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Python CLI for managing secrets (passwords, API keys, etc)

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Python CLI for managing secrets (passwords, API keys, etc)


  • Uses the openstack/cliff command line framework.

  • Supports a “drop-in” model for defining variables in a modular manner that is used to then construct a single file for use by Ansible or other applications. This is something like the python-update-dotdee program, but including secret setting and generation as well.

  • Like python-update-dotdee, produces a single master file for use by Ansible commands (e.g. ansible-playbook playbook.yml -e @secrets.yml)

  • Support multiple simultaneous sets of secrets for flexibility and scalability in multi-environment deployments and to support different use cases and combinations of secrets.

  • Define variable names and associate types (e.g., password, uuid4, consul_key).

  • Allow manual entry of values, or automatic generation of secrets according to their type.

  • Generate unique values for variables, or use a single value per type to simplify use of secrets in access control of services while supporting a “break-glass” process to quickly regenerate secrets when needed.

  • List the groups of variables (and how many in each group).

  • Show the variables and their unredacted values (or redacted them to maintain secrecy during demonstrations or in documentation).

  • Output the variables and values in multiple different formats (CSV, JSON, YAML) for use in shell scripts, etc. using cliff features.


Commands (and subcommands) generally follow the model set by the OpenStackClient for its Command Structure. The general structure of a command is:

$ python_secrets [<global-options>] <object-1> <action> [<object-2>] [<command-arguments>]

The actions are things like list, show, create, set, delete, etc.

Getting help

To get help information on command arguments and options, use the help command or --help option flag:

$ python_secrets --help
usage: python_secrets [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h]
                      [--debug] [-e <environment>] [-d <secrets-directory>]
                      [-s <secrets-file>]

Python secrets management app

optional arguments:
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
  -q, --quiet           Suppress output except warnings and errors.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
  -h, --help            Show help message and exit.
  --debug               Show tracebacks on errors.
  -e <environment>, --environment <environment>
                        Deployment environment selector (Env: D2_ENVIRONMENT;
                        default: None)
  -d <secrets-directory>, --secrets-dir <secrets-directory>
                        Root directory for holding secrets (Env:
                        D2_SECRETS_DIR; default: .)
  -s <secrets-file>, --secrets-file <secrets-file>
                        Secrets file (default: secrets.yml)

  complete       print bash completion command (cliff)
  groups list    Show a list of secrets groups.
  help           print detailed help for another command (cliff)
  secrets show   List the contents of the secrets file
  secrets generate  Generate values for secrets
  secrets set    Set values manually for secrets

Directories and files

By default, python_secrets looks in the current working directory for the directory in which variable descriptions are found and to read/write the file with the secrets (default name, security.yml). The name of the directory is derived from the name of the secrets file by stripping off the .yml extention and adding .d (following the Linux drop-in configuration style directories used by programs like rsyslog, dnsmasq, etc.)

You can define environment variables to point to the root directory in which a set of different environments can be configured at one time, to define the current environment, and to change the name of the secrets file to something else.

$ env | grep ^D2_

Each environment is in turn rooted in a directory with the environment’s symbolic name (e.g., do for DigitalOcean in this example, and mantl for Cisco’s Mantl project.)

$ tree -L 1 ~/.secrets
├── do
└── mantl

3 directories, 0 files

Each set of secrets for a given service or purpose is described in its own file.

├── secrets.d
   ├── ca.yml
   ├── consul.yml
   ├── jenkins.yml
   ├── rabbitmq.yml
   ├── trident.yml
   ├── vncserver.yml
   └── zookeper.yml
└── secrets.yml

A description file looks like this:


- Variable: jenkins_admin_password
  Type: password

# vim: ft=ansible :

The python_secrets program uses the openstack/cliff command line interface framework, which supports multiple output formats. The default format the table format, which makes for nice clean output. (Other formats will be described later.)

