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Subversion Offline Solution (SOS)

Project description

SOS v1.5.3

|Travis badge| |Build status| |Code coverage badge| |PyPI badge| |Gitter

- License: `MPL-2.0 <>`__
- Read the documentation on the `official
website <>`__, chat with the author and others `on
Gitter <>`__, file issues and requests
`on Github <>`__, fork the
code repository `on Github <>`__
- `Buy the developer a coffee <https://PayPal.Me/ArneBachmann/>`__ to
show your appreciation!

From the author

I've been developing this software continuously over the course of
the last months in my spare time, and it has been turned out great
so far. I cannot, however, continue at this pace without the support
of a lively community, or getting some kind of funding for the
effort that I put into SOS besides my day job and being there for my
family. Bug reports, feature requests and contributions are welcome,
granted there's enough time to process them. Please support SOS in
any way suiting you, to make it our primary personal productivity

List of Abbreviations and Definitions

- **MPL**: `*Mozilla Public
License* <>`__
- **PyPI**: `*Python Package Index* <>`__
- **SCM**: *Source Control Management*
- **SOS**: *Subversion Offline Solution*
- **SVN**: `Apache Subversion <>`__
- **VCS**: *Version Control System*

- **Filename**: Fixed term for file names used throughout SOS and this
- **File pattern**: A filename or
`glob <>`__,
allowing to place special characters like ``*?[!]`` into file names
to mark ellipses
- **File tree**: A directory structure on the user's file system at a
certain point in time. It's not exactly the same as a *checkout* or
*working copy*, but largely comparable
- **Revision**: An archived (or versioned, differential) set of file
modifications, also known as changeset or patch


If you (**love**, or simply **have to**) work with the SVN VCS, but
**need** (or **lack**) the flexibility of committing and branching files
offline (without a permanent network connection) similar to how *Git* is
able to, SOS is your straight-forward and super simple command-line SCM

SOS allows performing offline operations *a)* as a drop-in replacement
for ``svn`` and other VCS commands, *b)* as an offline extension of
those VCSs that either don't support offline branching and committing or
are too complex, and *c)* as a standalone VCS. You may run
``sos offline`` not only inside a SVN checkout, but in any (and also
multiple, even nested) folders of your file system, even outside of VCS
repository checkouts/clones.

`SOS <>`__ thus augments
`SVN <>`__ with offline operation and serves
the same need as
`SVK <>`__,
`RCS <>`__,
`CVS <>`__,
`Git <>`__, `gitless <>`__,
`monotone <>`__, `darcs <>`__,
`Bazaar <>`__,
`Mercurial <>`__, and
`Fossil <>`__.

As an additional practical benefit, the ``sos`` command will double as
the command line interface of any popular VCS and will execute any
``svn``, ``git``, etc. command by
``sos <command> [<arguments-and-options>]``, e.g.
``sos commit -m "Message"`` instead of ``svn commit -m "Message"`` or
``git commit -m "Message"``. Once you executed ``sos offline``, however,
all commands are interpreted by the SOS tool instead, until leaving the
offline mode via ``sos online`` (with the exception of ``sos config``,
cf. details below).

Flexible VCS Modes

SOS supports three different file handling models that you may use to
your liking, thus being able to mimick different traditional VCSs, plus
a new mode for super quick and easy version management (the default). -
**Simple mode**: All files are automatically versioned and tracked.
Drawback: Will pickup any little modification for any file, binary or
not - **Tracking mode**: Only files that match certain file patterns are
respected during ``commit``, ``update`` and ``branch`` (just like in
SVN, gitless, and Fossil), requiring users to specifically add or remove
files per branch. Drawback: Need to declare files to track for every
offline repository - **Picky mode**: Each operation needs the explicit
declaration of file patterns for versioning (like Git does). Drawback:
Need to stage files for every single commit

Unique Features of SOS

- Initializes repositories by default with the *simple mode*, which
makes effortless versioning a piece of cake
- In the optional tracking mode, files are tracked via *file patterns*
instead of pure filenames or paths (in a manner comparable to how SVN
ignores files)
- Command line replacement for traditional VCS that transparently pipes
commands to them
- Straightforward and simplified semantics for common VCS operations
(``branch``, ``commit``, integrate changes)


