A python library for making ascii-art into network graphs.
Project description
Asciigraf is a python library that turns ascii diagrams of networks into network objects. It returns a networkx graph of nodes for each alpha-numeric element in the input text; nodes are connected in the graph to match the edges represented in the diagram by -, /, \ and |.
Asciigraf can be installed from pypi using pip:
~/$ pip install asciigraf
Asciigraf expects a string containg a 2-d ascii diagram. Nodes can be an alphanumeric string composed of words, sentences and punctuation (for a look at what is all tested to work, see the node recognition tests). Edges can be composed of -, /, \ and |.
import asciigraf
network = asciigraf.graph_from_ascii("""
>>> <networkx.classes.graph.Graph at 0x7f24c3a8b470>
>>> [('NodeA', 'NodeB')]
>>> ['NodeA', 'NodeB']
Networkx provides tools to attach data to graphs, nodes and edges, and asciigraf leverages these in a number of ways; in the example below you can see that asciigraf uses this to attach a x, y position tuple to each node indicating the line/col position of each node ( 0,0 is at the top-left). It also attaches a length attribute to each edge which matches the number of characters in that edge, as well as a list of positions for each character an edge. In addition, the input data is attached as a graph attribute ascii_string for reference.
>>> [('NodeA', {'position': (10, 1)}), ('NodeB', {'position': (23, 3)})]
>>> [('NodeA', 'NodeB', OrderedDict([('length', 10), 'points', [...]))]
>>> [(15, 1), (16, 1), (17, 1), (18, 1),
(19, 1), (19, 2), (19, 3), (20, 3), (21, 3), (22, 3)]
Asciigraf also lets you annotate the edges of graphs using in-line labels — denoted by parentheses. The contents of the label will be attached to the edge on which it is drawn with the attribute name label.
network = asciigraf.graph_from_ascii("""
print(network.get_edge_data("A", "B")["label"])
>>> nuts
print(network.get_edge_data("B", "C")["label"])
>>> string
print(network.get_edge_data("D", "E")["label"])
>>> pebbles
print(hasattr(network.get_edge_data("B", "D"), "label"))
>>> False
Have fun!
import asciigraf
network = asciigraf.graph_from_ascii("""
/ | |
/ | 0---f
6l-a c--
/ | \--k
/ ua | 9e
q \ | /
\-r7z jud
\ |
m y
\ |