A Python Document Management Framework for generating and sending (pdf, docx, etc) documents to customers
Project description
Creates, merges, splits, edits documents(mainly docx/pdf) as well as sending them by email. Originally created for QR bills integration but is generic and can be used for much more.
Installation with pip:
$ pip install doc-workflow
From the command line:
$ docwf <path_to_json_config_file>
From Python:
from docwf import DocWorkflow config_obj = { "globals": { "data": { "workbook": "source.xlsx", "sheet": "mailmergesheet", }, "constants": { "language": "fr" } }, "tasks": [ { "active": 1, # you can activate/deactivate tasks "name": "create bills", # name for debug purpose "locals": { "data" : { "sheet": "overridesheetfortask" }, "key" : "value", # overrides global arguments for the task }, "task": { "type": "myplugin", # or builtin plugins (see below) "task_dependent_argument": "value{param}", } }, ] } my_plugins = { "myplugin": MyPluginClass } DocWorkflow(config_obj, plugins=my_plugins).gen()
Typical workflow tasks
Assume the data is in the source.xlsx in the sheet named bills
clientnr |
send_email |
total |
reference |
etc |
1 |
yes |
1032 |
ref2022c1 |
… |
2 |
yes |
1232 |
ref2022c2 |
… |
Create bills from Word template
{ "active": 1, # you can activate/deactivate tasks "name": "create bills", # name for debug purpose "task": { "type": "mailmerge", "input_docx": "templates/template_bill.docx", "output_docx": "bills/bill_{year}.docx" # output depends on the column year, it should be constant throughout all rows } },
Create pdf from the generated docx
It uses the Word Application (Mac/Windows). If the docx template has dynamic fields (IF, etc), the generated docx will ask permission to update all fields before saving it as pdf.
{ "name": "save pdf from docx (uses Word)", "task": { "type": "makepdf", "input_docx": "bills/bill_{year}.docx", "output_pdf": "bills/bill_{year}.pdf" } },
Fills in QR codes
for the bills by adding a page to each bill or by merging the QR bill into one of the pages.
{ "name": "create qr bills", "locals": { "creditor": { "iban": "CH....", "name": "The Good Company", "pcode": "xyzt", "city": "Bern", "street": "Dorfstrasse 1" }, "task_params": { "extra_infos": "reference", # fixed keys for bill reason ... "amount": "total" # and the amount. With task_params you can create data entries out of existing columns } }, "task": { "type": "qr", "merge_type": "merge", # or "append" "input_filename": "bills/bill_{year}.pdf", "delete_input": true, # delete the input filename after creating the output "pages": 2, # the number of pages per each bill "merge_pos": 2, # or "insert_pos" if "append" "output_filename": "bills/bill_{year}_with_qr.pdf" } },
Split the bills into separate pdf files.
From one input to multiple outputs
{ "name": "split bills", "task": { "type": "split_pdf", "input_filename": "bills/bill_{year}_with_qr.pdf", "pages": 2, "makedir": "bills/bills_{year}", # if the output directory doesn't exist, create it "output_filename": "bills/bills_{year}/bill_{year}_{clientnr}.pdf" # output filename using unique name for each customer } },
Unify bills that are to be printed
This shows how to filter rows. The same split_pdf plugin is used, from multiple inputs to one output.
{ "name": "unify bills for print", "filter": {"column": "send_email", "value": "no"}, "task": { "type": "split_pdf", "input_filename": "bills/bills_{year}/bill_{year}_{clientnr}.pdf", "delete_input": true, "pages": 2, "output_filename": "bills/bills_{year}_paper.pdf" } },
Send the bills by email
{ "name": "send emails", "locals": { "sender": { "email": "info@domain.com", "name": "Info", "server": "smtp.gmail.com:587", "username": "info@domain.com", "password": "strongpassword", "bcc": "bills@domain.com", "headers": { "Reply-To": "contability@domain.com" } }, }, "filter": {"column": "send_email", "value": "yes"}, "task": { "type": "email", "recipient": "email", # the key/column name for the customer email "subject" : "Bill for year {year}", # can contain dynamic parts "body_template_file" : "templates/email_template.txt", # text template for the email body "attachments" : [ "bills/bills_{year}/bill_{year}_{clientnr}.pdf" ] # list of attachments } },
Watermark PDF files
Mark reminder bills
{ "name": "save reminder", "filter": {"column": "reminder", "value": "yes"}, "task": { "type": "watermark", "makedir": "bills/bills_{key_year}/reminders/", "watermark": "REMINDER", "input_filename": "bills/bills_{year}/bill_{year}_{clientnr}.pdf", "pages": 2, "output_filename": "bills/bills_{year}/reminders/bill_{year}_{clientnr}_reminder.pdf" } },
Send reminder bills
{ "name": "send reminder emails", "locals": { "sender": { ... }, }, "filter": [ {"column": "send_email", "value": "yes"}, {"column": "reminder", "value": "yes"} ], "task": { "type": "email", "recipient": "email", # the key/column name for the customer email "subject" : "Bill for year {year} (reminder)", # can contain dynamic parts "body_template_file" : "templates/reminder_email_template.txt", # text template for the email body "attachments" : [ "bills/bills_{year}/reminders/bill_{year}_{clientnr}_reminder.pdf" ] # list of attachments } },
Use Google Spreadsheets instead of Excel
To support google spreadsheets you need a service account and credentials as JSON. Follow the tutorial gspread with service account.
Change the “workbook” value
"globals": { "data": { "workbook": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u...", "sheet": "mailmergesheet", "credentials": { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY....\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "project@project-123.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "client_id": "...", "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs", "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/..." } }, ... }
Export Google Spreadsheets in a PDF file
Only works with gspread type data
{ "#import": ["inc/inc_workbook_gspread.json"] "name": "export sheets as pdf", "globals": { "printsheets_defaults" : { "gridlines": true, "printnotes": false } }, "tasks": [ { "active": 1, "name": "bill documents", "task": { "makedir": "bills/web", "type": "printsheets", "printsheets": [ { "gid": "1571231333" }, { "gid": "291382312357" }, { "gid": "3712318114", "portrait": false, "printnotes": true } ], "output_filename": "bills/web/heizung_unterlagen_{key_year}.pdf" } } ] }
Todo / Wish List
Create unit tests
Develop the command line to be able to run simple tasks directly
Create more advanced filters
Auto-magically create directories (remove the makedir argument)
Fork the repository on GitHub and start hacking
Send a pull request with your changes
This repository is created and maintained by Iulian Ciorăscu.