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Tools for syncing files with the Toshiba FlashAir wireless SD card

Project description

tfatool: *T*oshiba *F*lash*A*ir Tool

`|License| <>`_ `|PyPI
version| <>`_

This package provides easy access to Toshiba's FlashAir wireless SD
card. As a library, this project provides a simple abstraction of the
FlashAir API. As a set of scripts, ``tfatool`` gives the user a way of
synchronizing files and configuring the device from the command line.

Command line usage at a glance

Action \| Command
----------------------------------------------------------- \|
------------------------------------------------ Watch FlashAir for new
JPEGs, download to local dir \|
``flashair-util -s -d /home/tad/Photos --only-jpeg`` Watch working dir
for new files, upload them to FlashAir \| ``flashair-util -s -y up``
Watch sync new files in a local AND remote direcotry \|
``flashair-util -s -y both`` Sync the 10 most recent files with a local
dir, then quit \| ``flashair-util -S time -d images/new/``
Sync files created between Jan 23rd and Jan 26th \|
``flashair-util -S all -t 2016-01-23 -T 2016-01-26`` Sync (up and down)
5 most recent files of a certain name \|
``flashair-util -S time -k 'IMG-08.+\.raw' -y both``
Change FlashAir network SSID \|
``flashair-config --wifi-ssid myflashairnetwork`` Show FlashAir network
password & firmware version \|
``flashair-config --show-wifi-key --show-fw-version``

Package contents at a glance

- ``flashair-util``: a command line tool for syncing, copying, listing
files on FlashAir
- ``flashair-config``: a command line tool for configuring FlashAir
- ``tfatool.command``: abstraction of FlashAir's
`command.cgi <>`_
- ``tfatool.upload``: abstraction of FlashAir's
`upload.cgi <>`_
- ``tfatool.config``: abstraction of FlashAir's
`config.cgi <>`_
- ``tfatool.sync``: functions to facilitate copying/syncing files to
and from FlashAir

Read the `FlashAir
documentation <>`_ for
more information about the API ``tfatool`` takes advantage of.

Usage guide

Using the ``flashair-util`` script

Help menu


$ flashair-util -h
usage: flashair-util [-h] [-l] [-c] [-s] [-S {time,name,all}] [-r REMOTE_DIR]
[-d LOCAL_DIR] [-j] [-n N_FILES] [-k MATCH_REGEX]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose

-l, --list-files
-c, --count-files
-s, --sync-forever watch for new files in REMOTE_DIR, copy them to
LOCAL_DIR (runs until CTRL-C)
-S {time,name,all}, --sync-once {time,name,all}
move files (all or by most recent name/timestamp) from
REMOTE_DIR to LOCAL_DIR, then quit

-y {up,down,both}, --sync-direction {up,down,both}
'up' to upload, 'down' to download, 'both' for both
(default: down)
-r REMOTE_DIR, --remote-dir REMOTE_DIR
FlashAir directory to work with (default:
-d LOCAL_DIR, --local-dir LOCAL_DIR
local directory to work with (default: working dir)

File filters:
-j, --only-jpg filter for only JPEG files
-n N_FILES, --n-files N_FILES
Number of files to move in --sync-once mode
-k MATCH_REGEX, --match-regex MATCH_REGEX
filter for files that match the given pattern
work on only files AFTER datetime similar to YYYY-MM-
work on only files BEFORE datetime similar to YYYY-MM-

Example 1: sync newly created files on FlashAir card

Watch for new files on the FlashAir SD card. When new files are found,
write them to a specified local directory.


$ flashair-util -s -d path/to/files --only-jpg
2016-01-22 21:29:12,336 | INFO | __main__ | Syncing files from /DCIM/100__TSB to path/to/files
2016-01-22 21:28:44,035 | INFO | __main__ | Creating directory 'path/to/files'
2016-01-22 21:29:27,412 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Ready to sync new files (39 existing files ignored)

Some time later, a new photo appears in the default remote directory.


2016-01-22 21:30:05,770 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Files to sync:
2016-01-22 21:30:05,770 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Copying remote file IMG_0802.JPG to stuff/IMG_0802.JPG
2016-01-22 21:30:05,771 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Requesting file: http://flashair/DCIM/100__TSB/IMG_0802.JPG
2016-01-22 21:30:05,866 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Wrote IMG_0802.JPG in 1.00 s (4.31 MB, 4.31 MB/s)

File synchronizing can be done in one of three ways:

1. Download only (default or chosen with
``-y down/--sync-direction down``)
2. Upload only (``-y up/--sync-direction up``)
3. Bidirectional (``-y both/--sync-direction both``)

Example 2: sync subset of files on FlashAir *just once*

Sync JPEG files that were created between December 15th, 2015 (at 3:00
pm) and January 12, 2016 with the local ``stuff/`` directory. Notice
that *files which already exist and match the size in bytes of those on
FlashAir* are not overwritten.


