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Supervised multivariate discretization and levels merging for logistic regression

Project description

``{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 7, fig.align = "center", fig.height = 4 )``


This research has been financed by Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance (CA
CF), subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole Group which provides all kinds of
banking and insurance services. CA CF specializes in consumer loans. It
is a joint work at `Inria
Nord-Europe <>`__ between Adrien
Ehrhardt (CA CF, Inria), Christophe Biernacki (Inria, Lille University),
Vincent Vandewalle (Inria, Lille University) and Philippe Heinrich
(Lille University).

In order to accept / reject loan applications more efficiently (both
quicker and to select better applicants), most financial institutions
resort to Credit Scoring: given the applicant's characteristics he/she
is given a Credit Score, which has been statistically designed using
previously accepted applicants, and which partly decides whether the
financial institution will grant the loan or not.

The current methodology for building a Credit Score in most financial
institutions is based on logistic regression for several (mostly
practical) reasons: it generally gives satisfactory discriminant
results, it is reasonably well explainable (contrary to a random forest
for example), it is robust to missing data (in particular not financed
clients) that follow a MAR missingness mechanism.


In practice, the statistical modeler has historical data about each
customer's characteristics. For obvious reasons, only data available at
the time of inquiry must be used to build a future application
scorecard. Those data often take the form of a well-structured table
with one line per client alongside their performance (did they pay back
their loan or not?) as can be seen in the following table:

``{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'} knitr::kable(data.frame(Job=c("Craftsman","Technician","Executive","Office employee"),Habitation = c("Owner","Renter","Starter","By family"),Time_in_job = c(10,20,5,2), Children = c(0,1,2,3), Family_status= c("Divorced","Widower","Single","Married"),Default = c("No","No","Yes","No")))``


In the rest of the vignette, the random vector :math:`X=(X^j)_1^d` will
designate the predictive features, i.e. the characteristics of a client.
The random variable :math:`Y \in \{0,1\}` will designate the label, i.e.
if the client has defaulted (:math:`Y=1`) or not (:math:`Y=0`).

We are provided with an i.i.d. sample
:math:`(\bar{x},\bar{y}) = (x_i,y_i)_1^n` consisting in :math:`n`
observations of :math:`X` and :math:`Y`.

Logistic regression

The logistic regression model assumes the following relation between
:math:`X` (supposed continuous here) and :math:`Y`:

.. math:: \ln \left( \frac{p_\theta(Y=1|x)}{p_\theta(Y=0|x)} \right) = \theta_0 + \sum_{j=1}^d \theta_j*x^j

where :math:`\theta = (\theta_j)_0^d` are estimated using

Clearly, the model assumes linearity of the logit transform of the
response :math:`Y` with respect to :math:`X`.

Common problems with logistic regression on "raw" data

Fitting a logistic regression model on "raw" data presents several
problems, among which some are tackled here.

Feature selection

First, among all collected information on individuals, some are
irrelevant for predicting :math:`Y`. Their coefficient :math:`\theta_j`
should subsequently be :math:`0` which might (eventually) be the case
asymptotically (i.e. :math:`n \rightarrow \infty`).

Second, some collected information are highly correlated and affect each
other's coefficient estimation.

As a consequence, data scientists often perform feature selection before
training a machine learning algorithm such as logistic regression.

There already exists methods and packages to perform feature selection,
see for example the ``caret`` package.

``glmdisc`` is not a feature selection tool but acts as such as a
side-effect as we will see in the next part.


When provided with continuous features, the logistic regression model
assumes linearity of the logit transform of the response :math:`Y` with
respect to :math:`X`. This might not be the case at all.

For example, we can simulate a logistic model with an arbitrary power of
:math:`X` and then try to fit a linear logistic model:

``{r, echo=TRUE, results='asis'} x = matrix(runif(1000), nrow = 1000, ncol = 1) p = 1/(1+exp(-3*x^5)) y = rbinom(1000,1,p) modele_lin <- glm(y ~ x, family = binomial(link="logit")) pred_lin <- predict(modele_lin,,type="response") pred_lin_logit <- predict(modele_lin,``

``{r, echo=FALSE} knitr::kable(head(data.frame(True_prob = p,Pred_lin = pred_lin)))``

Of course, providing the ``glm`` function with a ``formula`` object
containing :math:`X^5` would solve the problem. This can't be done in
practice for two reasons: first, it is too time-consuming to examine all
features and candidate polynomials; second, we lose the interpretability
of the logistic decision function which was of primary interest.