- Designed for use by single user, network synchronization is a
non-goal. Don't attempt to use SOS in a shared location, concurrent
access to the repository may corrupt your data, as there is currently
no locking in place (could be augmented, but it's currently a
non-goal, too)
- Has a small user base as of now, therefore no reliable reports of
compatibility and operational capability except for the automatic
unit tests run on Travis CI and AppVeyor


- SOS runs on any Python 3.4 distribution or higher, including some
versions of PyPy. Python 2 is not supported anymore due to library
issues, although SOS's programming language *Coconut* is generally
able to transpile to valid Python 2 source code. Use
``pip install sos-vcs[backport]`` to attemüt running SOS on Python
3.3 or earlier
- SOS is compatible with above mentioned traditional VCSs: SVN, Git,
gitless, Bazaar, Mercurial and Fossil
- Filename encoding and console encoding: Full roundtrip support (on
Windows) started only with Python 3.6.4 and has not been tested nor
confirmed yet for SOS

Latest Changes

- Version 1.6, not yet released:

- `Feature 127,
218 <>`__ Implement
much better help system
- `Feature 212 <>`__
Limit number of displayed revisions in ``sos log``. Can be
controlled by option flag ``--all`` and configuration setting
- `Feature 213 <>`__
Now displaying occupied storage space
- `Feature 209 <>`__
Added warning when committing a file with a older timestamp than
its previous revision or previous commit
- `Feature 210 <>`__
Logic coding bug that prevented the distinction between full or
differential dump to work
- `Enhancement 201,
208 <>`__ Added a
project logo
- `Enhancement
144 <>`__ Make a
semantic distinction between verbose output using ``--verbose``
and debugging output using ``--debug`` and ``--log``
- `Enhancement
211 <>`__ Add a
fancy ASCII art title
- `Enhancement
214 <>`__ More
- `Enhancement
216 <>`__ Change
display in ``sos log`` to display number of modified text files
instead of added text files
- `Bug 217 <>`__ Wrong
path displayed in ``sos status``
- `Bug 219 <>`__ Error
in revision computation leading to switching not working correctly
between fast-branched branches
- `QA 198 <>`__
Finally made the tests run on AppVeyor. Reason was file system
synchronization problems not shown on Linux
- Downloads so far: 0

- Version 1.5, released on 2018-03-03:

- `Bug 78 <>`__ Long
standing bug, computing wrong line numbers in diff view
- `Bug 196 <>`__
Ubiquitous ``--only`` and ``--except`` options not working
- `Bug 197 <>`__ Bug
fix for shown number of files in ``commit`` and ``log``
- `Bug 206, 207 <>`__
Merge not asking for user input on one-line replace, also wrong
use of mine/theirs
- `Enhancement
195 <>`__ Minimize
the number of digits in diff line numbers to the required amount
- `Enhancement
199 <>`__ Unicode
symbols added (force set via ``useUnicodeFont``)
- `Enhancement
202 <>`__ Now using
the ``wcwidth`` library to determine visible width of unicode
strings (untested)
- `Feature 102 <>`__
Option to list tracking patterns, and list (tracked) files
- `Feature 157, 200,
204 <>`__
Experimental support for incremental dumps
- Downloads so far: 3150

- Version 1.4, released on 2018-02-17:

- `Bug 167 <>`__
Accidentally crawling file tree and all revisions on
``sos status``
- `Bug 190 <>`__
Changes not computed in ``sos online``
- `Enhancement 75 <>`__
Better progress indicators during ``sos commit`` and other
- `Enhancement
133 <>`__ Now
showing entire repository compression advantage after
``sos offline`` and ``sos commit``
- `Enhancement
171 <>`__ Display
target end-of-line type in ``sos diff``
- `Enhancement 179,
180 <>`__ SOS now
creates backups from metadata files and dump files automatically
- `Enhancement
186 <>`__ Option to
ignore leading and trailing white space in ``sos diff`` (not
useful for ``sos update``, though)
- `Enhancement
187 <>`__ By
default, text in ``sos diff`` is cut at the end of the
(right-hand) terminal border, with the option switch ``--wrap`` to
retain the old behaviour (wrapping text around)
- `Enhancement
191 <>`__ Allow to
make the behavior of the ``sos status`` command configurable via
``useChangesCommand=yes`` to either show file tree status (the new
default, mirroring the behaviour of SVN and Git), or display the
repository and branches status (while having ``sos changes`` for
file tree status instead, especially for people coming from
- `Enhancement
192 <>`__ Reduced
lines of code by relying on latest enhancements in Coconut (e.g.
``typing`` imports), plus removing obsolete code
- `Feature 181 <>`__
Introduces experimental code for **very fast branching**. Use
``sos branch [<name> [<message>]] --last --fast`` for instant
branching that uses only a reference to the parent branch instead
of copying each file. This feature goes a step into the direction
of Git and introduces complexity into the code base, but was seen
as essential to not stand in the way of the developer. The burden
of copying revisions to dependant branches is delayed to when the
parent branch is destroyed, assuming that destroying a branch is
an action much less often used than branching
- `Feature 182 <>`__
Introduces automatic upgrade for metadata format, making manual
migration steps of previous and any future releases obsolete
- `Feature 183 <>`__
SOS now recognizes and displays renames and file moves inside the
repository. The underlying add/remove file behaviour is unchanged,
but the user sees a *moved* notification for ``sos changes`` and
``sos commit``
- Downloads: 3100

- Version 1.3, released on 2018-02-10:

- `Enhancement 152,
162 <>`__ PEP528/529
compatibility: Now working with any console encoding and file
system encoding on Windows (at least with Python 3.6+)
- `Enhancement
163 <>`__ Rewrite of
changeset handling to avoid problems when re-adding files deleted
in previous revision
- `Enhancement
164 <>`__ Little
improvement for ``sos config``
- `Enhancement
165 <>`__ Little
improvement for ``sos config add``
- `Enhancement
168 <>`__ Don't stop
switching if changes are same as live modifications
- `Feature 64 <>`__
Added blacklisting for tracking patterns (e.g. to except single
files or reduce scope of globs). For manual migration from older
repositories: Add a ``, []`` at the end of each branch info inside
``.sos/.meta``, e.g. modify

``[0, 1518275599353, "trunk", true, []]``


``[0, 1518275599353, "trunk", true, [], []]`` (note the additional
trailing ``, []``)
- Downloads: 2550

- Version 1.2, released on 2018-02-04:

- `Bug 135, 145 <>`__
Fixes a bug showing ignored files as deleted
- `Bug 147 <>`__ Fixes
``sos ls`` problems
- `Enhancement
113 <>`__ Usability
- `Enhancement
122 <>`__ Complete
rework of merge logic and code
- `Enhancement
124 <>`__ Uses enum
- `Enhancement
137 <>`__ Better
usage help page
- `Enhancement 142,
143 <>`__ Extended
``sos config`` and added local configurations
- `Enhancement
153 <>`__ Removed
Python 2 leftovers, raised minimum Python version to 3.4 (but 3.3
may also work)
- `Enhancement
159 <>`__ Internal
metadata updates. For manual migration from older repositories:
Add ``, {}`` to ``.sos/.meta`` right before the closing final
``]``, and add ``version = "pre-1.2",`` after the initial ``[{``
- `Feature 134,
161 <>`__ Added dump
- Downloads: 1760

- Version 1.1, released on 2017-12-30:

- `Bug 90 <>`__ Removed
directories weren't picked up
- `Bug 93 <>`__ Picky
mode lists any file as added
- `Enhancement 63 <>`__
Show more change details in ``log`` and ``status``, and also
``ls`` (in
`#101 <>`__)
- `Enhancement 86 <>`__
Renamed command for branch removal to ``destroy``
- `Feature 8 <>`__ Added
functionality to rename tracking patterns and move files
- `Feature 61 <>`__
Added option to only consider or exclude certain file patterns for
relevant operations using ``--only`` and ``--except``. Note: These
have to be already tracked file patterns, currently, see
`#99 <>`__ and
`#100 <>`__
- `Feature 80 <>`__
Added functionality to use tags
- `QA 79 <>`__ Added
AppVeyor automated testing
- `QA 94 <>`__ More
test coverage
- Many little fixes and improvements
- Downloads: 5200

