A modular content CMS by Interaction Consortium.
Project description
GLAMkit is a next-generation Python CMS by the Interaction Consortium, designed especially for the cultural sector.
ICEkit sits one layer below GLAMkit, and is a framework for building CMSes. It has publishing and workflow tools for teams of content professionals, and a powerful content framework, based on django-fluent. Everything is written in Python, using the Django framework.
Read the documentation for the latest release
Key features
ICEkit has:
Patterns for hierarchical pages and collections of rich content models.
Advanced publishing / preview / unpublishing controls
Simple workflow controls
Content plugins for working with rich text, images, embedded media, etc.
Customisable site search using Elastic Search
django-reversion compatible, allowing versioning of content
Customisable admin dashboard
Docker-compatible project template supplied
Batteries included: bower, LessCSS, Bootstrap
Easily extensible with models, templates, plugins, etc.
GLAMkit extends ICEkit with:
complex repeating calendared events
collection patterns: art, moving image, etc.
a story-telling engine (e.g. rich ‘watch’, ‘read’, ‘listen’ articles)
press releases
GLAMkit is delivered as a Docker-compatible package, which means that it’s easy to share a consistent development environment across your team, or to deploy on any Docker-compatible web host, including top-tier cloud hosting services like AWS.
Quickstart, with Docker
The recommended installation method uses Docker. Docker works on OS X, Linux, and Windows, takes care of all the project dependencies (e.g. database, search engine, web server, etc.), and makes deployment easy.
If you’re not ready to use Docker, see Manual Installation.
Otherwise, if you haven’t already, install Docker.
1. Create a new project
$ bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ic-labs/django-icekit/master/startproject.sh) {project_name}
This will create a new project from the ICEkit project template, in a directory named {project_name} in the current working directory.
If you want to create a new project from the ICEkit develop branch, do this instead:
$ bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ic-labs/django-icekit/develop/startproject.sh) {project_name} develop
and change the icekit branch in the generated requirements-icekit.txt
from @master
to @develop
NOTE: Windows users should run this command in Git Bash, which comes with Git for Windows.
2. Run the project
Build a Docker image:
$ cd {project_name} $ docker-compose build --pull
Run a django container and all of its dependancies:
$ docker-compose run --rm --service-ports django
Create a superuser account:
# manage.py createsuperuser
Run the Django dev server:
# runserver.sh
3. That’s it!
Open the site in a browser:
When you’re done, exit the container and stop all of its dependencies:
# exit $ docker-compose stop