Diagrams as code: declarative configurations using YAML for drawing cloud system architectures.
Project description
Diagrams as code
: declarative configurations using YAML
for drawing cloud system architectures.
Table of content:
Diagrams as code
is essentially the process of managing diagrams through code rather than interactively drawing them
on specific web services such as draw.io. It lets you generate the cloud system architecture
in a declarative way with widely used YAML
syntax (which is de facto a standard for infrastructure and
Declarative method of describing things means that a user simply describes the solution they need, how it should look, and everything that would be in the state of the final solution, leaving the process for the software to decide.
Diagrams as code
brings you the following benefits compared to drawing architecture on your own, it:
- Does not require any knowledge about how to properly draw an architecture diagram. Basically, you just define a set of resources, compose them into groups and set relationships, the rest is done for you.
- Allows you to track architecture diagram changes with a version control systems such as
. - Moves collaboration to the next level: updating an architecture diagram through a pull request with a code review instead of a video session and/or screen sharing.
- Reduces costs on further updating of an initial architecture diagram. Basically, when you create an image on a web
service you have to eventually store two files:
-like to put into your documentation andXML
to be able to adjust your image in the future. So, there is no need to care aboutXML
anymore. - Backups you in case of losing
files asYAML
files are always stored in a repository. - Improves consistency as now a diagram is stored along the code in a repository, the place you visit and work on frequently, and it is easier to keep it up-to-date.
Currently, the following components are provided:
- Major cloud providers: AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM, Alibaba, Oracle, OpenStack, DigitalOcean and so on.
- On-Premise, Kubernetes, Firebase, Elastic, SaaS.
- Programming languages and frameworks.
- Add support of C4.
- Add support of Custom.
- Add IDEs plugins and/or web user interface for live editing.
- Add the
JSON Schema
to Json Schema Store. - Research Confluence integration to update images from the CI-builds directly.
- Research ChatGRT integration.
Getting Started
How to install
As the project uses Graphviz to render the diagram, you need to install it:
- For
— https://graphviz.gitlab.io/download/#linux - For
— https://graphviz.gitlab.io/download/#windows - For
— https://graphviz.gitlab.io/download/#mac
After, you can install the project itself with the following command using pip3
$ pip3 install diagrams-as-code
You can find examples of YAML
configurations in the examples
folder. Below are placed are few of them (click on the name to redirect to the configurations file).
Web Services on AWS | Web Services On-Premise | Exposed Pods on Kubernetes |
Message Collecting on GCP | Events Processing on AWS | Workers on AWS |
Syntax Highlighting
When you will be writing your own YAML
files, you likely need a syntax highlighting. Currently, there is no mapping
of the YAML
files to a specific schema to enable the syntax highlighting automatically. So, there is a need for
manual operation here.
For PyCharm
, open the settings and proceed to Languages & Frameworks, then to
Scheams and DTDs, then to
JSON Schema Mappings. After, create a new schema, name it
Diagrams as code, choose
JSON Schema version 7, paste
to the Schema file or URL
field and click Apply
Open Illustration
Right after then, open a YAML
file and click on No JSON schema
at to bottom-right corner:
Open Illustration
It will open a panel where you can choose the newly created schema with the name Diagrams as code
Open Illustration
As a result, you will experience syntax highlighting when typing:
Open Illustration
VS Code
For VS Code
, install the RedHat YAML extension and include the following line in the top of your diagrams yaml file:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmytrostriletskyi/diagrams-as-code/main/json-schemas/0.0.1.json
Command Line Interface
To draw an architecture, call diagrams-as-code
command line interface, providing a path to a YAML
file with
configurations. The drawing will be saved in the folder the command line interface was executed from.
$ diagrams-as-code examples/web-services-aws.yaml
Please, check all-fields.yaml as the example to see all possible configurations before diving into a detailed explanation about them (and this is the result image).
file conceptually contains two configurations: generic information such as a name of a diagram, a format of an
image to be generated, style and resources themselves such as AWS
and Kubernetes
resources, Nginx
, ElasticSearch
and all other things you actually want to draw, and relationships among them.
name: Web Services Architecture on AWS
file_name: web-services-architecture-aws
format: jpg
direction: left-to-right
splines: ortho
shape: circle
color: '#000000'
label_resources: false
open: true
Generic information schema looks like this:
Field | Type | Required | Restrictions | Default | Description |
name |
String | Yes | - | PNG |
A name of the diagram which is shown in the image. |
file_name |
String | No | - | - | A file name of the image that would be created. |
format |
String | No | png , jpg , svg , pdf , dot |
png |
A format of the image that would be created. |
direction |
String | No | left-to-right , right-to-left , top-to-bottom , bottom-to-top |
left-to-right |
A direction of the diagram's resource. |
style |
Object | No | - | - | Style of the diagram. |
label_resources |
Boolean | No | - | false |
Whether to label the diagram's resources such as EC2 or PodConfig . |
open |
Boolean | No | - | false |
Whether to open the diagram's image after creating it. |
resources |
List | Yes | - | - | Resources of the diagram. |
is responsible for styling overall diagram such as a background color or choosing between curvy or straight
arrows. It should go as a nested object of parameters as key/value of Graphviz's attributes.
