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A fast quantum stabilizer circuit simulator.

Project description


Stim is a fast simulator for non-adaptive quantum stabilizer circuits.

API reference:

Stim can be installed into a python 3 environment using pip:

pip install stim

Once stim is installed, you can import stim and use it. There are three supported use cases:

  1. Interactive simulation with stim.TableauSimulator.
  2. High speed sampling with samplers compiled from stim.Circuit.
  3. Independent exploration using stim.Tableau and stim.PauliString.

Interactive Simulation

Use stim.TableauSimulator to simulate operations one by one while inspecting the results:

import stim

s = stim.TableauSimulator()

# Create a GHZ state.
s.cnot(0, 1)
s.cnot(0, 2)

# Look at the simulator state re-inverted to be forwards:
t = s.current_inverse_tableau()
# prints:
# +-xz-xz-xz-
# | ++ ++ ++
# | ZX _Z _Z
# | _X XZ __
# | _X __ XZ

# Measure the GHZ state.
print(s.measure_many(0, 1, 2))
# prints one of:
# [True, True, True]
# or:
# [False, False, False]

High Speed Sampling

By creating a stim.Circuit and compiling it into a sampler, samples can be generated very quickly:

import stim

# Create a circuit that measures a large GHZ state.
c = stim.Circuit()
c.append_operation("H", [0])
for k in range(1, 30):
    c.append_operation("CNOT", [0, k])
c.append_operation("M", range(30))

# Compile the circuit into a high performance sampler.
sampler = c.compile_sampler()

# Collect a batch of samples.
# Note: the ideal batch size, in terms of speed per sample, is roughly 1024.
# Smaller batches are slower because they are not sufficiently vectorized.
# Bigger batches are slower because they use more memory.
batch = sampler.sample(1024)
print(type(batch))  # numpy.ndarray
print(batch.dtype)  # numpy.uint8
print(batch.shape)  # (1024, 30)
# Prints something like:
# [[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
#  [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
#  [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
#  ...
#  [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
#  [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
#  [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
#  [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]]

This also works on circuits that include noise:

import stim
import numpy as np

c = stim.Circuit("""
    X_ERROR(0.1) 0
    Y_ERROR(0.2) 1
    Z_ERROR(0.3) 2
    DEPOLARIZE1(0.4) 3
    DEPOLARIZE2(0.5) 4 5
    M 0 1 2 3 4 5
batch = c.compile_sampler().sample(2**20)
print(np.mean(batch, axis=0).round(3))
# Prints something like:
# [0.1   0.2   0.    0.267 0.267 0.266]

You can also sample annotated detection events using stim.Circuit.compile_detector_sampler.

Independent Exploration

Stim provides data types stim.PauliString and stim.Tableau, which support a variety of fast operations.

import stim

xx = stim.PauliString("XX")
yy = stim.PauliString("YY")
assert xx * yy == -stim.PauliString("ZZ")

s = stim.Tableau.from_named_gate("S")
# prints:
# stim.Tableau.from_conjugated_generators(
#     xs=[
#         stim.PauliString("+Y"),
#     ],
#     zs=[
#         stim.PauliString("+Z"),
#     ],
# )

s_dag = stim.Tableau.from_named_gate("S_DAG")
assert s**-1 == s_dag
assert s**1000000003 == s_dag

cnot = stim.Tableau.from_named_gate("CNOT")
cz = stim.Tableau.from_named_gate("CZ")
h = stim.Tableau.from_named_gate("H")
t = stim.Tableau(5)
t.append(cnot, [1, 4])
t.append(h, [4])
t.append(cz, [1, 4])
t.prepend(h, [4])
assert t == stim.Tableau(5)

Supported Gates

General facts about all gates.

  • Qubit Targets: Qubits are referred to by non-negative integers. There is a qubit 0, a qubit 1, and so forth (up to an implemented-defined maximum of 16777215). For example, the line X 2 says to apply an X gate to qubit 2. Beware that touching qubit 999999 implicitly tells simulators to resize their internal state to accommodate a million qubits.

