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Simulate and optimize planar leg mechanisms using PSO and GA

Project description


PyPI version Downloads License: MIT

LeggedSnake is a project intended to make the simulation of walking linkages fast and easy. We believe that building walking linkages is fun and could be useful. Our philosophy is to provide a quick way of building, optimizing and testing walking linkages.

We handle planar leg mechanisms in three main parts:

  • Linkage conception in simple Python relying on pylinkage.
  • Kinematic optimization with Walker class, inheriting from pylinkage's Linkage class.
  • Dynamic simulation and its optimization using genetic algorithms.

Quick links

Contributors are welcome!


Using pip

The package is hosted on PyPi as leggedsnake, use:

pip install leggedsnake

Setting up Virtual Environment

We provide an environment.yml file for conda. Use conda env update --file environment.yml --name leggedsnake-env to install the requirements in a separate environment.

If you are looking for a development version, check the GitHub repo under HugoFara/leggedsnake.


Download the latest GitHub version, then install the dev requirements in requirements-dev.txt.

In a nutshell

git clone
cd leggedsnake
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


We use unittest. Just run python3 -m unittest discover . from the main folder.


This section is mainly intended for maintainers. Fell free to use the tools described here, but they are not necessary in any way.

  • To publish a new version, use bump2version. For instance bump2version minor.
  • Regenerate the documentation with make html (uses Sphinx).


The demo script is, which demonstrates all the techniques about the Strider linkage.

Defining a Walker

First, you need to define joints for your Walker as described in pylinkage documentation. Once your joints (let's say they are in a joint object), you should have something like that:

import leggedsnake as ls

# Center of the Walker
linkage = {
    "A": ls.Static(x=0, y=0, name="A"),
    "B": ls.Crank(1, 0, distance=1, angle=0.31, name="Crank")
    # etc...
my_walker = ls.Walker(
    name="My Walker"

Walker is just an inherited class of Linkage, with some useful methods, and behaves quite the same way.

Kinematic optimization using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

No change compared to a classic linkage optimization. You should use the step and stride method from the utility module as fitness functions. This set of rules should work well for a stride maximisation problem:

  1. Rebuild the Walker with the provided set of dimensions, and do a complete turn.
  2. If the Walker raises an UnbuildableError, its score is 0 (or -float('inf') if you use other evaluation functions).
  3. Verify if it can pass a certain obstacle using step function. If not, its score is 0.
  4. Eventually measure the length of its stride with the stride function. Return this length as its score.

Dynamic Optimization using Genetic Algorithm (GA)

Kinematic optimization is fast, but it can return weird results, and it has no sense of gravity while walking heavily relies on gravity. This is why you may need to use dynamic optimization thanks to Pymunk. However, the calculation is much slower, and you can no longer test millions of linkages as in PSO (or you will need time). This is why we use genetic algorithm, because it can provide good results with fewer parents.

We handle everything almost everything world definition to linkage conversion. Apart from the GA parameters, you just have to define a fitness function. Here are the main steps for a maximisation problem:

  1. Create a function of two arguments, the first one should be the parameters of the linkage, the second the initial positions for the joints.
  2. Try to do a revolution in kinematic simulation. If the Walker raises an UnbuildableError set its score to -float('inf').
  3. Otherwise, use the following procedure:
import leggedsnake as ls

def dynamic_linkage_fitness(walker):
    Make the dynamic evaluation of a Walker.
    Return yield and initial position of joints.
    world = ls.World()
    # We handle all the conversions
    # Simulation duration (in seconds)
    duration = 40
    # Somme of yields
    tot = 0
    # Motor turned on duration
    dur = 0
    n = duration * ls.params["camera"]["fps"]
    n /= ls.params["simul"]["time_coef"]
    pos = tuple(walker.step())[-1]
    for j in range(int(n)):
        efficiency, energy = world.update(j)
        tot += efficiency
        dur += energy
    if dur == 0:
        return - float('inf'), list()
    print("Score:", tot / dur)
    # Return 100 times average yield, and initial positions as the final score
    return tot / dur, pos

And now, relax while your computer creates a civilization of walking machines!


For this part we will focus on the Strider linkage, an example file is provided at docs/examples/

The linkage looks like this: A Kinematic representation of Strider linkage

Looks cool? Let's simulate it dynamically!

