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Data processing toolkit radically changing the way data is processed

Project description

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|  __/| | | (_) \__ \ || (_) | Data Processing Toolkit - noSql-noMapReduce
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License: MIT Python 3.6 PyPI version

What is Prosto?

Prosto is a Python data processing toolkit to programmatically author and execute complex data processing workflows. Conceptually, it is an alternative to set-oriented approaches to data processing like map-reduce, relational algebra, SQL or data-frame-based tools like pandas.

Prosto radically changes the way data is processed by relying on a novel data processing paradigm which treats columns (modelled via mathematical functions) as first-class elements of the data processing pipeline having the same rights as tables. If a traditional data processing graph consists of only set operations than the Prosto workflow consists of two categories of operations:

  • Table operations produce (populate) new tables from existing tables. A table is an implementation of a mathematical set which is a collection of tuples.

  • Column operations produce (evaluate) new columns from existing columns. A column is an implementation of a mathematical function which maps tuples from one set to another set.

Why Prosto?

Prosto provides the following unique features and benefits:

  • Processing data in multiple tables. We can easily implement calculate columns using apply method of pandas. However, we cannot use this technique in the case of multiple tables. Prosto is intended for and makes it easy to process data stored in many tables by relying on link columns which are also evaluated from the data.

  • Getting rid of joins. Data in multiple tables can be processed using the relational join operation. However, it is tedious, error prone and requires high expertise especially in the case of many tables. Prosto does not use joins. Instead, it relies on link columns which also have definitions and are evaluated during workflow execution.

  • Getting rid of group-by. Data aggregation is typically performed using some kind of group-by operation. Prosto does not use this relational operation by providing column operations for that purpose which are simpler and more natural especially in describing complex analytical workflows.

  • Flexibility via user-defined functions. Prosto is very flexible in defining how data will be processed because it relies on user-defined functions which are its minimal units of data processing. They provide the logic of processing at the level of individual values while the logic of looping through the sets is implemented by the system according to the type of operation applied. User-defined functions can be as simple as format conversion and as complex as as a machine learning algorithm.

  • Data Dictionary (DD) for declaring schema, tables and columns, and Feature Store (FS) for defining operations over these data objects

  • In future, Prosto will implement such features as incremental evaluation for processing only what has changed, model training for training models as part of the workflow, data/model persistence and other data processing and analysis operations.

Getting started with Prosto

Importing Prosto

Prosto is a toolkit and it is intended to be used from another (Python) application. Before its data processing functions can be used, the module has to be imported:

import prosto as pr

Defining a workflow

A workflow contains definitions of data elements (tables and columns) as well as operations for data generation. Before data processing operations can be defined, a Prosto workflow has to be created:

prosto = pr.Prosto("My Prosto Workflow")

Prosto provides two types of operations which can be used in a workflow:

  • A table population operation adds new records to the table given records from one or more input tables
  • A column evaluation operation generates values of the column given values of one or more input columns

Defining a table

Each table has some structure which is defined by its attributes. Table data is defined by the tuples it consists of and each tuple is a combination of some attribute values.

There exist many different ways to populate a table with tuples (attribute values). One of the simplest one is a table populate operation. It relies on a user-defined function which is supposed to "know" how to populate this table by returning a pandas data frame with the data:

sales_data = {
    "product_name": ["beer", "chips", "chips", "beer", "chips"],
    "quantity": [1, 2, 3, 2, 1],
    "price": [10.0, 5.0, 6.0, 15.0, 4.0]

sales = prosto.populate(
    # Table definition consists of a name and list of attributes
    table_name="Sales", attributes=["product_name", "quantity", "price"],

    # Table operation is an UDF, list of input tables and model (parameters for UDF)
    func=lambda **m: pd.DataFrame(sales_data), tables=[], model={}

The user-defined function in this example returns a pandas data frame with in-memory sales data. In a more realistic case, the data could be loaded from a CSV file or database. This data frame has to contain all attributes declared for this table.

Other table operations like project, product and filter allow for processing table data from already existing input tables which in turn could be populated using other operations.