  • Measurement Record Targets: Measurement results are referred to by rec[-#] arguments, where the index within the square brackets uses python-style negative indices to refer to the end of the growing measurement record. For example, CNOT rec[-1] 3 says "toggle qubit 3 if the most recent measurement returned True and CZ 1 rec[-2] means "phase flip qubit 1 if the second most recent measurement returned True. There is implementation-defined maximum lookback of -16777215 when accessing the measurement record. Non-negative indices are not permitted.

  • Broadcasting: Most gates support broadcasting over multiple targets. For example, H 0 1 2 will broadcast a Hadamard gate over qubits 0, 1, and 2. Two qubit gates can also broadcast, and do so over aligned pair of targets. For example, CNOT 0 1 2 3 will apply CNOT 0 1 and then CNOT 2 3. Broadcasting is always evaluated in left-to-right order.

Single qubit gates

  • Z: Pauli Z gate. Phase flip.
  • Y: Pauli Y gate.
  • X: Pauli X gate. Bit flip.
  • H (alternate name H_XZ): Hadamard gate. Swaps the X and Z axes. Unitary equals (X + Z) / sqrt(2).
  • H_XY: Variant of the Hadamard gate that swaps the X and Y axes (instead of X and Z). Unitary equals (X + Y) / sqrt(2).
  • H_YZ: Variant of the Hadamard gate that swaps the Y and Z axes (instead of X and Z). Unitary equals (Y + Z) / sqrt(2).
  • S (alternate name SQRT_Z): Principle square root of Z gate. Equal to diag(1, i).
  • S_DAG (alternate name SQRT_Z_DAG): Adjoint square root of Z gate. Equal to diag(1, -i).
  • SQRT_Y: Principle square root of Y gate. Equal to H_YZ*S*H_YZ.
  • SQRT_Y_DAG: Adjoint square root of Y gate. Equal to H_YZ*S_DAG*H_YZ.
  • SQRT_X: Principle square root of X gate. Equal to H*S*H.
  • SQRT_X_DAG: Adjoint square root of X gate. Equal to H*S_DAG*H.
  • I: Identity gate. Does nothing. Why is this even here? Probably out of a misguided desire for closure.

Two qubit gates

  • SWAP: Swaps two qubits.
  • ISWAP: Swaps two qubits while phasing the ZZ observable by i. Equal to SWAP * CZ * (S tensor S).
  • ISWAP_DAG: Swaps two qubits while phasing the ZZ observable by -i. Equal to SWAP * CZ * (S_DAG tensor S_DAG).
  • CNOT (alternate names CX, ZCX): Controlled NOT operation. Qubit pairs are in name order (first qubit is the control, second is the target). This gate can be controlled by on the measurement record. Examples: unitary CNOT 1 2, feedback CNOT rec[-1] 4.
  • CY (alternate name ZCY): Controlled Y operation. Qubit pairs are in name order (first qubit is the control, second is the target). This gate can be controlled by on the measurement record. Examples: unitary CY 1 2, feedback CY rec[-1] 4.
  • CZ (alternate name ZCZ): Controlled Z operation. This gate can be controlled by on the measurement record. Examples: unitary CZ 1 2, feedback CZ rec[-1] 4 or CZ 4 rec[-1].
  • YCZ: Y-basis-controlled Z operation (i.e. the reversed-argument-order controlled-Y). Qubit pairs are in name order. This gate can be controlled by on the measurement record. Examples: unitary YCZ 1 2, feedback YCZ 4 rec[-1].
  • YCY: Y-basis-controlled Y operation.
  • YCX: Y-basis-controlled X operation. Qubit pairs are in name order.
  • XCZ: X-basis-controlled Z operation (i.e. the reversed-argument-order controlled-not). Qubit pairs are in name order. This gate can be controlled by on the measurement record. Examples: unitary XCZ 1 2, feedback XCZ 4 rec[-1].
  • XCY: X-basis-controlled Y operation. Qubit pairs are in name order.
  • XCX: X-basis-controlled X operation.

