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BigML wrapper for TensorFlow

Project description


Their room was smaller than the one Case shared with Molly, and on another level, closer to the surface. Five huge Cibachromes of Tally Isham were taped across the glass of the balcony, suggesting an extended residency. "They’re deftriff, huh?" Cath asked, seeing him eye the transparencies. "Mine. Shot ’em at the S/N Pyramid, last time we went down the well. She was that close, and she just smiled, so natural. And it was bad there, Lupus, day after these Christ the King terrs put angel in the water, you know?"

"Yeah," Case said, suddenly uneasy, "terrible thing."

Neuromancer, William Gibson

Pyramid is wintermute's wrapper around sensenet, the client library for instantiating BigML classifiers in TensorFlow. Pyramid is responsible for caching data coming out of wintermute to numpy, instantiating and learning neural networks on the cached data, and converting the model to a final JSON output document, suitable for returning to BigML.


You may install pyramid using the install script in bin/install. It takes no arguments. The script creates a virtualenv named pyramid in the user's home directory and provides a single command pyramid in this virtualenv.

You may also, of course, install pyramid in the system path, but do be aware that it requires python 3.7+, and several older pythons have been verified not to work.

To work properly with wintermute, the directory containing the pyramid command must be on the system path or, alternatively, the WINTERMUTE_PYRAMID_PATH environment variable must be set:

export WINTERMUTE_PYRAMID_PATH="$HOME/.virtualenvs/pyramid/bin/pyramid"

or similar.

Training Image Networks

To train networks that take a single image as input, installation via pip provides the command pyramid_train, which takes a single JSON file as input.

pyramid_train config.json

This JSON file can either specify a classification / regression problem, or an object detection (bounding box) problem. Depending on the problem type, the key training_data should contain the appropriate data structure, described below.

For both problem types, the JSON file must contain values for the following keys:

  • balance_objective: A boolean value indicated whether to resample the training data (on a per-batch basis) to have an equal class distribution.

  • batch_size: Number of images per batch in mini-batch gradient descent. Typically between 20 and 200.

  • descent_algorithm: A string specifying the gradient descent algorithm to be used, such as adam. A full list of algorithms is given in settings/

  • holdout_set_size: The maximum size of the holdout set. Either 20% of the data or this number of instances is held out for early stopping.

  • image_network_candidates: A list of pairs of strings, denoting the topologies and training types to be tried during training. This pair of strings can either be the name of a topology and a training method, or the string initial_model followed by the path to the model.

    If the pair of strings is of the former type, the first string must be one of the predefined CNN network topologies. For classification and regression, valid topologies are (in order of complexity), simple, simple_residual, mobilenet, mobilenetv2, and resnet18. For object detection, valid topologies are tinyyolov4 and yolov4. Training methods are randomly_initialize, fine_tune, and use_pretrained.

    If fine_tune is specified, pyramid loads weights trained on imagenet (or COCO for object detection), strips and relearns the top "readout" layers, then, in a second learning phase, attempts to fine tune the convolutional layers to further increase performance. When use_pretrained is specified, only the first step is tone, and the pretrained weights are used without modification. Note that pretrained weights are only available for the non-simple topologies.

    Thus a valid list of image_network_candidates could look like the following:

       ["resnet18", "use_pretrained"],
       ["mobilenetv2", "randomly_initialize"],
       ["initial_model", "models/my_model.json"]

    Each of these would be tried in turn, and the best model written to the results directory.

  • image_augmentations: Objective-invariant transformations used to augment training data, such as brightness and zoom. See the section on data augmentation below.

  • image_root: The root directory for all the training images, prepended to the file paths given in the training_data below.

  • input_image_shape: The shape into which to read the image data, as [width, height, 3]; Right now, only RGB images (no transparency) are supported.

  • learning_rate: The learning rate for gradient descent; a positive floating point value. For all models the convolutional layers are trained with a learning rate schedule of 1/4 and 1/16 this rate (or for fine-tuned models, 1/8 and 1/64), where a step down is taken when no improvement is seen on a holdout set.