Defining a column

A column is formally interpreted as a mathematical function which maps tuples (defined by table attributes) of this table to tuples in another table.

There exist many different ways to compute a mapping form one table to another table. One of the simplest column operations is a calculate column which computes output values of the mapping using the values of the specified input columns of the same table:

calc_column = prosto.calculate(
    # Column definition consists of a name and table it belongs to

    # Column operation is UDF, list of input columns and model (parameters for UDF)
    func=lambda x: x["quantity"] * x["price"], columns=["quantity", "price"], model=None

This new column will store the amount computed for each record as a product of quantity and price. Note that the input columns could be also derived columns computed from some other data in this or other tables.

Other column operations like link, aggregate or roll allow for producing link columns referencing records in other tables and aggregate data.

Executing a workflow

When a workflow is defined it is not executed - it stores only operation definitions. In order to really process data, the workflow has to be executed:

Prosto translates a workflow into a graph of operations (topology) taking into account their dependencies and then executes each operation: table operations will populate tables and column operations will evaluate columns.

Now we can explore the result by reading data form the table along with the calculate column:

df = table.get_data()
   product_name quantity price amount
0  beer         1        10.0  10.0
1  chips        2        5.0   10.0
2  chips        3        6.0   18.0
3  beer         2        15.0  30.0
4  chips        1        4.0   4.0

Although it looks like a normal table, the last column was derived from the data in other columns. In more complex cases, column data and table data will be derived from columns in other tables.


Matrixes vs. sets

It is important to understand the following crucial difference between matrixes and sets expressed in terms of multidimensional spaces:

A cell of a matrix is a point in the multidimensional space defined by the matrix axes - the space has as many dimensions as the matrix has axes. Values are defined for all points of the space. A tuple of a set is a point in the space defined by the table columns - the space has as many dimensions as the table has column. Values are defined only for a subset of all points of the space.

It is summarized in the table:

Property Matrix Set
Dimension Axis Attribute
Point coordinates Cell axes values Tuple attribute values
Dimensionality Number of axes Number of attributes
Represents Distribution Predicate
Point Value of distribution True of false

The both structures can represent some distribution over a multidimensional space but do it in different ways. Obviously, these differences make it extremely difficult to combine these two semantics in one framework.

Prosto is an implementation of the set-oriented approach where a table represents a set and its rows represent tuples. Note however that Prosto supports an extended version of the set-oriented approach which includes also functions as first-class elements of the model.

Sets vs. functions

Tuples are a formal representation of data values. A tuple has structure declared by its attributes.

A set is a formal representation of a collection of tuples representing data values. Tuples (data values) can be only added to or removed from a set. In Prosto, sets are implemented via table objects.

A function is a mapping from an input set to an output set. Given an input value, the output value can be read from the function or set for the function. In Prosto, functions are implemented via column objects.

Attributes vs. columns

Attributes define the structure of tuples and they are not evaluated. Attribute values are set by the table population procedure.

Columns implement functions (mappings between sets) and their values are computed by the column evaluation procedure.

Pandas vs. Prosto

Pandas is a very powerful toolkit which relies on the notion of matrix for data representation. In other words, matrix is the main unit of data representation in pandas. Yet, pandas supports not only matrix operations (in this case, having numpy would be enough) but also set operations, relational operations, map-reduce, multidimensional and OLAP as well as some other conceptions. In this sense, pandas is a quite eclectic toolkit.

In contrast, Prosto is based on a solid theoretical basis: the concept-oriented model of data. For simplicity, it can be viewed as a purely set-oriented model (not the relational model) along with a function-oriented model. Yet, Prosto relies on pandas in its implementation just because pandas provides a powerful set of highly optimized operations with data.