Dynamic one-leg-pair Strider being tested

Oops! Here is what you get when you forget to add more legs! There is real danger here, because your walker crawls well, you will be able to optimize efficiently the "crawler", which may be not your goal.

Let's add three more leg pairs. Why three? Many legs mean more mass and constraints, so less yield and more intensive computations. On the other hand, we always want the center of mass over the support line, which means that if the walker begins to lift a foot (let's say a front foot), and another doesn't come on the ground ahead of it, the linkage will fall nose to the ground. With more feet, we make the "snooping" time shorter, and a total of four leg pairs is a minimum for this unoptimized version.

A simple way to do it is:

my_linkage.add_legs(3) # Replace "my_linkage" with your Walker object

Let's have a look at the artist:

Dynamic four-leg-pair unoptimized Strider


Use the visualisation tools provided! The optimization tools should always give you a score with a better fitness, but it might not be what you expected. Tailor your optimization and then go for a long run will make you save a lot of time.

Do not use optimized linkages from the start! The risk is to fall to quickly into a suboptimal solution. They are several mechanisms to prevent that (starting from random position), but it can always have an impact on the rest of the optimization.

Try to minimize the number of elements in the optimizations! You can often use some linkage properties to reduce the number of simulation parameters. For instance, the Strider linkage has axial symmetry. While it is irrelevant to use this property in dynamic simulation, you can use "half" your Strider in a kinematic optimization, which is much faster.

A Kinematic half Strider


Python 3, numpy for calculation, matplotlib for drawing, and standard libraries.

For kinematic optimization, you can either use the built-in algorithm, or PySwarms, under MIT license. PySwarms is a much more complex package which provides quick calculations, however, with modern laptops the built-in swarm optimization should be quick enough to fit your needs.

Dynamic optimization relies on multiple packages. First of all, it uses Pymunk, made by Victor Blomqvist, as its physics engine. The genetic algorithm optimizer is home-made, but feel free to use any external tool suiting your needs!


All notable changes to the LeggedSnake will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.3.1] - 2023-06-14

Starting from 0.3.1, we won't include "-alpha" or "-beta" in the naming scheme, as it is considered irrelevant.

Added in 0.3.1

  • requirements-dev.txt that contain dev requirements. It makes contribution easier.
  • PyCharm configuration files.

Changed in 0.3.1

  • Animations are now all stored in local variables, and no longer in an "ani" global list of animations.

Fixed in 0.3.1

  • The main example file was launching animations for each subprocess. This file is now considered an executable.
  • evolutionary_optimization_builtin was during the last evaluation of linkages.
  • data_descriptors were not save for the first line of data only in geneticoptimizer.
  • Multiple grammar corrections.
  • The video function of now effectively launches the video (no call to required).
  • The video function of using debug=True was crashing.

[0.3.0-beta] - 2021-07-21

Added in 0.3.0

  • Multiprocessing is here! The genetic optimization can now be run in parallel! Performances got improved by 65 % using 4 processes only.

Changed in 0.3.0

  • We now save data using JSON! Slow computer users, you can relax and stop computing when you want.
  • The sidebar in the documentation is a bit more useful.
  • Not having tqdm will cause an exception.

Fixed in 0.3.0

  • Corrected the example, the genetic optimization is now properly fixed but slower.

Removed in 0.3.0

  • Native support for PyGAD is no longer present.
  • evolutionnary_optimization (replaced by evolutionary_optimization).
  • Data saved in the old txt format are no longer readable (were they readable?)

[0.2.0-alpha] - 2021-07-14

Added in 0.2.0

  • Dependency to tqdm and matplotlib.
  • The evolutionary_optimization replaces evolutionnary_optimization.
    • The ite parameter renamed iters for consistency with pylinkage.
    • The new parameter verbose let you display a nice progress bar, more information on optimization state, or nothing.
  • The best solution can be displayed with PyGAD as well.

Changed in 0.2.0

  • Typos and cleans-up in docs/examples/
  • evolutionnary_optimization_legacy renamed to evolutionary_optimization_builtin.

Deprecated in 0.2.0

  • evolutionnary_optimization is now deprecated. Please use evolutionary_optimization.

Removed in 0.2.0

  • Explicit dependency to PyGAD. There is no longer an annoying message when PyGAD is not installed.

