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Command-line to create and manipulate HEALPix Multi-Order Coverages maps (MOCs)

Project description


A command-line to create and manipulate HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage maps (MOCs), , see this IVOA standard.


This Command Line Interface (CLI) is made from the Rust MOC library. It implements the v2.0 of the MOC standard, including (S-)MOCs, T-MOCs and ST-MOCs.

For tools able to display MOCs, see:

  • the Aladin Desktop sky atlas in Java (also supports MOC operations)
  • the Aladin Lite, "a lightweight version of the Aladin Sky Atlas running in the browser".
  • MOCPy, a python wrapper using the very same Rust MOC library.


From pypi for python users

MOC cli is available in pypi, you can thus install the moc executable using pip:

pip install -U moc-cli
moc --help

Debian package

Download the last moc-cli_vxx_yyy.deb corresponding to your architecture (x86_64_musl has the most chances to fit your needs) from the github release page.

Install the .deb by clicking on it or using the command line:

sudo dpkg -i moc-cli_vxx_yyy.deb
sudo apt-get install -f

Then you can use the tool:

man moc-cli

You can uninstall using, e.g.:

sudo dpkg -r $(dpkg -f moc-cli_vxx_yyy.deb Package)

WARNING: using this method, the command line name is moc-cli instead of moc due to a conflict with an existing debian moc package.

Pre-compile binaries for MacOS, Linux and Windows

Download the last moc-vxx_yyy.tar.gz corresponding to your architecture from the github release page. You probably want ot use:

  • Linux: moc-vxx-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz
  • MacOS: moc-vxx-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
  • Windows:

WARNING: for linux, use musl instead of gnu (high chances of uncompatibility in the latter case)

The tar contains a single executable binary file.

tar xzvf moc-vxx-yyy.tar.gz

Compile from source code

Install rust (and check that ~/.cargo/bin/ is in your path), or update the Rust compiler with:

rustup update

Clone the moc lib rust project:

git clone

Install from using cargo:

cargo install --path crates/cli

(due to a heavy use of monomorphization, the compilation time may be very long, i.e. more than a minute).

Command line help

Once installed, you can get help messages using moc [SUBCOMMAND [SUBSUBCOMMAND [...]]] --help.

A the root level moc --help:

Create, manipulate and filter files using HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage maps (MOCs).

    moc <SUBCOMMAND>


    convert    Converts an input format to the (most recent versions of) an output format
    filter     Filter file rows using a MOC
    from       Create a MOC from given parameters
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    info       Prints information on the given MOC
    op         Perform operations on MOCs
    table      Prints MOC constants

moc from --help:

    moc from <SUBCOMMAND>


    box             Create a Spatial MOC from the given box
    cone            Create a Spatial MOC from the given cone
    cones           Create a Spatial MOC from a list of cones with centers and radius in decimal degrees (one pair
                    per line, format: longitude_deg,latitude_deg,radius_deg)
    ellipse         Create a Spatial MOC from the given elliptical cone
    help            Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    multi           Create a Spatial MOC from regions in a CSV input. One region per input line. Format: *
                    cone,center_lon_deg,center_lat_deg,radius_deg *
                    ellipse,center_lon_deg,center_lat_deg,semi_maj_axis_deg,semi_min_axis_deg,position_angle_deg *
                    ring,center_lon_deg,center_lat_deg,internal_radius_deg,external_radius_deg *
                    box,center_lon_deg,center_lat_deg,semi_maj_axis_deg,semi_min_axis_deg,position_angle_deg *
                    zone,lon_min_deg,lat_min_deg,lon_max_deg,lat_max_deg *
    polygon         Create a Spatial MOC from the given polygon
    pos             Create a Spatial MOC from a list of positions in decimal degrees (one pair per line, longitude
                    first, then latitude)
    ring            Create a Spatial MOC from the given ring
    stcs            Create a Spatial MOC from a STC-S input
    timerange       Create a Time MOC from a list of time range (one range per line, lower bound first, then upper
    timerangepos    Create a Space-Time MOC from a list of time range and positions in decimal degrees (tmin first,
                    then tmax, then longitude, and latitude)..
    timestamp       Create a Time MOC from a list of timestamp (one per line)
    timestamppos    Create a Space-Time MOC from a list of timestamp and positions in decimal degrees (timestamp
                    first, then longitude, then latitude)..
    vcells          Multi-order map input file format
    zone            Create a Spatial MOC from the given zone

moc op --help:

    moc op <SUBCOMMAND>


    complement    Performs a logical 'NOT' on the input MOC (= MOC complement)
    contract      Remove an the internal border made of cells having the MOC depth, SMOC only
    degrade       Degrade the input MOC (= MOC complement)
    diff          Performs a logical 'XOR' between 2 MOCs (= MOC difference)
    extborder     Returns the MOC external border (made of cell of depth the MOC depth), SMOC only
    extend        Add an extra border of cells having the MOC depth, SMOC only
    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    intborder     Returns the MOC internal border (made of cell of depth the MOC depth), SMOC only
    inter         Performs a logical 'AND' between 2 MOCs (= MOC intersection)
    minus         Performs the logical operation 'AND(left, NOT(right))' between 2 MOCs (= left minus right)
    sfold         Returns the union of the T-MOCs associated to S-MOCs intersecting the given S-MOC. Left: S-MOC,
                  right: ST-MOC, res: T-MOC
    split         Split the disjoint parts of the MOC into distinct MOCs, SMOC only. WARNING: this may create a lot
                  of files, use first option `--count`
    tfold         Returns the union of the S-MOCs associated to T-MOCs intersecting the given T-MOC. Left: T-MOC,
                  right: ST-MOC, res: S-MOC
    union         Performs a logical 'OR' between 2 MOCs (= MOC union)

and so on (e.g moc op degrade --help).