Prosto operations

List of operations

Prosto currently supports the following operations:

  • Column operations

    • compute: A complete new column is computed from the input columns of the same table. It is analogous to the table populate operation
    • calculate: New column values are computed from other values in the same table and row
    • link: New column values uniquely represent rows from another table
    • merge: New columns values are copied from a linked column in another table
    • roll: New column values are computed from the subset of rows in the same table
    • aggregate: New column values are computed from a subset of row in another table
    • discretize: New column values are a finite number of groups like numeric intervals
  • Table operations

    • populate: A complete table with all its rows is populated and returned by the specified UDF similar to the column compute operaiton
    • product: A new table consists of all combinations of rows in the inputs tables
    • filter: A new table is a subset of rows from another table selected using the specified UDF
    • project: A new table consists of all unique combinations of the specified columns of the input table

Examples of these operations can be found in unit tests or Jupyter notebooks in the notebooks project folder.

Operation parameters

An operation in Prosto provides a general logic of data processing and it does not do anything by itself. An operation needs additional parameters which specify what exactly has to be done with the data. Below we describe parameters which are common to almost all operation types.

  • Data elements and operations. It is important to understand that data elements and operations are different types of objects and they are managed separately in Prosto. We can create, update and delete them separately. Yet, for simplicity, Prosto provides functions which create an operation along with the corresponding new data element. For example, we call the calculate function then it will define one column and one operation. A new data element and a new operation are described by different parameters of the function.

  • Data element definition. First two parameters of an operation define a data element. If it is a column operation like link then it defines a new column using its name and (existing) table. If it is a table operation like project then it is its table_name and a list of attributes. The rest of the operation parameters define an operation.

  • Function. Most operations have a func argument which provides a user-defined function (UDF). This function "knows" what to do with the data. There are two types of functions: (i) functions which are called in an internal loop and take/return data values, (ii) functions which are called only once and take/return collections of values (columns or tables). For each operation it is specified which kind of UDF it uses.

  • Data. Here we can specify what data has to be processed by the operation (and the corresponding UDF). For many column operations, it is a list of columns of the input table. It is assumed that only these columns have to be processed. For many table operations, it is a list of tables.

  • Model. This argument of an operation is intended for providing additional parameter for data processing. The model object is passed to UDF which has to know how to use it. It can be as simple as one value and as complex as a trained data mining model. It can be a tuple, dictionary or an arbitrary Python object. A tuple will be unpacked in a list of positional arguments of UDF. A dictionary will be unpacked into a list of keyword arguments. An object will be passed as one positional argument.

Column operations

Compute column

A compute column is intended for computing a new column based the values in other columns in the same row. It is defined via a Python user-defined function which gets several input columns and returns one output column which is then added to the table.

Calculate column (instead of map operation)

Probably the simplest and most frequent operation in Prosto is computing a new column of the table which is done by defining a calculate column. The main computational part of the definition is a (Python) function which returns a single value computed from one or more input values in its arguments.

This function will be evaluated for each row of the table and its outputs will be stored as a new column.

It is similar to how apply works in pandas (and actually it relies on it in its implementation) but it is different from how map operation works because a calculated column does not add any new table while map computes a new collection (which makes computations less efficient).

The Prosto approach is somewhat similar to spreadsheets with the difference that new columns depend on only one coordinate - other columns - while cells in spreadsheets depend on two coordinates - row and column addresses. The both however are equally simple and natural.

Check out the calculate.ipynb notebook for a working example of the calculate operaiton.

Link column (instead of join)

We can define and evaluate new columns only in individual tables but we cannot define a new column which depends on the data in another table. Link columns solve this problem. A link column stores values which uniquely represent rows of a target (linked) table. In this sense, it is a normal column with some values which are computed using some definition. The difference is how these values are computed and their semantics. They do not have a domain-specific semantics but rather they are understood only by the system. More specifically, each value of a link column is a reference to a row in the linked table or None in the case it does not reference anything.

The main part of the definition is a criterion for finding a target row which matching this row. The most wide spread criterion is based on equality of some values in two rows and the definition includes lists of the columns which have to be equal in order for this row to reference the target row.

Link columns have several major uses:

  • Data in other (linked) tables can be accessed when doing something in this table, say, when defining its calculate columns
  • Data can be grouped using linked rows interpreted as groups, that is, all rows of this table referencing the same row of the target table are interpreted as one group
  • Link columns are used when defining aggregate columns

There could be other criteria for matching rows and defining link columns which will be implemented in future versions.