- Version 1.0, released on 2017-12-14:

- First release with basic functionality
- Lots of test cases, good test coverage
- System integration and packaging
- Library integration and testing
- VCS integration
- Downloads: 4600

Comparison with Traditional VCSs

While completing version 1.0 of SOS after almost two months of
development, I incidentally discovered an interesting `article by
Szorc <>`__
that discusses central weaknesses in the design of popular VCSs, with a
focus on Git. Many of his arguments I have intuitively felt to be true
as well and were the reason for the development of SOS: mainly the
reduction of barriers between the developer's typical workflow and the
VCS, which is most often used as a structured tool for "type and save in
increments", while advanced features of Git are just very difficult to
remember and get done right.

- While Git is basically a large key-value store with a thin access
interface on top, SOS keeps a very clear (folder) structure of
branches, revisions and files
- Compared to SVN, SOS's file store is much simpler and doesn't require
an integrated database, and recovery is manually possible with little

Here is a comparison between SOS and traditional VCS's commands: -
``branch`` creates a branch from the current file tree, but also
switches to it immediately. There is no requirement to name branches,
removing all barriers - SOS allows to branch from the latest committed
revision via ``sos branch [<name>] --last``; this automatically applies
when in tracking and picky mode. In consequence any changes performed
since last commit will automatically be considered as a change for the
next commit on the branch unless ``--stay`` was added as well to not
switch to the new branch - ``commit`` creates a numbered revision from
the current file tree, similar to how SVN does, but revision numbers are
only unique per branch, as they aren't stored in a global namespace. The
commit message is strictly *optional* on purpose (as ``sos commit``
serves largely as a CTRL+S replacement) - The first revision (created
during execution of ``sos offline`` or ``sos branch``) always has the
number ``0`` - Each ``sos commit`` increments the revision number by
one; revisions are referenced by this numeric index, the revision's
optional commit message if given, or a tag - Tagging a commit means that
the commit message serves as a tag name and is assured to be unique.
Referring to a revision by its tag name can be used instead of numeric
revision index, but works not only for tagged revisions and finds the
first matching revision with a matching commit message - You may use
negative revision indexes, just like Python does. ``-1`` refers to the
latest revision, ``-2`` to the second-latest - You may specify a
revision of the current branch by ``/<revision>``, while specifying the
latest revision of another branch by ``<branch>/`` (note the position of
the slash) - ``delete`` destroys and removes a branch. It's a command,
not an option flag as in ``git branch -d <name>`` for usability's sake -
``add`` and ``rm`` add and remove tracking patterns, if the repository
was created in tracking or picky mode. Patterns are never recursively
applied, but always apply for a specific file tree path. They may
contain, however, globs in their filename part, which makes it different
from any other VCS in existence - ``move`` renames a file tracking
pattern and all matching files accordingly; only useful in tracking or
picky mode. It supports reordering of literal substrings, but no
reordering of glob markers (``*``, ``?`` etc.), and of adjacent glob
markers. Use ``--soft`` to avoid files actually being renamed in the
file tree. Warning: the ``--force`` option flag will be considered for
several consecutive, potentially dangerous operations - ``switch`` works
like ``checkout`` in Git for a revision of another branch (or of the
current), or ``update`` to latest or a specific revision in SVN. Please
note that switching to a different revision will in no way fix or
remember that revision. The file tree will always be compared to the
branch's latest commit for change detection - ``update`` works a bit
like ``pull`` and merge in Git or ``update`` in SVN and replays the
specified other (or "remote"'s) branch's and/or revision's changes into
the file tree. There are plenty of options to configure what changes are
actually integrated, plus interactive integration. This command will not
switch the current branch like ``switch`` does. Note, that this is not a
real 3-way *merge*, or *merge* at all, just a more flexible way to
insert and remove text output from *diff*.