Collapsing gates

  • M: Z-basis measurement. Examples: M 0, M 2 1, M 0 !3 1 2. Collapses the target qubits and reports their values (optionally flipped). Prefixing a target with a ! indicates that the measurement result should be inverted when reported. In the tableau simulator, this operation may require a transpose and so is more efficient when grouped (e.g. prefer M 0 1 \n H 0 over M 0 \n H 0 \n M 1).
  • R: Reset to |0>. Examples: R 0, R 2 1, R 0 3 1 2. Silently measures the target qubits and bit flips them if they're in the |1> state. Equivalently, discards the target qubits for zero'd qubits. In the tableau simulator, this operation may require a transpose and so is more efficient when grouped (e.g. prefer R 0 1 \n X 0 over R 0 \n X 0 \ nR 1).
  • MR: Z-basis measurement and reset. Examples: MR 0, MR 2 1, MR 0 !3 1 2. Collapses the target qubits, reports their values (optionally flipped), then resets them to the |0> state. Prefixing a target with a ! indicates that the measurement result should be inverted when reported. (The ! does not change that the qubit is reset to |0>.) In the tableau simulator, this operation may require a transpose and so is more efficient when grouped (e.g. prefer MR 0 1 \n H 0 over MR 0 \n H 0 \n MR 1).

Noise Gates

  • DEPOLARIZE1(p): Single qubit depolarizing error. Examples: DEPOLARIZE1(0.001) 1, DEPOLARIZE1(0.0003) 0 2 4 6. With probability p, applies independent single-qubit depolarizing kicks to the given qubits. A single-qubit depolarizing kick is X, Y, or Z chosen uniformly at random.

  • DEPOLARIZE2(p): Two qubit depolarizing error. Examples: DEPOLARIZE2(0.001) 0 1, DEPOLARIZE2(0.0003) 0 2 4 6. With probability p, applies independent two-qubit depolarizing kicks to the given qubit pairs. A two-qubit depolarizing kick is IX, IY, IZ, XI, XX, XY, XZ, YI, YX, YY, YZ, ZI, ZX, ZY, ZZ chosen uniformly at random.

  • X_ERROR(p): Single-qubit probabilistic X error. Examples: X_ERROR(0.001) 0 1. For each target qubit, independently applies an X gate With probability p.

  • Y_ERROR(p): Single-qubit probabilistic Y error. Examples: Y_ERROR(0.001) 0 1. For each target qubit, independently applies a Y gate With probability p.

  • Z_ERROR(p): Single-qubit probabilistic Z error. Examples: Z_ERROR(0.001) 0 1. For each target qubit, independently applies a Z gate With probability p.

  • CORRELATED_ERROR(p) (alternate name E) and ELSE_CORRELATED_ERROR(p): Pauli product error cases. Probabilistically applies a Pauli product error with probability p, unless the "correlated error occurred" flag is already set. CORRELATED_ERROR is equivalent to ELSE_CORRELATED_ERROR except that CORRELATED_ERROR starts by clearing the "correlated error occurred" flag. Both operations set the "correlated error occurred" flag if they apply their error. Example:

      # With 40% probability, uniformly pick X1*Y2 or Z2*Z3 or X1*Y2*Z3.
      ELSE_CORRELATED_ERROR(0.33333333333) X1 Y2 Z3


  • DETECTOR: Asserts that a set of measurements have a deterministic result, and that this result changing can be used to detect errors. Ignored in measurement sampling mode. In detection sampling mode, a detector produces a sample indicating if it was inverted by noise or not. Example: DETECTOR rec[-1] rec[-2].
  • OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(k): Adds physical measurement locations to a specified logical observable. The logical measurement result is the parity of all physical measurements added to it. Behaves similarly to a Detector, except observables can be built up globally over the entire circuit instead of being defined locally. Ignored in measurement sampling mode. In detection sampling mode, a logical observable can produce a sample indicating if it was inverted by noise or not. These samples are dropped or put before or after detector samples, depending on command line flags. Examples: OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(0) rec[-1] rec[-2], OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(3) rec[-7].

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stim-1.1.0.tar.gz (78.3 kB view hashes)

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