Consequently, we wish to discretize the input variable :math:`X` into a
categorical feature which will "minimize" the error with respect to the
"true" underlying relation:

\`\`\`{r, echo=TRUE, results='asis'} x\_disc <-
factor(cut(x,c(-Inf,0.5,0.7,0.8,0.9,+Inf)),labels = c(1,2,3,4,5))
modele\_disc <- glm(y ~ x\_disc, family = binomial(link="logit"))
pred\_disc <-
pred\_disc\_logit <- predict(modele\_disc,\_disc))


\`\`\`{r, echo=FALSE}

knitr::kable(head(data.frame(True\_prob = p,Pred\_lin =
pred\_lin,Pred\_disc = pred\_disc))) plot(x,3\*x^5,main = "Estimated
logit transform of p(Y\|X)", ylab = "p(Y\|X) under different models")


Too many values per categorical feature

When provided with categorical features, the logistic regression model
fits a coefficient for all its values (except one which is taken as a
reference). A common problem arises when there are too many values as
each value will be taken by a small number of observations :math:`x_i^j`
which makes the estimation of a logistic regression coefficient

``{r, echo=TRUE, results='asis'} x_disc_bad_idea <- factor(cut(x,c(-Inf,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,+Inf)),labels = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))``

If we divide the training set in 10 and estimate the variance of each
coefficient, we get:

\`\`\`{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'} liste\_coef <- list()

for (k in 1:10) { x\_part <-
factor(x\_disc\_bad\_idea[((k-1)\ *nrow(x)/10 +1) : (k/10*\ nrow(x))])
y\_part <- y[((k-1)\ *length(y)/10 +1) : (k/10*\ length(y))]
modele\_part <- glm(y\_part ~ x\_part, family=binomial(link = "logit"))
liste\_coef[[k]] <- (modele\_part$coefficients) }

estim\_coef <- matrix(NA, nrow = nlevels(x\_disc\_bad\_idea), ncol = 10)

for (i in 1:nlevels(x\_disc\_bad\_idea)) { estim\_coef[i,] <-
batch[paste0("x\_part",levels(factor(x\_disc\_bad\_idea))[i])])) }

stats\_coef <- matrix(NA, nrow = nlevels(x\_disc\_bad\_idea), ncol = 3)

for (i in 1:nlevels(x\_disc\_bad\_idea)) { stats\_coef[i,1] <-
mean(estim\_coef[i,], na.rm = TRUE) stats\_coef[i,2] <-
sd(estim\_coef[i,], na.rm = TRUE) stats\_coef[i,3] <-
sum(\_coef[i,])) }

stats\_coef <- stats\_coef[-1,] row.names(stats\_coef) <-

plot (row.names(stats\_coef), stats\_coef[,1],ylab="Estimated
coefficient",xlab="Factor value of x", ylim = c(-1,8))

All intervals crossing :math:`0` are non-significant! We should group
factor values to get a stable estimation and (hopefully) significant
coefficient values.

Discretization and grouping: theoretical background


Let :math:`E=(E^j)_1^d` be the latent discretized transform of
:math:`X`, i.e. taking values in :math:`\{0,\ldots,m_j\}` where the
number of values of each covariate :math:`m_j` is also latent.

The fitted logistic regression model is now:

.. math:: \ln \left( \frac{p_\theta(Y=1|e)}{p_\theta(Y=0|e)} \right) = \theta_0 + \sum_{j=1}^d \sum_{k=1}^{m_j} \theta^j_k*\mathbb{1}_{e^j=k}

Clearly, the number of parameters has grown which allows for flexible
approximation of the true underlying model :math:`p(Y|E)`.

Best discretization?

Our goal is to obtain the model :math:`p_\theta(Y|e)` with best
predictive power. As :math:`E` and :math:`\theta` are both optimized, a
formal goodness-of-fit criterion could be:

.. math:: (\hat{\theta},\hat{\bar{e}}) = \arg \max_{\theta,\bar{e}} \text{AIC}(p_\theta(\bar{y}|\bar{e}))

where AIC stands for Akaike Information Criterion.


The problem seems well-posed: if we were able to generate all
discretization schemes transforming :math:`X` to :math:`E`, learn
:math:`p_\theta(y|e)` for each of them and compare their AIC values, the
problem would be solved.

