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Python 3 library for easily JSON encoding/decoding complex class-based Python models, using an arbitrarily complex (but easy to write!) mapping schema.

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Python 3 JSON Serialization

Python library for easily JSON encoding/decoding complex class-based Python models, using an arbitrarily complex (but easy to write!) mapping schema.


  • Ability to create serializers and deserializers for complex class-based models using a mapping schema.

  • Works seamlessly with Python’s in-built json.dumps and json.loads serialization methods - does not require the use of exotic “convert_to_json”/”convert_from_json” methods.

  • Python models are not be coupled to the serialization process - models do not have to inherit from a particular superclass or implement an interface with a “to_json” (or similar) method.

  • JSON representations produced are not coupled to the Python model - an arbitrary mapping between the JSON and the model can be defined.

  • Simple to define serialization of subclasses, based on how superclasses are serialized.

  • Pure Python 3 - no DSL, XML or similar required to describe mappings, not using outdated Python 2.

  • Well tested.


  1. Define schema for mapping an object to and/or from JSON representation using a list of JsonPropertyMapping definitions.

  2. Use MappingJSONEncoderClassBuilder with the mappings to build a subclass of JSONEncode for serializing instances of a specific type. Similar with decode.

  3. Use created encoder class with Python’s in-built json.dumps via the cls parameter. Similar with decoder.

A mapping can be written that allows complex classes, such as that below, to be mapped to and from any JSON representation:

class CustomClass(SupportFor, MultipleInheritance):
    self __init__(self, support_for_constructor_parameters):
        self.support_for_all_types_of_properties = ""
        self.including_sets = set()
        self.and_lists = list()
        self.and_dictionaries = dict()
        self.and_complex_properties = ComplexClass()
        self.and_properties_not_in_json_if_none = None

    self support_for_setters(self, value):

    self support_for_getters(self):

CustomClassJSONEncoder = MappingJSONEncoderClassBuilder(...).build()    # type: JSONEncoder
CustomClassJSONDecoder = MappingJSONDecoderClassBuilder(...).build()    # type: JSONDecoder

custom_class_as_json = json.dumps(custom_class, cls=CustomClassJSONEncoder)     # type: str
custom_class = json.loads("<custom_class_as_json>", cls=CustomClassJSONDecoder)     # type: CustomClass

How to use


Stable releases can be installed via PyPI:

$ pip3 install hgijson

Bleeding edge versions can be installed directly from GitHub:

$ pip3 install git+<commit_id_or_branch_or_tag>#egg=hgijson

To declare this library as a dependency of your project, add it to your requirement.txt file.


All methods and classes can be imported with:

from hgijson import *

Once what is required is known, [it is good practice] ( to import things explicitly, e.g.:

from hgijson import JsonPropertyMapping, MappingJSONEncoderClassBuilder, MappingJSONDecoderClassBuilder


One-to-one JSON property to object property mapping


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = "Bob Smith"


    "full_name": "<>"

To define that: * The JSON “full_name” property is set from the object’s “name” property. * The object’s “name” property is set from the JSON’s “full_name” property.

mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("full_name", "name")

Build classes that can serialize/deserialize Person instances:

PersonJSONEncoder = MappingJSONEncoderClassBuilder(Person, mapping_schema).build()
PersonJSONDecoder = MappingJSONDecoderClassBuilder(Person, mapping_schema).build()

Serialize/deserialize instance of Person using Python’s inbuilt json.dumps and json.loads:

person_as_json = json.dumps(person, cls=PersonJSONEncoder)
person = json.loads("<person_as_json>", cls=PersonJSONDecoder)
Arbitrary mapping to JSON property value


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = "Bob Smith"

    def get_first_name(self) -> str:
        return" ")[0]

    def get_family_name(self) -> str:
        return" ")[1]


    "first_name": "<person.get_first_name()>",
    "family_name": "<person.get_family_name()>"

To define that: * Serialization to the JSON “first_name” property value uses the object’s get_first_name method. * Serialization to the JSON “family_name” property value uses the object’s get_family_name method.

mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("first_name", object_property_getter=lambda person: person.get_first_name()),
    JsonPropertyMapping("family_name", object_property_getter=lambda person: person.get_family_name())

See `next section <#arbitrary-mapping-to-object-property-value>`__ for how to do the reverse mapping.

Arbitrary mapping to object property value


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = None


    "first_name": "<' ')[0]>",
    "family_name": "<' ')[1]>"

To define that: * The object’s name property value is derived from the value of both the “first_name” and “family name” JSON property values:

mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("name", json_property_getter=lambda obj_as_dict: "%s %s" % (obj_as_dict["first_name"],
Deserializing objects with constructors parameters


class Person:
    def __init__(self, constructor_name: str): = name


    "full_name": "<>"

To define that: * Deserialization requires the value of the JSON “full_name” property be binded to the “constructor_name” parameter in the constructor. * Serialization to the JSON “full_name” property value uses the object’s “name” property value.

mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("full_name", "name", object_constructor_parameter_name="constructor_name")

If further modification of the decoded value is needed, object_constructor_argument_modifier can be set as a function that takes the value retrieved by json_property_getter after it is decoded by using the decoder_cls JSON encoder and returns the value that is binded to the constructor parameter.

