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Retrieve and parse whois data for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Project description

ipwhois is a Python package focused on retrieving and parsing whois data for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

RDAP is the recommended query method as of v0.11.0. Please see the upgrade info.


  • Parses a majority of whois fields in to a standard dictionary

  • IPv4 and IPv6 support

  • Referral whois support

  • Supports RDAP queries (recommended method, more detailed information)

  • Proxy support for RDAP queries

  • Recursive network parsing for IPs with parent/children networks listed

  • Python 2.6+ and 3.3+ supported

  • Useful set of utilities

  • BSD license

  • 100% core code coverage (See ‘# pragma: no cover’ for exclusions)

Usage Examples


Basic usage

>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> from pprint import pprint

>>>> obj = IPWhois('')
>>>> results = obj.lookup_rdap(depth=1)
>>>> pprint(results)

'entities': ['GOGL'],
'network': {
    'country': None,
     'end_address': '',
     'events': [{'action': 'last changed',
                 'actor': None,
                 'timestamp': '2012-02-24T09:44:34-05:00'},
                {'action': 'registration',
                 'actor': None,
                 'timestamp': '2007-03-13T12:09:54-04:00'}],
     'handle': 'NET-74-125-0-0-1',
     'ip_version': 'v4',
     'links': ['',
     'name': 'GOOGLE',
     'notices': [{'description': 'By using the ARIN RDAP/Whois service, you are agreeing to the RDAP/Whois Terms of Use',
                  'title': 'Terms of Service'}],
     'parent_handle': 'NET-74-0-0-0-0',
     'raw': None,
     'remarks': None,
     'start_address': '',
     'status': None,
     'type': None
'objects': {
    'GOGL': {'contact': {'address': [{
        'type': None,
        'value': '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway\nMountain View\nCA\n94043\nUNITED STATES'}],
        'email': None,
        'kind': 'org',
        'name': 'Google Inc.',
        'phone': None,
        'role': None,
        'title': None},
        'entities': ['ZG39-ARIN'],
        'events': [{'action': 'last changed',
                  'actor': None,
                  'timestamp': '2013-08-07T19:59:17-04:00'},
                 {'action': 'registration',
                  'actor': None,
                  'timestamp': '2000-03-30T00:00:00-05:00'}],
        'events_actor': None,
        'handle': 'GOGL',
        'links': ['',
        'notices': None,
        'raw': None,
        'remarks': None,
        'roles': ['registrant'],
        'status': None},
    'ZG39-ARIN': {'contact': {'address': [{
        'type': None,
        'value': '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway\nMountain View\nCA\n94043\nUNITED STATES'}],
        'email': [{'type': None,
                  'value': ''}],
        'kind': 'group',
        'name': 'Google Inc',
        'phone': [{'type': ['work',
                  'value': '+1-650-253-0000'}],
        'role': None,
        'title': None},
        'entities': None,
        'events': [{'action': 'last changed',
                   'actor': None,
                   'timestamp': '2015-09-01T14:03:11-04:00'},
                  {'action': 'registration',
                   'actor': None,
                   'timestamp': '2000-11-30T13:54:08-05:00'}],
        'events_actor': None,
        'handle': 'ZG39-ARIN',
        'links': ['',
        'notices': [{'description': 'By using the ARIN RDAP/Whois service, you are agreeing to the RDAP/Whois Terms of Use',
                    'title': 'Terms of Service'}],
        'raw': None,
        'remarks': None,
        'roles': None,
        'status': ['validated']}},
'query': '',
'raw': None

Use a proxy

>>>> from urllib import request
>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> handler = request.ProxyHandler({'http': ''})
>>>> opener = request.build_opener(handler)
>>>> obj = IPWhois('', proxy_opener = opener)

Legacy Whois

Basic usage

>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> from pprint import pprint

>>>> obj = IPWhois('')
>>>> results = obj.lookup()
>>>> pprint(results)

'asn': '15169',
'asn_cidr': '',
'asn_country_code': 'US',
'asn_date': '2007-03-13',
'asn_registry': 'arin',
'nets': [{'abuse_emails': '',
          'address': '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway',
          'cidr': '',
          'city': 'Mountain View',
          'country': 'US',
          'created': '2007-03-13T00:00:00',
          'description': 'Google Inc.',
          'handle': 'NET-74-125-0-0-1',
          'misc_emails': None,
          'name': 'GOOGLE',
          'postal_code': '94043',
          'range': ' -',
          'state': 'CA',
          'tech_emails': '',
          'updated': '2012-02-24T00:00:00'}],
'query': '',
'raw': None,
'raw_referral': None,
'referral': None