Unfortunately, there are way too many candidates to follow this
procedure. Suppose we want to construct :math:`k` intervals of
:math:`E^j` given :math:`n` distinct :math:`(x^j_i)_1^n`. There is
:math:`n \choose k` models. The true value of :math:`k` is unknown, so
it must be looped over. Finally, as logistic regression is a
multivariate model, the discretization of :math:`E^j` can influence the
discretization of :math:`E^k`, :math:`k \neq j`.

As a consequence, existing approaches to discretization (in particular
discretization of continuous attributes) rely on strong assumptions to
simplify the search of good candidates as can be seen in the review of
Ramírez‐Gallego, S. et al. (2016) - see References section.

Discretization and grouping: estimation

Likelihood estimation

:math:`E` can be introduced in :math:`p(Y|X)`:

.. math:: \forall \: x,y, \; p(y|x) = \sum_e p(y|x,e)p(e|x)

First, we assume that all information about :math:`Y` in :math:`X` is
already contained in :math:`E` so that:

.. math:: \forall \: x,y,e, \; p(y|x,e)=p(y|e)

Second, we assume the conditional independence of :math:`E^j` given
:math:`X^j`, i.e. knowing :math:`X^j`, the discretization :math:`E^j` is
independent of the other features :math:`X^k` and :math:`E^k` for all
:math:`k \neq j`:

.. math:: \forall \:x, k\neq j, \; E^j | x^j \perp E^k | x^k

The first equation becomes:

.. math:: \forall \: x,y, \; p(y|x) = \sum_e p(y|e) \prod_{j=1}^d p(e^j|x^j)

As said earlier, we consider only logistic regression models on
discretized data :math:`p_\theta(y|e)`. Additionnally, it seems like we
have to make further assumptions on the nature of the relationship of
:math:`e^j` to :math:`x^j`. We chose to use polytomous logistic
regressions for continuous :math:`X^j` and contengency tables for
qualitative :math:`X^j`. This is an arbitrary choice and future versions
will include the possibility of plugging your own model.

The first equation becomes:

.. math:: \forall \: x,y, \; p(y|x) = \sum_e p_\theta(y|e) \prod_{j=1}^d p_{\alpha_j}(e^j|x^j)

The SEM algorithm

It is still hard to optimize over :math:`p(y|x;\theta,\alpha)` as the
number of candidate discretizations is gigantic as said earlier.

However, calculating :math:`p(y,e|x)` is easy:

.. math:: \forall \: x,y, \; p(y,e|x) = p_\theta(y|e) \prod_{j=1}^d p_{\alpha_j}(e^j|x^j)

As a consequence, we will draw random candidates :math:`e` approximately
at the mode of the distribution :math:`p(y,\cdot|x)` using an SEM
algorithm (see References section).

Gibbs sampling

To update, at each random draw, the parameters :math:`\theta` and
:math:`\alpha` and propose a new discretization :math:`e`, we use the
following equation:

.. math:: p(e^j|x^j,y,e^{\{-j\}}) \propto p_\theta(y|e) p_{\alpha_j}(e^j|x^j)

Note that we draw :math:`e^j` knowing all other variables, especially
:math:`e^{-j}` so that we introduced a Gibbs sampler (see References

The ``glmdisc`` package

The ``glmdisc`` function

The ``glmdisc`` function implements the algorithm discribed in the
previous section. Its parameters are described first, then its internals
are briefly discussed. We finally focus on its ouptuts.


The number of iterations in the SEM algorithm is controlled through the
``iter`` parameter. It can be useful to first run the ``glmdisc``
function with a low (10-50) ``iter`` parameter so you can have a better
idea of how much time your code will run.

The ``validation`` and ``test`` boolean parameters control if the
provided dataset should be divided into training, validation and/or test
sets. The validation set aims at evaluating the quality of the model fit
at each iteration while the test set provides the quality measure of the
final chosen model.

The ``criterion`` parameters lets the user choose between standard model
selection statistics like ``aic`` and ``bic`` and the ``gini`` index
performance measure (proportional to the more traditional AUC measure).
Note that if ``validation=TRUE``, there is no need to penalize the
log-likelihood and ``aic`` and ``bic`` become equivalent. On the
contrary if ``criterion="gini"`` and ``validation=FALSE`` then the
algorithm may overfit the training data.