flashair-util -S all -d stuff/ -j -t '2015-12-15 15:00' -T 2016-01-12
2016-01-22 22:29:02,228 | INFO | __main__ | Syncing files from /DCIM/100__TSB to stuff/
2016-01-22 22:29:02,330 | INFO | tfatool.sync | File 'stuff/IMG_0800.JPG' already exists; not syncing from SD card
2016-01-22 22:29:02,331 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Copying remote file IMG_0801.JPG to stuff/IMG_0801.JPG
2016-01-22 22:29:02,331 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Requesting file: http://flashair/DCIM/100__TSB/IMG_0801.JPG
2016-01-22 22:29:17,831 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Wrote IMG_0801.JPG in 9.40 s (4.31 MB, 0.46 MB/s)
2016-01-22 22:29:17,833 | INFO | tfatool.sync | File 'stuff/IMG_0802.JPG' already exists; not syncing from SD card
2016-01-22 22:29:17,833 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Copying remote file IMG_0803.JPG to stuff/IMG_0803.JPG
2016-01-22 22:29:17,834 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Requesting file: http://flashair/DCIM/100__TSB/IMG_0803.JPG
2016-01-22 22:29:30,855 | INFO | tfatool.sync | Wrote IMG_0803.JPG in 10.07 s (4.55 MB, 0.45 MB/s)

Other simple ``--sync-once`` examples include:

- Just grab the most recent JPEG: ``flashair-util -S time -n 1``
- Sync most recent 5 files by timestamp:
``flashair-util -S time --n-files 5``
- Make sure ``stuff/`` local dir and ``/DCIM`` remote dir are
completely synchronized:
``flashair-util -S all -y both -d stuff/ -r /DCIM``
- Of all files that end in ``08.JPG``, sync the 10 greatest filenames:
``flashair-util -S name --n-files 10 -k '.+08\.JPG'``

Example 3: listing certain files on FlashAir

List ALL files:


$ flashair-util -l
Files in /DCIM/100__TSB
IMG_0894.JPG 2016-01-23 16:27:12 3.86MB
IMG_0894.CR2 2016-01-23 16:27:14 17.73MB
IMG_0914.JPG 2016-01-23 18:19:58 1.07MB
IMG_0914.CR2 2016-01-23 18:20:00 15.53MB
(249 files, 2.84 GB total)

List only JPEGs created on the 16th and 17th of January:


& flashair-util -l -t 2016-01-16 -T 2016-01-18 --only-jpg
Files in /DCIM/100__TSB
IMG_0568.JPG 2016-01-16 18:09:50 4.96MB
IMG_0580.JPG 2016-01-16 18:26:10 5.59MB
IMG_0583.JPG 2016-01-16 18:27:02 5.16MB
IMG_0584.JPG 2016-01-16 18:27:18 5.12MB
IMG_0590.JPG 2016-01-16 20:01:52 5.51MB
IMG_0597.JPG 2016-01-16 21:53:50 4.64MB
IMG_0617.JPG 2016-01-17 00:15:24 5.55MB
(7 files, 36.54 MB total)

List JPEGs that match a certain filename regex pattern:


$ flashair-util -l -k 'IMG_058.+' --only-jpg

Files in /DCIM/100__TSB
IMG_0580.JPG 2016-01-16 18:26:10 5.59MB
IMG_0583.JPG 2016-01-16 18:27:02 5.16MB
IMG_0584.JPG 2016-01-16 18:27:18 5.12MB
(3 files, 15.87 MB total)

Using the ``flashair-config`` script

Help menu


flashair-config -h
usage: flashair-config [-h] [-m MASTERCODE] [-v] [-t WIFI_TIMEOUT]
[-w {access_point,station,passthrough}] [-W]
[--bootscreen-path BOOTSCREEN_PATH] [-M]
[--timezone TIMEZONE] [-d {disable,enable,upload}]
[--show-wifi-ssid] [--show-wifi-key] [--show-mac]
[--show-fw-version] [--show-wifi-mode]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
12-digit hex mastercode to enable configuration of the
FlashAir device
-v, --verbose

WiFi settings:
-t WIFI_TIMEOUT, --wifi-timeout WIFI_TIMEOUT
set WiFi timeout of device
-w {access_point,station,passthrough}, --wifi-mode {access_point,station,passthrough}
set WiFi mode of device
-W, --wifi-mode-on-boot
set the WiFi mode on next boot, not immediately
-k WIFI_KEY, --wifi-key WIFI_KEY
set WiFi security key
set internet passthrough security key
-s WIFI_SSID, --wifi-ssid WIFI_SSID
set WiFi SSID
set internet passthrough SSID

Misc settings:
--app-info APP_INFO set application-specific info
--bootscreen-path BOOTSCREEN_PATH
set path to boot screen image
-M, --clear-mastercode
--timezone TIMEZONE set timezone in hours offset (e.g. -8)
-d {disable,enable,upload}, --drive-mode {disable,enable,upload}
set WebDAV drive mode

Show configuration parameters:

Sample configurations of FlashAir

Set the FlashAir WiFi network's SSID and password.