Deserializing objects with mutators


class Person:
    def __init__(self):
        self._name = None

    def set_name(name: str):
        self._name = name


    "full_name": "<person._name>"

To define that: * Deserialization requires the private “_name” property be set via the “set_name” mutator from the “full_name” JSON property.

mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("full_name", object_property_setter=lambda person, name: person.set_name(name))
Conditionally optional JSON properties


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = name


// if is not None:
    "full_name": "<>"
// else:
    // No `full_name` property

To define that: * JSON representation should only include the “full_name” if it is not None (e.g. to reduce the size of the JSON).

def add_name_to_json_if_not_none(json_as_dict: dict, name: Optional[str]):
    if name is not None:
        json_as_dict["full_name"] = name

mapping_schema = [JsonPropertyMapping("full_name", json_property_setter=add_name_to_json_if_not_none)]


class Identifiable:
    def __init__(self): = None

class Named:
    def __init__(self): = None

class Employee(Identifiable, Named):
    def __init__(self):
        self.title = None


    "identifier": "<>",
    "full_name": "<>",
    "job_title": "<employee.title>"

To define that: * Serialization of Employee should “extend” the way Named and Identifiable are serialized.

identifiable_mapping_schema = [JsonPropertyMapping("identifier", "id")]
named_mapping_schema = [JsonPropertyMapping("full_name", "name")]
employee_mapping_schema = [JsonPropertyMapping("job_title", "title")]

IdentifiableJSONEncoder = MappingJSONEncoderClassBuilder(Identifiable, identifiable_mapping_schema).build()
NamedJSONEncoder = MappingJSONEncoderClassBuilder(Named, named_mapping_schema).build()
EmployeeJSONEncoder = MappingJSONEncoderClassBuilder(Employee, employee_mapping_schema, (IdentifiableJSONEncoder, NamedJSONEncoder)).build()

IdentifiableJSONDecoder = MappingJSONDecoderClassBuilder(Identifiable, identifiable_mapping_schema).build()
NamedJSONDecoder = MappingJSONDecoderClassBuilder(Named, named_mapping_schema).build()
EmployeeJSONDecoder = MappingJSONDecoderClassBuilder(Employee, employee_mapping_schema, (IdentifiableJSONDecoder, NamedJSONDecoder)).build()

Note: Each value mapping can be “overriden” by encoders used afterwards. Mappings of properties for superclasses are done before those defined in the current class; the mappings for superclasses are completed in the order defined by the tuple. e.g. In the example above, the mappings defined in IdentifiableJSONDecoder are applied first, then those in NamedJSONDecoder, followed by those in EmployeeJSONDecoder. If EmployeeJSONDecoder redefined a mapping for the id object property, the value for this property would first be written by the mapper from IdentifiableJSONDecoder before been overwritten by a mapper defined in EmployeeJSONDecoder.

For obvious reasons, the mappings to constructor parameters defined in superclasses are not used.

Nested complex objects


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = None

class Team:
    def __init__(self): = None
        self.people = []    # type: List[Person]


    "team_moto": "<>",
    "members": "<[person in team.people]>"

To define that: * Person instances, nested inside Employee objects, should be serialized and deserialized by specific encoder and decoders.

employee_mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("team_moto", "moto"),
    JsonPropertyMapping("members", "people", encoder_cls=PersonJSONEncoder, decoder_cls=PersonJSONDecoder)
One-way mappings

Contrived example warning…


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = None
        self.age = None

JSON input:

    "full_name": "<>"

JSON output:

    "age": "<person.age>"

To define that: * Serialization should ignore the object’s “name” property. * Deserialization only with the JSON’s “full_name” property.

mapping_schema = [
        json_property_getter=lambda json_as_dict: json_as_dict["full_name"],
        object_property_setter=lambda person, name: person.set_name(name)
        json_property_setter=lambda json_as_dict, age: json_as_dict.__setitem__("age", age),
        object_property_getter=lambda person: person.age
Casting JSON primitives

To help with casting JSON primitives, the following decoders/encoders are provided: * StrJSONEncoder: serializes value to a string (e.g. object property=123 -> JSON property="123"). * StrJSONDecoder: deserializes value as a string (e.g. JSON property=123 -> object property="123"). * IntJSONEncoder: serializes value to an int (e.g. object property="123" -> JSON property=123). * IntJSONDecoder: deserializes value as an int (e.g. JSON property="123" -> object property=123). * FloatJSONEncoder: serializes value to a float (e.g. object property="123.5" -> JSON property=123.5). * FloatJSONDecoder: deserializes value as an float (e.g. JSON property="12.3" -> object property=12.3). * DatetimeEpochJSONEncoder: serializes datetime to epoch, truncated to seconds (e.g. object property=datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) -> JSON property=0). * DatetimeEpochJSONDecoder: deserializes datetime as epoch (e.g. JSON property=0 -> object property=datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)). * DatetimeISOFormatJSONEncoder: serializes datetime to a ISO 8601 datetime representation (e.g. object property=datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) -> JSON property=1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00). * DatetimeISOFormatJSONDecoder: deserializes ISO 8601 datetime representation to a datetime (e.g. JSON property="1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" -> object property=datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)).


