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Happy Transformer is an API built on top of Hugging Face's Transformer library that makes it easy to utilize state-of-the-art NLP models.

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Happy Transformer

Happy Transformer is an package built on top of Hugging Face's transformer library that makes it easy to utilize state-of-the-art NLP models.

Table of Contents


January 12, 2021

Introducing Version 2.0.0!

We fully redesigned Happy Transformer from the ground up.

New Features:

  • Question answering training
  • Multi label text classification training
  • Single predictions for text classification

Deprecated Features:

  • Masked word prediction training
  • Masked word prediction with multiple masks

Breaking changes:

  • Everything

Happy Transformer have been redesigned to promote scalability. Now it's easier than ever to add new models and features, and we encourage you to create PRs to contribute to the project.

November 23rd, 2020

Last month, Happy Transformer was presented at a conference called C-Search, and the presentation won the Best Presentation Award. C-Search is the Queen's University Student Research Conference and had Turing Award Winner Professor Bengio as the Keynote Speaker this year. The video for the presentation can be found here.

June 9th, 2020

We're happy to announce that we won a Best Paper Award at the Canadian Undergraduate Conference for AI. We also received the highest score overall. The paper can be found here on page 67.


Public Methods Basic Usage Training
Word Prediction
Text Classification
Question Answering
Next Sentence Prediction
Word Prediction
Text Classification
Question Answering
Next Sentence Prediction


pip install happytransformer

Word Prediction


Initialize a HappyWordPrediction object to perform word prediction.

Initialization Arguments:

  1. model_type (string): either "ALBERT", "BERT" or "DISTILBERT." The default is "DISTILBERT"
  2. model_name(string): below is a URL that contains potential models. MODELS

Note: For all Transformers, the masked token is "[MASK]"

We recommend using "HappyWordPrediction("ALBERT", "albert-xxlarge-v2")" for the best performance

Example 1.0:

    from happytransformer import HappyWordPrediction
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_wp_distilbert = HappyWordPrediction()  # default
    happy_wp_albert = HappyWordPrediction("ALBERT", "albert-base-v2")
    happy_wp_bert = HappyWordPrediction("BERT", "bert-base-uncased")
    happy_wp_roberta = HappyWordPrediction("ROBERTA", "roberta-base")


The method predict_masks() contains 3 arguments:

  1. text (string): a body of text that contains a single masked token
  2. targets (list of strings): a list of potential answers. All other answers will be ignored
  3. top_k (int): the number of results that will be returned

Returns: A list of objects with fields "token" and "top_k"

Note: if targets are provided, then top_k will be ignored and a score for each target will be returned.

Example 1.1:

from happytransformer import HappyWordPrediction
    happy_wp = HappyWordPrediction()  # default uses distilbert-base-uncased
    result = happy_wp.predict_mask("I think therefore I [MASK]")
    print(type(result))  # <class 'list'>
    print(result)  # [WordPredictionResult(token='am', score=0.10172799974679947)]
    print(type(result[0]))  # <class 'happytransformer.happy_word_prediction.WordPredictionResult'>
    print(result[0])  # [WordPredictionResult(token='am', score=0.10172799974679947)]
    print(result[0].token)  # am
    print(result[0].score)  # 0.10172799974679947

Example 1.2:

from happytransformer import HappyWordPrediction
happy_wp = HappyWordPrediction("ALBERT", "albert-xxlarge-v2")
result = happy_wp.predict_mask("To better the world I would invest in [MASK] and education.", top_k=2)
print(result)  # [WordPredictionResult(token='infrastructure', score=0.09270179271697998), WordPredictionResult(token='healthcare', score=0.07219093292951584)]
print(result[1]) # WordPredictionResult(token='healthcare', score=0.07219093292951584)
print(result[1].token) # healthcare

Example 1.3:

from happytransformer import HappyWordPrediction
happy_wp = HappyWordPrediction("ALBERT", "albert-xxlarge-v2")
targets = ["technology", "healthcare"]
result = happy_wp.predict_mask("To better the world I would invest in [MASK] and education.", targets=targets)
print(result)  # [WordPredictionResult(token='healthcare', score=0.07219093292951584), WordPredictionResult(token='technology', score=0.032044216990470886)]
print(result[1])  # WordPredictionResult(token='technology', score=0.032044216990470886)
print(result[1].token)  # technology

Text Classification


Initialize a HappyTextClassification object to perform text classification.

