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Project description

# CRM API bindings for python

This python package provides an easy to use python module to interact with the [ API](

## Installation
The easiest way to install hatchbuck is with pip:

`$ pip install hatchbuck`

## Basic Usage
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.search_email('')

You can get your Hatchbuck API key at when logged in

## Examples

## Search for one email address

from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.search_email('')

### output

{'addresses': [{'city': 'Zürich',
'country': 'Switzerland',
'countryId': 'QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1',
'id': 'Q0NjajF2U1lTWnBHM1hjRFlnQzhzMHZ2UUxLY2d6a1JaU3Nicm5hRTN6azE1',
'state': 'ZH',
'street': 'Neugasse 10',
'type': 'Work',
'zip': '8005'}],
'campaigns': [],
'company': 'VSHN AG',
'contactId': 'SUFYbGdOaEQ0cWR2N1JfV183UFNBSDllTktCc3E3OWRsN09qaW4tU3JqbzE1',
'customFields': [{'name': 'Comments', 'type': 'MText', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Invoiced', 'type': 'Number', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Language', 'type': 'Text', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'working at company since',
'type': 'Text',
'value': '1.1.2018'},
{'name': 'company size', 'type': 'Text', 'value': '25'},
{'name': 'Birthday', 'type': 'Date', 'value': ''}],
'emails': [{'address': '',
'type': 'Work',
'typeId': 'VmhlQU1pZVJSUFFJSjZfMHRmT1laUmwtT0FMNW9hbnBuZHd2Q1JTdE0tYzE1'}],
'firstName': 'Bashar',
'instantMessaging': [],
'lastName': 'Said',
'phones': [{'id': 'OHh4U0ZWc3FNVXVBQVF4cjdsak9McWc4TVppZlF4NklrNmZfSnBhaDZwQTE1',
'number': '+(414) 454-5 53 00',
'type': 'Work',
'typeId': 'QTBncHV0dndnaGNnRVMzLTR0SGtFRmRvZjdqNm4zcVphQi1XX1Z2MXVtRTE1'}],
'referredBy': '',
'salesRep': {'id': 'VGpwQTRGTmw4MExVODl1b1BmXzBodTBwWnZXS2dUZzVvSkJKZUx4UlFpdzE1',
'username': 'aarno.aukia'},
'socialNetworks': [{'address': '',
'id': 'S1pEM2NMWlhmZ1VUcDhTUWVvQy1kU21xMjlSbDg5Z3piMERVbEFsam42azE1',
'type': 'Twitter',
'typeId': 'ZGRlMHpBaXY3M05YUGc4a0pIY3lRdUFKN1JYaDd2VEphbzhSRkdzM2x4bzE1'},
{'address': '',
'id': 'Tzd0TTBueVQzS09JQVZTLUxiUUxUT25VMmVvT0dua2txc2NHZkNkNEg5VTE1',
'type': 'LinkedIn',
'typeId': 'Q2dJTVQ1NW9UYzhJeUd4ckI0dWFNWkpLOUxyTXVGUFVjQlZYbVM2ZlI4bzE1'}],
'source': {'id': 'MHZFdHZqcWVXT1IyNHZGYlM1RGppWVVJcGc3aHgtU3lXRWtfQmFXN0lCODE1',
'name': ''},
'status': {'id': 'UE9zMy1abnhnNUJQWnVORE5BQzNicUFWQ3huLXF2eGlSdlIyYVFmVXh4UTE1',
'name': 'Employee'},
'subscribed': True,
'tags': [],
'temperature': {'id': 'UTI0Nm14TlB4SmRkdVNLMjNWQWgwR2R2TjhySE1US1RtVEQ0T24tRWtFbzE1',
'name': 'Hot'},
'timezone': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'title': 'DevOps Engineer Intern',
'website': [{'id': 'bktodFBCalVCU2J6aFhjaXc5UVZkUHM5OHFnd0ZuQmdJTTU0cDRScm1KSTE1',
'websiteUrl': ''}]}


## Search for the first and last name

from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.search_name('bashar', 'said')

### output
We get the same results When we search by email address because the firstname and lastname(bashar, said) belong to the same email address(

## Search within a list of email addresses
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.search_email_multi(['', '', ...])