[0.1.4-alpha] - 2021-07-12

Added in 0.1.4

  • It is now possible and advised to import class and functions using quick paths, for instance from leggedsnake import Walker instead of from leggedsnake.walker import Walker.
  • You do no longer have to manually import pylinkage, we silently import the useful stuff for you.
  • We now use bump2version for version maintenance.
  • This is fixed by the road_y parameter in World let you define a custom height for the base ground.

Changed in 0.1.4

  • docs/examples/ has been updated to the latest version of leggedsnake 0.1.4.

Fixed in 0.1.4

  • The full swarm representation in polar graph has been repaired in docs/examples/
  • During a dynamic simulation, linkages with long legs could appear through the road.
  • The documentation was not properly rendered because Napoleon (NumPy coding style) was not integrated.

[0.1.3-alpha] - 2021-07-10

This package was lacking real documentation, it is fixed in this version.

Added in 0.1.3

Changed in 0.1.3

  • Tests moved from leggedsnake/tests to tests/.
  • Examples moved from leggedsnake/examples/ to docs/examples/.
  • I was testing my code on leggedsnake/examples/ (the old path) and that's why it was a big mess. I cleaned up that all. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Fixed in 0.1.3

  • A lot of outdated code in the leggedsnake/examples/
  • Changelog URL was broken in setup.cfg.

[0.1.2-alpha] - 2021-07-07

Added in 0.1.2

  • Security: tests with tox.ini now include Python 3.9 and Flake 8.

Changed in 0.1.2

  • The step function execution speed has been increased by 25% when return_res is True! Small performance improvement when return_res is False.
  • The size argument of step function is now known as witdh.
  • We now require pylinkage>=0.4.0.

Fixed in 0.1.2

  • Files in leggedsnake/examples/ were not included in the PyPi package.
  • The example was incompatible with pylinkage 0.4.0.
  • Test suite was unusable by tox.
  • Tests fixed.
  • Incompatible argument between PyGAD init_pop and built-in GA.

[0.1.1-alpha] - 2021-06-26

Added in 0.1.1

  • The example file examples/ is now shipped with the Python package.
  • leggedsnake/ can now automatically switch to the built-in GA algorithm if PyGAD is not installed.

Changed in 0.1.1

  • setup.cfg metadata

[0.1.0-alpha] - 2021-06-25

Added in 0.1.0

  • Code vulnerabilities automatic checks
  • Example videos in examples/images/

Changed in 0.1.0

  • Many reforms in code style in order to make the dynamic part of naming conventions consistent with Pymunk.
  • Images in the!

Fixed in 0.1.0

  • You can now define linkages with an enormous number of legs. Systems with many should no longer break physics but your CPU instead :)

[0.0.3-alpha] - 2021-06-23

Added in 0.0.3

  • Started walkthrough demo in
  • Automatic release to PyPi

Fixed in 0.0.3

  • Pymunk version should be at least 6.0.0 in requirement files.
  • Some URLs typos in
  • Versioning tests not executing (GitHub action)

[0.0.2-alpha] - 2021-06-22

Added in 0.0.2

  • requirement.txt was absent due to .gitignore misconfiguration.

Changed in 0.0.2

  • .gitignore now ignores .txt files only in the leggedsnake folder.
  • environment.yml more flexible (versions can be superior to the selected). pymunk>5.0.0 and pylinkage added.
  • leggedsnake/ not having zipfile or xml modules error encapsulation.

Fixed in 0.0.2

  • setup.cfg was not PyPi compatible. Removed mail (use GitHub!), we now explicitly say that is markdown (PyPi is conservative)

[0.0.1-alpha] - 2021-06-22

Basic version, supporting Genetic Algorithm optimization, but with various problems.

Added in 0.0.1

  • to help community.
  • LICENSE MIT License.
  • to include more files.
  • as a very minimal version.
  • environment.yml with matplotlib, numpy, and pygad requirement.
  • examples/ a complete demo with Strider linkage.
  • leggedsnake/
  • leggedsnake/
  • leggedsnake/
  • leggedsnake/
  • leggedsnake/ just a legacy package, no utility.
  • leggedsnake/tests/ untested test case
  • leggedsnake/ contain some useful evaluation function (step and stride) and a broken GeoGebra interface.
  • defines the Walker object.
  • pyproject.toml.
  • setup.cfg.
  • empty, for compatibility purposes only.
  • tox.ini tox with Python 3.7 and 3.8.

Project details

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Source Distribution

leggedsnake-0.3.1.tar.gz (65.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

leggedsnake-0.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (28.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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