The groups can be listed using the groups list command:

$ python_secrets groups list
| Group     | Items |
| ca        |     1 |
| consul    |     1 |
| jenkins   |     1 |
| rabbitmq  |     2 |
| trident   |     2 |
| vncserver |     1 |
| zookeper  |     1 |

Showing Secrets

To see all of the secrets, use the secrets show command:

$ python_secrets secrets show
| Variable                   | Value    |
| trident_db_pass            | REDACTED |
| ca_rootca_password         | REDACTED |
| consul_key                 | REDACTED |
| jenkins_admin_password     | REDACTED |
| rabbitmq_default_user_pass | REDACTED |
| rabbitmq_admin_user_pass   | REDACTED |
| trident_sysadmin_pass      | REDACTED |
| vncserver_password         | REDACTED |
| zookeeper_uuid4            | REDACTED |

By default, the values of secrets are redacted when output. To show the values in clear text in the terminal output, add the --no-redact flag:

$ python_secrets secrets show --no-redact
| Variable                   | Value                                |
| trident_db_pass            | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| ca_rootca_password         | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| consul_key                 | Q04cbB61lm3Z7H+S4WGL+Q==             |
| jenkins_admin_password     | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| rabbitmq_default_user_pass | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| rabbitmq_admin_user_pass   | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| trident_sysadmin_pass      | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| vncserver_password         | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| zookeeper_uuid4            | 21516a57-e2d3-4d32-a2cc-a364341d24f7 |

If you don’t care about redaction and want to turn it off and save the dozen keystrokes it takes to type `` –no-redact``, you can export the environment variable D2_NO_REDACT set to (case-insensitive) “true”, “1”, or “yes”. Anything else leaves the default the same. We’ll do this now for later examples.

$ export D2_NO_REDACT=true

The default is also to show all secrets. If you only want to process a subset of secrets, specify them on the command line as arguments:

$ python_secrets secrets show rabbitmq_default_user_pass rabbitmq_admin_user_pass
| Variable                   | Value                                |
| rabbitmq_default_user_pass | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |
| rabbitmq_admin_user_pass   | handheld angrily letdown frisk       |

Generating and Setting variables

Secrets are generated using the secrets generate command and are set manually using the secrets set command.

To regenerate all of the secrets at once, using the same value for each type of secret to simplify things, use the secrets generate command:

$ python_secrets secrets generate
$ python_secrets secrets show
| Variable                   | Value                                |
| trident_db_pass            | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| ca_rootca_password         | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| consul_key                 | zQvSe0kdf0Xarbhb80XULQ==             |
| jenkins_admin_password     | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| rabbitmq_default_user_pass | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| rabbitmq_admin_user_pass   | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| trident_sysadmin_pass      | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| vncserver_password         | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| zookeeper_uuid4            | 769a77ad-b06f-4018-857e-23f970c777c2 |

You can set one or more variables manually using secrets set and specifying the variable and value in the form variable=value:

$ python_secrets secrets set trident_db_pass="rural coffee purple sedan"
$ python_secrets secrets show
| Variable                   | Value                                |
| trident_db_pass            | rural coffee purple sedan            |
| ca_rootca_password         | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| consul_key                 | zQvSe0kdf0Xarbhb80XULQ==             |
| jenkins_admin_password     | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| rabbitmq_default_user_pass | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| rabbitmq_admin_user_pass   | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| trident_sysadmin_pass      | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| vncserver_password         | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| zookeeper_uuid4            | 769a77ad-b06f-4018-857e-23f970c777c2 |

Or you can generate one or more variables in a similar manner by adding them to the command line as arguments to secrets generate:

$ python_secrets secrets generate rabbitmq_default_user_pass rabbitmq_admin_user_pass
$ python_secrets secrets show
| Variable                   | Value                                |
| trident_db_pass            | rural coffee purple sedan            |
| ca_rootca_password         | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| consul_key                 | zQvSe0kdf0Xarbhb80XULQ==             |
| jenkins_admin_password     | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| rabbitmq_default_user_pass | embezzle xerox excess skydiver       |
| rabbitmq_admin_user_pass   | embezzle xerox excess skydiver       |
| trident_sysadmin_pass      | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| vncserver_password         | gargle earlobe eggplant kissable     |
| zookeeper_uuid4            | 769a77ad-b06f-4018-857e-23f970c777c2 |

Outputting structured information for use in other scripts

The openstack/cliff framework also supports multiple output formats that help with accessing and using the secrets in applications or service configuration using Ansible. For example, CSV output (with header) can be produced like this:

$ python_secrets secrets show -f csv
"trident_db_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"ca_rootca_password","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"jenkins_admin_password","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"rabbitmq_default_user_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"rabbitmq_admin_user_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"trident_sysadmin_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"vncserver_password","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"

Or you can produce JSON and have structured data for consumption by other programs.