**Note:** The emails must be in list form, and the search process stops getting the first match

### output

2018-03-08 11:00:21,079 - hatchbuck - DEBUG - searching for {'emails': [{'address': ''}]}
2018-03-08 11:00:21,091 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2018-03-08 11:00:21,857 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /api/v1/contact/search?
2018-03-08 11:00:21,860 - hatchbuck - DEBUG - not found

#### We did not find a profile with an email address: ''
2018-03-08 11:00:21,860 - hatchbuck - DEBUG - searching for {'emails': [{'address': ''}]}
2018-03-08 11:00:21,862 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2018-03-08 11:00:22,641 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /api/v1/contact/search?
2018-03-08 11:00:22,643 - hatchbuck - DEBUG - found: {......}

#### We found a profile with his email address: ''

### output

We get the same results When we search by email address

## Create profile
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.create({
"firstName": "Hawar",
"lastName": "Afrin",
"title": "Hawar1",
"company": "HAWAR",
"emails": [
"address": "",
"type": "work",
"phones": [
"number": "0041 76 803 77 34",
"type": "work",
"status": {
"name": "Employee",
"temperature": {
"name": "Hot",
"addresses": [
"street": "Langäcker 12",
"city": "wettingen",
"state": "AG",
"zip": "5430",
"country": "Schweiz",
"type": "work",
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"socialNetworks": [
"address": "''",
"type": "Twitter",

### output

{'addresses': [{'city': 'Wettingen',
'country': 'Switzerland',
'countryId': 'QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1',
'id': 'eDZNV2d4Q1ZIR09UN2p1UlhzclVCdTM0LU81UW5TZzZmU05vLUtuVzdoMDE1',
'state': '',
'street': 'Langäcker 13',
'type': 'Home',
'zip': '5430'},
{'city': 'Zürich',
'country': 'Switzerland',
'countryId': 'QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1',
'id': 'OEFPUzJBeTdaWlVhU3FDR194dEk3NU8xTThxakZuQXV4aE9obHM3SVdKTTE1',
'state': 'ZH',
'street': 'Neugasse 10',
'type': 'Work',
'zip': '8005'},
{'city': 'Wettingen',
'country': 'Switzerland',
'countryId': 'QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1',
'id': 'QnZnaFlQYlhnU0NZX0x6NHZMVTJoaU9HV1AzS0dybjdOd0JDc1AwVlVXMDE1',
'state': '',
'street': 'Langäcker',
'type': 'Home',
'zip': '5430'}],
'campaigns': [],
'contactId': 'TmpmT0QyUGE3UGdGejZMay1xbDNyUHJFWU91M2VwN0hCdGtZZFFCaWRZczE1',
'customFields': [{'name': 'Comments', 'type': 'MText', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Invoiced', 'type': 'Number', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Language', 'type': 'Text', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'working at company since',
'type': 'Text',
'value': ''},
{'name': 'company size', 'type': 'Text', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Birthday', 'type': 'Date', 'value': '1/1/1984'}],
'emails': [{'address': '',
'id': 'M2FaYWpqY1pBMldGeVpYYW11cXRpTUw2NndOcFJsUXIzZGI2VC1JRmdSYzE1',
'type': 'Work',
'typeId': 'VmhlQU1pZVJSUFFJSjZfMHRmT1laUmwtT0FMNW9hbnBuZHd2Q1JTdE0tYzE1'}],
'firstName': 'Hawar',
'instantMessaging': [],
'lastName': 'Afrin',
'phones': [{'id': 'MVhxaXBHdlRWOWdLX05FbHF6ZnczMERGVTMyWWRkZ0xsSFFQcXVNYW5NTTE1',
'number': '0041 76 803 77 34',
'type': 'Work',
'typeId': 'QTBncHV0dndnaGNnRVMzLTR0SGtFRmRvZjdqNm4zcVphQi1XX1Z2MXVtRTE1'}],
'referredBy': '',
'salesRep': {'id': 'VGpwQTRGTmw4MExVODl1b1BmXzBodTBwWnZXS2dUZzVvSkJKZUx4UlFpdzE1',
'username': 'aarno.aukia'},
'socialNetworks': [{'address': "''",
'id': 'Y0c2YktIcG1kakt4RTJiRkh3NVVnYzNqejdkUkVrQVRkUE0tUVQ3TUpPdzE1',
'type': 'Twitter',
'typeId': 'ZGRlMHpBaXY3M05YUGc4a0pIY3lRdUFKN1JYaDd2VEphbzhSRkdzM2x4bzE1'}],
'status': {'id': 'UE9zMy1abnhnNUJQWnVORE5BQzNicUFWQ3huLXF2eGlSdlIyYVFmVXh4UTE1',
'name': 'Employee'},
'subscribed': True,
'tags': [{'id': 'Y0Y4VFRhbDZSZFl2eENuYWU4M2s4Q3FsNjExTk5ldjdVOFdWU29ZRy1UTTE1',
'name': 'new tag',
'score': 1}],
'temperature': {'id': 'UTI0Nm14TlB4SmRkdVNLMjNWQWgwR2R2TjhySE1US1RtVEQ0T24tRWtFbzE1',
'name': 'Hot'},
'timezone': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'title': 'Hawar1',
'website': [{'id': 'MW5tUm5IcVVDYmhVZ0lSVndJenBxbDZra1ZwVEcxQXBVWDB6NkVCUWNRODE1',
'websiteUrl': ''},
{'id': 'eG91X0tVcWU2a1A3dVg1b2JKQ1MyWGwzaGFjX1Q5RGRSNng3OE9XbGxBNDE1',
'websiteUrl': ''}]}

