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An extension of tastypie-queryset-client, designed intended for building RPC based on tastypie.

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The concept of tastypie-rpc-proxy, an etension of tastypie-queryset-client - many kudos to the author, is to help coding tastypie based RPC in easy manner. You can handle remote tastypie resources as if operating over local django model objects. Now you don’t need to code your business logics and unit tests for both central django models and API client to read the central data from remote boxes separately - in other word you can deploy the same application code for central API and remote client, rpc_proxy looks after everything for you. Don’t you think it’s convenient if you can code like below to control remote object behind tastypie API?

title_ja = Track.objects.get(item__source_item_id__startswith='t-2').localize('ja').title

As you know, this code also works perfectly with local django model. The proxy class tries to access remote tastypie resources if API_URL settings is provided, and to read local model resources if it’s not. All right, take a look once at how rpc_proxy works. The rpc_proxy also can be used as a simple tastypie client which has similar interfaces as django queryset API.

Features enhanced from tastypie-queryset-client

  • data proxy layer, which enables switching between local model access and RPC depending on API_URL settings

  • API namespace

  • remote API schema and foreing key caching

  • remote API foreign key object operation

  • supporting custom field type



  • setting up django cache backend is strongly recommended to reduce API requests.

  • defining tastypie resources inheriting rpc_proxy.resources.ModelResource is strongly recommended to fully support foreign key operations.

Quick Start

apps/test application is good to start with. Following section goes through the application to describe what you can enjoy from rpc_proxy. See the apps/test application code for the implementation in detail. This test application has models that represent common music data scheme - Album, Track metadata and these localizations. The Item model associates them as parent and child relationship.

Define models

First of all, define django models as usual. The model methods will be implemented on proxy classes later instead of on the models so just define model fields here - apps/test/

META_TYPES = ((0, 'Track',), (1, 'Album',),)

class Item(Model):
    meta_type = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=META_TYPES, default=0)
    parents = models.ManyToManyField('self', symmetrical=False, related_name='children', blank=True, null=True)
    source_item_id = models.CharField(max_length=64, unique=True)

class Album(BasicLocalizable):

    item = models.OneToOneField(Item, primary_key=True)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, null=False)

class AlbumLocalization(BasicLocalization, MusicLocalization):

    album = models.ForeignKey(Album)
    language_code = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=getattr(settings, 'LANGUAGES'), blank=False, null=False)

Define resources

Design tastypie resources carefully. Might need to have various filters, orderings and access controls - apps/test/ The resources should be defined inheriting rpc_proxy.resources.ModelResource class to support foreign key operations.

from rpc_proxy import resources

class Item(resources.ModelResource):

    class Meta(resources.SuperuserMeta):

        queryset = models.Item.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'item'

    parents = fields.ToManyField('apps.test.resources.Item', 'parents', null=True)
    children = fields.ToManyField('apps.test.resources.Item', 'children', null=True)

class Album(resources.ModelResource):

    class Meta(resources.SuperuserMeta):

        queryset = models.Album.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'album'

    item = fields.ForeignKey(Item, 'item')

class AlbumLocalization(resources.ModelResource):

    class Meta(resources.SuperuserMeta):

        queryset = models.AlbumLocalization.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'albumlocalization'

    album = fields.ForeignKey(Album, 'album')

Configure URLs

Separate metadata resources from Item resource to demonstrate namespaces - apps/test/urls/

core_api = Api(api_name='core')

meta_api = Api(api_name='meta')

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # v1
    url(r'^api/v1/', include(core_api.urls)),
    url(r'^api/v1/', include(meta_api.urls)),
    # v2
    # ...

