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Machine Common Sense Python API to Unity 3D Simulation Environment

Project description

MCS Python Package


The latest release of the MCS Python library is

Virtual Environments

Python virtual environments are recommended when using the MCS package. All steps below presume the activation of the virtual environment as shown. These instructions are for Ubuntu linux.

The Machine Common Sense package has a requirement of Python 3.6 or greater.

Traditional Python Environment

$ python3.6 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Anaconda Environment

From the base Anaconda environment, create your project virtual environment.

(base) $ conda create -n myenv python=3.8
(base) $ conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /home/user/anaconda3
myenv                    /home/user/anaconda3/envs/myenv
(base) $ conda activate myenv
(myenv) $

Install MCS

With the activated virtual environment, install the MCS package from the git url. MCS has a dependency on an ai2thor fork and will take a while to install. Please be patient.

(venv) $ python -m pip install git+

MCS Package Developer Installation

For MCS package developer, follow these alternate instructions


Here are the instructions for downloading and installing our latest Unity release. For our previous releases, please see this page.

Unity Application

The latest release of the MCS Unity app is

Please note that our Unity App is built on Linux or Mac.

Linux Version:

  1. Download the latest MCS Unity App

  2. Download the latest MCS Unity Data Directory TAR

  3. Download the latest file

  4. Ensure that both the Unity App and the TAR are in the same directory.

  5. Untar the Data Directory:

tar -xzvf MCS-AI2-THOR-Unity-App-v0.4.1.1_Data.tar.gz
  1. Mark the Unity App as executable:
chmod a+x MCS-AI2-THOR-Unity-App-v0.4.1.1.x86_64

Mac Version:

Download the Mac ZIP

Training Datasets

Summer 2020

Passive Agent


  • Single object scenes (~10K), just like Eval 3
  • Object preference scenes (~10K), just like Eval 3
  • Multiple agents scenes (4K), new to Eval 4
  • Instrumental action scenes (4K), new to Eval 4

JSON scene configuration files:

Rendered videos:

Passive Intuitive Physics

Please generate your own training datasets using our Scene Generator software here:


For the container, obstacle, and occluder tasks, please generate your own training datasets using our Scene Generator software here:

For the new interactive object permanence and reorientation tasks, please generate your own training datasets using our example scene templates here:

Winter 2020

Please use the most recent 0.3.X release version

Passive Agent (only expected scenes):

Passive Intuitive Physics (only plausible scenes):

Example Scenes:

Summer 2020

Use a release version between 0.0.9 and 0.1.0


Passive IntPhys:

Passive IntPhys Validation Data:


Example usage of the MCS library:

import machine_common_sense as mcs

# We will give you the Unity app file.
controller = mcs.create_controller(unity_app_file_path, config_file_path='./some-path/config.ini')

# Either load the scene data dict from an MCS scene config JSON file or create your own.
# We will give you the training scene config JSON files and the format to make your own.
scene_data, status = mcs.load_scene_json_file(scene_json_file_path)

output = controller.start_scene(scene_data)

# Use your machine learning algorithm to select your next action based on the scene
# output (goal, actions, images, metadata, etc.) from your previous action.
action, params = select_action(output)

# Continue to select actions until your algorithm decides to stop.
while action != '':
    controller.step(action, params)
    action, params = select_action(output)

# For interaction-based goals, your series of selected actions will be scored.
# For observation-based goals, you will pass a classification and a confidence
# to the end_scene function here.

Example running multiple scenes sequentially:

import machine_common_sense as mcs

# Only create the MCS controller ONCE!
controller = mcs.create_controller(unity_app_file_path)

for scene_json_file_path in scene_json_file_list:
    scene_data, status = mcs.load_scene_json_file(scene_json_file_path)
    output = controller.start_scene(scene_data)
    action, params = select_action(output)
    while action != '':
        controller.step(action, params)
            action, params = select_action(output)


Initialize development logging config settings

In startup script make sure you include:

import machine_common_sense as mcs

#This code initializes logging using config files

Logging configuration files

This logging configuration system uses a file at scripts/ as a default configuration file. See that file for links to documentation and some descriptions.

Users can copy that file to scripts/ to create their own configuration. This file is gitignored so it will not be shared.

Why use logging and configuration files

We use logging configuration files so users have a reasonable default configuration but also have the ability to override when circumstances demand. This eliminates the need to alter code when changing what logging is necessary. In the future, additional features to the initialization function to support difficult overrides if necessary (i.e. different logging override files for dev, test, eval, etc).