This model assigns a label to a given text string. For example, you can train a model to detect if an email is spam based on its text.

Initialization Arguments:

  1. model_type (string): either "ALBERT", "BERT" or "DISTILBERT." The default is "DISTILBERT"
  2. model_name(string): below is a URL that contains potential models. The default is "distilbert-base-uncased" MODELS
  3. num_labels(int): The number of text categories. The default is 2

WARNING: If you try to load a pretrained model that has a different number of categories than num_labels, then you will get an error

NOTE: "albert-base-v2", "bert-base-uncased" and "distilbert-base-uncased" do not have a predefined number of labels, so if you use these models you can set num_labels freely

Example 2.0:

    from happytransformer import HappyTextClassification
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_tc_distilbert = HappyTextClassification()  # default with "distilbert-base-uncased" and num_labels=2
    happy_tc_albert = HappyTextClassification(model_type="ALBERT", model_name="albert-base-v2")
    happy_tc_bert = HappyTextClassification("BERT", "bert-base-uncased")
    happy_tc_roberta = HappyTextClassification("ROBERTA", "roberta-base")



  1. text (string): Text that will be classified

Returns: An object with fields "label" and "score"

Example 2.1:

    from happytransformer import HappyTextClassification
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_tc = HappyTextClassification(model_type="DISTILBERT",  model_name="distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english")
    result = happy_tc.classify_text("Great movie! 5/5")
    print(type(result))  # <class 'happytransformer.happy_text_classification.TextClassificationResult'>
    print(result)  # TextClassificationResult(label='LABEL_1', score=0.9998761415481567)
    print(result.label)  # LABEL_1

Text Classification Training

HappyTextClassification contains three methods for training

  • train(): fine-tune the model to become better at a certain task
  • eval(): determine how well the model performs on a labeled dataset
  • test(): run the model on an unlabeled dataset to produce predictions



  1. input_filepath (string): a path file to a csv file as described in table 2.1
  2. args (dictionary): a dictionary with the same keys and value types as shown below. The dictionary below shows the default values.

Information about what the keys mean can be accessed here

    'learning_rate': 5e-5,
    'weight_decay': 0,
    'adam_beta1': 0.9,
    'adam_beta2': 0.999,
    'adam_epsilon': 1e-8,
    'max_grad_norm':  1.0,
    'num_train_epochs': 3.0,


Output: None

Table 2.1

  1. text (string): text to be classified
  2. label (int): the corresponding label
Text label
Wow what a great place to eat 1
Horrible food 0
Terrible service 0
I'm coming here again 1

Example 2.3:

    from happytransformer import HappyTextClassification
    # --------------------------------------#
     happy_tc = HappyTextClassification(model_type="DISTILBERT",
                                       num_labels=2)  # Don't forget to set num_labels! 



  1. input_filepath (string): a path file to a csv file as described in table 2.1


An object with the field "loss"

Example 2.3:

    from happytransformer import HappyTextClassification
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_tc = HappyTextClassification(model_type="DISTILBERT",
                                       num_labels=2)  # Don't forget to set num_labels!
    result = happy_tc.eval("../../data/tc/train-eval.csv")
    print(type(result))  # <class 'happytransformer.happy_trainer.EvalResult'>
    print(result)  # EvalResult(eval_loss=0.007262040860950947)
    print(result.loss)  # 0.007262040860950947



  1. input_filepath (string): a path file to a csv file as described in table 2.2

Output: A list of named tuples with keys: "label" and "score"

The list is in order by ascending csv index.