Create proxies

Now it’s time to code proxy, is expected filename of the module proxy classes are default by default. Write business logics usually we write on django models here. Proxies here are implementing some useful methods for localization - apps/test/

from apps.test.models import ITEM_TYPES, META_TYPES

def get_default_language_code():
    return getattr(settings, 'LANGUAGE_CODE', 'en-US').split('-')[0].lower()

class Localizable(proxies.Proxy):

    class Meta:

        abstract = True

    def __init_proxy__(self):
        super(Localizable, self).__init_proxy__()

        class_name = self.__class__.__name__

        setattr(self, 'localization', getattr(import_module(self.__module__),
                                              '%sLocalization' % self.__class__.__name__))

    def localizations(self):
        return self.localization.objects.filter(**{
            self.__class__.__name__.lower(): self,

    def localize(self, language_code=None):

        language_code = language_code if language_code else get_default_language_code()
        localizations = self.localizations.filter(language_code=language_code)

        if len(localizations) < 1:

            class EmptyLocalization(object):

                def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                    for key in kwargs:
                        setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])

                def __getattr__(self, name):
                        return super(EmptyLocalization,
                    except AttributeError, e:
                        return None

        localizations = (EmptyLocalization(language_code=language_code),)

        return localizations[0]

class Localization(proxies.Proxy):

    class Meta:

        abstract = True

class Item(proxies.Proxy):

    class Meta:

        namespace = 'core'

    def meta_type_display(self):
        if 'get_meta_type_display' in dir(self):
            return self.get_meta_type_display()

        return META_TYPES[self.meta_type][1]

    def metadata(self):
            meta = getattr(import_module(self.__module__),
        except Exception, e:
            raise exceptions.ProxyException(_('No metadata model for '
                                              '%s found.' % self.meta_type_display))

        return meta.objects.get(item=self)

class Album(Localizable):


class AlbumLocalization(Localization):


Import proxies

All right, let’s call those proxies with the shell. After loading fixture, import them with no API_URL settings like below, then you can see accesses to the local models:

    'API_NAMESPACE': 'meta',
>>> from apps.test.proxies import *
>>> a = Album.objects.get(item__source_item_id__startswith='a-1')
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.001) SELECT "test_album"."ctime", "test_album"."utime", "test_album"."item_id", "test_album"."release_date" FROM "test_album" INNER JOIN "test_item" ON ("test_album"."item_id" = "test_item"."id") WHERE "test_item"."source_item_id" LIKE a-1% ESCAPE '\' ; args=(u'a-1%',)
>>> a.localize('en').title
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) SELECT "test_item"."id", "test_item"."ctime", "test_item"."utime", "test_item"."item_type", "test_item"."meta_type", "test_item"."source_item_id" FROM "test_item" WHERE "test_item"."id" = 1 ; args=(1,)
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) SELECT "test_albumlocalization"."id", "test_albumlocalization"."ctime", "test_albumlocalization"."utime", "test_albumlocalization"."language_code", "test_albumlocalization"."title", "test_albumlocalization"."description", "test_albumlocalization"."artist", "test_albumlocalization"."label", "test_albumlocalization"."album_id" FROM "test_albumlocalization" WHERE ("test_albumlocalization"."album_id" = 1  AND "test_albumlocalization"."language_code" = en ); args=(1, 'en')
u'A Pop Song Collection'
>>> t_en = a.item.children.get(source_item_id__startswith='t-1').metadata.localize('en')
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) SELECT "test_item"."id", "test_item"."ctime", "test_item"."utime", "test_item"."item_type", "test_item"."meta_type", "test_item"."source_item_id" FROM "test_item" INNER JOIN "test_item_parents" ON ("test_item"."id" = "test_item_parents"."from_item_id") WHERE ("test_item_parents"."to_item_id" = 1  AND "test_item"."source_item_id" LIKE t-1% ESCAPE '\' ); args=(1, u't-1%')
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) SELECT "test_track"."ctime", "test_track"."utime", "test_track"."item_id", "test_track"."release_date", "test_track"."isrc", "test_track"."length", "test_track"."trial_start_position", "test_track"."trial_duration" FROM "test_track" WHERE "test_track"."item_id" = 2 ; args=(2,)
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) SELECT "test_item"."id", "test_item"."ctime", "test_item"."utime", "test_item"."item_type", "test_item"."meta_type", "test_item"."source_item_id" FROM "test_item" WHERE "test_item"."id" = 2 ; args=(2,)
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) SELECT "test_tracklocalization"."id", "test_tracklocalization"."ctime", "test_tracklocalization"."utime", "test_tracklocalization"."language_code", "test_tracklocalization"."title", "test_tracklocalization"."description", "test_tracklocalization"."artist", "test_tracklocalization"."label", "test_tracklocalization"."track_id" FROM "test_tracklocalization" WHERE ("test_tracklocalization"."track_id" = 2  AND "test_tracklocalization"."language_code" = en ); args=(2, 'en')
>>> t_en.title
u'A Pop Song 1'
>>> t_en.title = 'A Pop Song 1 revised title'
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) SELECT (1) AS "a" FROM "test_tracklocalization" WHERE "test_tracklocalization"."id" = 1  LIMIT 1; args=(1,)
[DEBUG: django.db.backends: execute] (0.000) UPDATE "test_tracklocalization" SET "ctime" = 2013-06-14 02:04:20, "utime" = 2013-07-27 00:47:35.058121, "language_code" = en, "title" = A Pop Song 1 revised title, "description" = Description for the Pop Song 1., "artist" = Test, "label" = Label Test, "track_id" = 2 WHERE "test_tracklocalization"."id" = 1 ; args=(u'2013-06-14 02:04:20', u'2013-07-27 00:47:35.058121', u'en', 'A Pop Song 1 revised title', u'Description for the Pop Song 1.', u'Test', u'Label Test', 2, 1)
>>> t_en.title
'A Pop Song 1 revised title'