``flashair-config -k supersecretekey -s myflashairnetwork``

Prepare for Internet passthrough mode. This sets the LAN SSID, password,
and the FlashAir WiFi mode. If this is successful, the device will pass
through Internet access to all connected clients.

``flashair-config -K supersecretekey -S coffeeshopssid -w passthrough``

Set the WiFi mode *on boot* instead of immediately with the *-W* flag:

``flashair-config -w station -W``

Using the ``tfatool`` Python library

Example 1: using FlashAir's command.cgi

Listing, counting files on FlashAir:


import arrow #
from tfatool import command

# get files in a FlashAir directory as a list of namedtuples
# each namedtuple has six attributes: directory, filename, time, date, etc
flashair_files = command.list_files() # list files in /DCIM/100__TSB by default
special_files = command.list_files(DIR="/DCIM/my_special_folder")

# get an integer count of files in a certain dir
n_flashair_files = command.count_files(DIR="/DCIM") # count in specific directory

Files listed by FlashAir are converted to a ``namedtuple`` with
attributes ``filename, directory, path, size, attribute, datetime``,
where ``size`` is in bytes, ``attribute`` shows file permissions and so
on, and ``datetime`` is a ``datetime`` object from the ``arrow``
library. Filters can inspect any of these tuple parameters.


# file list fn takes optional filters
# here we cull any RAW files (.raw or .cr2) and files of a certain name
# we can also filter for datetime, since file timestamps are converted
# to arrow datetime objects
# you can combine any number of filters
some_date = arrow.get("1987-04-02 11:33:03") # arrow datetimes supported
filter_date = lambda f: f.datetime > some_date # after my birthday
filter_raw = lambda f: not f.filename.lower().endswith(".raw", ".cr2")
filter_name = lambda f: f.filename.lower()startswith("IMG_08")
certain_files = command.list_files(filter_raw, filter_name, filter_date)

for f in certain_files:
print("{:s}: {:0.2f} MB".format(f.filename, f.size / 10**6))

Example 2: using file synchronization functions

The ``sync`` module contains functions for syncing files UP to FlashAir
and DOWN from FlashAir to your local filesystem.


from tfatool import sync

# Sync files as a one-off action
# here we sync the most recent files sorted by (, file.time)
sync.up_by_time(count=10) # uploads 10 most recent files (in CWD by default)
sync.down_by_time(count=15, local_dir="/home/tad/Pictures")

# Sync specific files selected from files list
from tfatool import command
all_files = command.list_files()
only_camille_photos = [f for f in all_files if "camille" in f.filename.lower()]
sync.down_by_files(only_camille_photos, local_dir="/home/tad/Pictures/camille")

Example 3: watching for newly created files

The ``tfatool.sync.Monitor`` object watches your FlashAir device and/or
your local filesystem for new files in a separate thread. ``Monitor``
watches in one of three ways:

1. watches for new files in a remote FlashAir directory and downloads
them as they appear to a local directory
2. watches for new files in a local directory and uploads them as they
appear to a remote FlashAir directory
3. watches for new files in *both* local and remote locations and
updates each accordingly

Uploading new files as they appear:


from tfatool import sync

# Monitor FlashAir for new files, sync them with a local directory
# This will run forever
monitor = sync.Monitor(local_dir="/home/tad/Pictures/new",
monitor.sync_up() # only upload new local files as they appear
monitor.stop() # prompt thread to stop
monitor.join() # wait for thread to stop

Downloading new files as they appaer:


# Sync only .raw image files that are smaller than 3 MB
is_raw = lambda f: f.filename.lower().endswith(".raw", ".cr2")
is_small = lambda f: f.size < 3e6
monitor.filters = (is_raw, is_small)
monitor.sync_down() # download thread starts

Bidirectional sync:


monitor.sync_both() # thread starts for sync in both directions

Example 4: sending config changes via a POST to *config.cgi*


from tfatool.config import post, config
from import Config

params = {
Config.app_info: "special application info",
Config.wifi_timeout: 3600, # one-hour WiFi timeout
Config.wifi_ssid: "SUPER FUN PHOTO ZONE",
Config.timezone: -11, # somewhere in the USA, for example

# This will raise an assertion error if any parameters are invalid
# or out of range (for example if the WiFi timeout is < 60 seconds)
prepped_params = config(params)

# Prompt reconfiguration of the device via an HTTP POST to config.cgi
response = post(prepped_params)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("FlashAir reconfiguration successful")
print("Error: {}".format(response.status_code))


Requires ``requests``, ``tqdm``, ``arrow``, and ``python3.4+``.

Install with your system's Python3:


pip3 install tfatool

Or into a virtualenv:


virtualenv -p python3.5 env/
source env/bin/activate
pip install tfatool

.. |License| image::
.. |PyPI version| image::

Project details

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Source Distribution

tfatool-2.0.0.tar.gz (23.2 kB view hashes)

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