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FHIR field for Plone

Project description

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Background (

`FHIR`_ (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is the industry standard for Healthcare system. Our intend to implement `FHIR`_ based system using `Plone`_! ``_ will make life easier to create, manage content for `FHIR resources`_ as well search facilities for any FHIR Resources.

How It Works

This field is working as like other `zope.schema <>`_ field, just add and use it. You will feed the field value as either json string or python dict of `FHIR`_ resources through web form or any restapi client. This field has built-in `FHIR`_ resource validator and parser.


from import FhirResource
from plone.supermodel import model

class IMyContent(model.Schema):

<resource_type>_resource = FhirResource(
title=u'your title',
desciption=u'your desciption',
resource_type='any fhir resource type[optional]'

The field's value is the instance of a specilized class `FhirResourceValue` inside the context, which is kind of proxy class of `fhirclient model <>`_ with additional methods and attributes.

**Make field indexable**

A specilized Catalog PluginIndexes is named ``FhirFieldIndex`` is available, you will use it as like other catalog indexes. However importantly you have to maintain a strict convention (index name must be started with any valid fhir resource name (no matter uppercase or lowercase) and should _(underscore) be used as separator, i.e task_index(<resource>_<any name>))


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_catalog" meta_type="Plone Catalog Tool">
<index name="organization_resource" meta_type="FhirFieldIndex">
<indexed_attr value="organization_resource"/>


- Plone restapi support
- Widget: z3cform support
- plone.supermodel support
- plone.rfc822 marshaler field support
- `100% FHIR search compliance <>`_ catalog search.

Available Field's Options

This field has got all standard options (i.e `title`, `required`, `desciption` and so on) with additionally options for the purpose of either validation or constraint those are related to `FHIR`_.

Required: No

Default: None

Type: String

The name of `FHIR`_ resource can be used as constraint, meaning that we can restricted only accept certain resource. If FHIR json is provided that contains other resource type, would raise validation error.
Example: `FhirResource(....,resource_type='Patient')`

Required: No

Default: None

Type: String + full python path (dotted) of the model class.

Like `resource_type` option, it can be used as constraint, however additionally this option enable us to use custom model class other than fhirclient's model.
Example: `FhirResource(....,model='fhirclient.models.patient.Patient')`

Required: No

Default: None

Type: String + full python path (dotted) of the model class.

Unlike `model` option, this option has more versatile goal although you can use it for single resource restriction. The advanced usecase like, the field could accept muiltiple resources types those model class implements the provided interface. For example you made a interface called `IMedicalService` and (`Organization`, `Patient`, `Practitioner`) models those are implementing `IMedicalService`. So when you provides this option value, actually three types of fhir json can now be accepted by this field.
Example: `FhirResource(....,model='')`

Field's Value API

Field's value is a specilized class `` which has reponsibilty to act as proxy of `fhirclient model's class <>`_. This class provides some powerful methods.


Originally this method is derived from fhirclient base model, you will always have to use this method during negotiation (although our serializer doing that for you automatically). This method not takes any argument, it returns FHIR json representation of resource.


If you are familar with `FHIRPath Patch <>`_, this method one of the strongest weapon of this class. Patch applying on any `FHIR`_ resources is noting but so easy.
This method takes one mandatory argument `patch_data` and that value should be list of patch items (`jsonpatch <>`_).


from import FhirResource
from plone.supermodel import model

class ITask(model.Schema):

resource = FhirResource(
title=u'your title',
desciption=u'your desciption',

patch_data = [
{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/source/display', 'value': 'Patched display'},
{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/status', 'value': 'Reopen'}


This method returns string representation of fhir resource json value. Normally `as_json` returns python's dict type data. This method takes optional `prettify` argument, by setting this argument True, method will return human/print friendly representation.


There may some situation come, where you will need just pure instance of fhir model, this method serves that purpose. This method returns current fhir resource model's instance.


from fhirclient.models.task import Task
from import FhirResource
from plone.supermodel import model

class ITask(model.Schema):

resource = FhirResource(
title=u'your title',
desciption=u'your desciption',

task = task_content.resource.foreground_origin()
assert isinstance(task, Task)

Helper API

This package provides some useful functions those could be usable in your codebase.