When differing contents are to be merged, there is always a potential for conflict; not all changes can be merged automatically with confidence. SOS takes a simplistic and pragmatic approach and largely follows a simple diff algorithm to detect and highlight changes. Insertions and deletions are noted, and modifications are partially detected and marked as such. There are different layers of changes that SOS is able to work on:
- File addition or removal in the file tree, e.g. when updating from another branch and/or revision or switching to them, can be controlled by `--add`, `--rm` and `--ask`, which applies only for conflicts. Default is to replay both
- Line insertion or deletion inside a file, e.g. when merging file modifications during update, via `--add-lines`, `--rm-lines`, `--ask-lines`. Default is replay both
- Character insertion or deletion on a single text line being mergedf, e.g. when non-conflicting intra-line differences are detected, via `--add-chars`, `--rm-chars`, `--ask-chars`. Default is to replay both
- Updating state from another branch in the `--track` or `--picky` mode will always combine (build the union of) all tracked file patterns. To revert this, use the `switch --meta` command to pull back in another branch's and/or revision's tracking patterns to the currently active branch (may require to switch first to the other side). There is currently no check, if the pulled in tracking patterns are supersets or subsets of the onces being already there
- There may be, however, blocks of text lines that seem inserted/deleted but may have actually just been moved inside the file. TODO: SOS attempts to detect clear cases of moved blocks and silently accepts them no matter what. TODO: implement and introduce option flag to avoid this behavior

Working in *Track* and *Picky* Modes

Use the commands ``sos add <pattern>`` or ``sos rm <pattern>`` to add or
remove file patterns. These patterns always refer to a specific
(relative) file paths and may contain globbing characters ``?*[!]`` only
in the filename part of the path.

Configuration Options

These options can be set or unset by the user and apply either globally
for all offline operations the user performs from that moment on, or
locally to one repository only (using the ``--local`` option flag).
There is currently no ``--system`` scope (like Git supports), for SOS
has been designed mainly as a single-user tool. Some of these options
can be defined on a per-repository basis already during offline
repository creation (e.g. ``sos offline --track --strict --compress``),
others can only be set in a persistant fashion (e.g.
``sos config set texttype "*.xsd"``), or after repository creation (e.g.
``sos config set texttype "*.xsd;*.xml" --local``).

Configuration Commands

- ``sos config set`` sets a boolean flag, a string, or an initial list
- ``sos config unset`` removes a boolean flag, a string, or an entire
- ``sos config add`` adds one or more (semicolon-separated) string
entry/entries to a list, and creates it if necessary
- ``sos config rm`` removes a string entry from a list. Must be typed
exactly as the entry to remove. To remove the list, use
``sos unset <key>``
- ``sos config show`` lists all defined configuration settings,
including storage location/type (global, local, default)
- ``sos config show <parameter>`` show only one configuration item
- ``sos config show flags|texts|lists`` show supported settings per

User Configuration and Defaults

SOS uses the ```configr`` <>`__
library to manage per-user global defaults, e.g. for the ``--strict``
and ``--track`` flags that the ``offline`` command takes, but also for
often-used file and folder exclusion patterns. By means of the
``sos config set <key> <value>`` command, you can set these flags with
values like ``1``, ``no``, ``on``, ``false``, ``enable`` or

Available Configuration Settings

- ``strict``: Flag for always performing full file comparsion, not
relying on modification timestamp only; file size is always checked
in both modes. Default: False
- ``track``: Flag for always going offline in tracking mode
(SVN-style). Default: False
- ``picky``: Flag for always going offline in picky mode (Git-style).
Default: False
- ``compress``: Flag for compressing versioned artifacts. Default:
- ``useChangesCommand``: Flag for making ``sos status`` into
``sos status --repo`` and using ``sos changes`` instead of
``sos status`` to more closely copy Fossil's behaviour
- ``useUnicodeFont``: Flag to use more fancy symbols, granted the
console font supports them
- ``defaultbranch``: Name of the initial branch created when going
offline. Default: Dynamic per type of VCS in current working
directory (e.g. ``master`` for Git, ``trunk`` for SVN, no name for
- ``texttype``: List of file patterns that should be recognized as text
files that can be merged through textual diff, in addition to what
Python's ``mimetypes`` library will detect as a ``text/...`` mime.
Example: ``*.bak`` could be a text file on your system, so add it to
the ``texttype`` configuration, either globally (default) or locally
(using ``--local``). *Default*: Empty list
- ``bintype``: List of file patterns that should be recognized as
binary files which cannot be merged textually, overriding potential
matches in ``texttype``. Default: Empty list
- ``ignores``: List of filename patterns (without folder path) to
ignore during repository operations. Any match from the corresponding
white list will negate any hit for ``ignores``. Default: See source
code, e.g. ``["*.bak", "*.py[cdo]]"``
- ``ignoresWhitelist``: List of filename patterns to be consider even
if matched by an entry in the ``ignores`` list. Default: Empty list
- ``ignoreDirs``: As ``ignores``, but for folder names
- ``ignoreDirsWhitelist``: As ``ignoresWhitelist``, but for folder