  • learning_rate_warmup_iterations: If specified, when the iteration number is lower than the given value, a quadratic "penalty" is applied to the learning rate. Specifically, if the number of warmup iterations is x and the given learning rate is r, the learning rate at iteration i will be r * min(1, i / x) ** 2. Checks for early stopping are also ignored when i < x, though we still perform performance checks on the validation set. Not specifying the value is equivalent to setting it to zero.

  • max_total_time: The maximum total time to spend training the networks. This time is divided equally among the image_network_candidates above. If one network finishes training early, unused time is apportioned to the remaining candidates.

  • output_directory: Location to which the results of training should be written. The fit info and weights for each network trained are stored in a subdirectory in this location.

The following keys can be specified, but are optional:

  • augmentation_ranges: Objective-invariant and parameterized transformations used to augment training data, such as brightness and zoom. See the section on data augmentation below.

  • cheat_on_validation: A boolean that, if true, causes the model to draw its validation data from the actual training data. This will cause the model to, essentially by definition, be overfit, and is not recommended.

  • initial_model: A string path to a model JSON file (i.e., the final_model.json file that appears in the output_directory after training is complete) to be used as the initial weights for model training. If this is specified, note that the rest of the config file must be "compatible" with the given model. That is, mainly, that the ground truth data types must be the same. Also note that this will be tried in addition to the topologies listed in image_network_candidates.

  • label_smoothing_factor: A value greater than zero causes Laplace-style smoothing to be applied to the one-hot "truth" vector for each point used in training. For example, if there are three classes, "a", "b", and "c", and a point has class "b", its unsmoothed ground truth vector will be [0, 1, 0]. With a label_smoothing_factor of 0.3, this amount of the "truth distribution" is divided uniformly between all classes, giving our imaginary point the ground truth vector [0.1, 0.8, 0.1]. The intuitive semantics of the value is that is represents the level of uncertainty one has about the correctness of the true labels.

  • max_seconds_per_update: The maximum time we wait before doing a check on performance on the validation set. The algorithm stops training after a large number of consecutive failures of these checks (see patience).

  • patience: The number of checks of the holdout set that we can fail consecutively before stopping early.

Progress from the training for each network is written to standard out, along with a final report. The best detected model is written to final_model.json in the specified output_directory.

The output final_model.json can be used to instantiate TensorFlow a model using image_model function in the sensenet.models.image namespace in the sensenet library. The output format of the predictions depends on the type of model being learned.

Classification / Regression

For image classification or regression problems, the input JSON must additionally specify the following keys:

  • loss_function: The loss function to optimize, such as mean_squared_error for numeric objectives or crossentropy for categorical objectives. All available objectives are listed in settings/

  • max_data_size: The maximum total size of data to read into memory. If the entire dataset is smaller than this size, it is read into memory in its entirety. Otherwise, batches are read from disk on demand.

  • rescale_type: A string in ["warp", "pad", "crop"] (default "crop") that describes how to resize images to the specified image_input_shape. If the aspect ratio of all training images matches the input_image_shape, this has no practical effect. If not, the option specifies that the image should be stretched, padded in the short dimension, or centrally-cropped in the long dimension, respectively, to get an image with the correct aspect ratio. See the description for the same key in the SenseNet documentation for a precise description of how each option works. Note that for bounding box problems, "pad" is always used regardless of this setting, to make sure that no part of the image is distorted or occluded.

  • training_data: A list of dicts, each one of which represents a single training point. The dicts should each have three keys, file, label, and weight, which are the location of the image input file (with the image_root prepended), the label for that file (a string for categorical objectives and a number for numeric) and the weight for that training example (generally 1 for all points).

The model returned by image_model(json_output, None) returns a vector for each predicted point, where the ordering of the values in the vector correspond to the ordering of the class values given in json_output["output_exposition"].

