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Consistent interface for stream reading and writing tabular data (csv/xls/json/etc)

Project description

# tabulator-py


A library for reading and writing tabular data (csv/xls/json/etc).

## Features

- supports various formats: csv/tsv/xls/xlsx/json/ndjson/ods/gsheet/inline/sql/etc
- reads data from local, remote, stream or text sources
- streams data instead of using a lot of memory
- processes data via simple user processors
- saves data using the same interface
- custom loaders, parsers and writers
- support for compressed files

## Getting started

### Installation

The package use semantic versioning. It means that major versions could include breaking changes. It's highly recommended to specify `tabulator` version range if you use `` or `requirements.txt` file e.g. `tabulator<2.0`.

$ pip install tabulator # OR "sudo pip install tabulator"

### Examples

It's pretty simple to start with `tabulator`:

from tabulator import Stream

with Stream('path.csv', headers=1) as stream:
stream.headers # [header1, header2, ..]
for row in stream:
row # [value1, value2, ..]

There is an [examples]( directory containing other code listings.

## Documentation

The whole public API of this package is described here and follows semantic versioning rules. Everyting outside of this readme are private API and could be changed without any notification on any new version.

### Stream

The `Stream` class represents a tabular stream. It takes the `source` argument in a form of source string or object:

and uses corresponding `Loader` and `Parser` to open and start to iterate over the tabular stream. Also user can pass `scheme` and `format` explicitly as constructor arguments. There are also alot other options described in sections below.

Let's create a simple stream object to read csv file:

from tabulator import Stream

stream = Stream('data.csv')

This action just instantiate a stream instance. There is no actual IO interactions or source validity checks. We need to open the stream object.


This call will validate data source, open underlaying stream and read the data sample (if it's not disabled). All possible exceptions will be raised on `` call not on constructor call.

After work with the stream is done it could be closed:


The `Stream` class supports Python context manager interface so calls above could be written using `with` syntax. It's a common and recommended way to use `tabulator` stream:

with Stream('data.csv') as stream:
# use stream

Now we could iterate over rows in our tabular data source. It's important to understand that `tabulator` uses underlaying streams not loading it to memory (just one row at time). So the `stream.iter()` interface is the most effective way to use the stream:

for row in stream.iter():
row # [value1, value2, ..]