This function return appropriate `fhirclient model <>`_ class based on provided `resource type`. On wrong resource type `zope.interface.Invalid` exception is raisen.


>>> from import resource_type_str_to_fhir_model
>>> task_model_class = resource_type_str_to_fhir_model('Task')

elasticsearch setup

If your intent to use elasticsearch based indexing and query, this section for you! you can `find more details here <>`_

server setup

server version is restricted to `2.4.x`, means we cannot use latest version of elasticsearch. i.e 5.6.x

- `Download from here <>`_ and install according to documentation.
- For development you could use docker container. The Makefile is available, `~$ make run-es`

collective.elasticsearch setup

Full configuration `guide could be found here <>`_. Simple steps are described bellow.

1. **create catalog/indexes**: First you will need add indexes for each fhirfield used in your project. each resource type has it's own Meta Index. `example is here <>`_

2. Install `collective.elasticsearch` addon from plone control panel.

3. Convert your Indexes to elasticsearch. Go To `{portal url}/@@elastic-controlpanel`

4. In the settings form's `Indexes for which all searches are done through ElasticSearch` section add your all indexes those you mentioned into catalog.xml file, also add `portal_type`

5. Now save and again `Convert Catalog`.


Install by adding it to your buildout::



eggs = [elasticsearch]

and then running ``bin/buildout``. Go to plone control and install ```` or If you are creating an addon that depends on this product, you may add ``<dependency></dependency>`` in ``metadata.xml`` at profiles.


This product provides three plone registry based records ````, ````, ````. Those are related to ElasticSearch index mapping setup, if you aware about it, then you have option to modify from plone control panel (Registry).


Code repository:

Continuous Integration:

Issue Tracker:


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.

.. _`FHIR`:
.. _`Plone`:
.. _`FHIR Resources`:
.. _`Plone restapi`:
.. _``:
.. _`jmespath`:
.. _`jsonpath-rw`:
.. _`jsonpath-ng`:


This product has a query builder helper, that is actually transforming `fhir search`_ params into `Plone's search compatible <>`_ params so that PortalCatalog tool understand what to do. Each of FHIR Indexes provided by this product, by default using this query builder but it is possible to provide prepared query.