Object Detection

The training_data for an object detection problem should be a list of dicts, each one of which represents a single training point. The dicts should each have two keys, file and boxes. The file is the location of the image input file (with the image_root prepended). The boxes are represented as a list of lists, where each inner list has the takes the form [x1, y1, x2, y2, class]. Where the x-y coordinate pairs are the upper-left and lower-right corners of the bounding box (in a coordinate system where (0, 0) is the upper-left of the image), and the class is a string representing the type of object in the bounding box. For example:

        "boxes": [
            [94, 148, 128, 182, "ellipse"],
            [21, 128, 219, 345, "rectangle"],
            [21, 175, 322, 370, "rectangle"]
        "file": "00000000.png"
        "boxes": [
            [188, 43, 228, 311, "rectangle"]
        "file": "00000001.png"
        "boxes": [],
        "file": "00000002.png"

Object detection also considers the following additional parameters:

  • bounding_box_anchors: A list of pairs of integers that represent common sizes of boxes as [width height] in pixels on images of the scale given in input_image_shape, such as [[100 50], [50, 100], [50, 75]]. If not specified, these "bounding box proposals" (six of them for tiny YOLO and nine for full YOLO) are determined automatically via k-means clustering of the box sizes in the given data.

  • strict_boxes: If true, the centers of boxes must be within the bounds of the image, or an exception is thrown. If false (the default) no exception is thrown and such boxes are simply discarded.

When learning an object detection model, all data is kept on disk until training (so max_data_size is not applicable) and the loss function is automatically a combination of the various losses needed to solve the problem (so loss_function is not applicable).

The model returned by image_model(json_output, None) returns a 3-element tuple for an image input, where row i in each element corresponds to information about detected box i. The first element is a list of bounding box coordinates of the form [x1, y1, x2, y2], one list per detected box. The second element is a list of "scores", one per detected box, where the score is a product of the probability that an object is present and the highest probability class. The third element is a list of highest-probability classes for each detected box.

Data Augmentation

At training time, you can specify and parameterize a number of data augmentation strategies to use. When these are activated, transformations are applied just-in-time to each dataset instance, modifying it in a way that should not affect its corresponding objective.

It is incumbent on the user to select augmentation settings that are appropriate to the problem. For example, adding a small amount of noise to images of letters does not change the perceived class of the image, but flipping the image horizontally might (for example, the lower case letter b becomes d and vice-versa). Using the data visualization command line tool described below can help determine whether your augmentations are data-appropriate.

Specifying Augmentations

The key image_augmentations is the simplest way to specify which augmentations to use. This key should be mapped to a list of strings, where the values in the list are drawn from the list given in the specific (augmentation descriptions)[#augmentation-descriptions], such as:

{"image_augmentations": ["cutout", "horizontal_flip", "zoom"]}

By default, the augmentations are designed to be somewhat conservative: You should see the effects if you visualize the image batches (using the provided data visualization tool, but the effects will not be terribly pronounced.

Parameterizing Augmentations

If you would like to make your augmentations have more (or less) effect than they have by default, you can specify augmentation_ranges instead of image_augmentations. Note that the former takes preference if specified and the latter is ignored.

The use of augmentation_ranges allows you to provide a dictionary that maps augmentation types to a floating point value. Usually this value is between 0 and 1, and larger values will increase the effect of the transformation. Specifying null means to use the default value for the augmentation.

There are a few exceptions to this rule:

  • The rotation and shear augmentation types take a value that corresponds to angular degrees, so two is a small value, 20 is significant but not totally crazy, and probably 90 is as high as you should ever go.

  • The flip_horizontal, flip_vertical, and color_invert augmentations are boolean: Specifying any truthy value will activate the augmentation, and any falsely value will deactivate it (the same as if it was not included at all).

So, for example, if you give the following values,

  "augmentation_ranges": {
    "cutout": null,
    "horizontal_flip": true,
    "zoom": 0.2

it means to use the default value for the cutout augmentation, to use the horizontal_flip augmentation, and to use a value of 0.2 for the zoom augmentation. No other augmentations would be applied.