moc table space
moc info resources/V_147_sdss12.moc.fits
moc info resources/CDS-I-125A-catalog_MOC.fits
moc op inter resources/V_147_sdss12.moc.fits resources/CDS-I-125A-catalog_MOC.fits fits my_res.fits
moc info my_res.fits

moc from cone 11 0.0 +0.0 0.1 ascii --fold 50 my_cone.ascii
moc convert -t smoc my_cone.ascii fits -f my_cone.fits
moc from ring 10 13.158329 -72.80028  5.64323 10.0 ascii --fold 80

## Frequency MOCs
echo "0/0 8/" | moc hprint --type fmoc --format ascii -
echo "0/0-1 8/" | moc convert --type smoc --format ascii - fits moc.d8.allfreq.fits
moc info moc.d8.allfreq.fits
moc hprint moc.d8.allfreq.fits

for f in {0..63}; do echo "5/$f" | moc hprint --type fmoc --format ascii - --no-header; done
for f in {0..511}; do echo "8/$f" | moc hprint --type fmoc --format ascii - --no-header; done
for f in {0..1023}; do echo "9/$f" | moc hprint --type fmoc --format ascii - --no-header; done

for f in {0..8191}; do echo "12/$f" | moc hprint --type fmoc --format ascii - --no-header; done
for f in {0..65536}; do echo "15/$f" | moc hprint --type fmoc --format ascii - --no-header; done

echo "0.125
3500" | \
moc from freqval 9 - ascii | \
moc hprint --type fmoc --format ascii -

Building a MOC from the Hipparcos positions:

egrep "^ *[0-9]" hip.psv | cut -d '|' -f 2-3 | tr -d ' ' | moc from pos 5 - --separator '|' ascii

Build a MOC from XMM observation list

Build a raw MOC from the list of XMM observations, considering a radius of 17 arcmin around each observation center. The xmmdr11_obs_center.17arcmin.csv file contains 12210 RA_CENTER,DEC_CENTER,17arcmin rows.

Excerpt of the xmmdr11_obs_center.17arcmin.csv file:

> head -10 xmmdr11_obs_center.17arcmin.csv

Create the MOC

> time moc from cones -s , 12 ../../resources/xmmdr11_obs_center.17arcmin.csv fits --force-u64 xmm.moc.fits

real	0m2,852s
user	0m2,812s
sys	0m0,028s

> moc info xmm.moc.fits
MOC index type: u64
MOC depth: 12
MOC coverage:   3.962597748 %

# Count the number of disjoint regions from the 12210 FOVs
> time moc op split --count /home/pineau/Eclipse/ARCHES/scriptsNoSync/xmm.moc.fits ascii

real	0m2,617s
user	0m2,604s
sys	0m0,005s

XMM MOC allsky XMM MOC zoomed

Build a S-MOC from a STC-S string

echo "Circle ICRS 147.6 69.9 0.4" | moc from stcs 14 - fits stcs.moc.fits --force-u64
moc view stcs.moc.fits moc.png auto 200

Build a MOC from a multi-region file

Build a raw MOC from a list of polygon. The polygon_list.txt file contains 1787 POLYGON lon1_deg lat1_deg lon2_deg lat2_deg lon3_deg lat3_deg lon4_deg lat4_deg rows.

Excerpt of the polygon_list.txt file:

> head -10 polygon_list.txt
POLYGON 132.27592361897194 -85.50776984199415 227.28213604169053 -85.52848858549962 317.3696636049649 -85.13473097310337 42.70728242909465 -85.11295896964907
POLYGON 60.13229923319004 -86.16765734057081 300.83194062732554 -86.17690658712614 339.2709854792048 -80.83619292300155 21.676880345899917 -80.83215524499103
POLYGON 95.08276649945338 -86.21643167152601 335.2202213021057 -86.150123609087 13.974112489662907 -80.8408533466873 56.47368697052322 -80.86811225215042
POLYGON 131.43710822387513 -86.39620351676153 8.178879432043509 -86.09619481394972 48.49769627242518 -80.91228518381683 91.58845924785103 -81.03726056953703
POLYGON 169.54242332201397 -86.41549363302556 41.96380368178154 -86.22055148573337 83.93923381023212 -81.07936822440465 127.76955702379145 -81.16012444797337
POLYGON 209.38441456079454 -86.4385049405928 76.79919106658016 -86.34575852902184 120.7627522443793 -81.26318262561986 165.44708425571173 -81.30186091232301
POLYGON 247.79227731086206 -86.41524470836133 113.93143603491714 -86.4038508557833 158.42057918850884 -81.32131955955516 203.32586412458323 -81.32529595069136
POLYGON 284.61617428938314 -86.30625319728074 151.35533186836295 -86.4968774518728 195.56600175472337 -81.34533854250965 240.3724573793694 -81.26497727688265
POLYGON 319.9366584543485 -86.20323016702716 191.02944591530553 -86.47600995359106 233.34166080086834 -81.22312388507225 277.40115124704073 -81.10906373841831
POLYGON 352.72112816815314 -86.11070694641083 229.39278681105083 -86.38518393742109 269.2801464003224 -81.03542860454485 312.382448010481 -80.92171074918758