## Profile updated

#### For example, we want to update the addresses in the previous profile
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.update('TmpmT0QyUGE3UGdGejZMay1xbDNyUHJFWU91M2VwN0hCdGtZZFFCaWRZczE1', {
"firstName": "Hawar",
"lastName": "Afrin",
"title": "Hawar1",
"company": "HAWAR",
"emails": [
"address": "",
"type": "work",
"phones": [
"number": "0041 76 803 77 34",
"type": "work",
"status": {
"name": "Employee",
"temperature": {
"name": "Hot",
"addresses": [
"street": "Neugasse 10",
"city": "Zürich",
"state": "ZH",
"zip": "8005",
"country": "Switzerland",
"type": "work",
#"subscribed": true,
"timezone": "W. Europe Standard Time",
"socialNetworks": [
"address": "''",
"type": "Twitter",

### output

'addresses': [{'city': 'Zürich',
'country': 'Switzerland',
'countryId': 'QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1',
'id': 'OEFPUzJBeTdaWlVhU3FDR194dEk3NU8xTThxakZuQXV4aE9obHM3SVdKTTE1',
'state': 'ZH',
'street': 'Neugasse 10',
'type': 'Work',
'zip': '8005'}],

## Add address to profile
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.profile_add_address({
"contactId": "TmpmT0QyUGE3UGdGejZMay1xbDNyUHJFWU91M2VwN0hCdGtZZFFCaWRZczE1"},
{'street':"Langäcker 13",

### output
{'addresses': [{'city': 'Wettingen',
'country': 'Switzerland',
'countryId': 'QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1',
'id': 'eDZNV2d4Q1ZIR09UN2p1UlhzclVCdTM0LU81UW5TZzZmU05vLUtuVzdoMDE1',
'state': '',
'street': 'Langäcker 13',
'type': 'Home',
'zip': '5430'},

{'city': 'Zürich',
'country': 'Switzerland',
'countryId': 'QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1',
'id': 'OEFPUzJBeTdaWlVhU3FDR194dEk3NU8xTThxakZuQXV4aE9obHM3SVdKTTE1',
'state': 'ZH',
'street': 'Neugasse 10',
'type': 'Work',
'zip': '8005'}
## profile contains
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.profile_contains({
"contactId": "QmJzeldzQ25rbXluZGc4RzlDYmFmYlZOY2xTemMwX2ZoMll5UTJPenhsNDE1",
"firstName": "Hawar",
"lastName": "Afrin",
"title": "Hawar1",
"company": "HAWAR",
"emails": [
"address": "",
"type": "work",
"addresses": [
"street": "Neugasse 10",
"city": "Zürich",
"state": "ZH",
"zip": "8005",
"country": "Switzerland",
"type": "work",
"phones": [
"number": "0041 76 803 77 34",
"type": "work",

}, "phones", "number", "0041 76 803 77 34")


### output
2018-03-13 09:21:23,556 - root - DEBUG - loading config file: aarno.yaml
2018-03-13 09:21:23,559 - root - DEBUG - loaded config: {'app_key': ' ', 'app_secret': ' ',
'hatchbuck_key': ' ', 'hatchbuck_source_xing': ' ', 'hatchbuck_source_linkedin': ' ',
'hatchbuck_source_carddav': ' ', 'hatchbuck_tag_xing': 'Xing-aarno', 'hatchbuck_tag_linkedin': 'LinkedIn-aarno',
'hatchbuck_tag_carddav': 'Adressbuch-aarno', 'user_key': ' ', 'user_secret': ' ', 'carddav_path': 'carddav/360afdfd542ea44f/'}


## Add a profile
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.profile_add("emails", "address", "", {'type': 'Home'})