Augmentation Descriptions

The semantics of the parameter given in augmentation_ranges varies dramatically from one augmentation to the next. In the descriptions below, we attempt to describe its effect for each one; the value n referenced in each description is the value given in augmentation_ranges. Pay special attention to the defaults mentioned as this gives a landmark "small but observable" value for each augmentation.

  • blur: Apply blurring to this image. Blurring is accomplished by downsampling the image by a factor of 1 / x (where x is a random value between 1 - n and 1), then upsampling to the original size using bilinear interpolation. Practically, this has an effect similar to using a blur kernel with size 1 / x, so values of n less than 0.5 may not have significant impact on the resulting images, especially where the input_image_shape is large.

  • brightness: Adjust the brightness by random value from -n * 255 to n * 255. This value is added to all pixels in the image (clipping, of course, at 255).

  • color_invert: With probability 0.5, invert all color channels in the image. That is, if the original image is an 8-bit image img, the resulting image is 255 - img.

  • contrast: Adjust the contrast by a random amount between -n and n. To "adjust the contrast" is to move all pixels further from or closer to the mean value, so that for a mean pixel value mv and a pixel value v, the new value will be mv + (v - mv) * (1 + n). Default n is 0.25.

  • cutout: With probability 0.5, occlude part of the image with a rectangle of size [width * n, height * n], so that n ** 2 of the image will be occluded. The color of the rectangle is the mean pixel value of the entire image. Default n is 0.25.

  • deform: With probability 0.5, calculate a perspective transformation based on the movement of one corner of the image by (width * x, height * y) where x and y are random numbers between 1 and n, then apply the transformation to the image. Note that this is only available as a foreground_image_augmentation when doing data generation, and will have no effect otherwise.

  • gaussian_noise: With probability 0.5, add random Gaussian noise to each pixel. The noise is a function of the pixel value itself. Specifically, if the pixel value in a given channel is v, then the noise added will be drawn from a Gaussian with mean 0 and standard deviation n * v. Default n is 0.1.

  • glare: Like cutout, but occludes part of the image with a elliptical gradient that is white at the center and transparent at the edges, meant to look a bit like glare on a surface. The foci of the ellipse are selected at random, and the gradient is chosen so that a random fraction of the image between 0 and n is significantly occluded. Default n is 0.1.

  • height_shift: Shift the image vertically by a random value from -n * height to n * height pixels, where height is the height of the input image. Borders are filled with the nearest neighbor pixel as necessary. Default n is 0.1.

  • horizontal_flip: With probability 0.5, flips the image about the y-axis (that is, left to right)

  • rotation: Rotate the image randomly between -n and n degrees. The "frame" of the input image is kept constant, and it is rotated "underneath", which means the corners generally fall outside the frame and are lost, and the borders are filled as necessary using the nearest neighbor pixel. Default n is 10.

  • shear: Apply a shear transformation with an angle between -n and n degrees. As with rotation, the bounds of the image in the original coordinate system are retained, which means that shearing will typically push one of the corners out of the frame, and will require nearest-neighbor padding at another. Default n is 10.

  • tint: With probability 0.5, apply an adjustment factor of between 1 - n and 1 + n at random to a random subset of the color channels in the image, which will have the effect of shifting the image towards a particular color. The adjustment factor is chosen separately for each channel.

  • vertical_flip: With probability 0.5, flips the image about the x-axis (that is, top to bottom).

  • width_shift: Shift the image horizontally by a random value from -n * height to n * height pixels, where width is the width of the input image. Borders are filled with the nearest neighbor pixel as necessary. Default n is 0.1.

  • zoom: Scale the image by a factor of 1 - n to 1 + n, then crop or pad with nearest neighbor pixels as needed to maintain the original size. Default n is 0.1.