Example with logging config file:

Sample of how to log in all files:

import logging

# logging by name is useful to turn certain logs on/off and
# also to help determine where an error log might have originated from
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def any_function(self):
    #basic log functions in order of level.  If logger or handler is set to a level, that level and above will be logged.
    logger.critical("This message is see as long as the logger is enabled")
    logger.error("This message reports an error")"This message is general info")
    logger.debug("This message is mainly for debugging and shouldn't cause usage problems if missing")
    # Unlike many common loggers in other languages, python logging doesn't seem to have TRACE

Run with Human Input

To start the Unity application and enter your actions and parameters from the terminal, you can run the run_in_human_input_mode script that was installed in the package with the MCS Python Library (the mcs_unity_build_file is the Unity executable downloaded previously):

run_in_human_input_mode <mcs_unity_build_file> <mcs_scene_json_file>

Run options:

  • --config_file_path <file_path>

Run with Scene Timer

To run the Unity application and measure your runtime speed, you can run the run_scene_timer script that was installed in the package with the MCS Python Library:

run_scene_timer <mcs_unity_build_file> <mcs_scene_file_folder>

This will run all of the MCS scene configuration JSON files in the given folder, use the PASS action for 20 steps (or for a number of steps equal to the last_step of the scene file's goal, if any) in each scene, and print out the total, average, minimum, and maximum run time for all the scenes and the steps.

Config File

To use an MCS configuration file, you can either pass in a file path via the config_file_path property in the create_controller() method, or set the MCS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH environment variable to the path of your MCS configuration file (note that the configuration must be an INI file -- see sample_config.ini for an example).

Config File Properties


(boolean, optional)

Whether to save the scene history output data in your local directory. Default: True


(string, optional)

The metadata property describes what metadata will be returned by the MCS Python library. The metadata property is available so that users can run baseline or ablation studies during training. It can be set to one of the following strings:

  • oracle: Returns the metadata for all the objects in the scene, including visible, held, and hidden objects. Object masks will have consistent colors throughout all steps for a scene.
  • level2: Only returns the images (with depth maps AND object masks), camera info, and properties corresponding to the player themself (like head tilt or pose). No information about specific objects will be included. Note that here, object masks will have randomized colors per step.
  • level1: Only returns the images (with depth maps but NOT object masks), camera info, and properties corresponding to the player themself (like head tilt or pose). No information about specific objects will be included.
  • none: Only returns the images (but no depth maps or object masks), camera info, and properties corresponding to the player themself (like head tilt or pose). No information about specific objects will be included.

If no metadata level is set:

  • default: Fallback if no metadata level is specified. Only meant for use during development (evaluations will never be run this way). Includes metadata for visible and held objects in the scene, as well as camera info and properties corresponding to the player. Does not include depth maps or object masks.


(boolean, optional)

Whether to add random noise to the numerical amounts in movement and object interaction action parameters. Will default to False.


(boolean, optional)

Save RGB frames, depth masks, and object instance segmentation masks (if returned in the output by the chosen metadata tier) to image files on each step. Default: False


(boolean, optional)

Save AI2-THOR/Unity input, AI2-THOR/Unity output, and MCS StepMetadata output to JSON file on each step. Default: False


(int, optional)

A seed for the Python random number generator (defaults to None).


(int, optional)

Desired screen width. If value given, it must be more than 450. If none given, screen width will default to 600.


(boolean, optional)

Create and save videos of the RGB frames, depth masks, object instance segmentation masks (if returned in the output by the chosen metadata tier), 2D top-down scene views, and the heatmap images given to us in make_step_prediction by the AI performer. Default: False

Using the Config File to Generate Scene Graphs or Maps

  1. Save your .ini MCS configuration file with:
metadata: oracle`
  1. Create a simple Python script to loop over one or more JSON scene configuration files, load each scene in the MCS controller, and save the output data in your own scene graph or scene map format.
import os
import machine_common_sense as mcs

os.environ['MCS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH'] = # Path to your MCS configuration file

scene_files = # List of scene configuration file paths

unity_app = # Path to your MCS Unity application

controller = mcs.create_controller(unity_app)

for scene_file in scene_files:
    scene_data, status = mcs.load_scene_json_file(scene_file)

    if status is not None:
        output = controller.start_scene(scene_data)
        # Use the output to save your scene graph or map

Example Scene Configuration Files


Running Remotely

To run MCS on a remote GPU server, use the following steps to launch an X11 server.