Check out the link.ipynb notebook for a working example of the link operaiton.

Merge column (instead of join)

Once we have defined link columns and interlinked our (initially isolated) set of tables, the question is how we can use these links? Currently, the only way is to move data between table by copying linked columns performed by the merge operation. It copies a column from the target linked table into this table. In this sense, it simply copies data between tables. Its definition is very simple: we need to specify only the link column and the target column.

The copied (merged) columns can be then used in other operations like calculate columns or aggregate columns.

Note that the merge operation (as an explicit operation) is planned to become obsolete in future versions (but can still be used behind the scenes). Yet, currently it is the only way to access data in other tables using link columns.

Rolling aggregation (instead of over-partition)

This column will aggregate data located in "neighbor" rows of this same table. These rows to be aggregated are selected using criteria in the window object. For example, we can specify how many previous rows to select.

Currently, its logic is equivalent to that of the rolling aggregation in pandas with the difference that the result column is immediately added to the table and this operation is part of the whole workflow.

The roll operation can distinguish different groups of rows and process them separately as if they were stored in different tables. We refer to this mode as rolling aggregation with grouping. If the link parameter is not empty then its value specifies a column or attribute used for grouping.

Check out the roll.ipynb notebook for a working example of rolling aggregation.

Aggregate column (instead of groupby)

This column aggregates data in groups of rows selected from another table. The selection is performed by specifying an existing link column which links the fact table with this (group) table. The new column is added to this (group) table.

Currently, its logic is equivalent to that of the groupby in pandas with the difference that the result column is added to the existing table and the two tables must be linked beforehand.

Check out the aggregate.ipynb notebook for a working example of aggregation.

Discretize column

Let us assume that we have a numeric column but we want to partition it into a finite number of intervals and then use these intervals intead of numeric values. The discretize coumn produces a new column with a finite number of values where each such value represents a group the input value belongs to.

How the groups are identified and how the input space is partitioned is defined in the model. In the simplest case, there is one numeric column and the model defines intervals with equal length. These intervals are identified by their border value (left or right). The output columm will contain border values for the intervals input values belong to. For example, if we have temperature values in the input column like 21.1, 23.3, 22.2 etc. but we want to use discrete values like 21, 23, 22, then we need to define a discretize column. In this case, it is similar to rounding (which can be implemented using a calculate column) but the logic of discretization can be more complicated.


Table operations

Populate table

A new table will be populated with data returned by the specified user-defined function. This operation is analogous to compute column operation with the difference that a complete table is returned rather than a complete column.

Product of tables (instead of join)

This table is intended to produce all combinations of rows in other tables. Its main difference from the relational model is that the result table stores links to the rows of the source tables rather than copies of its rows. The result table has as many attributes as it has source tables in its definition. (In contrast, the number of attributes in a relational product is equal to the sum of attributes in all source tables.)


  • Creating a cube table from dimension tables for multi-dimensional analysis. It is typically followed by aggregating data in the fact table.

Filter table (instead of select-where)

It is one of the most frequently used operations. The main difference form conventional implementations is that the result never includes the source table columns. Instead, the result (filtered) table references the selected source rows using an automatically created link column. If it is necessary to use the source table data (and it is almost always the case) then they are accessible via the created link column.

Project table (instead of select-distinct)

This operation has these important uses:

  • Creating a table with group elements for aggregation because (in contrast to other approaches) it must exist
  • Creating a dimension table for multi-dimensional analysis in the case it does not exist

Check out the project.ipynb notebook for a working example of the project operaiton.

Range table

Not implemented yet.

This operation populates a table with one attribute which contains values from a range described in the model. A range specification typically has such parameters as start, end, step size (or frequency), origin and others depending on the range type.


How to use

Install from source code

Check out the source code and execute this command in the project directory (where is located):

$ pip install .

Or alternatively:

$ python install

Install from PYPI

This command will install the latest release of Prosto from PYPI:

$ pip install prosto

How to test

Run tests from the project root:

$ python -m unittest discover -s ./tests


$ python test

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Source Distribution

prosto-0.3.0.tar.gz (40.3 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

prosto-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (36.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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