Query Builder

```` takes only `HL7 fhir standard search parameters <>`_ and transforms to elasticsearch compatible query that is executing through plone catalog search. However belows are lists of standard parameters those are supported by this `Query Builder` (more to continue adding, until full supports are completed)

Integrate in your REST API service

This product has been got all battery included to be integrated with plone.restapi for becoming `HL7 FHIR standard RESTful API <>`_ server which would provide search service as `defined here <>`_.

`Example RESTful service could be found here <tests/fhir_rest_service/>`_

| Parameter Name | Example | Remarks |
| `_id` | | Yes |
| `_lastUpdated` | | Yes |
| `_profile` | | Yes |
| `birthdate` | | Yes |
| `gender` | | Yes |
| `patient` | | Yes |
| `status` | | Yes |
| `owner` | | Yes |
| `subject` | | Yes |
| `effective` | | Yes |
| `url` | | Yes |
| `version` | | Yes |
| `authored` | | Yes |
| `identifier` | | Yes |
| `based-on` | | Yes |
| `part-of` | | Yes |

.. _`fhir search`:


1.0.0bx to 1.0.0b6

1. You will need to remove all the indexes who are based on `Fhir*******Index`. Go to ZMI to portal catalog tool. `{site url}/portal_catalog/manage_catalogIndexes`.

2. Update the `` version and run the buildout.

3. List out any products those defined (profile/catalog.xml) indexes based on `Fhir*******Index` as meta type. Reninstall them all.

4. From ZMI, portal_catalog tool, `{site url}/portal_catalog/manage_catalogAdvanced` ``Clear and Rebuild``


- Md Nazrul Islam (Author),


1.0.0rc2 (2018-08-29)


- Issue 5: `<>`_

1.0.0rc1 (2018-08-27)


- `Identifier search parameter <>`_ is active now (both array of identifier and single object identifier).

- Array of Reference query support (for example `basedOn` (list of reference) ) is active now. Although normal object reference has already been supported.

- All available mappings for searchable resources are generated.

- `FHIR search sort feature <>`_ is available!

- ``, `` and `` `registry records <>`_ are `available to setup ES mapping <>`_

- `URI` and `Number` type parameter based search are fully available.

- **`resourceType` filter is automatically injected into every generated query.** Query Builder knows about which resourceType should be.

Breaking Changes

- `` have to install, as some registry records (settings) for elasticsearch mapping have been introduced.

- Any deprecated FHIR Field Indexes other than `FhirFieldIndex` (`FhirOrganizationIndex` and so on) are removed

1.0.0b7 (2018-08-10)

- `Media search available <>`_.
- `` exception class available, it would be used to catch any fhir query buiding errors. [nazrulworld]

1.0.0b6 (2018-08-04)

- Fix: minor type mistake on non existing method called.
- Migration guide has been added. [nazrulworld]

1.0.0b5 (2018-08-03)


- `FhirFieldIndex` Catalog Index has been refactored. Now this class is capable to handle all the FHIR resources. That's why other PluginIndexes related to FhirField have been deprecated.
- New ZCatalog (plone index) index naming convention has been introduced. Any index name for FhirFieldIndex must have fhir resource type name as prefix. for example: `task_index`

1.0.0b4 (2018-08-01)

- Must Update (fix): Important updates made on mapping, reference field mapping was not working if value contains with `/`, now made it tokenize by indecating index is `not_analyzed`
- `_profile` search parameter is now available. [nazrulworld]

1.0.0b3 (2018-07-30)

- Mapping improvment for `FhirQuestionnaireResponseIndex`, `FhirObservationIndex`, `FhirProcedureRequestIndex`, `FhirTaskIndex`, `FhirDeviceRequestIndex`

1.0.0b2 (2018-07-29)

New Features:

- supports for elasticsearch has been added. Now many basic `fhir search <>`_ are possible to be queried.
- upto 22 FHIR fields indexes (`FhirActivityDefinitionIndex`, `FhirAppointmentIndex`, `FhirCarePlanIndex`, `FhirDeviceIndex`, `FhirDeviceRequestIndex`, `FhirHealthcareServiceIndex`, `FhirMedicationAdministrationIndex`, `FhirMedicationDispenseIndex`, `FhirMedicationRequestIndex`, `FhirMedicationStatementIndex`, `FhirObservationIndex`, `FhirOrganizationIndex`, `FhirPatientIndex`, `FhirPlanDefinitionIndex`, `FhirPractitionerIndex`, `FhirProcedureRequestIndex`, `FhirQuestionnaireIndex`, `FhirQuestionnaireResponseIndex`, `FhirRelatedPersonIndex`, `FhirTaskIndex`, `FhirValueSetIndex`)
- Mappings for all available fhir indexes are created.
- `elasticsearch` option is now available for

1.0.0b1 (2018-03-17)

- first beta version has been released.

1.0.0a10 (2018-03-12)

- fix(bug) Issue-3: `resource_type` constraint don't raise exception from validator.

1.0.0a9 (2018-03-08)

- There is no restriction/limit over fhir resources, all available models are supported.

1.0.0a8 (2018-01-22)

- fix(bug) Issue-: Empty string value raise json validation error #2:

1.0.0a7 (2018-01-21)

- fix(bug) Issue-1: _RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object at form view. #1:

1.0.0a6 (2018-01-14)

- missing `HealthcareService` fhir model is added as supported model.

1.0.0a5 (2018-01-14)

- `Person` fhir model added in whitelist.

1.0.0a4 (2018-01-14)

- IFhirResource.model_interface field type changed to `DottedName` from `InterfaceField`.

1.0.0a3 (2017-12-22)

- `FHIR Patch`_ support added. Now patching fhir resource is more easy to manage.
- plone.supermodel support is confirmed.[nazrulworld]
- plone.rfc822 marshaler field support.[nazrulworld]

1.0.0a2 (2017-12-10)

- `FhirResourceWidget` is made working state. From now it is possible to adapt FhirResourceWidget` with z3c.form [nazrulworld]

1.0.0a1 (2017-12-05)

- Initial release.

.. _`FHIR Patch`:

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