time moc from multi 12 ../../resources/polygon_list.txt fits --force-u64 test.moc.fits

> time moc from multi 12 resources/polygon_list.txt fits --force-u64 test.moc.fits

real	0m5,891s
user	0m5,852s
sys	0m0,008s

> moc info test.moc.fits
MOC index type: u64
MOC depth: 12
MOC coverage:  99.697673817 %

Multi polygon (DSS plates)

In the example, all regions are polygons, but it is also possible to mix regions in a single file usong the syntax:

CONE lon_deg lat_deg radius_deg
ELLIPSE lon_deg lat_deg a_deg b_deg pa_deg
RING lon_deg lat_deg internal_radius_deg external_radius_deg
BOX lon_deg lat_deg a_deg b_deg pa_deg
ZONE lon_min_deg lat_min_deg lon_max_deg lat_max_deg
POLYGON lon1_deg lat1_deg lon2_deg lat2_deg ... lonn_deg latn_deg
POLYGON complement lon1_deg lat1_deg lon2_deg lat2_deg ... lonn_deg latn_deg

Example of Stream MOC

The input list must be sorted according to the HEALPix NESTED Z-order curve.

echo "qty=HPX
" | moc convert - -f stream -t smoc fits mutlicone.moc.fits

View a MOC

moc view CDS-I-125A-catalog_MOC.fits toto.png allsky 800
moc view CDS-I-125A-catalog_MOC.fits toto.png auto 800
moc view CDS-I-125A-catalog_MOC.fits toto.png custom -l 180.0 -b -45.0 sfl 1600 800

Performances hint

Build MOC from positions

On a regular desktop, it takes 3.7s to build the MOC at order 7 of the 16,622,442 positions of the KIDS DR2 table:

time moc from pos 7 kids_dr2.csv -s , ascii --fold 80 > kids_dr2.moc.ascii
> 3.7s on 16_622_442 position in a file of 552 MB

Filter file using a MOC

On a classical HDD (~130 MB/s), the disk is the limiting factor when filtering a file. Tests performed on a 25 GB file containing 16_622_443 rows (KIDS DR2):

wc -l 3m21s = 127 MB/s 19s = 1347 MB/s
moc filter 3m21s = 127 MB/s 31s = 825 MB/s

We get the same results with or without multithreading.

Now we select only 3 fields. We get a ~1 GB (961 MB) file. Since the results are the same for HDD and SSD, we deduce that the full file is in the disk cache:

wc -l 0.3s = 3200 MB/s 0.3s = 3200 MB/s
moc filter 4s = 240 MB/s 4s = 240 MB/s
moc filter 4T 2s = 480 MB/s 2s = 480 MB/s

Commands used:

time moc filter position SMOC_GLIMPSE_u32.fits kids_dr2.csv --has-header --lon RAJ2000 --lat DECJ2000 > /dev/null
time moc filter position SMOC_GLIMPSE_u32.fits kids_dr2.csv --has-header --lon RAJ2000 --lat DECJ2000 --n-threads 4 > /dev/null

(no rows in output)

To-do list

  • Remove structop and replace by clap v3
  • MOC from cells (simpler than MOC from pos)
  • SMOC from ranges (simpler than MOC from pos)
  • MOC from vcells with a simple constraint?
  • Contact gnuastro ?
  • Add filter on ST-MOCs
  • Add ST-MOC 'intersection' and 'folds' in streaming mode (for a low memory footprint)
  • Add an option overlapping (default), fully inside, partially inside, center inside for cone, polygon, ...
  • Support valued MOCs (<=> Multi-Order Maps)?


Like most projects in Rust, this project is licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


This work has been supported by the ESCAPE project.
ESCAPE - The European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle Physics ESFRI Research Infrastructures - has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 824064.

Project details

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Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distributions

moc_cli-0.8.0-py3-none-win_amd64.whl (6.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3 Windows x86-64

moc_cli-0.8.0-py3-none-manylinux_2_28_x86_64.whl (6.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3 manylinux: glibc 2.28+ x86-64

moc_cli-0.8.0-py3-none-macosx_10_12_x86_64.macosx_11_0_arm64.macosx_10_12_universal2.whl (11.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3 macOS 10.12+ universal2 (ARM64, x86-64) macOS 10.12+ x86-64 macOS 11.0+ ARM64

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