OK then reset database and let’s do the same things with API_URL settings, you can find that the proxy calls remote tastypie API this time:

    'API_NAMESPACE': 'meta',
    'API_URL': '',
>>> from apps.test.proxies import *
>>> a = Album.objects.get(item__source_item_id__startswith='a-1')
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/meta/album/?item__source_item_id__startswith=a-1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[DEBUG: rpc_proxy.proxies: to_python] to_python (release_date <date>): '2013-07-26' ->, 7, 26)
>>> a.localize('en').title
[INFO: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _new_conn] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/meta/albumlocalization/?album=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/meta/albumlocalization/?id__in=1&id__in=2&language_code=en HTTP/1.1" 200 None
'A Pop Song Collection'
>>> t_en = a.item.children.get(source_item_id__startswith='t-1').metadata.localize('en')
[DEBUG: rpc_proxy.proxies: __getattr__] item: /api/v1/core/item/1/, need namespace schema (
[DEBUG: rpc_proxy.proxies: _response] getting cache... (/api/v1/core/item/1/)
[INFO: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _new_conn] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/core/item/1/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[DEBUG: rpc_proxy.proxies: _response] setting cache... (/api/v1/core/item/1/ -> {"ctime": "2013-06-13T19:42:56", "source_item_id": "a-1@some.service", "children": ["/api/v1/core/item/2/", "/api/v1/core/item/3/", "/api/v1/core/item/5/"], "item_type": 0, "meta_type": 1, "parents": [], "utime": "2013-06-13T20:02:38", "id": 1, "resource_uri": "/api/v1/core/item/1/"})
[DEBUG: rpc_proxy.proxies: __getattr__] children: ['/api/v1/core/item/2/', '/api/v1/core/item/3/', '/api/v1/core/item/5/'], need namespace schema (
[INFO: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _new_conn] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/core/item/?id__in=2&id__in=3&id__in=5 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/core/item/?source_item_id__startswith=t-1&id__in=2&id__in=3&id__in=5 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[INFO: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _new_conn] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/meta/track/?item=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[DEBUG: rpc_proxy.proxies: to_python] to_python (release_date <date>): '2013-06-14' ->, 6, 14)
[INFO: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _new_conn] Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/meta/tracklocalization/?track=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "GET /api/v1/meta/tracklocalization/?id__in=1&id__in=2&language_code=en HTTP/1.1" 200 None
>>> t_en.title
'A Pop Song 1'
>>> t_en.title = 'A Pop Song 1 revised title'
[DEBUG: requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool: _make_request] "PUT /api/v1/meta/tracklocalization/1/ HTTP/1.1" 204 0
>>> t_en.title
'A Pop Song 1 revised title'