But if you need all the data in one call you could use `` function instead of `stream.iter()` function. But if you just run it after code snippet above the `` call will return an empty list. That another important following of stream nature of `tabulator` - the `Stream` instance just iterates over an underlaying stream. The underlaying stream has internal pointer (for example as file-like object has). So after we've iterated over all rows in the first listing the pointer is set to the end of stream.

```python # []

The recommended way is to iterate (or read) over stream just once (and save data to memory if needed). But there is a possibility to reset the steram pointer. For some sources it will not be effective (another HTTP request for remote source). But if you work with local file as a source for example it's just a cheap `` call:

stream.reset() # [[value1, value2, ..], ..]

The `Stream` class supports saving tabular data stream to the filesystem. Let's reset stream again (dont' forget about the pointer) and save it to the disk:


The full session will be looking like this:

from tabulator import Stream

with Stream('data.csv') as stream:
for row in stream.iter():
row # [value1, value2, ..]
stream.reset() # [[value1, value2, ..], ..]

It's just a pretty basic `Stream` introduction. Please read the full documentation below and about `Stream` arguments in more detail in following sections. There are many other goodies like headers extraction, keyed output, post parse processors and many more!

#### `Stream(source, **options)`

Create stream class instance.

- `source (any)` - stream source in a form based on `scheme` argument
- `headers (list/int)` - headers list or row number containing headers or row numbers range containing headers. If number is given for plain source headers row and all rows before will be removed and for keyed source no rows will be removed. See [headers]( section.
- `scheme (str)` - source scheme with `file` as default. For the most cases scheme will be inferred from source. See a list of supported schemas below. See [schemes]( section.
- `format (str)` - source format with `None` (detect) as default. For the most cases format will be inferred from source. See a list of supported formats below. See [formats]( section.
- `encoding (str)` - source encoding with `None` (detect) as default. See [encoding]( section.
- `compression (str)` - source compression like `zip` with `None` (detect) as default. See [compression]( section.
- `allow_html (bool)` - a flag to allow html. See [allow html]( section.
- `sample_size (int)` - rows count for table.sample. Set to "0" to prevent any parsing activities before actual table.iter call. In this case headers will not be extracted from the source. See [sample size]( section.
- `bytes_sample_size (int)` - sample size in bytes for operations like encoding detection. See [bytes sample size]( section.
- `ignore_blank_headers (bool)` - a flag to ignore any column having a blank header. See [ignore blank headers]( section.
- `force_strings (bool)` - if `True` all output will be converted to strings. See [force strings]( section.
- `force_parse (bool)` - if `True` on row parsing error a stream will return an empty row instead of raising an exception. See [force parse]( section.
- `skip_rows (int/str[])` - list of rows to skip by row number or row comment. Example: `skip_rows=[1, 2, -1, -3, '#', '//']` - rows 1, 2 and rows 1, 3 from the end and all rows started with `#` and `//` will be skipped. See [skip rows]( section.
- `post_parse (generator[])` - post parse processors (hooks). Signature to follow is `processor(extended_rows) -> yield (row_number, headers, row)` which should yield one extended row per yield instruction. See [post parse]( section.
- `custom_loaders (dict)` - loaders keyed by scheme. See a section below. See [custom loaders]( section.
- `custom_parsers (dict)` - custom parsers keyed by format. See a section below. See [custom parsers]( section.
- `custom_writers (dict)` - custom writers keyed by format. See a section below. See [custom writers]( section.
- `<name> (<type>)` - loader/parser options. See in the scheme/format section
- `(Stream)` - returns Stream class instance

#### `stream.closed`

- `(bool)` - returns`True` if underlaying stream is closed

#### ``

Open stream by opening underlaying stream.

#### `stream.close()`

Close stream by closing underlaying stream.

#### `stream.reset()`

Reset stream pointer to the first row.

#### `stream.headers`

- `(str[])` - returns data headers

#### `stream.scheme`

- `(str)` - returns an actual scheme

#### `stream.format`

- `(str)` - returns an actual format

#### `stream.encoding`

- `(str)` - returns an actual encoding

#### `stream.sample`

- `(list)` - returns data sample

#### `stream.iter(keyed=False, extended=False)`

Iter stream rows. See [keyed and extended rows]( section.

- `keyed (bool)` - if True yield keyed rows
- `extended (bool)` - if True yield extended rows
- `(any[]/any{})` - yields row/keyed row/extended row

#### `, extended=False, limit=None)`

Read table rows with count limit. See [keyed and extended rows]( section.

- `keyed (bool)` - return keyed rows
- `extended (bool)` - return extended rows
- `limit (int)` - rows count limit
- `(list)` - returns rows/keyed rows/extended rows

#### `, format=None, encoding=None, **options)`

Save stream to filesystem.

- `target (str)` - stream target
