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Shows reflection/configuration to aid the development of Flask applications.

Project description

Flask-Debug is a simple WIP Flask-extension, intended solely for development. Example usage:

from flask import Flask
from flask_debug import Debug
app = Flask(__name__)

Now opening http://localhost:5000/_debug will show some information about the application, such as a list of registered views, url maps or configuration values.


Of course, this should never be enabled on a production server. If the application is not running in debug mode, the extension will refuse any interaction with the outside world.

Writing your own plugins

It’s fairly easy to ship a plugin for Flask-Debug with your own package or Flask-extension. This allows you to ship debugging tools right along with the extension.

First, create a package named flask_debug_yourname, the prefix flask_debug_ is important. Your should look somewhat like this:

# file: flask_debug_myext/

template_folder = 'templates'

def initialize_debug_ext(dbg):
    def debug_list_extensions():
        status = 'all good'

        return render_template('myext/status.html', status=status)

initialize_debug_ext() will be called with a flask.Blueprint-Object as the first parameter, onto which you can register your own routes. The route() function will automatically a menu entry (to suppress this behavior, add an argument of menu_name=None).

There are a few conventions:

  • Views in plugins should start with debug_.

  • URLs in routes should start with underscore + your extension name.

  • Inside your templates-folder, you should also create subfolder named myext for all of your templates, as the template namespace is global.

Using Bootstrap, Flask-Debug ships a few base templates which you can use:

{# file: flask_debug_myext/templates/myext/status.html #}
{% extends "flask_debug/base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<h1>Status for myext</h1>
<p>Current status: {{status}}</p>
{% endblock %}

To finally load the plugin, just do:

import flask_debug_myext

in your extension. Before registering the debugging-blueprint onto the app, Flask-Debug will query sys.modules for all modules that look like Flask-Debug plugins and collect them.

You can check out the flask_debug_plugins-plugin (which lists all installed plugins) for an example.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

Flask-Debug-0.3.tar.gz (5.1 kB view hashes)

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