# query the gpu bus ID
$ nvidia-xconfig --query-gpu-info

GPU #0:
  Name      : Tesla K80
  UUID      : GPU-d03a3d49-0641-40c9-30f2-5c3e4bdad498
  PCI BusID : PCI:0:23:0
# create the xserver configuration
$ sudo nvidia-xconfig --user-display-device=None --virtual=600x400 --output-xconfig=/etx/X11/xorg.conf --busid=PCI:0:23:0
# launch Xserver
$ sudo /usr/bin/Xorg :0 &
# test using glxinfo
$ DISPLAY=:0 glxinfo
name of display: :0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.4

Remote Run Test Script

Run the following script to test MCS with the X11 server created above.

import machine_common_sense as mcs
# use your path to the MCS Unity executable
controller = mcs.create_controller('MCS.x86_64')
# find a test scene
scene_file_path = 'playroom.json'
scene_data, status = mcs.load_scene_json_file(scene_file_path)
scene_file_name = scene_file_path[scene_file_path.rfind('/')+1]
if 'name' not in scene_data.keys():
    scene_data['name'] = scene_file_name[0:scene_file_name.find('.')]
output = controller.start_scene(scene_data)
for i in range(1, 12):
    output = controller.step('RotateLook')
    for j in range(len(output.image_list)):

From your python environment, run and check the output images for proper rendering.

DISPLAY=:0 python


GPU Image

Please note that the GPU image requires an Nvidia GPU and Nvidia Docker to be installed.

You can run the GPU image with:

docker run -it -e PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8 -e XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.docker.xauth -e DISPLAY=:1 \
           -v ${PWD}/machine_common_sense/scenes:/input -v ${PWD}/scripts:/scripts \
           -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
           -v /tmp/.docker.xauth:/tmp/.docker.xauth \
           --net host --gpus all --rm mcs-playroom:0.0.6 bash

You can then run a scene like this:

python3 /scripts/ /mcs/MCS-AI2-THOR-Unity-App-v0.4.0.x86_64 --config_file_path /scripts/config_oracle.ini /input/hinged_container_example.json

Missing X Authorization Error

If you encounter an error like the following:

config_file_path $MCS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH /input/agents_preference_expected.json 
No protocol specified
xdpyinfo:  unable to open display ":1".
Exception in create_controller() Invalid DISPLAY :1 - cannot find X server with xdpyinf

please try resetting your X authorization:

sudo rmdir /tmp/.docker.xauth
touch /tmp/.docker.xauth
xauth nlist $DISPLAY | sed -e 's/^..../ffff/' | xauth -f /tmp/.docker.xauth nmerge -

CPU Image

There is an image to run CPU-only without requiring an Nvidia GPU. Please only use it if your system does not meet the prerequisites for the GPU image, since GPU acceleration will yield significantly better performance.

Build Image

docker build -f CPU_Container.dockerfile -t mcs-playroom-cpu .

Run Image (bash)

docker run -it -p 5900:5900 -v ${PWD}/machine_common_sense/scenes:/input -v ${PWD}/scripts:/scripts mcs-playroom-cpu bash

Run with VNC

Unless stated otherwise, the following commands are intended to be run inside the container. Run tmux with tmux and open two panes via C-b %.

Xvnc :33 &
export DISPLAY=:33
python3 /scripts/ ${MCS_EXECUTABLE_PATH} --config_file_path ${MCS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH} /input/hinged_container_example.json

Switch panes with C-b <arrow>

window_id=$(xwininfo -root -tree | grep MCS-AI2-THOR | tail -n1 | sed "s/^[ \t]*//" | cut -d ' ' -f1) && echo ${window_id}
x11vnc -id ${window_id} &

Afterwards, you should be able to connect to the VNC server from the host by running vncviewer and connecting to localhost:5900.

Run Fully Headless

As an alternative for batch runs you can also run MCS against X virtual framebuffers. In this case you do not get visual output, but can run the images on headless servers without X server. To do so, please execute the following command from inside the container:

xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1440x900x24" python3 /scripts/ ${MCS_EXECUTABLE_PATH} --config_file_path ${MCS_CONFIG_FILE_PATH} /input/agents_preference_expected.json


Other MCS GitHub Repositories


Apache 2 Open Source License

Code in this repository is made available by CACI (formerly Next Century Corporation) under the Apache 2 Open Source License. You may freely download, use, and modify, in whole or in part, the source code or release packages. Any restrictions or attribution requirements are spelled out in the license file. For more information about the Apache license, please visit the The Apache Software Foundation’s License FAQ.

Copyright 2021 CACI (formerly Next Century Corporation)

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

machine_common_sense- (65.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

machine_common_sense- (56.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page