Table 2.2

  1. text (string): text that will be classified
Wow what a great place to eat
Horrible food
Terrible service
I'm coming here again

Example 2.4:

    from happytransformer import HappyTextClassification
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_tc = HappyTextClassification(model_type="DISTILBERT",
                                       num_labels=2)  # Don't forget to set num_labels!
    result = happy_tc.test("../../data/tc/test.csv")
    print(type(result))  # <class 'list'>
    print(result)  # [TextClassificationResult(label='LABEL_1', score=0.9998401999473572), TextClassificationResult(label='LABEL_0', score=0.9772131443023682)...
    print(type(result[0]))  # <class 'happytransformer.happy_text_classification.TextClassificationResult'>
    print(result[0])  # TextClassificationResult(label='LABEL_1', score=0.9998401999473572)
    print(result[0].label)  # LABEL_1

Example 2.5:

    from happytransformer import HappyTextClassification
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_tc = HappyTextClassification(model_type="DISTILBERT",
                                       num_labels=2)  # Don't forget to set num_labels!
    before_loss = happy_tc.eval("../../data/tc/train-eval.csv").loss
    after_loss = happy_tc.eval("../../data/tc/train-eval.csv").loss
    print("Before loss: ", before_loss)  # 0.007262040860950947
    print("After loss: ", after_loss)  # 0.000162081079906784
    # Since after_loss < before_loss, the model learned!
    # Note: typically you evaluate with a separate dataset
    # but for simplicity we used the same one

Question Answering


Initialize a HappyQuestionAnswering object to perform question answering.

This model answers a question given a body of that's text relevant to the questions.

The outputted answer is always a text-span with the provided information.

Initialization Arguments:

  1. model_type (string): either "ALBERT", "BERT" or "DISTILBERT." The default is "DISTILBERT"
  2. model_name(string): below is a URL that contains potential models. MODELS

We recommend using "HappyQuestionAnswering("ALBERT", "mfeb/albert-xxlarge-v2-squad2")" for the best performance

Example 3.0:

    from happytransformer import HappyQuestionAnswering
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_qa_distilbert = HappyQuestionAnswering()  # default
    happy_qa_albert = HappyQuestionAnswering("ALBERT", "mfeb/albert-xxlarge-v2-squad2")
    # good model when using with limited hardware 
    happy_qa_bert = HappyQuestionAnswering("BERT", "mrm8488/bert-tiny-5-finetuned-squadv2")
    happy_qa_roberta = HappyQuestionAnswering("ROBERTA", "deepset/roberta-base-squad2")



  1. context (string): background information, which contains a text-span that is the answer
  2. question (string): the question that will be asked
  3. top_k (int): the number of results that will be returned (default=1)

Returns: A list of a objects with fields: "answer", "score", "start" and "end." The list is in descending order by score

Example 3.1:

    from happytransformer import HappyQuestionAnswering
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_qa = HappyQuestionAnswering()
    result = happy_qa.answer_question("Today's date is January 10th, 2021", "What is the date?")
    print(type(result))  # <class 'list'>
    print(result)  # [QuestionAnsweringResult(answer='January 10th, 2021', score=0.9711642265319824, start=16, end=34)]
    print(type(result[0]))  # <class 'happytransformer.happy_question_answering.QuestionAnsweringResult'>
    print(result[0])  # QuestionAnsweringResult(answer='January 10th, 2021', score=0.9711642265319824, start=16, end=34)
    print(result[0].answer)  # January 10th, 2021

Example 3.2:

    from happytransformer import HappyQuestionAnswering
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_qa = HappyQuestionAnswering()
    result = happy_qa.answer_question("Today's date is January 10th, 2021", "What is the date?", top_k=2)
    print(type(result))  # <class 'list'>
    print(result)  # [QuestionAnsweringResult(answer='January 10th, 2021', score=0.9711642265319824, start=16, end=34), QuestionAnsweringResult(answer='January 10th', score=0.017306014895439148, start=16, end=28)]
    print(result[1].answer)  # January 10th

Question Answering Training

HappyQuestionAnswering contains three methods for training

  • train(): fine-tune a question answering model to become better at a certain task
  • eval(): determine how well the model performs on a labeled dataset
  • test(): run the model on an unlabeled dataset to produce predictions



  1. input_filepath (string): a path file to a csv file as described in table 3.1
  2. args (dictionary): a dictionary with the same keys and value types as shown below. The dictionary below shows the default values.