- `format (str)` - saving format. See supported formats
- `encoding (str)` - saving encoding
- `options (dict)` - writer options

### Schemes

There is a list of all supported schemes.

#### file

The default scheme. Source should be a file in local filesystem. You could provide a string or a `pathlib.Path` instance:

stream = Stream('data.csv')
stream = Stream(pathlib.Path('data.csv'))

#### http/https/ftp/ftps

> In Python 2 `tabulator` can't stream remote data source because of underlaying libraries limitation. The whole data source will be loaded to the memory. In Python 3 there is no such a problem and `tabulator` is able to stream remote data source as expected.

Source should be a file available via one of this protocols in the web.

stream = Stream('')

- http_session - a `requests.Session` object. Read more in the `requests` [docs](
- http_stream - use HTTP streaming when possible. It's enabled by default. Disable if you'd like to preload the whole file into memory first.

#### stream

Source should be a file-like python object which supports corresponding protocol.

stream = Stream(open('data.csv'))

#### text

Source should be a string containing tabular data. In this case `format` has to be explicitely passed because it's not possible to infer it from source string.

stream = Stream('text://name,age\nJohn, 21\n', format='csv')

### Formats

There is a list of all supported formats. Formats support `read` operation could be opened by `` and formats support `write` operation could be used in ``.

#### csv

Source should be parsable by csv parser.

stream = Stream('data.csv', delimiter=',')

- read
- write

- delimiter
- doublequote
- escapechar
- quotechar
- quoting
- skipinitialspace
- lineterminator

See options reference in [Python documentation](

#### datapackage

> This format is not included to package by default. To use it please install `tabulator` with an `datapackage` extras: `$ pip install tabulator[datapackage]`

Source should be a valid Tabular Data Package see (

stream = Stream('datapackage.json', resource=1)

- read

- resource - resource index (starting from 0) or resource name

#### gsheet

Source should be a link to publicly available Google Spreadsheet.

stream = Stream('<id>?usp=sharing')
stream = Stream('<id>edit#gid=<gid>')

#### inline

Source should be a list of lists or a list of dicts.

stream = Stream([['name', 'age'], ['John', 21], ['Alex', 33]])
stream = Stream([{'name': 'John', 'age': 21}, {'name': 'Alex', 'age': 33}])

- read

#### json

Source should be a valid JSON document containing array of arrays or array of objects (see `inline` format example).

stream = Stream('data.json', property='key1.key2')

- read

- property - path to tabular data property separated by dots. For example having data structure like `{"response": {"data": [...]}}` you should set property to ``.

#### ndjson

Source should be parsable by ndjson parser.

stream = Stream('data.ndjson')

- read

#### ods

> This format is not included to package by default. To use it please install `tabulator` with an `ods` extras: `$ pip install tabulator[ods]`

Source should be a valid Open Office document.

stream = Stream('data.ods', sheet=1)

- read

- sheet - sheet number starting from 1 OR sheet name

#### sql

Source should be a valid database URL supported by `sqlalchemy`.

stream = Stream('postgresql://name:pass@host:5432/database', table='data')

- read

- table - database table name to read data (REQUIRED)
- order_by - SQL expression to order rows e.g. `name desc`

#### tsv

Source should be parsable by tsv parser.

stream = Stream('data.tsv')

- read

#### xls/xlsx

> For `xls` format `tabulator` can't stream data source because of underlaying libraries limitation. The whole data source will be loaded to the memory. For `xlsx` format there is no such a problem and `tabulator` is able to stream data source as expected.

Source should be a valid Excel document.

stream = Stream('data.xls', sheet=1)

- read

- sheet - sheet number starting from 1 OR sheet name
- fill_merged_cells - if `True` it will unmerge and fill all merged cells by a visible value. With this option enabled the parser can't stream data and load the whole document into memory.

### Headers

By default `Stream` considers all data source rows as values:

with Stream([['name', 'age'], ['Alex', 21]]):
stream.headers # None # [['name', 'age'], ['Alex', 21]]

To alter this behaviour `headers` argument is supported by `Stream` constructor. This argument could be an integer - row number starting from 1 containing headers:

# Integer
with Stream([['name', 'age'], ['Alex', 21]], headers=1):
stream.headers # ['name', 'age'] # [['Alex', 21]]

Or it could be a list of strings - user-defined headers:

with Stream([['Alex', 21]], headers=['name', 'age']):
stream.headers # ['name', 'age'] # [['Alex', 21]]

It's possible to use multiline headers:

with Stream('data.xlsx', headers=[1,3], fill_merged_cells=True):
stream.headers # ['header from row 1-3'] # [['value1', 'value2', 'value3']]

If `headers` is a row number/range and data source is not keyed all rows before headers and headers will be removed from data stream (see first example).

### Encoding

`Stream` constructor accepts `encoding` argument to ensure needed encoding will be used. As a value argument supported by python encoding name (e.g. 'latin1', 'utf-8', ..) could be used:

with Stream(source, encoding='latin1') as stream:

By default an encoding will be detected automatically. If you experience a *UnicodeDecodeError* parsing your file, try setting this argument to 'utf-8'.

### Compression

`Stream` constructor accepts `compression` argument to ensure that needed compression will be used. By default compression will be inferred from file name:

with Stream('') as stream:

Provide user defined compression e.g. `gz`:

with Stream('data.csv.ext', compression='zip') as stream:

At the moment `tabulator` supports:
- `zip` compression (Python3)
- `gz` compression (Python3)

### Allow html

By default `Stream` will raise `exceptions.FormatError` on `` call if html contents is detected. It's not a tabular format and for example providing link to csv file inside html (e.g. GitHub page) is a common mistake.

But sometimes this default behaviour is not what is needed. For example you write custom parser which should support html contents. In this case `allow_html` option for `Stream` could be used:

with Stream(sorce_with_html, allow_html=True) as stream: # no exception on open

### Sample size

By default `Stream` will read some data on `` call in advance. This data is provided as `stream.sample`. The size of this sample could be set in rows using `sample_size` argument of stream constructor:

with Stream(two_rows_source, sample_size=1) as stream:
stream.sample # only first row # first and second rows

Data sample could be really useful if you want to implement some initial data checks without moving stream pointer as `stream.iter/read` do. But if you don't want any interactions with an actual source before first `stream.iter/read` call just disable data smapling with `sample_size=0`.

### Bytes sample size

On initial reading stage `tabulator` should detect contents encoding. The argument `bytes_sample_size` customizes how many bytes will be read to detect encoding:

source = 'data/special/latin1.csv'
with Stream(source) as stream:
stream.encoding # 'iso8859-2'
with Stream(source, sample_size=0, bytes_sample_size=10) as stream:
stream.encoding # 'utf-8'

In this example our data file doesn't include `iso8859-2` characters in first 10 bytes. So we could see the difference in encoding detection. Note `sample_size` usage here - these two parameters are independent. Here we use `sample_size=0` to prevent rows sample creation (will fail with bad encoding).

### Ignore blank headers

Some data tables could have blank headers. For example it could be an empty strings in `csv` or `None` values in inline data. By default `tabulator` processes it as an ordinary header:

source = 'text://header1,,header3\nvalue1,value2,value3'
with Stream(source, format='csv', headers=1) as stream:
stream.headers # ['header1', '', 'header3'] # {'header1': 'value1', '': 'value2', 'header3': 'value3'}

But sometimes it's not a desired behavior. You could ignore columns with a blank header completely using an `ignore_blank_headers` flag:

source = 'text://header1,,header3\nvalue1,value2,value3'
with Stream(source, format='csv', headers=1, ignore_blank_headers=True) as stream:
stream.headers # ['header1', 'header3'] # {'header1': 'value1', 'header3': 'value3'}

### Force strings

Because `tabulator` support not only sources with string data representation as `csv` but also sources supporting different data types as `json` or `inline` there is a `Stream` option `force_strings` to stringify all data values on reading.

Here how stream works without forcing strings:

with Stream([['string', 1, datetime.time(17, 00)]]) as stream: # [['string', 1, datetime.time(17, 00)]]

The same data source using `force_strings` option:

with Stream([['string', 1]], force_strings=True) as stream: # [['string', '1', '17:00:00']]

For all temporal values stream will use ISO format. But if your data source doesn't support temporal values (for instance `json` format) `Stream` just returns it as it is without converting to ISO format.

### Force parse

Some data source could be partially mailformed for a parser. For example `inline` source could have good rows (lists or dicts) and bad rows (for example strings). By default `stream.iter/read` will raise `exceptions.SourceError` on the first bad row:

with Stream([[1], 'bad', [3]]) as stream: # raise exceptions.SourceError

With `force_parse` option for `Stream` constructor this default behaviour could be changed. If it's set to `True` non-parsable rows will be returned as empty rows:

with Stream([[1], 'bad', [3]]) as stream: # [[1], [], [3]]

### Skip rows

It's a very common situation when your tabular data contains some rows you want to skip. It could be blank rows or commented rows. `Stream` constructors accepts `skip_rows` argument to make it possible. Value of this argument should be a list of integers and strings where:
- integer is a row number (1 is the first row, -1 is the last)
- string is a first row chars indicating that row is a comment

Let's skip first, second, last and commented by '#' symbol rows:

source = [['John', 1], ['Alex', 2], ['#Sam', 3], ['Mike', 4], ['John', 5]]
with Stream(source, skip_rows=[1, 2, -1, '#']) as stream: # [['Mike', 4]]

### Post parse

Skipping rows is a very basic ETL (extrac-transform-load) feature. For more advanced data transormations there are post parse processors.

def skip_odd_rows(extended_rows):
for row_number, headers, row in extended_rows:
if not row_number % 2:
yield (row_number, headers, row)