That’s it! Hope this enpowers you to write clean code and reduce time to code boring redundant stuff!

Testing proxy code

Unit tests for proxy classes can be ran in both local django model and remote tastypie API context. If you are to run the unit tests for both contexts separated settings need to be prepared - API context with API_URL, local model context with NO API_URL settings. Please take a look at how the unit tests for apps.test application works - see and tox.ini.

As a simple tastypie client

You can also utilize rpc_proxy with no proxy definition - call remote tastypie API with queryset interface. In this case you can just only control remote resources with standard CRUD / REST manner Tastypie supports by default. See tastypie-queryset-client for detailed usages.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from rpc_proxy.proxies import *
>>> api = ProxyClient('',
...                   version='v1',
...                   namespace='meta',
...                   auth=('test', 'test',))
>>> api.proxies
{'album': queryset_client.client.Model,
 'albumlocalization': queryset_client.client.Model,
 'track': queryset_client.client.Model,
 'tracklocalization': queryset_client.client.Model}
>>> Track = api.track
>>> track = Track.objects.filter(item__source_item_id__startswith='t-1')[0]
>>> album = track.item.parents.all()[0].album
>>> album.release_date =
>>> album.item.children.all()[0].parents.all()[0].album.release_date ==
>>> str(album.item.children.all()[0].track) == str(track)
# album = fields.OneToOneField('apps.test.resources.Album', 'album', null=True)
# track = fields.OneToOneField('apps.test.resources.Track', 'track', null=True)

Namespace and Resource Endpoint

The final URL of an API resource endpoint consists of:

'%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (API_URL, API_VERSION, API_NAMESPACE, resource_name,)

Proxy Meta class options


Boolean, optional, indicates if the Meta class is abstract class.


String, optional, base url prefix of the root API endpoint, if not given rpc_proxy tries to load corresponding django model in local.


Tuple or List, optional, a convination of username and password to access the API e.g. (username, password,). SUPERUSER_USERNAME and SUPERUSER_PASSWORD settings variables will be applied by default.


ProxyClient class, optional, intended for extending ProcxyClient class, ProxyClient class by default.


django Model class, optional, a model that proxy loads when API_URL is not provided in the settings, if this option is not given, the proxy class looks for corresponding model class which has the same name as the proxy on module in the same module as belongs, by default.


String, optional, defines namespace of the resource follows to version, API_NAMESPACE will be applied if it’s not provided.


String, optional, defines resource name of the proxy, the name of the proxy class will be applied if not provided e.g. 'track'.


String, optional, defines version of the resource follows to api_url, 'v1' will be used if API_VERSION is not provided.


rpc_proxy accepts following settings variables defined as TASTYPIE_RPC_PROXY dictionary in django settings. The settings look like:

    'API_URL': '',


String, optional, specifies default remote API namespace follows to the version section e.g. 'core/content'.


String, optional, defines default base prefix URL of remote tastypie API, rpc_proxy loads local models as proxy class if this is not specified e.g. ''.


String, optional, defines default versioning of remote API follows to API_URL e.g. 'v1'.


Tuple or List, optional, defines custom primary key field names appear in remote resouces e.g. ('user',).


String, optional, defines default username of superuser for API authentication, useful to allow all operations over all remote resources e.g. 'test'.


String, optional, defines default password of superuser for API authentication, useful to allow all operations over all remote resources e.g. 'test'.

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