For classification and regression problems, there are two code pathways for generating the augmented image data: One creates a graph in pure TensorFlow and the other uses tf.py_function. For very few or zero transformations, the former pathway can be 10 to 20x faster than the latter. However, certain augmentations (given in cannot be encoded efficiently in pure TensorFlow, and so we use the tf.py_function when one of these is specified. Eliminating these transformations may result in significant speedups where creating training data batches is the bottleneck. Note that bounding box problems do not have two data generation pathways.

Currently, the rotation and shear augmentations are not available for bounding box problems, as this would require applying an affine transformation to the box vertices, then recalculating the bounding box around those vertices, and boy, that sounds like a pain. For now, these keys will be ignored if given for a bounding box problem.

Data Visualization

There is a separate pyramid command that can be used to visualize batches of training data with all of the transformations shown in image_augmentations applied. This can be useful to see what the machine is seeing in training. To do this, you can use the --visualize switch on the command line:

pyramid_train --visualize config.json

This will display a window with a collection of the images with their labels, or with all bounding boxes in the image if this is an object detection problem.

If you would like to see more than one batch of images, you can add =<number_of_batches> to the switch. E.g.:

pyramid_train --visualize=5 config.json

Data Generation

Yet another installed command allows you to generate data for image classification or object detection. The command, pyramid_generate also takes a single JSON file as its configuration argument:

pyramid_generate config.json

The general idea is that you point the data generation process at a directory of labeled foreground images (that is, images in subdirectories with their labels) and background images, along with a set of allowable transformations for each. We iteratively select a one or more foreground images and a background image, apply transformations to change the images slightly, then paste the foreground images atop the background at a random location. This means that it is possible, depending on the size of the foreground image (see the setting occupancy_range below), the foreground images may occlude one another in the final composition. The final image is labeled it according to the directory from which the foreground image was chosen. If balance_objective is true, we sample from each subdirectory in foreground_image_root with equal probability, so the class distribution in classification problems will be roughly uniform.

In addition, the alpha channel of each foreground image is used, so that fully or partially transparent areas of the foreground images are "replaced" by the background in the amount specified by the alpha channel.

The output of this command is a directory of the synthesized images, along with a JSON file that has the generated training data in training_data, as well as the other training options copied over from from the input file. This JSON file is written to the specified output_directory, along with all of the generated images in a subdirectory called train.

If the objective_type given is "categorical", the training_data will have ground truth as given by the labels inferred from the subdirectories of the foreground images. If the objective_type is "bounding_box", the ground truth will include the bounding box coordinates of the pasted foreground image(s).

The keys in config.json should be the keys you want to appear in your config, along with the following parameters that control the nature of the generated images:

  • background_image_augmentations: Analogous to image_augmentations, these are the transformations to be applied to the background images before they are combined with the foreground images.

  • background_augmentation_ranges: Analogous to augmentation_ranges, used if you want to specify specific parameters for background image transformation.

  • background_image_root: The root directory for the background images. Images in subdirectories will not be used.

  • background_label: In classification problems, the label assigned to images that are "background only", with no foreground (see empty_image_rate).

  • bounding_box_margin: An integer margin, in pixels, that will be added to the bounding box of each pasted foreground image.

  • constant_box_label: Providing a string here will cause the labels in subdirectories to be ignored, and for all boxes to have the given label.

  • empty_image_rate: The rate at which an empty image (i.e., a background with no foreground) is generated. Defaults to zero.

  • foreground_image_augmentations: As above, the image_augmentations to be applied to the foreground images before they are combined with the background.

  • foreground_augmentation_ranges: As above, the augmentation_ranges to be applied to the foreground images before they are combined with the background.

  • foreground_image_root: The root directory for the foreground images. These can be in subdirectories that correspond to their class labels, which will be used to label the instances in the output training_data. If the images are not in subdirectories, they will be given the empty string as a label. If balance_objective is true, we sample from the subdirectories with equal probability.

  • generated_dataset_size: The integer number of images that should be generated

  • input_image_shape: As in training configuration, a triple describing the shape of the images that should be generated.