Its schema looks like:
Field | Type | Required | Restrictions | Default | Description |
graph |
Object | No | Those parameters as key/value. | - | A graph styling. |
node |
Object | No | Those parameters as key/value. | - | A node styling |
edge |
Object | No | Those parameters as key/value. | - | An edge styling. |
is responsible for specifying a list of resources on a diagram and relationships among them. Each resource
has a unique identifier, name and type. Name will be shown on a diagram under the specific resource:
- id: elb
name: ELB
type: aws.network.ELB
Open Illustration
Identifier will be used by other resources to set a relationship direction's type among them:
- id: dns
name: DNS
type: aws.network.Route53
- to: elb
direction: outgoing
- id: elb
name: ELB
type: aws.network.ELB
Open Illustration
There is also a type named group
. It is not a specific resource, it is rather a group of resources. It is needed
for other resources to be able to have a relationship with all group's resources at once. Each group's resource can have
separate relationships as well:
- id: elb
name: ELB
type: aws.network.ELB
- to: graphql-api
direction: outgoing
- id: graphql-api
name: GraphQL API
type: group
- id: first-api
name: GraphQL API №1
type: aws.compute.ECS
- id: second-api
name: GraphQL API №2
type: aws.compute.ECS
- id: third-api
name: GraphQL API №3
type: aws.compute.ECS
Open Illustration
There is also a type named cluster
. It is needed to separate multiple resources or groups logically: for instance,
there might be a cluster of different APIs composed as groups, a cluster of databases and a cluster of caches.
Pay attention that to refer a cluster resource, there are the following identifiers
what means that you need to chain identifiers of nested resources through a dot to identify a resource you build a relationship with.
- id: elb
name: ELB
type: aws.network.ELB
- to: web-services.graphql-api
direction: outgoing
- to: web-services.rest-api
direction: outgoing
- id: web-services
name: Web Services
type: cluster
- id: graphql-api
name: GraphQL API
type: group
- id: first-api
name: GraphQL API №1
type: aws.compute.ECS
- id: second-api
name: GraphQL API №2
type: aws.compute.ECS
- id: third-api
name: GraphQL API №3
type: aws.compute.ECS
- id: rest-api
name: REST API
type: group
- id: first-api
name: REST API №1
type: aws.compute.EC2
- id: second-api
name: REST API №2
type: aws.compute.EC2
- id: third-api
name: REST API №3
type: aws.compute.EC2
- id: databases
name: Databases
type: cluster
- id: leader
name: Leader
type: aws.database.RDS
- to: databases.follower
direction: undirected
- id: follower
name: Follower
type: aws.database.RDS
Open Illustration
Basically, to recap and also clarify:
- There are resources, groups (of resources or other groups) and clusters (of resources, groups or other clusters).
- You can build a relationship between resource to resource and resource to group (and vice versa), it is impossible to relate to a cluster.
- You should chain identifiers of nested resources through a dot to identify a resource you build a relationship to.
schema looks like this:
Field | Type | Required | Restrictions | Default | Description |
id |
String | Yes | - | - | A unique identifier of the resource. |
name |
String | Yes | - | - | A name of the resource. |
type |
String | Yes | One of the those. | - | A type of the resource. |
relates |
Object | No | - | - | A relationship to a resource or a group. |
This is the table of all available types by a category:
Name | Docs |
Alibaba Cloud | alibaba_cloud.md |
AWS | aws.md |
Azure | azure.md |
DigitalOcean | digital_ocean.md |
Elastic | elastic.md |
Firebase | firebase.md |
Flowchart | flowchart.md |
GCP | gcp.md |
Generic | generic.md |
IBM | ibm.md |
Kubernetes | kubernetes.md |
OCI | oci.md |
On-Premise | on_premise.md |
OpenStack | open_stack.md |
Outscale | outscale.md |
Programming | programming.md |
SaaS | saas.md |
schema looks like:
Field | Type | Required | Restrictions | Default | Description |
to |
String | Yes | - | - | A chain of identifiers to a resource via a dot from root. |
direction |
String | Yes | incoming , outgoing , bidirectional , undirected |
- | A direction of a relationship. |
label |
String | No | - | - | A label of a relationship. |
color |
String | No | Hexadecimal color with the # symbol. |
#2D3436 |
A color of a relationship. |
style |
String | No | - | - | A style of a relationship. |
is a wrapper around the original diagrams. The original diagrams
lets you draw the cloud system architecture in Python
code. It was born for prototyping a new system architecture
design without any design tools. Under the hood, diagrams-as-code
parse a YAML
file and map to a specific set of
's functions and classes, and execute them in proper order.
But you don't have to worry about diagrams
because diagrams-as-code
is self-contained and encapsulates it well.