The ``m_start`` parameter controls the maximum number of categories of
:math:`E^j` for :math:`X^j` continuous. The SEM algorithm will start
with random :math:`E^j` taking values in :math:`\{1,m_{\text{start}}\}`.
For qualitative features :math:`X^j`, :math:`E^j` is initialized with as
many values as :math:`X^j` so that ``m_start`` has no effect.

The ``reg_type`` parameter controls the model used to fit :math:`E^j` to
continuous :math:`X^j`. The default behavior (``reg_type=poly``) uses
``multinom`` from the ``nnet`` package which is a polytomous logistic
regression (see References section). The other ``reg_type`` value is
``polr`` from the ``MASS`` package which is an ordered logistic
regression (simpler to estimate but less flexible as it fits way fewer

Empirical studies show that with a reasonably small training dataset
(:math:`\leq 100 000` rows) and a small ``m_start`` parameter
(:math:`\leq 20`), approximately :math:`500` to :math:`1500` iterations
are largely sufficient to obtain a satisfactory model


First, the discretized version :math:`E` of :math:`X` is initialized at
random using the user-provided maximum number of values for quantitative
values through the ``m_start`` parameter.

Then we iterate ``times``: First, the model :math:`p_\theta(y|e)`, where
:math:`e` denotes the current value of :math:`E`, is adjusted. Then, for
each feature :math:`X^j`, the model :math:`p_{\alpha_j}(e|x)` is
adjusted (depending on the type of :math:`X^j` it can be a polytomous
logistic regression or a contengency table). Finally, we draw a new
candidate :math:`e^j` with probability

The performance metric chosen through the ``criterion`` parameter
determines the best candidate :math:`e`.


First we simulate a "true" underlying discrete model:
``{r, echo=TRUE, results='asis'} x = matrix(runif(300), nrow = 100, ncol = 3) cuts = seq(0,1,length.out= 4) xd = apply(x,2, function(col) as.numeric(cut(col,cuts))) theta = t(matrix(c(0,0,0,2,2,2,-2,-2,-2),ncol=3,nrow=3)) log_odd = rowSums(t(sapply(seq_along(xd[,1]), function(row_id) sapply(seq_along(xd[row_id,]), function(element) theta[xd[row_id,element],element])))) y = rbinom(100,1,1/(1+exp(-log_odd)))``

The ``glmdisc`` function will try to "recover" the hidden true
discretization ``xd`` when provided only with ``x`` and ``y``:
``{r, echo=TRUE,warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, results='hide',eval=FALSE} library(glmdisc) discretization <- glmdisc(x,y,iter=50,m_start=5,test=FALSE,validation=FALSE,criterion="aic",interact=FALSE)``

``{r, echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, results='hide',eval=TRUE} library(glmdisc) discretization <- glmdisc(x,y,iter=50,m_start=5,test=FALSE,validation=FALSE,criterion="aic",interact=FALSE)``

The ``parameters`` slot

The ``parameters`` slot refers back to the user-provided parameters
given to the ``glmdisc`` function. Consequently, users can compare
results of different ``glmdisc`` with respect to their parameters.

``{r, echo=TRUE} discretization@parameters``

The ``best.disc`` slot

The ``best.disc`` slot contains all that is needed to reproduce the best
discretization scheme obtained by ``glmdisc`` function: the first
element is the best logistic regression model obtained
:math:`p_\theta(y|e)`; the second element is its associated "link"
function, i.e. either the ``multinom`` or ``polr`` functions fit to each
continuous features and the contengency tables fit to each quantitative
features. \`\`\`{r, echo=TRUE} discretization@best.disc[[1]]

The first link function is:

discretization@best.disc[[2]][[1]] \`\`\`

The ``performance`` slot

The ``performance`` slot lists both the achieved performance defined by
the parameters ``criterion``, ``test`` and ``validation`` and this
performance metric over all the iterations.

``discretization`` was fit with no test nor validation and we used the
AIC criterion. The best AIC achieved is therefore:
``{r, echo=TRUE} discretization@performance[[1]]``

The first 5 AIC values obtained on the training set over the iterations
are: ``{r, echo=TRUE} discretization@performance[[2]][1:5]``

The ```` slot

The ```` slot contains the discretized data obtained by
applying the best discretization scheme found on the test set if
``test=TRUE`` or the validation set if ``validation=TRUE`` or the
training set.

In our example, ``discretization`` has ``validation=FALSE`` and
``test=FALSE`` so that we get the discretized training set:
``{r, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE}``

``{r, echo=FALSE} knitr::kable(head(``

The ```` slot

The ```` slot contains the original "continuous" counterpart of
the ```` slot.

