inline evaluation in a comment:

    <!–? comment appears verbatim (no ${…} evaluation) –>

    Note that the initial question mark character (?) will be omitted from output.

  • The parser now accepts ‘<’ and ‘>’ in attributes. Note that this is invalid markup. Previously, the ‘<’ would not be accepted as a valid attribute value, but this would result in an ‘unexpected end tag’ error elsewhere. This fixes issue #38.

  • The expression compiler now provides methods assign_text and assign_value such that a template engine might configure this value conversion to support e.g. encoded strings.

    Note that currently, the only client for the assign_text method is the string expression type.

  • Enable template loader for string-based template classes. Note that the filename keyword argument may be provided on initialization to identify the template source by filename. This fixes issue #36.

  • Added extra_builtins option to the page template class. These builtins are added to the default builtins dictionary at cook time and may be provided at initialization using the extra_builtins keyword argument.


  • If a translation domain is set for a fill slot, use this setting instead of the macro template domain.

  • The Python expression compiler now correctly decodes HTML entities 'gt' and 'lt'. This fixes issue #32.

  • The string expression compiler now correctly handles encoded text (when support for encoded strings is enabled). This fixes issue #35.

  • Fixed an issue where setting the filename attribute on a file-based template would not automatically cause an invalidation.

  • Exceptions raised by Chameleon can now be copied via copy.copy. This fixes issue #36. [leorochael]

  • If copying the exception fails in the exception handler, simply re-raise the original exception and log a warning.

2.2 (2011-07-28)


  • Added new expression type load: that allows loading a template. Both relative and absolute paths are supported. If the path given is relative, then it will be resolved with respect to the directory of the template.

  • Added support for dynamic evaluation of expressions.

    Note that this is to support legacy applications. It is not currently wired into the provided template classes.

  • Template classes now have a builtins attribute which may be used to define built-in variables always available in the template variable scope.


  • The file-based template class no longer accepts a parameter loader. This parameter would be used to load a template from a relative path, using a find(filename) method. This was however, undocumented, and probably not very useful since we have the TemplateLoader mechanism already.

  • The compiled template module now contains an initialize function which takes values that map to the template builtins. The return value of this function is a dictionary that contains the render functions.


  • The file-based template class no longer verifies the existance of a template file (using os.lstat). This now happens implicitly if eager parsing is enabled, or otherwise when first needed (e.g. at render time).

    This is classified as a bug fix because the previous behavior was probably not what you’d expect, especially if an application initializes a lot of templates without needing to render them immediately.

2.1.1 (2011-07-28)


  • Improved exception display. The expression string is now shown in the context of the original source (if available) with a marker string indicating the location of the expression in the template source.


  • The structure insertion mode now correctly decodes entities for any expression type (including string:). This fixes issue #30.

  • Don’t show internal variables in the exception formatter variable listing.

2.1 (2011-07-25)


  • Expression interpolation (using the ${...} operator and previously also $identifier) now requires braces everywhere except inside the string: expression type.

    This change is motivated by a number of legacy templates in which the interpolation format without braces $identifier appears as text.

2.0.2 (2011-07-25)


  • Don’t use dynamic variable scope for lambda-scoped variables (#27).

  • Avoid duplication of exception class and message in traceback.

  • Fixed issue where a metal:fill-slot would be ignored if a macro was set to be used on the same element (#16).

2.0.1 (2011-07-23)


  • Fixed issue where global variable definition from macro slots would fail (they would instead be local). This also affects error reporting from inside slots because this would be recorded internally as a global.

  • Fixed issue with template cache digest (used for filenames); modules are now invalidated whenever any changes are made to the distribution set available (packages on sys.path).

  • Fixed exception handler to better let exceptions propagate through the renderer.

  • The disk-based module compiler now mangles template source filenames such that the output Python module is valid and at root level (dots and hyphens are replaced by an underscore). This fixes issue #17.

  • Fixed translations (i18n) on Python 2.5.

2.0 (2011-07-14)

  • Point release.

2.0-rc14 (2011-07-13)


  • The tab character (\t) is now parsed correctly when used inside tags.


  • The RepeatDict class now works as a proxy behind a seperate dictionary instance.

  • Added template constructor option keep_body which is a flag (also available as a class attribute) that controls whether to save the template body input in the body attribute.

    This is disabled by default, unless debug-mode is enabled.

  • The page template loader class now accepts an optional formats argument which can be used to select an alternative template class.

2.0-rc13 (2011-07-07)


  • The backslash character (followed by optional whitespace and a line break) was not correctly interpreted as a continuation for Python expressions.


  • The Python expression implementation is now more flexible for external subclassing via a new parse method.

2.0-rc12 (2011-07-04)


  • Initial keyword arguments passed to a template now no longer “leak” into the template variable space after a macro call.

  • An unexpected end tag is now an unrecoverable error.