def multiply_on_two(extended_rows):
for row_number, headers, row in extended_rows:
yield (row_number, headers, list(map(lambda value: value * 2, row)))

with Stream([[1], [2], [3], [4]], post_parse=[skip_odd_rows, multiply_on_two]) as stream: # [[4], [8]]

Post parse processor gets extended rows (`[row_number, headers, row]`) iterator and must yields updated extended rows back. This interface is very powerful because every processors have full control on iteration process could skip rows, catch exceptions etc.

Processors will be applied to source from left to right. For example in listing above `multiply_on_two` processor gets rows from `skip_odd_rows` processor.

### Keyed and extended rows

Stream methods `stream.iter/read()` accept `keyed` and `extended` flags to vary data structure of output data row.

By default a stream returns every row as a list:

with Stream([['name', 'age'], ['Alex', 21]]) as stream: # [['Alex', 21]]

With `keyed=True` a stream returns every row as a dict:

with Stream([['name', 'age'], ['Alex', 21]]) as stream: # [{'name': 'Alex', 'age': 21}]

And with `extended=True` a stream returns every row as a tuple contining row number starting from 1, headers as a list and row as a list:

with Stream([['name', 'age'], ['Alex', 21]]) as stream: # (1, ['name', 'age'], ['Alex', 21])

### Custom loaders

To create a custom loader `Loader` interface should be implemented and passed to `Stream` constructor as `custom_loaders={'scheme': CustomLoader}` argument.

For example let's implement a custom loader:

from tabulator import Loader

class CustomLoader(Loader):
options = []
def __init__(self, bytes_sample_size, **options):
def load(self, source, mode='t', encoding=None):
# load logic

with Stream(source, custom_loaders={'custom': CustomLoader}) as stream:

There are more examples in internal `tabulator.loaders` module.

#### `Loader.options`

List of supported custom options.

#### `Loader(bytes_sample_size, **options)`

- `bytes_sample_size (int)` - sample size in bytes
- `options (dict)` - loader options
- `(Loader)` - returns `Loader` class instance

#### `loader.load(source, mode='t', encoding=None)`

- `source (str)` - table source
- `mode (str)` - text stream mode: 't' or 'b'
- `encoding (str)` - encoding of source
- `(file-like)` - returns file-like object of bytes or chars based on mode argument

### Custom parsers

To create a custom parser `Parser` interface should be implemented and passed to `Stream` constructor as `custom_parsers={'format': CustomParser}` argument.

For example let's implement a custom parser:

from tabulator import Parser

class CustomParser(Parser):
options = []
def __init__(self, loader, force_parse, **options):
self.__loader = loader
def closed(self):
return False
def open(self, source, encoding=None):
# open logic
def close(self):
# close logic
def reset(self):
raise NotImplemenedError()
def extended_rows():
# extended rows logic

with Stream(source, custom_parsers={'custom': CustomParser}) as stream:

There are more examples in internal `tabulator.parsers` module.

#### `Parser.options`

List of supported custom options.

#### `Parser(loader, force_parse, **options)`

Create parser class instance.

- `loader (Loader)` - loader instance
- `force_parse (bool)` - if True parser must yield (row_number, None, []) if there is an row in parsing error instead of stopping the iteration by raising an exception
- `options (dict)` - parser options
- `(Parser)` - returns `Parser` class instance

#### `parser.closed`

- `(bool)` - returns `True` if parser is closed

#### `, encoding=None)`

Open underlaying stream. Parser gets byte or text stream from loader
to start emit items from this stream.

- `source (str)` - table source
- `encoding (str)` - encoding of source

#### `parser.close()`

Close underlaying stream.

#### `parser.reset()`

Reset items and underlaying stream. After reset call iterations over items will start from scratch.

#### `parser.encoding`

- `(str)` - returns an actual encoding

#### `parser.extended_rows`

- `(iterator)` - returns extended rows iterator

### Custom writers

To create a custom writer `Writer` interface should be implemented and passed to `Stream` constructor as `custom_writers={'format': CustomWriter}` argument.

For example let's implement a custom writer:

from tabulator import Writer

class CustomWriter(Writer):
options = []
def __init__(self, **options):
def save(self, source, target, headers=None, encoding=None):
# save logic

with Stream(source, custom_writers={'custom': CustomWriter}) as stream:

There are more examples in internal `tabulator.writers` module.

#### `Writer.options`

List of supported custom options.

#### `Writer(**options)`

Create writer class instance.

- `options (dict)` - writer options
- `(Writer)` - returns `Writer` class instance

#### `, target, headers=None, encoding=None)`

Save source data to target.

- `source (str)` - data source
- `source (str)` - save target
- `headers (str[])` - optional headers
- `encoding (str)` - encoding of source

### Validate

For cases you don't need open the source but want to know is it supported by `tabulator` or not you could use `validate` function. It also let you know what exactly is not supported raising correspondig exception class.

from tabulator import validate, exceptions

tabular = validate('data.csv')
except exceptions.TabulatorException:
tabular = False