In our example, ``discretization`` has ``validation=FALSE`` and
``test=FALSE`` so that we get the "raw" training set:
``{r, echo=TRUE,eval=FALSE}``

``{r, echo=FALSE} knitr::kable(head(``

How well did we do?

To compare the estimated and the true discretization schemes, we can
represent them with respect to the input "raw" data ``x``:
``{r, echo=FALSE} plot(x[,1],xd[,1]) plot([,1],[,1])``

"Classical" methods

A few classical R methods have been adapted to the ``glmdisc`` S4

The ``plot`` function is the standard ``plot.glm`` method applied to the
best discretization scheme found by the ``glmdisc`` function:
``{r, echo=TRUE} # plot(discretization)``

The ``print`` function is the standard ``print.summary.glm`` method
applied to the best discretization scheme found by the ``glmdisc``
function: ``{r, echo=TRUE} print(discretization)``

Its S4 equivalent ``show`` is also available:
``{r, echo=TRUE} show(discretization)``

The ``discretize`` method

The ``discretize`` method allows the user to discretize a new "raw"
input set by applying the best discretization scheme found by the
``glmdisc`` function in a provided ``glmdisc`` object.
``{r, echo=TRUE, results='asis'} x_new <- discretize(discretization,x)``

``{r, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE} knitr::kable(head(x_new))`` ## The
``predict`` method

The ``discretize`` method allows the user to predict the response of a
new "raw" input set by first discretizing it using the previously
described ``discretize`` method and a previously trained ``glmdisc``
object. It then predicts using the standard ``predict.glm`` method and
the best discretization scheme found by the ``glmdisc`` function.
``{r, echo=TRUE} pred_new <- predict(discretization,x)``

``{r, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE} knitr::kable(head(pred_new))``

Future developments

Enhancing the ``discretization`` package

The ``discretization`` package available from CRAN implements some
existing supervised univariate discretization methods (applicable only
to continuous inputs) : ChiMerge (``chiM``), Chi2 (``chi2``), Extended
Chi2 (``extendChi2``), Modified Chi2 (``modChi2``), MDLP (``mdlp``),
CAIM, CACC and AMEVA (``disc.Topdown``).

To compare the result of such methods to the one we propose, the package
``discretization`` will be enhanced to support missing values (by
putting them in a single class for example) and quantitative features
(through a Chi2 grouping method for example).

Integration of interaction discovery

Very often, predictive features :math:`X` "interact" with each other
with respect to the response feature. This is classical in the context
of Credit Scoring or biostatistics (only the simultaneous presence of
several features - genes, SNP, etc. is predictive of a disease).

With the growing number of potential predictors and the time required to
manually analyze if an interaction should be added or not, there is a
strong need for automatic procedures that screen potential interaction
variables. This will be the subject of future work.

Possibility of changing model assumptions

In the third section, we described two fundamental modelling hypotheses
that were made: >- The real probability density function :math:`p(Y|X)`
can be approximated by a logistic regression :math:`p_\theta(Y|E)` on
the discretized data :math:`E`. >- The nature of the relationship of
:math:`E^j` to :math:`X^j` is: >- A polytomous logistic regression if
:math:`X^j` is continuous; >- A contengency table if :math:`X^j` is

These hypotheses are "building blocks" that could be changed at the
modeller's will: discretization could optimize other models.

Make it faster

The current implementation is heavily based on R code. A lot of logistic
regression are fit, either through ``multinom``, ``polr`` or ``glm``
calls, which can probably be sped up by an intelligent initialization of
their parameters and a limitation or their number of iterations.

We also loop of qualitative features and their values, which is known to
be slow in R. A C++ version of a Gibbs sampler (which is used here)
described by Hadley Wickham in `Advanced
R <>`__ shows a
potential speed up by 40.


Celeux, G., Chauveau, D., Diebolt, J. (1995), On Stochastic Versions of
the EM Algorithm. [Research Report] RR-2514, INRIA. 1995.

Agresti, A. (2002) **Categorical Data**. Second edition. Wiley.

Ramírez‐Gallego, S., García, S., Mouriño‐Talín, H., Martínez‐Rego, D.,
Bolón‐Canedo, V., Alonso‐Betanzos, A. and Herrera, F. (2016). Data
discretization: taxonomy and big data challenge. *Wiley
Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery*, 6(1),

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