Information about what the keys mean can be accessed here

    'learning_rate': 5e-5,
    'weight_decay': 0,
    'adam_beta1': 0.9,
    'adam_beta2': 0.999,
    'adam_epsilon': 1e-8,
    'max_grad_norm':  1.0,
    'num_train_epochs': 3.0,


Output: None

Table 3.1

  1. context (string): background information for answer the question
  2. question (string): the question that will be asked
  3. answer_text(string): the answer in string format
  4. answer_start(int): the char index of the start of the answer
context question answer_text answer_start
October 31st is the date what is the date? October 31st 0
The date is November 23rd what is the date? November 23rd 12

Example 3.3:

    from happytransformer import HappyQuestionAnswering
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_qa = HappyQuestionAnswering()



  1. input_filepath (string): a path file to a csv file as described in table 3.1


A dataclass with the variable "loss"

Example 3.4:

    from happytransformer import HappyQuestionAnswering
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_qa = HappyQuestionAnswering()
    result = happy_qa.eval("../../data/qa/train-eval.csv")
    print(type(result))  # <class 'happytransformer.happy_trainer.EvalResult'>
    print(result)  # EvalResult(eval_loss=0.11738169193267822)
    print(result.loss)  # 0.1173816919326782



  1. input_filepath (string): a path file to a csv file as described in table 3.2

Output: A list of named tuples with keys: "answer", "score", "start" and "end"

The list is in order by ascending csv index.

Table 3.2

  1. context (string): background information for answer the question
  2. question (string): the question that will be asked
context question
October 31st is the date what is the date?
The date is November 23rd what is the date?

Example 3.5:

    from happytransformer import HappyQuestionAnswering
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_qa = HappyQuestionAnswering()
    result = happy_qa.test("../../data/qa/test.csv")
    print(result)  # [QuestionAnsweringResult(answer='October 31st', score=0.9939756989479065, start=0, end=12), QuestionAnsweringResult(answer='November 23rd', score=0.967872679233551, start=12, end=25)]
    print(result[0])  # QuestionAnsweringResult(answer='October 31st', score=0.9939756989479065, start=0, end=12)
    print(result[0].answer)  # October 31st

Example 3.6:

    from happytransformer import HappyQuestionAnswering
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_qa = HappyQuestionAnswering()
    before_loss = happy_qa.eval("../../data/qa/train-eval.csv").loss
    after_loss = happy_qa.eval("../../data/qa/train-eval.csv").loss
    print("Before loss: ", before_loss)  # 0.11738169193267822
    print("After loss: ", after_loss)  # 0.00037909045931883156
    # Since after_loss < before_loss, the model learned!
    # Note: typically you evaluate with a separate dataset
    # but for simplicity we used the same one 

Next Sentence Prediction


Initialize a HappyNextSentence object to next sentence prediction

Initialization Arguments:

  1. model_type (string): The default is "BERT", which is currently the only available model
  2. model_name(string): We recommend none-finetuned BERT models like "bert-base-uncased" and "bert-large-uncased"

Example 4.0:

    from happytransformer import HappyNextSentence
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_ns = HappyNextSentence()  # default is "bert-base-uncased"
    happy_ns_large = HappyNextSentence("BERT", "bert-large-uncased") 


Inputs: We recommend keeping sentence_a and sentence_b to a single sentence. But longer inputs still work.

  1. sentence_a (string): A sentence
  2. sentence_b (string): A sentence that may or may not follow sentence_a

Returns: A float between 0 and 1 that represents how likely sentence_a follows sentence_b.

Example 4.1:

    from happytransformer import HappyNextSentence
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_ns = HappyNextSentence()
    result = happy_ns.predict_next_sentence(
        "How old are you?",
        "I am 21 years old."
    print(type(result))  # <class 'float'>
    print(result)  # 0.9999918937683105

Example 4.2:

    from happytransformer import HappyNextSentence
    # --------------------------------------#
    happy_ns = HappyNextSentence()
    result = happy_ns.predict_next_sentence(
        "How old are you?",
        "Queen's University is in Kingston Ontario Canada"
    print(type(result))  # <class 'float'>
    print(result)  # 0.00018497584096621722


Happy Transformer uses a number of open source projects:

  • transformers - State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for TensorFlow 2.0 and PyTorch!
  • pytorch - Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python
  • tqdm - A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

HappyTransformer is also an open source project with this public repository on GitHub.

Call for contributors

Happy Transformer is a growing API. We're seeking more contributors to help accomplish our mission of making state-of-the-art AI easier to use.


Project details

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Source Distribution

happytransformer-2.0.0.tar.gz (21.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

happytransformer-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl (26.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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