#### `validate(source, scheme=None, format=None)`

Validate if this source has supported scheme and format.

- `source (any)` - data source
- `scheme (str)` - data scheme
- `format (str)` - data format
- `(exceptions.SchemeError)` - raises if scheme is not supported
- `(exceptions.FormatError)` - raises if format is not supported
- `(bool)` - returns `True` if scheme/format is supported

### Exceptions

#### `exceptions.TabulatorException`

Base class for all `tabulator` exceptions.

#### `exceptions.IOError`

All underlaying input-output errors.

#### `exceptions.HTTPError`

All underlaying HTTP errors.

#### `exceptions.SourceError`

This class of exceptions covers all source errors like bad data structure for JSON.

#### `exceptions.SchemeError`

For example this exceptions will be used if you provide not supported source scheme like `bad://source.csv`.

#### `exceptions.FormatError`

For example this exceptions will be used if you provide not supported source format like `http://source.bad`.

#### `exceptions.EncodingError`

All errors related to encoding problems.

### CLI

> It's a provisional API. If you use it as a part of other program please pin concrete `goodtables` version to your requirements file.

The library ships with a simple CLI to read tabular data:

$ tabulator data/table.csv
id, name
1, english
2, 中国人

#### `$ tabulator`


--headers INTEGER
--scheme TEXT
--format TEXT
--encoding TEXT
--limit INTEGER
--help Show this message and exit.

## Contributing

The project follows the [Open Knowledge International coding standards](

Recommended way to get started is to create and activate a project virtual environment. To install package and development dependencies into active environment:

$ make install

To run tests with linting and coverage:

$ make test

For linting `pylama` configured in `pylama.ini` is used. On this stage it's already installed into your environment and could be used separately with more fine-grained control as described in documentation -

For example to sort results by error type:

$ pylama --sort <path>

For testing `tox` configured in `tox.ini` is used. It's already installed into your environment and could be used separately with more fine-grained control as described in documentation -

For example to check subset of tests against Python 2 environment with increased verbosity. All positional arguments and options after `--` will be passed to `py.test`:

tox -e py27 -- -v tests/<path>

Under the hood `tox` uses `pytest` configured in `pytest.ini`, `coverage` and `mock` packages. This packages are available only in tox envionments.

## Changelog

Here described only breaking and the most important changes. The full changelog and documentation for all released versions could be found in nicely formatted [commit history](

### v1.14

Updated behaviour:
- Now `xls` booleans will be parsed as booleans not integers

### v1.13

New API added:
- the `skip_rows` argument now supports negative numbers to skip rows from the end

### v1.12

Updated behaviour:
- Now `UserWarning` will be emitted on bad options instead of raising an exception

### v1.11

New API added:
- Added `http_session` argument for `http/https` format (it now uses `requests`)
- Added support for multiline headers: `headers` argument now accepts ranges like `[1,3]`

### v1.10

New API added:
- Added support for compressed files i.e. `zip` and `gz` for Python3
- The `Stream` constructor now accepts a `compression` argument
- The `http/https` scheme now accepts a `http_stream` flag

### v1.9

Improved behaviour:
- Now the `headers` argument allows to set order for keyed sources and cherry-pick values

### v1.8

New API added:
- Formats `XLS/XLSX/ODS` now supports a sheet name passed as a `sheet` argument
- The `Stream` constructor now accepts an `ignore_blank_headers` option

### v1.7

Improved behaviour:
- Rebased `datapackage` format on `datapackage@1` libarry

### v1.6

New API added:
- Argument `source` for the `Stream` constructor now could be a `pathlib.Path`

### v1.5

New API added:
- Argument `bytes_sample_size` for the `Stream` constructor

### v1.4

Improved behaviour:
- updated encoding name to a canonical form

### v1.3

New API added:
- `stream.scheme`
- `stream.format`
- `stream.encoding`

Promoted provisional API to stable API:
- `Loader` (custom loaders)
- `Parser` (custom parsers)
- `Writer` (custom writers)
- `validate`

### v1.2

Improved behaviour:
- autodetect common csv delimiters

### v1.1

New API added:
- added `fill_merged_cells` argument to `xls/xlsx` formats

### v1.0

New API added:
- published `Loader/Parser/Writer` API
- added `Stream` argument `force_strings`
- added `Stream` argument `force_parse`
- added `Stream` argument `custom_writers`

Deprecated API removal:
- removed `topen` and `Table` - use `Stream` instead
- removed `Stream` arguments `loader/parser_options` - use `**options` instead

Provisional API changed:
- updated `Loader/Parser/Writer` API - please use an updated version

### v0.15

Provisional API added:
- unofficial support for `Stream` arguments `custom_loaders/parsers`

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Source Distribution

tabulator-1.14.1.tar.gz (49.7 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

tabulator-1.14.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (48.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

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