Noteworthy Details

- SOS doesn't store branching point information (or references); each
branch stands alone and has no relation whatsoever to other branches
or certain revisions thereof, except incidentally its initial file
- File tracking patterns are stored per branch, but **not** versioned
with commits (!). This means that the "what to track" metadata is not
part of the changesets. This is a simplification stemming from the
main idea that revisions form a linear order of safepoints, and users
rarely go back to older revisions
- ``sos update`` will **not warn** if local changes are present! This
is a noteworthy exception to the failsafe approach taken for most
other commands


- Diff between any two revisions: Switch to the revision you want to
compare against, then perform a diff with the other revision as
- Ignore whitespaces during diff: Add the option ``--iw`` or

Hints and Tipps

- To migrate an offline repository, either use the
``sos dump <targetname>`` command, or simple move the
``.sos`` folder into an (empty) target folder, and run
``sos switch trunk --force`` (or use whatever branch name you're
wanting to recreate). For compressed offline repositories, you may
simply ``tar`` all files, otherwise you may want to create an
compressed archive for transferring the ``.sos`` folder
- To save space when going offline, use the option
``sos offline --compress``: It may increase commit times by a larger
factor (e.g. 10x), but will also reduce the amount of storage needed
to version files. To enable this option for all offline repositories,
use ``sos config set compress on``
- When specifying file patterns including glob markers on the command
line, make sure you quote them correctly. On Linux (bash, sh, zsh),
but also recommended on Windows, put your patterns into quotes
(``"``), otherwise the shell will replace file patterns by the list
of any matching filenames instead of forwarding the pattern literally
to SOS
- Many commands can be shortened to three, two or even one initial
letters, e.g. ``sos st`` will run ``sos status``, just like SVN does
(but sadly not Git). Using SOS as a proxy to other VCS requires you
to specify the form required by those, e.g. ``sos st`` works for SVN,
but not for Git (``sos status``, however, would work)
- It might in some cases be a good idea to go offline one folder higher
up in the file tree than your base working folder to care for
potential deletions, moves, or renames
- The dirty flag is only relevant in tracking and picky mode (?) TODO
investigate - is this true, and if yes, why
- Branching larger amounts of binary files may be expensive as all
files are copied and/or compressed during ``sos offline``. A
workaround is to ``sos offline`` only in the folders that are
relevant for a specific task

Development and Contribution

` <>`__
for further information.

Ideas for future developments: - `Issue
158 <>`__ Remote metadata
folder would allow separating the repository from the checkout, and - in
combination with a locking library like ``fasteners`` could even be used
as a multi-user repository. Estimated development effort is 3+3 hours.

Release Management

- Increase version number in ````
- Run ``python3 clean build test`` to update the PyPI version
number, compile and test the code, and package it into an archive. If
you need evelated rights to do so, use ``sudo -E python...``.
- Run ``git add``, ``git commit`` and ``git push`` and let Travis CI
and AppVeyor run the tests against different target platforms. If
there were no problems, continue:
- Don't forget to tag releases
- Run ``python3 sdist``
- Run ``twine upload dist/*.tar.gz`` to upload the previously created
distribution archive to PyPI.

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Project details

Release history Release notifications | RSS feed

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Source Distribution

sos-vcs-2018.1413.2302.tar.gz (182.7 kB view hashes)

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