  • Improve exception output.

2.0-rc11 (2011-05-26)


  • Fixed issue where variable names that begin with an underscore were seemingly allowed, but their use resulted in a compiler error.


  • Template variable names are now allowed to be prefixed with a single underscore, but not two or more (reserved for internal use).

    Examples of valid names:

  • Added support for Genshi’s comment “drop” syntax:

    <!--! This comment will be dropped -->

    Note the additional exclamation (!) character.

    This fixes addresses issue #10.

2.0-rc10 (2011-05-24)


  • The tal:attributes statement now correctly operates case-insensitive. The attribute name given in the statement will replace an existing attribute with the same name, without respect to case.


  • Added meta:interpolation statement to control expression interpolation setting.

    Strings that disable the setting: "off" and "false". Strings that enable the setting: "on" and "true".

  • Expression interpolation now works inside XML comments.

2.0-rc9 (2011-05-05)


  • Better debugging support for string decode and conversion. If a naive join fails, each element in the output will now be attempted coerced to unicode to try and trigger the failure near to the bad string.

2.0-rc8 (2011-04-11)


  • If a macro defines two slots with the same name, a caller will now fill both with a single usage.

  • If a valid of None is provided as the translation function argument, we now fall back to the class default.

2.0-rc7 (2011-03-29)


  • Fixed issue with Python 2.5 compatibility AST. This affected at least PyPy 1.4.


  • The auto_reload setting now defaults to the class value; the base template class gives a default value of chameleon.config.AUTO_RELOAD. This change allows a subclass to provide a custom default value (such as an application-specific debug mode setting).

2.0-rc6 (2011-03-19)


  • Added support for target_language keyword argument to render method. If provided, the argument will be curried onto the translation function.


  • The HTML entities ‘lt’, ‘gt’ and ‘quot’ appearing inside content subtition expressions are now translated into their native character values. This fixes an issue where you could not dynamically create elements using the structure (which is possible in ZPT). The need to create such structure stems from the lack of an expression interpolation operator in ZPT.

  • Fixed duplicate file pointer issue with test suite (affected Windows platforms only). This fixes issue #9. [oliora]

  • Use already open file using os.fdopen when trying to write out the module source. This fixes LP #731803.

2.0-rc5 (2011-03-07)


  • Fixed a number of issues concerning the escaping of attribute values:

    1. Static attribute values are now included as they appear in the source.

      This means that invalid attribute values such as "true && false" are now left alone. It’s not the job of the template engine to correct such markup, at least not in the default mode of operation.

    2. The string expression compiler no longer unescapes values. Instead, this is left to each expression compiler. Currently only the Python expression compiler unescapes its input.

    3. The dynamic escape code sequence now correctly only replaces ampersands that are part of an HTML escape format.


  • The page template classes and the loader class can now be imported directly from the chameleon module.


  • If a custom template loader is not provided, relative paths are now resolved using os.abspath (i.e. to the current working directory).

  • Absolute paths are normalized using os.path.normpath and os.path.expanduser. This ensures that all paths are kept in their “canonical” form.

2.0-rc4 (2011-03-03)


  • Fixed an issue where the output of an end-to-end string expression would raise an exception if the expression evaluated to None (it should simply output nothing).

  • The convert function (which is configurable on the template class level) now defaults to the translate function (at run-time).

    This fixes an issue where message objects were not translated (and thus converted to a string) using the a provided translate function.

  • Fixed string interpolation issue where an expression immediately succeeded by a right curly bracket would not parse.

    This fixes issue #5.

  • Fixed error where tal:condition would be evaluated after tal:repeat.


  • Python expression is now a TALES expression. That means that the pipe operator can be used to chain two or more expressions in a try-except sequence.

    This behavior was ported from the 1.x series. Note that while it’s still possible to use the pipe character (“|”) in an expression, it must now be escaped.

  • The template cache can now be shared by multiple processes.

2.0-rc3 (2011-03-02)


  • Fixed atexit handler.

    This fixes issue #3.

  • If a cache directory is specified, it will now be used even when not in debug mode.

  • Allow “comment” attribute in the TAL namespace.

    This fixes an issue in the sense that the reference engine allows any attribute within the TAL namespace. However, only “comment” is in common use.

  • The template constructor now accepts a flag debug which puts the template instance into debug-mode regardless of the global setting.

    This fixes issue #1.


  • Added exception handler for exceptions raised while evaluating an expression.

    This handler raises (or attempts to) a new exception of the type RenderError, with an additional base class of the original exception class. The string value of the exception is a formatted error message which includes the expression that caused the exception.

    If we are unable to create the exception class, the original exception is re-raised.

2.0-rc2 (2011-02-28)

  • Fixed upload issue.

2.0-rc1 (2011-02-28)

  • Initial public release. See documentation for what’s new in this series.

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