$ python_secrets secrets show -f json
    "Variable": "trident_db_pass",
    "Value": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
    "Variable": "ca_rootca_password",
    "Value": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
    "Variable": "consul_key",
    "Value": "zQvSe0kdf0Xarbhb80XULQ=="
    "Variable": "jenkins_admin_password",
    "Value": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
    "Variable": "rabbitmq_default_user_pass",
    "Value": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
    "Variable": "rabbitmq_admin_user_pass",
    "Value": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
    "Variable": "trident_sysadmin_pass",
    "Value": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
    "Variable": "vncserver_password",
    "Value": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
    "Variable": "zookeeper_uuid4",
    "Value": "769a77ad-b06f-4018-857e-23f970c777c2"

The JSON can be manipulated, filtered, and restructured using a program like jq, for example:

$ python_secrets secrets show -f json | jq -r '.[] | { (.Variable): .Value } '
  "trident_db_pass": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "ca_rootca_password": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "consul_key": "zQvSe0kdf0Xarbhb80XULQ=="
  "jenkins_admin_password": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "rabbitmq_default_user_pass": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "rabbitmq_admin_user_pass": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "trident_sysadmin_pass": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "vncserver_password": "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "zookeeper_uuid4": "769a77ad-b06f-4018-857e-23f970c777c2"
$ python_secrets secrets show -f json | jq -r '.[] | [ (.Variable), .Value ] '
  "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
  "gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
$ python_secrets secrets show -f json | jq -r '.[] | [ (.Variable), .Value ] |@sh'
'trident_db_pass' 'gargle earlobe eggplant kissable'
'ca_rootca_password' 'gargle earlobe eggplant kissable'
'consul_key' 'zQvSe0kdf0Xarbhb80XULQ=='
'jenkins_admin_password' 'gargle earlobe eggplant kissable'
'rabbitmq_default_user_pass' 'gargle earlobe eggplant kissable'
'rabbitmq_admin_user_pass' 'gargle earlobe eggplant kissable'
'trident_sysadmin_pass' 'gargle earlobe eggplant kissable'
'vncserver_password' 'gargle earlobe eggplant kissable'
'zookeeper_uuid4' '769a77ad-b06f-4018-857e-23f970c777c2'
$ python_secrets secrets show -f json | jq -r '.[] | [ (.Variable), .Value ] |@csv'
"trident_db_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"ca_rootca_password","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"jenkins_admin_password","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"rabbitmq_default_user_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"rabbitmq_admin_user_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"trident_sysadmin_pass","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"
"vncserver_password","gargle earlobe eggplant kissable"

Future Work

  • Add secrets create to add new secrets descriptions + secrets.

  • Add secrets delete to delete secrets.

  • Add groups create, groups delete, groups show commands.

  • The Mantl project (GitHub mantl/mantl) employs a security-setup script that takes care of setting secrets (and non-secret related variables) in a monolithic manner. It has specific command line options, specific secret generation functions, and specific data structures for each of the component subsystems used by mantl/mantl. This method is not modular or extensible, and the security-setup script is not generalized such that it can be used by any other project. These limitations are primary motivators for writing python_secrets, which could eventually replace security-setup.

    At this point, the Mantl security.yml file can be read in and values can be manually set, as seen here:

$ python_secrets -d ~/git/mantl --secrets-file security.yml secrets show -f yaml
secrets descriptions directory not found
- Value: admin:password
  Variable: chronos_http_credentials
- Value: chronos
  Variable: chronos_principal
- Value: S0JMz5z8oxQGQXMyZjwE0ZCmu4zeJV4oWDUrdc25MBLx
  Variable: chronos_secret
- Value: 88821cbe-c004-4cff-9f91-2bc36cd347dc
  Variable: consul_acl_agent_token
- Value: f9acbe14-28d3-4d06-a1c9-c617da5ebb4e
  Variable: consul_acl_mantl_api_token
- Value: de54ae85-8226-4146-959f-8926b0b8ee55
  Variable: consul_acl_marathon_token
- Value: dfc9b244-5140-41ad-b93a-ac5c2451fb95
  Variable: consul_acl_master_token
- Value: e149b50f-cb5c-4efe-be96-26a52efdc715
  Variable: consul_acl_secure_token
- Value: 719f2328-6446-4647-adf6-310013bac636
  Variable: consul_acl_vault_token
- Value: Z0niD1jeiTkx7xaoewJm2A==
  Variable: consul_gossip_key
- Value: true
  Variable: do_chronos_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_chronos_iptables
- Value: true
  Variable: do_chronos_ssl
- Value: true
  Variable: do_consul_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_consul_ssl
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mantl_api_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mantlui_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mantlui_ssl
- Value: true
  Variable: do_marathon_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_marathon_iptables
- Value: true
  Variable: do_marathon_ssl
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mesos_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mesos_follower_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mesos_framework_auth
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mesos_iptables
- Value: true
  Variable: do_mesos_ssl
- Value: false
  Variable: do_private_docker_registry
- Value: mantl-api
  Variable: mantl_api_principal
- Value: Se4R9nRy8WTAgmU9diJyIPwLYsBU+V1yBxTQumiOriK+
  Variable: mantl_api_secret
- Value: admin:password
  Variable: marathon_http_credentials
- Value: marathon
  Variable: marathon_principal
- Value: +Y5bvIsWliFvcWgbXGWa8kwT6Qf3etogQJe+cK+IV2hX
  Variable: marathon_secret
- Value:
  - principal: marathon
    secret: +Y5bvIsWliFvcWgbXGWa8kwT6Qf3etogQJe+cK+IV2hX
  - principal: chronos
    secret: S0JMz5z8oxQGQXMyZjwE0ZCmu4zeJV4oWDUrdc25MBLx
  - principal: mantl-api
    secret: Se4R9nRy8WTAgmU9diJyIPwLYsBU+V1yBxTQumiOriK+
  Variable: mesos_credentials
- Value: follower
  Variable: mesos_follower_principal
- Value: Q53uAa2mNM0UNe2RUjrX6k7QvK6ojjH1gHXYLcm3Lmfr
  Variable: mesos_follower_secret
- Value: password
  Variable: nginx_admin_password
- Value: true
  Variable: security_enabled
- Value: chronos
  Variable: zk_chronos_user
- Value: JWPO11z4lU5qeilZ
  Variable: zk_chronos_user_secret
- Value: hsr+R6YQBAOXoY84a8ne8bU0opg=
  Variable: zk_chronos_user_secret_digest
- Value: marathon
  Variable: zk_marathon_user
- Value: UBh77ok2svQAqWox
  Variable: zk_marathon_user_secret
- Value: mo2mQGXcsc21zB4wYD18jn+Csks=
  Variable: zk_marathon_user_secret_digest
- Value: mesos
  Variable: zk_mesos_user
- Value: L3t9FEMsXehqeBvl
  Variable: zk_mesos_user_secret
- Value: bHYvGteRBxou4jqJ8XWAYmOmzxs=
  Variable: zk_mesos_user_secret_digest
- Value: super
  Variable: zk_super_user
- Value: 2DyL/n/GLi3Q0pa75z9OjODGZKC1RCaEiKNV1ZXo1Wpk
  Variable: zk_super_user_secret
$ python_secrets -d ~/git/mantl --secrets-file security.yml secrets show -f csv | grep nginx_admin_password
secrets descriptions directory not found
$ python_secrets -d ~/git/mantl --secrets-file security.yml secrets set nginx_admin_password=newpassword
secrets descriptions directory not found
$ python_secrets -d ~/git/mantl --secrets-file security.yml secrets show -f csv | grep nginx_admin_password
secrets descriptions directory not found

There are a few things that can be done to use python_secrets as a replacement for the security-setup script. These include:

  • Produce secrets descriptions in a security.d directory.

  • Remove the variables that are not secrets requiring regeneration for rotation or “break-glass” procedures (e.g., like chronos_principal, which is a userID value, and do_mesos_auth, which is a boolean flag).

  • Break down more complex data structures (specifically, the mesos_credentials list of dictionaries with keys principal and secret). These could instead be discrete variables like marathon_secret (which appears to be the secret associated with the invariant “variable” marathon_principal).


Tools used in rendering this package:


0.3.0 (2018-04-27)

  • First release on PyPI.

Project details

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Built Distribution

python_secrets-0.3.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (15.2 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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