### output
{'addresses': [],
'campaigns': [],
'contactId': 'cFk2SXB1emNXWFFuRGRPWnNCeGsyRUZ1NmxCeVdFZlJkV3lzdWVKN0dpZzE1',
'customFields': [{'name': 'Comments', 'type': 'MText', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Invoiced', 'type': 'Number', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Language', 'type': 'Text', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'working at company since',
'type': 'Text',
'value': ''},
{'name': 'company size', 'type': 'Text', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Birthday', 'type': 'Date', 'value': ''}],
'emails': [{'address': '',
'id': 'SVJhdUZDUjZNcllHYVRnZW5XWVZub1kzYmdIRTNkUmpwbUllYlJPNkxKazE1',
'type': 'Work',
'typeId': 'VmhlQU1pZVJSUFFJSjZfMHRmT1laUmwtT0FMNW9hbnBuZHd2Q1JTdE0tYzE1'}],
'firstName': '',
'instantMessaging': [],
'lastName': '',
'phones': [],
'referredBy': '',
'salesRep': {'id': 'VGpwQTRGTmw4MExVODl1b1BmXzBodTBwWnZXS2dUZzVvSkJKZUx4UlFpdzE1',
'username': 'aarno.aukia'},
'socialNetworks': [],
'status': {'id': 'UHQ4aTZUTXh2aDROQ0w0Z2dOSDlGM2ZkaXFRelhTLTJEVHNKWU02TXJ1bzE1',
'name': 'Customer Opportunity'},
'subscribed': True,
'tags': [],
'timezone': 'W. Europe Standard Time',
'website': []}

## Add tags
from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile =hatchbuck.add_tag('TmpmT0QyUGE3UGdGejZMay1xbDNyUHJFWU91M2VwN0hCdGtZZFFCaWRZczE1', 'new tag')

### output
2018-03-13 09:55:51,514 - root - DEBUG - starting with arguments: Namespace(config='aarno.yaml', noop=False, verbose=True)
2018-03-13 09:55:51,514 - root - DEBUG - loading config file: aarno.yaml
2018-03-13 09:55:51,517 - root - DEBUG - loaded config: {'app_key': ' ', 'app_secret': ' ', 'hatchbuck_key': ' ', 'hatchbuck_source_xing': ' ',
'hatchbuck_source_linkedin': ' ', 'hatchbuck_source_carddav': ' ', 'hatchbuck_tag_xing': 'Xing-aarno', 'hatchbuck_tag_linkedin': 'LinkedIn-aarno',
'hatchbuck_tag_carddav': 'Adressbuch-aarno', 'user_key': ' ', 'user_secret': ' ', 'carddav_path': 'carddav/360afdfd542ea44f/'}

2018-03-13 09:55:51,517 - hatchbuck - DEBUG - adding tag new tag to contact TmpmT0QyUGE3UGdGejZMay1xbDNyUHJFWU91M2VwN0hCdGtZZFFCaWRZczE1
2018-03-13 09:55:51,533 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
2018-03-13 09:55:52,216 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /api/v1/contact/TmpmT0QyUGE3UGdGejZMay1xbDNyUHJFWU91M2VwN0hCdGtZZFFCaWRZczE1/Tags?api_key= '' HTTP/1.1" 201 14
**2018-03-13 09:55:52,220 - hatchbuck - DEBUG - success: "Tag(s) added"**

**Notice**: the addition of a tag when viewing the profile
'tags': [{'id': 'Y0Y4VFRhbDZSZFl2eENuYWU4M2s4Q3FsNjExTk5ldjdVOFdWU29ZRy1UTTE1',
'name': 'new tag',
'score': 1}],

## Add birthday to profile

from hatchbuck import Hatchbuck
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
hatchbuck = Hatchbuck('NINIGkhjhg348gssdh2uh2hf6gsjd...')
profile = hatchbuck.profile_add_birthday({
"contactId": "TmpmT0QyUGE3UGdGejZMay1xbDNyUHJFWU91M2VwN0hCdGtZZFFCaWRZczE1"

{'month': '1', 'day': '1', 'year': '1984'}

### output
'customFields': [{'name': 'Comments', 'type': 'MText', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Invoiced', 'type': 'Number', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Language', 'type': 'Text', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'working at company since',
'type': 'Text',
'value': ''},
{'name': 'company size', 'type': 'Text', 'value': ''},
{'name': 'Birthday', 'type': 'Date', 'value': '1/1/1984'}],


Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

hatchbuck-1.0.1.tar.gz (13.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

hatchbuck-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page