Multiple networks listed and referral whois

>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> from pprint import pprint

>>>> obj = IPWhois('')
>>>> results = obj.lookup(get_referral=True)
>>>> pprint(results)

'asn': '174',
'asn_cidr': '',
'asn_country_code': 'US',
'asn_date': '',
'asn_registry': 'arin',
'nets': [{'abuse_emails': '',
          'address': '1015 31st St NW',
          'cidr': '',
          'city': 'Washington',
          'country': 'US',
          'created': '1991-04-16T00:00:00',
          'description': 'PSINet, Inc.',
          'handle': 'NET-38-0-0-0-1',
          'misc_emails': None,
          'name': 'COGENT-A',
          'postal_code': '20007',
          'range': ' -',
          'state': 'DC',
          'tech_emails': '',
          'updated': '2011-05-20T00:00:00'},
         {'abuse_emails': '',
          'address': '1015 31st St NW',
          'cidr': '',
          'city': 'Washington',
          'country': 'US',
          'created': '2003-08-20T00:00:00',
          'description': 'PSINet, Inc.',
          'handle': 'NET-38-112-0-0-1',
          'misc_emails': None,
          'name': 'COGENT-NB-0002',
          'postal_code': '20007',
          'range': None,
          'state': 'DC',
          'tech_emails': '',
          'updated': '2004-03-11T00:00:00'}],
'query': '',
'raw': None,
'raw_referral': None,
'referral': {'address': '1015 31st St NW',
             'cidr': '',
             'city': 'Washington',
             'country': 'US',
             'description': 'Cogent communications - IPENG',
             'name': 'NET4-2671C60017',
             'postal_code': '20007',
             'state': 'DC',
             'updated': '2007-09-18 22:02:09'}


Retrieve host information for an IP address

>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> from pprint import pprint

>>>> obj = IPWhois('')
>>>> results = obj.get_host()
>>>> pprint(results)

('', [], [''])

Retrieve the official country name for an ISO 3166-1 country code

>>>> from ipwhois import IPWhois
>>>> from ipwhois.utils import get_countries

>>>> countries = get_countries()
>>>> obj = IPWhois('')
>>>> results = obj.lookup(False)
>>>> print(countries[results['nets'][0]['country']])

United States

Parse out IP addresses and ports from text or a file

>>>> from ipwhois.utils import unique_addresses
>>>> from pprint import pprint

>>>> input_data = (
    'You can have IPs like, or 2001:4860:4860::8888'
    'Put a port at the end or for IPv6: '
    '[2001:4860:4860::8888]:443 or even networks like '
    ' and 2001:4860::/32.'

>>>> results = unique_addresses(data=input_data, file_path=None)
>>>> pprint(results)

{'2001:4860:4860::8888': {'count': 2, 'ports': {'443': 1}},
 '2001:4860::/32': {'count': 1, 'ports': {}},
 '': {'count': 1, 'ports': {}},
 '': {'count': 2, 'ports': {'80': 1}}}


Python 2.6, 2.7:


Python 3.3+:



Latest version from PyPi:

pip install --upgrade ipwhois

Latest version from GitHub:

pip install -e git+


IPWhois.lookup_rdap() is now the recommended lookup method. RDAP provides a far better data structure than legacy whois and REST lookups (previous implementation). RDAP queries allow for parsing of contact information and details for users, organizations, and groups. RDAP also provides more detailed network information.

Upgrading from 0.10 to 0.11

Considerable changes were made between v0.10.3 and v0.11.0. The new RDAP return format was introduced and split off from the legacy whois return format. Using RDAP lookup is the recommended method to maximize indexable values.

RDAP return data is different in nearly every way from the legacy whois data.

For information on raw RDAP responses, please see the RFC:

Here are the new standard keys for RDAP results:

:query: The IP address (String)
:network: Dictionary of values returned by _RDAPNetwork. The raw
        result is included for each entity if the inc_raw parameter is
:entities: List of entity keys referenced by the top level IP
        address query.
:objects: Dictionary of objects with the handles as keys, and the
        dictionary returned by _RDAPEntity, etc as the values. The raw
        result is included for each object if the inc_raw parameter is

See the example for more detailed field information.

Legacy Whois Parsing

Parsing is currently limited to CIDR, country, name, handle, range, description, state, city, address, postal_code, abuse_emails, tech_emails, misc_emails, created and updated fields. This is assuming that those fields are present (for both whois and rwhois).

