Library/utility to help provision various IoT devices.
Project description
A library/utility to provision IoT devices
This is early day. Currently it can provision TP-Link smartplugs, Broadlink IR blasters, Sonoff switches running the Tasmota firmware, Shelly devices and E-Trix power monitors, Xiaomi Yeelights (Possibly other Xiaomi too)
This uses nmcli or wpa_cli to control and configure WIFI access. This means this will work only with Linux, and then again not all. It is working on a RaspberryPi running Debian Stretch (No NetworkManager) and works on a laptop ruunning Ubuntu 18.10 to 20.04
When using nmcli, it is possible to use a connected WiFi adapter, this has not yet been tested with wpa_cli
We are on PyPi so
pip3 install aioiotprov
You can just run it by doing
python3 -m aioiotprov "My SSID" "My Secret Key"
If you want to set user, password and for sonoff, MQTT, do something like
python3 -m aioiotprov -u user -p password "My SSID" "My Secret Key" \
-o "sonoff::mqtt==on||user=mqttuser||password=mqttpass||host=somehost||port=1883||client=DVES_XXXXXX||topic=sonoff-XXXXXX||full topic=blabla/%prefix%/%topic%/"
For Shellies,
python3 -m aioiotprov -u user -p password "My SSID" "My Secret Key" \
-o "shelly::mqtt==on||user==mqttuser||password==mqttpass||host==somehost||port==1883"
For Tasmota,
python3 -m aioiotprov -d -u user -p passwd -o 'tasmota::mqtt==on||template=={"NAME":"Sonoff T1 3CH","GPIO":[17,255,255,255,23,22,18,19,21,56,0,0,0],"FLAG":0,"BASE":30}||host==somehost||user==mqttuser||password==mqttpasswd'
Setting option will only works with plugins that can handle those. Use '::' after name of the plugin. Use '==' to set value and use '||' to separate options
This is a plugin to provision Broadlink devices, like the A1 sensor or the RM4 Mini IR blaster.
The device cannot be secured (no user/password setting) nor is any option available for this plugin.
This is a plugin to provision E-Trix electrix metering devices.
The device cannot be secured (no user/password setting) nor is any option available for this plugin.
This is a plugin to provision Shelly devices.
If you set the user and the password, the device will be secured with those.
The plugin supports the following options:
mqtt: on or off Use MQTT or not
host: mqtt host URI (with port if needed) (only if mqtt=='on'
user: mqtt username
password: mqtt password
This is a plugin to provision devices running the Tasmota software.
If you set the user and the password, the device will be secured with those.
The plugin supports the following options:
module: The index of the module to use (e.g. 29 is for Sonoff T1 2CH)
template: A device template. See the Tasmota documentation for details.
mqtt: on or off Use MQTT or not
host: mqtt host (only if mqtt=='on'
user: mqtt username
password: mqtt password
port: mqtt port
client: see tasmota documentation for details
topic: define the device unique id for MQTT
full topic: : full topic e.g. mystuff/%prefix%/%topic%
For 'client', 'topic' and 'full topic' the string '{mac}' in the value will be replaced by
the last 6 hexadigits of the MAC address in lowercase format.
This is a plugin to provision TP-Link smart plugs devices. It may work with other smart home devices, but this has not been tested. The device cannot be secured (no user/password setting) nor is any option available for this plugin.
This plugin is based on the protocol description and the code from OpenMiHome
This plugin provision Xiaomi Yeelight.
Upon successful provisioning, the token, used to encrypt subsequent communications, is returned.
By default, the key will be saved in the file ~/.aioyeelight. It can then be used with aioyeelight. If you do not wish to persist keys, use the nopersist option.
Note: The plugin accepts the option 'owner' but this does not seem to have any effect.
How it works
Mostly each plugin knows what SSID to look for. If one of the needed SSID is found, aioiotprov will connect to the SSID and hand over provisioning duties to the plugin.