Python library to access Gene Expression Omnibus Database (GEO)
Project description
Python library to access Gene Expression Omnibus Database (GEO).
GEOparse is python package that can be used to query and retrieve data from Gene Expression Omnibus database (GEO). The inspiration and the base for it is great R library GEOquery.
Free software: BSD license
Download GEO series, datasets etc. as SOFT files
Download supplementary files for GEO series to use them locally
Load GEO SOFT as easy to use and manipulate objects
Prepare your data for GEO upload
At the command line:
$ pip install GEOparse
There is still work to do so any contribution is welcome. Any bug/error that you report will improve the library.
The main issues are:
add checking for compatibility with SOFT files
expand GEOTypes objects with useful functions for differential expression analysis
share your idea
add more tests - that’s always good idea :)
2.0.3 (2021-02-03)
BUGFIX: shutil.move can lead to “operation not permitted” error
Allow to download small GSE object by using how parameter
2.0.2 (2020-08-26)
Allow to pass kwargs to open function to controll eg. encoding
2.0.1 (2020-02-20)
prevent installation on old python versions
2.0.0 (2020-02-20)
Drop support for python 2
Fix issue with SRR entiries not being available through FTP server
Better error message if entry is not available
Better code formatting
Some small improvements
1.2.0 (2019-08-21)
Remove BioPython dependency - use requests instead
Replace wget with custom file downloader
Allow to parse GSE file partially
Support for parallel-fastq-dump
Allow to use proxy server (FTP)
Fix Travis-CI issues with FTP download
Various bugfixes
1.1.0 (2018-09-10)
Allow parallel download of supplementary files
Add timeout to urlopen callsq
Bugfix: Keep logger as a module name and rename logger object to geoparse_logger. This is a breaking change.
Bugfix: Some samples do not have table data error in python 3
Bugfix: broken download when supplementary_files is empty or contains invalid URLs
Some small bugfixes
1.0.5 (2018-01-12)
Bugfix: Some samples do not have table data error in python 3
1.0.4 (2018-01-08)
Bugfix: Empty line in the SOFT file caused an error in python 3
1.0.3 (2017-11-01)
Bugfix: Fixed the FTP link
1.0.2 (2017-11-01)
Bugfix: type name was depended on the order of entries
1.0.1 (2017-08-10)
Hotfix: wrong path split in Windows
1.0.0 (2017-07-21)
Many small bug fixes: * unknown subset types added to columns * silent=True is really silent * correct treatment of duplicated columns * illegal file names and no filtering of user input from GEO to create the file names * platform was not imported but used * fixed issues of python 2 and 3 compatibility
Logging replaced stdout and stderr + ability to set verbosity and log file
Return downloaded paths from download functions
Updated documentation according to Google docstring style guide
Tests update
Code refactored to be more PEP-8 friendly
0.1.10 (2017-03-27)
Important fix for SRA download
Fix duplicated columns issue
Python 2 and 3 open compatibility
0.1.9 (2017-03-10)
Added property phenotype_data to access phenotype data of GSE
Fixed windows issue with file names
replaced default download function with wgetter
Update documentation
Various bugfixes
0.1.8 (2016-11-02)
Thanks to Tycho Bismeijer:
Python 3 Compatibility
Bio.Entrez dependency optional
0.1.7 (2016-05-30)
Thanks to Simon van Heeringen:
bugfix in datasets with multiple associated relations
–split-files to fastq-dump to support paired-end experiments by default
parse a GPL that also contains series and sample information
gsm2fastq command to make download easier
initial Aspera download support
0.1.6 (2016-04-12)
SRA function of GSE can now filter GSMs
0.1.5 (2016-02-03)
Added functions to download supplementary files including raw files from SRA
0.1.4 (2015-09-27)
Updated documentation including example
Updated tests: they now cover 80% of library with all important functions
Added pivot_and_annotate method to GSE object
0.1.3 (2015-08-30)
Updated documentation
Added pivot_samples to GSE object
Code of GEOTypes was refactored
All objects now have to_soft function
Various bugfixes
0.1.2 (2015-08-23)
Added GDS support
Added to_soft methods to GSE, GSM and GPL
Added DATABASE entry support to GSE and GDS
0.1.1 (2015-08-16)
Brown-Bag release
0.1.0 (2015-08-16)
First release on PyPI.