class Person:
    def __init__(self):
        self.age = 42


    "years_old": "str(<person.age>)"

To define that: * The age property of Person instances should be an int but given as a string in the JSON representation.

person_mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("years_old", "age", encoder_cls=StrJSONEncoder, decoder_cls=IntJSONDecoder)
Optional parameters


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = None
        self.age = 42


    "years_old": "<person.age>"

To define that: * A JSON parameter is optional (i.e. it may/may not appear in the JSON representation). * An object parameter should not be included in the JSON if it takes the value None.

person_mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("full_name", "name", optional=True),
    JsonPropertyMapping("years_old", "age")

JSON supports less “primitive types” than Python, implying that there cannot be an unambiguous, one-to-one mapping between all Python and JSON “primitive types”. One such type without an equivalent in JSON is set. Python’s built-in JSON library “handles” the serialiation of sets by raising a TypeError.

SetJSONEncoder and SetJSONDecoder are supplied in this library to support the serialization of sets. They work by encoding sets as JSON lists then decoding these lists back into sets. As the mapping between JSON and objects is well defined when using this library (i.e. it never has to guess the type of the Python object that is to be constructed from a JSON representation), it is known if a JSON list should be decoded as list or as set.

Build classes that can serialize/deserialize sets of strings:

StringSetJSONEncoder = SetJSONEncoderClassBuilder(StrJSONEncoder).build()
StringSetJSONDecoder = SetJSONDecoderClassBuilder(StrJSONDecoder).build()


class Person:
    def __init__(self):
        self.nicknames = {"Rob", "Bob"}


    "short_names": ["<person.nicknames>"]

To define that: * The JSON “short_names” property is set from the object’s “nicknames” property, which is of type set. * The object’s “nicknames” property is set from the JSON’s “full_name” property.

mapping_schema = [
    JsonPropertyMapping("short_names", "nicknames", encoder_cls=StringSetJSONEncoder, decoder_cls=StringSetJSONDecoder)
Serialization to/from a dict

To serialize an object to a dictionary, opposed to a string:

custom_object_as_dict = CustomJSONEncoder().default("<custom_object>")  # type: dict

You can use this with any encoder that inherits from ``JSONEncoder`` and overrides ``default``.

To deserialize an object from a dictionary, opposed to from a string:

custom_object = CustomJSONDecoder().decode_parsed("<custom_object_as_dict>")

You can only use this with decoders defined by this library as they implement the [``ParsedJSONDecoder``] ( interface. To achieve this functionality with other ``JSONDecoder`` implementations, you would have to (wastefully) convert the dictionary to a string using ``json.dump`` before using the decoder’s standard ``decode`` method.


  • Decoders and encoders work for iterable collections of instances in the same way as they do for single instances.

  • Encoders will only encode objects into JSON objects ({}). A custom JSONEncoder must be used to encode Python objects that should be represented in any other way (e.g. as a JSON list ([])).

  • Ensure your serializers are not vulnerable to attack if you are serializing JSON from an untrusted source.


If you are performing serialization, chances are that you are going to be doing/have done I/O. Given how relatively slow the I/O will be, the performance of this library, compared with that of any other (including the endless JSON libraries touted as “ultra fast”), is not going to be of realistic concern given reasonable amounts of data.

However, if you happen to be serializing huge numbers of objects and need it done extraordinarily fast (in Python?), bare in mind that use of JSON encoders/decoders produced by this library will add a small amount of overhead on-top of the in-built JSON serialization methods. In addition, the complexity of the mappings used will influence the performance (i.e. if the value of a JSON property is calculated from an object method that deduces the answer to life, the universe and everything, serialization is going to be rather slow).


  • If you are not using class-based Python models and have no restrictions on the structure of the JSON representation:

    • Python’s in-built ``json` library <>`__ will work out the box with its default encoder (JSONEncode) and decoder (JSONDecode).

    • demjson can encode and decode JSON with added syntax checking.

    • ultrajson is claimed as an “ultra fast” JSON encoder and decoder.

    • py-yajl is yet another “fast” JSON encoder/decoder.

  • If you are using class-based Python models but your JSON need not be human readable and you are not concerned with interoperability:

  • If you want to deserialize flat data files into Python dict objects using mapping schema:

  • If you do not mind coupling your Python models to the serialization library:

  • If you only wish to serialize models using a mapping schema and are not interested in deserialization or compatibility with Python’s in-built json library.

    • serpy can serialize complex models with arbitrary mappings from fields and methods to JSON.



Install both library dependencies and the dependencies needed for testing:

$ pip3 install -q -r requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -q -r test_requirements.txt


Using nosetests, in the project directory, run:

$ nosetests -v

To generate a test coverage report with nosetests:

$ nosetests -v --with-coverage --cover-package=hgijson --cover-inclusive


MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Genome Research Limited

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