  • objective_type: Either "categorical" or "bounding_box", depending on the sort of model you would like to learn on the generated data.

  • occupancy_range: The range of values for the fraction of the background image that will be occupied by each foreground image, where the value gives the maximum amount of occupancy from each axis (e.g., with a 100 x 50 background, and a 10 x 10 foreground, the occupancy fraction is max(0.1, 0.2) = 0.2). So if a range of [0.5, 0.75], each image will have a maximum of between half and three-quarters of each axis taken up by each foreground image. The given values cannot be negative, but they may exceed 1, in which case the foreground images will be clipped where their size exceeds the generated background. Note again that in the case of multiple foreground images, it is possible that they will occlude one another.

  • output_directory: The location where the generated images, and the JSON file for training will be written, so that running pyramid_train <output_directory>/config.json will begin training a model on the generated data.

  • max_foreground_images: The maximum number of foreground objects that will appear in each generated image (with a max of 32 and a minimum of zero), with the number chosen at random for each generated image. For bounding box problems, this results in one box per foreground image. For classification problems, the label of the last drawn foreground will be chosen as the instance label.

  • random_background_rate: With this probability, instead of drawing a random image from the background_image_root, a synthetic background is created, which is a uniform color background with zero or more simple shapes (circles, rectangles, etc.) drawn on the background.

To see a sample of the generated data before generating the full set, the --visualize command line switch will also work with the data generation command:

pyramid_generate --visualize=5 config.json

The pyramid Child Process

To use pyramid as a client library, you run the pyramid command within the installed virtualenv. The command takes a single argument, a timeout in seconds. Pyramid will terminate after not getting any input for this interval. Typically, this subprocess will be invoked and managed from other software (e.g., in the BigML backend, from wintermute).

The process then waits for a line from standard input. To run a job, send a string representing a path to JSON data file. The data file should contain a single JSON object, which gives the specifications for the job. These are enumerated in (and validated by) the pyramid.settings.base_settings.BaseSettings class and will not be enumerated here (though the settings listed above are a subset of the ones available)

In general, the results of the jobs are communicated via disk: A directory is specified by the client in the settings object, and pyramid writes results to that directory in an expected format. It is the responsibility of the client to load the results and delete the directory after the results have been examined. Some meta-information, such as the wall-clock time of the job, is returned to standard out.

After the JSON file is parsed into a settings object, the job is routed according to the job_type key.

Image Training

If the job_type is image training, all images from the from the dataset are composed into a dataset containing only these images and their labels. We then learn an image network over this dataset whose topology is determined by the given settings.

Data Caching

The simplest form of data caching is to read the data out of the cache and into one or more NumPy arrays. However, a few additional things can happen. If the parameter tree_embedding is set to true, a number of small random forests are learned over subsets of the input features, and these "tree features" are added to the inputs. If there are images in the dataset, the network learned in the previous step (or a pretrained network if specified) serves as the feature extractor for all images.


In this phase we learn the densely connected layers at the top of the network, using as inputs the cached datapoints. Pyramid instantiates the network via sensenet, constructs a dataset, and performs gradient descent against the network parameters. For datasets above a trivial size, early stopping is performed via holdout set.

After learning is complete, the network is decorated with Shapley-style importance values computed via the integrated gradients approximation, using a subset of the input data (constructed via clustering) as the reference dataset.

Finally, if the input settings indicate that this model is one of many models being learned as part of a model search, the model is tested on an evaluation set and the results written to the specified cache directory.


The simplest form of finalizing is to read the variously learned parts of the model (the image network from image learning, the trees from the caching step, and the readout layers from training, and put these together into a JSON structure.

However, if many networks were learned over the data (as in a network search), then the finalizing processes chooses a subset of these networks to output. The subset is chosen by performance on an evaluation set, and its size is determined by the input settings.

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bigml-pyramid-0.4.0.tar.gz (96.9 kB view hashes)

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bigml_pyramid-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (75.9 kB view hashes)

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