Some IPs have parent networks listed. The parser attempts to recognize this, and break the networks into individual dictionaries. If a single network has multiple CIDRs, they will be separated by ‘, ‘.

Sometimes, you will see whois information with multiple consecutive same name fields, e.g., Description: some text\nDescription: more text. The parser will recognize this and the returned result will have the values separated by ‘\n’.

Country Codes

The legacy country code listing (iso_3166-1_list_en.xml) is no longer available as a free export from Support has been added for iso_3166-1.csv, which is now the default.

Use Legacy XML File:

>>>> from ipwhois.utils import get_countries
>>>> countries = get_countries(is_legacy_xml=True)

IP Reputation Support?

This feature is under consideration. Take a look at TekDefense’s Automater:


Domain Support?

There are no plans for domain whois support in this project.

Look at Sven Slootweg’s python-whois for a library with domain support.

Special Thanks

Thank you JetBrains for the PyCharm open source support!


0.11.2 (2016-02-25)

  • Added allow_permutations parameter (bool) to net.Net() and ipwhois.IPWhois() to allow alternate ASN lookups if DNS lookups fail. (FirefighterBlu3)

  • Fixed ASN DNS resolver timeout/retry_count support. Retry count is used as a multiplier of timeout, to determine a limetime interval. (FirefighterBlu3)

  • Fixed bug where remarks would return None if missing a title.

  • Added CONTRIBUTING.rst

  • Added tests

0.11.1 (2015-12-17)

  • Re-added CIDR calculation for RDAP lookups.

  • Improved tests - core code coverage now 100%. See ‘# pragma: no cover’ for exclusions. A few bugs were identified in the process, detailed below.

  • Moved IP zero stripping from rdap._RDAPNetwork.parse() to new helper function utils.ipv4_lstrip_zeros().

  • Moved CIDR calculation from rdap._RDAPNetwork.parse() to new helper function utils.calculate_cidr().

  • Fixed utils.ipv4_is_defined() if statement ordering for RFC 1918 conflict.

  • Fixed utils.ipv6_is_defined() if statement ordering for Unspecified and Loopback (conflict with Reserved).

  • Added is_offline parameter to whois.Whois.lookup() primarily for testing.

  • Fixed bug in whois.Whois._parse_fields() that attempted to parse ‘val2’ of regex, which is no longer used. Also fixed the expected Exception to be IndexError.

  • Fixed bug in ipwhois.IPWhois.lookup() where the argument order was mixed up, causing referral lookups to be skipped when get_referral=True.

  • Fixed bug in rdap._RDAPCommon.summarize_notices() output for links.

  • Fixed bug in root entity iteration exception handling in rdap.RDAP.lookup().

0.11.0 (2015-11-02)

  • Support for REST lookups replaced with RDAP.

  • Split code for a more structured system (net, whois, rdap, exceptions).

  • Tests match the data new structure.

  • Split tests for online and offline testing.

  • Performance enhancements for parsing.

  • Added an optional bootstrap parameter for RDAP lookups, in order to replace ASN lookups or use both. Will default to False. Afrinic is currently not supported, so I would not use this for now. ARIN acknowledged my issue for this, and will be adding support back in for Afrinic bootstrap.

  • Added field_list parameter (inclusion list) for WHOIS lookups.

  • Added logging.

  • Added examples directory.

0.10.3 (2015-08-14)

  • Fixed LACNIC lookup_rws() queries, since they switched to RDAP. This is temporary to get it working until the major library transition to RDAP and new parsed formatting is complete.

0.10.2 (2015-05-19)

  • Fixed APNIC parsing for updated field.

  • Fixed datetime parsing and validation when Zulu (Z) is appended.

  • Added RIPE parsing for created and updated fields (whois and RWS).

  • Removed unnecessary parentheses in IPWhois class declaration.

  • Some documentation and comment tweaking to work with Sphinx.

  • Minor PEP 8 tweaks.

0.10.1 (2015-02-09)

  • Fixed bug.

0.10.0 (2015-02-09)

  • Added .csv support for country code source. You can no longer download country code information from

  • Added support for IPv4Address or IPv6Address as the address arg in IPWhois.

  • Fixed file open encoding bug. Moved from open to

  • Fixed parameter in IPWhois ip defined checks.

  • Fixed TestIPWhois.test_ip_invalid() assertions.

Project details

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