CliMT is a Toolkit for building Earth system models in Python.
Project description
climt is a Toolkit for building Earth system models in Python. climt stands for Climate Modelling and Diagnostics Toolkit – it is meant both for creating models and for generating diagnostics (radiative fluxes for an atmospheric column, for example). However, since it might eventually include model components for purposes other than climate modelling (local area models, large-eddy simulation), we prefer to keep the abbreviation un-expanded!
climt hopes to enable researchers to easily perform online analysis and make modifications to existing models by increasing the ease with which models can be understood and modified. It also enables educators to write accessible models that serve as an entry point for students into Earth system modeling, while also containing state-of-the-art components.
Initially climt contains only components for the atmosphere, and does not yet include a coupler. But there are plans to extend climt to a fully coupled Earth system model in the future. The toolkit is also written in such a way that it could enable the development of non-climate models (e.g. weather prediction, large-eddy simulation). To do so requires only that the prognostic and diagnostic schemes are wrapped into the correct Python-accessible interface.
climt builds on sympl, which provides the base classes and array and constants handling functionality. Thanks to sympl and Pint, climt is also a fully units aware model. It is useful to know how sympl works to use climt better. Read more about sympl at
Free software: BSD license
Note - The GFS dynamical core has been made into a seperate package called gfs_dynamical_core for ease of maintenance. If you need the dynamical core, please install this package from source or directly using pip. Doing this will automatically install climt as well.
pip install gfs_dynamical_core
climt can be installed directly from the python package index using pip.
pip install climt
should work on most systems. From version 0.9.2 onwards, this command will install binary wheels, eliminating the requirement of a compiler on your system.
Detailed instructions for Mac and Linux systems are available in the documentation.
climt is fully units-aware!
Uses the xarray DataArray abstraction to build self describing model arrays.
Provides different levels of abstraction towards building a climate model.
Like sympl, climt consciously uses descriptive names in the user API to ensure model scripts are self-documenting.
Allows for quick prototyping of earth system model components.
Provides a clean and convenient interface to add new components.
Citing climt
If you use climt in your research, please cite the following paper documenting sympl and climt
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
Removed dycore to move it to independent package
Move to Github Actions tentatively finished!
New component BucketHydrology that implements Manabe first generation land model
BucketHydrology calculates the sensible and latent heat flux within the component
Conservation test for the component also added
Moving CI to Github Actions
Fix timeout for all MAC builds
Prevent MAC OS builds from timing out
Fix formatting errors which prevent pypi deployment
Fix MCICA for the shortwave component of RRTMG
Revise random number generation for MCICA
Improvement of the user interface to control MCICA
update numpy requirement to avoid binary incompatibility error
Fix error in documentation
Fix wheel build on Mac
Fixed issue with Mac build
Few changes in the dry convection component. Significantly improves the performance.
Changed logo!
Fixed failing docs build
Added some documentation for using RRTMG with McICA
CI Testing for Mac and py37 added.
Refactored initialisation code
Enable the McICA version of RRTMG Longwave for consistency with the Shortwave component.
Fix bugs in IceSheet
Add tests to verify conservation of quantities
Fix bugs in initialisation
Fix energy conservation in surface flux scheme
Enable the McICA version of RRTMG Shortwave, so that partial cloud fractions can be used.
Add GMD example scripts to repository.
Fix docs to reflect API changes after refactor.
Fix wrong initialisation to use sigma values instead of pressure values of optical depth for GrayLongwaveRadiation
Breaking Changes
The flux outputs of GrayLongwaveRadiation have been renamed to eliminate on_interface_levels to keep consistency with other components.
All arrays are now 3/2d by default based on their expected dimensions.
horizontal dimensions are now lon, lat, but inputs used by components remain the same (latitude, longitude).
Many of the changes in this version come from changes in Sympl 0.4.0. We recommend reading those changes in the Sympl documentation.
Updated component APIs to work with Sympl 0.4.0
Many components which previously required horizontal dimensions now use wildcard matches for column dimensions.
Switched many print statements to logging calls.
Fixed bugs in some components
Breaking Changes
get_constant and set_constant have been removed, use the ones in Sympl.
Emanuel convection scheme can no longer be set to perform dry adiabatic adjustment to the boundary layer. This has been implemented in a separate component.
ClimtPrognostic, ClimtImplicitPrognostic, ClimtDiagnostic, ClimtImplicit have been removed. Use the base types in Sympl.
State initialization has been entirely re-worked. get_default_state now takes in an optional grid state instead of options to do with the state grid. A function get_grid is provided which can create a grid state, or one can be created manually. A grid state is a state containing air pressure and sigma on mid and interface levels, as well as surface pressure.
Replaced references to “thermal_capacity” with references to “heat_capacity” in component quantity names.
Fix issue with pip v10 and pandas 0.22 conflicts
Fix release issue because of pip API change
Fix appveyor fail due to pip changes
Fixed broken version numbers
new release to fix version numbers and create zenodo ID
Added attributes to inputs/outputs/ etc., to work with ScalingWrapper Added tests as well.
Added tests for constants functions
Fixed requirements to ensure this version of climt installs the correct versions of sympl and numpy.
Released because of a labelling issue. See 0.9.2 for details.
Updated documentation
Cleaned up examples
Added (*)_properties as a property to all components
The gas constant for dry air in the Emanuel scheme is now renamed _Rdair
RRTMG LW and SW are now OpenMP parallel
Added Instellation component to calculate zenith angle
Added tests to increase coverage
New constants handling functionality added
Travis builds now use stages
Appveyor CI up and running
Pre-installation of cython and numpy no longer necessary for source builds
Added snow-ice component
Ozone profiles do not need to be specified externally
Now also tested on Python 3.6
Breaking Changes
API for constants setting changed to set_constant_from_dict and add_constants_from_dict
GfsDynamicalCore renamed to GFSDynamicalCore for consistency
get_prognostic_version method of ClimtImplicit renamed to prognostic_version, and no longer accepts timestep as an argument. The current timestep should be set in ClimtImplicit.current_time_step during each iteration.
RRTMGShortwave now uses sympl’s solar constant by default instead of from fortran.
Held-Suarez and moist GCM with grey radiation work!
Added DCMIP initial conditions, test 4 tried out.
Dynamical core integrated now.
BIG change in the build system. Tests pass on Mac as well
Arrays can now have arbitrary dtype (to use qualitative, string, quantities)
Added Emanuel Convection, surface energy balance model and ice sheet energy balance
2D coordinates are now supported for horizontal coordinates
Replaced create_output_arrays() with a more general get_state_dict_for() and get_numpy_arrays_from_state() combination.
State arrays now have coordinates
Updated documentation
RTD finally working, phew!
Added RRTMG Longwave, Simple Physics
Added helper functions to reduce boilerplate code in components
Breaking Changes
method to obtain piecewise constant prognostic has been renamed to
Ozone profile has been modified
Heating rate for RRTMG top-of-atmosphere is no longer manually set to zero
Components no longer accept constants during initialisation. All constant handling is done internally.
SlabSurface no longer uses depth_slab_surface as input
changed order of outputs of GfsDynamicalCore and SimplePhysics to conform to TimeStepper order of diagnostics, new_state
get_default_state now accepts mid_levels and interface_levels instead of z to specify vertical coordinates.
mass_to_volume_mixing_ratio now uses numpy arrays instead of DataArrays.